IntroducedMar 30, 2023
Passed SenateApr 26, 2023
Passed HouseApr 28, 2023
Signed into LawMay 24, 2023
Elections; Requiring the Secretary of State to provide mandatory formal signature matching training to specified persons; requiring that third-party voter registration organizations provide to the Division of Elections the general election cycle for which they are registering persons to vote, beginning on a certain date; deleting the scheduled repeal of a public records exemption for certain voter registration information from another state or the District of Columbia; requiring a supervisor to adhere to specified procedures before the removal of a registered voter from the statewide voter registration system; defining the term “qualify” for purposes of restrictions on individuals qualifying for public office, etc.
Last Action See all actions
legislature • May 25, 2023: Chapter No. 2023-120
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 7050
Whip Lists
- Fiscal Policyprimary
- Ethics and Electionsprimary
NO: 27
YES: 31
- Eskamani
- Franklin
- Gantt
- Arrington
- Rayner-Goolsby
- Bartleman
- Robinson, F.
- Gottlieb
- Benjamin
- Harris
- Hart
- Silvers
- Hinson
- Skidmore
- Bracy Davis
- Hunschofsky
- Joseph
- Casello
- López, J.
- Cassel
- Chambliss
- Cross
- Valdés
- Daley
- Waldron
- Williams
- Driskell
- Woodson
- Dunkley
- Edmonds
- Nixon
NO: 77
- Abbott
- Overdorf
- Altman
- Esposito
- Payne
- Alvarez
- Fabricio
- Perez
- Amesty
- Fernandez-Barquin
- Persons-Mulicka
- Anderson
- Plakon
- Andrade
- Plasencia
- Porras
- Garcia
- Baker
- Garrison
- Renner
- Bankson
- Giallombardo
- Rizo
- Barnaby
- Gonzalez Pittman
- Roach
- Gossett-Seidman
- Basabe
- Robinson, W.
- Grant
- Rommel
- Beltran
- Gregory
- Roth
- Griffitts
- Rudman
- Berfield
- Salzman
- Black
- Shoaf
- Borrero
- Hawkins
- Botana
- Sirois
- Brackett
- Holcomb
- Smith
- Brannan
- Jacques
- Snyder
- Stark
- Busatta Cabrera
- Killebrew
- Steele
- Koster
- Canady
- LaMarca
- Leek
- Temple
- Tomkow
- Lopez, V.
- Trabulsy
- Maggard
- Tramont
- Chaney
- Maney
- Truenow
- Clemons
- Massullo
- Tuck
- McClain
- McClure
- Daniels
- Duggan
- Michael
- Yarkosky
- Mooney
YES: 76
- Abbott
- Overdorf
- Altman
- Esposito
- Payne
- Alvarez
- Fabricio
- Perez
- Amesty
- Fernandez-Barquin
- Persons-Mulicka
- Anderson
- Plakon
- Andrade
- Plasencia
- Porras
- Garcia
- Baker
- Garrison
- Renner
- Bankson
- Giallombardo
- Rizo
- Barnaby
- Gonzalez Pittman
- Roach
- Gossett-Seidman
- Basabe
- Robinson, W.
- Grant
- Rommel
- Beltran
- Gregory
- Roth
- Griffitts
- Rudman
- Berfield
- Salzman
- Black
- Shoaf
- Borrero
- Hawkins
- Botana
- Sirois
- Brackett
- Holcomb
- Smith
- Brannan
- Jacques
- Snyder
- Stark
- Busatta Cabrera
- Killebrew
- Steele
- Koster
- Canady
- LaMarca
- Leek
- Temple
- Tomkow
- Lopez, V.
- Trabulsy
- Maggard
- Tramont
- Chaney
- Maney
- Truenow
- Clemons
- Massullo
- Tuck
- McClain
- McClure
- Duggan
- Michael
- Yarkosky
- Mooney
NO: 34
- May 25, 2023 | legislature
- Chapter No. 2023-120
- May 24, 2023 | legislature
- Approved by Governor
- May 23, 2023 | legislature
- Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
- Apr 28, 2023 | Senate
- Ordered enrolled
- Apr 28, 2023 | House
- Substituted for HB 7067
- Read 2nd time
- Amendment 516227 Failed
- Amendment 210825 Failed
- Amendment 947595 Failed
- Amendment 003387 Failed
- Amendment 978727 Failed
- Amendment 955301 Failed
- Amendment 189875 Failed
- Amendment 738893 Failed
- Amendment 799541 Failed
- Amendment 978145 Failed
- Amendment 022435 Failed
- Amendment 146751 Failed
- Amendment 237207 Failed
- Amendment 179121 Failed
- Amendment 865037 Failed
- Amendment 112319 Failed
- Amendment 338677 Failed
- Amendment 597647 Failed
- Amendment 650351 Failed
- Amendment 888663 Failed
- Amendment 571571 Failed
- Amendment 563761 Failed
- Amendment 329933 Failed
- Amendment 922361 Failed
- Amendment 428031 Failed
- Amendment 822721 Failed
- Added to Third Reading Calendar
- Read 3rd time
- CS passed; YEAS 76, NAYS 34
- Apr 26, 2023 | House
- In Messages
- Bill referred to House Calendar
- Bill added to Special Order Calendar (4/28/2023)
- 1st Reading (Engrossed 1)
- Apr 26, 2023 | Senate
- Read 2nd time
- Amendment(s) adopted (333316)
- Read 3rd time
- CS passed as amended; YEAS 28 NAYS 12
- Apr 25, 2023 | Senate
- CS by Fiscal Policy read 1st time
- Apr 24, 2023 | Senate
- Pending reference review -under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
- Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
- Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/26/23
- Apr 20, 2023 | Senate
- CS by- Fiscal Policy; YEAS 14 NAYS 5
- Apr 17, 2023 | Senate
- On Committee agenda-- Fiscal Policy, 04/20/23, 9:30 am, 412 Knott Building
- Apr 11, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced
- Apr 06, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Fiscal Policy
- Apr 05, 2023 | Senate
- Filed
- Apr 04, 2023 | Senate
- Submitted as Committee Bill and Reported Favorably by Ethics and Elections; YEAS 6 NAYS 3
- Mar 30, 2023 | Senate
- Submitted for consideration by Ethics and Elections
- On Committee agenda-- Ethics and Elections, 04/04/23, 2:00 pm, 110 Senate Building
Bill Texts
- S 7050 pbHTML
- S 7050 FiledHTML
- S 7050 c1HTML
- S 7050 e1HTML
- S 7050 erHTML
- Floor Amendment 499302 () -- ThompsonPDF
- Floor Amendment 951904 () -- OsgoodPDF
- Floor Amendment 401954 () -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 802016 () -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 371368 () -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 298244 () -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 201756 () -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 154344 () -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 471674 () -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 333316 (Senate: Adopted 4/26/2023) -- HutsonPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 161404 (Senate: Withdrawn 4/26/2023) -- ThompsonPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 623224 (Senate: Withdrawn 4/26/2023) -- ThompsonPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 492750 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- OsgoodPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 713846 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- BookPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 294206 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 402662 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 888296 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- PizzoPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 211618 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 222724 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment to Amendment 118732 (Senate: Failed 4/26/2023) -- DavisPDF
- Floor Amendment 896738 (Senate: Withdrawn 4/26/2023) -- ThompsonPDF
- Floor Amendment 100309 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- RothPDF
- Floor Amendment 317351 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- GanttPDF
- Floor Amendment 140937 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- GanttPDF
- Floor Amendment 489919 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- JosephPDF
- Floor Amendment 516227 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- WoodsonPDF
- Floor Amendment 307099 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- HinsonPDF
- Floor Amendment 502875 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- RaynerPDF
- Floor Amendment 210825 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 947595 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- JosephPDF
- Floor Amendment 550583 (House: Withdrawn 4/27/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 003387 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- BartlemanPDF
- Floor Amendment 978727 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- HartPDF
- Floor Amendment 955301 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- EskamaniPDF
- Floor Amendment 520495 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 385157 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- HinsonPDF
- Floor Amendment 189875 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 738893 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- DriskellPDF
- Floor Amendment 799541 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- CasselPDF
- Floor Amendment 841973 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 978145 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- ArringtonPDF
- Floor Amendment 279465 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- López, J.PDF
- Floor Amendment 022435 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- WilliamsPDF
- Floor Amendment 883951 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 146751 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- WoodsonPDF
- Floor Amendment 237207 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- WilliamsPDF
- Floor Amendment 179121 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 865037 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 112319 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 157651 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- RothPDF
- Floor Amendment 338677 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- NixonPDF
- Floor Amendment 802863 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 246139 (House: Withdrawn 4/27/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 671913 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- EdmondsPDF
- Floor Amendment 597647 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- BartlemanPDF
- Floor Amendment 650351 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 642071 (House: Withdrawn 4/28/2023) -- RothPDF
- Floor Amendment 888663 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- DriskellPDF
- Floor Amendment 571571 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- EskamaniPDF
- Floor Amendment 563761 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 329933 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 922361 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- SkidmorePDF
- Floor Amendment 428031 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- HarrisPDF
- Floor Amendment 822721 (House: Failed 4/28/2023) -- NixonPDF
- Bill Analysis -- Ethics and Elections (Pre-Meeting) (4/3/2023 3:31 PM)
- Bill Analysis -- Ethics and Elections (Post-Meeting) (4/6/2023 9:39 AM)
- Bill Analysis -- Fiscal Policy (Pre-Meeting) (4/19/2023 8:00 AM)
- Bill Analysis -- Fiscal Policy (Pre-Meeting) (4/19/2023 8:08 AM)
- Bill Analysis -- Fiscal Policy (Post-Meeting) (4/24/2023 12:42 PM)