IntroducedFeb 09, 2024
Passed House
Passed SenateFeb 23, 2024
Signed into Law
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SF 1
Whip Lists
- Appropriationsprimary
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Biteman
- Boner
- Brennan
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Gierau
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Jones
- Kolb
- Landen
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Salazar
- Schuler
- Steinmetz
- Bouchard
- Case
- Furphy
- Kinskey
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Scott
- Driskill
- Anderson
- Boner
- Brennan
- Ellis
- Furphy
- Gierau
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Schuler
- Driskill
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Biteman
- Bouchard
- Case
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- French
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Salazar
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Case
- Cooper
- Furphy
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Salazar
- Scott
- Schuler
- Driskill
- Biteman
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Gierau
- Hicks
- Ide
- Hutchings
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Laursen
- Landen
- McKeown
- Nethercott
- Steinmetz
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Cooper
- Furphy
- Hutchings
- Hicks
- Jones
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Salazar
- Schuler
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Biteman
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- Case
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Gierau
- Ide
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Driskill
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Cooper
- Gierau
- Hicks
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Landen
- Laursen
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Schuler
- Driskill
- Biteman
- Brennan
- Case
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Furphy
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Kolb
- McKeown
- Nethercott
- Salazar
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- Case
- Cooper
- Gierau
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Rothfuss
- Salazar
- Schuler
- Steinmetz
- Scott
- Driskill
- Biteman
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Furphy
- Ide
- Kolb
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Anderson
- Gierau
- Kolb
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Biteman
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- Case
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Furphy
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Pappas
- Nethercott
- Salazar
- Rothfuss
- Schuler
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Driskill
- Anderson
- Kolb
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Biteman
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Case
- Brennan
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Furphy
- Gierau
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Salazar
- Schuler
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Driskill
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Biteman
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- Case
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Furphy
- Gierau
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Salazar
- Schuler
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Driskill
- Biteman
- Boner
- Brennan
- Dockstader
- French
- Furphy
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Jones
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Salazar
- Rothfuss
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Driskill
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Bouchard
- Case
- Cooper
- Ellis
- Gierau
- Landen
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Schuler
- Biteman
- Bouchard
- French
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Kinskey
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Salazar
- Steinmetz
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Boner
- Brennan
- Case
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- Furphy
- Gierau
- Hicks
- Jones
- Kolb
- Landen
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Schuler
- Scott
- Driskill
- Biteman
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- French
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Salazar
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Driskill
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Case
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- Furphy
- Gierau
- Jones
- Landen
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Schuler
- Biteman
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- Dockstader
- French
- Hicks
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Salazar
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Boner
- Case
- Cooper
- Ellis
- Furphy
- Gierau
- Jones
- Nethercott
- Pappas
- Rothfuss
- Schuler
- Driskill
- Hicks
- Kinskey
- Kolb
- Anderson
- Baldwin
- Barlow
- Biteman
- Boner
- Bouchard
- Brennan
- Case
- Cooper
- Dockstader
- Ellis
- French
- Furphy
- Gierau
- Hutchings
- Ide
- Jones
- Landen
- Laursen
- McKeown
- Pappas
- Nethercott
- Rothfuss
- Salazar
- Schuler
- Scott
- Steinmetz
- Driskill
- Mar 05, 2024 | Senate
- S See Mirror Bill HB0001
- Feb 27, 2024 | Senate
- S Appointed JCC01 Members
- Feb 27, 2024 | House
- House:Pursuant to JR 14-1 (f) referred directly to 3rd Reading
- H Appointed JCC01 Members
- Feb 23, 2024 | House
- H Received for Introduction
- H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations
- Feb 23, 2024 | Senate
- S 3rd Reading:Passed 23-8-0-0-0
- Feb 20, 2024 | Senate
- S 2nd Reading:Passed
- Feb 17, 2024 | Senate
- S COW:Passed
- Feb 16, 2024 | Senate
- S COW:Considered
- Feb 15, 2024 | Senate
- S Introduced and Referred to SCOW
- Feb 12, 2024 | Senate
- S Received for Introduction
- Feb 09, 2024 | executive
- Bill Number Assigned
- IntroducedPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2001 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2002 (Divided, 2nd reading) -- Senator BonerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2002.01 (Corrected, Corrected, Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator BonerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2002.02 (Corrected, Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator BonerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2003 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator BaldwinPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2004 (Divided, 2nd reading) -- Senator BarlowPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2004.01 (Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator BarlowPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2004.02 (Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator BarlowPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2005 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2006 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2007 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2008 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2009 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2010 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator BarlowPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2011 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2012 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator LandenPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2013 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2014 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2015 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2016 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2017 (Divided, 2nd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2017.01 (Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2017.02 (Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2018 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2019 (Divided, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2019.01 (Corrected, Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2019.02 (Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2020 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2021 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2022 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator ScottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2023 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2024 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2025 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2026 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2027 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2028 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2029 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2030 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2031 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2032 (Corrected, Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator DriskillPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2033 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2034 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2035 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2036 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2037 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2038 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2039 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2040 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2041 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2042 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2043 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator SchulerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2044 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2045 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2046 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator EllisPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2047 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2048 (Corrected, Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator BrennanPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2049 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2050 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2051 (Divided, 2nd reading) -- Senator KolbPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2051.01 (Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator KolbPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2051.02 (Corrected, Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator KolbPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2052 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator KinskeyPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2053 (Corrected, Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2054 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2055 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2056 (Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator LandenPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2057 (Corrected, Adopted, 2nd reading) -- Senator BonerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2058 (Withdrawn, 2nd reading) -- Senator CasePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S2059 (Failed, 2nd reading) -- Senator CasePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3001 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator BaldwinPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3002 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3003 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator KinskeyPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3004 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3005 (Divided, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3005.01 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3005.02 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3006 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3007 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3008 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator DriskillPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3009 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3010 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator AndersonPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3011 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator BonerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3012 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3013 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3014 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3015 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3016 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3017 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3018 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3019 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator AndersonPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3020 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3021 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3022 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3023 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator RothfussPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3024 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator DriskillPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3025 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3026 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator IdePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3027 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator RothfussPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3028 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3029 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator RothfussPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3030 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator BitemanPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3031 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator KinskeyPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3032 (Divided, 3rd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3032.01 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3032.02 (Corrected, Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator HutchingsPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3033 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator BonerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3034 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator LandenPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3035 (Divided, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3035.01 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3035.02 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3035.03 (Corrected, Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3036 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3037 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3038 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3039 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator AndersonPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3040 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3041 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3042 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator McKeownPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3043 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator DockstaderPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3044 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3045 (Corrected, Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3046 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator FrenchPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3047 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3048 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator FrenchPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3049 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator CasePDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3050 (Corrected, Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator NethercottPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3051 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3052 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3053 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator SteinmetzPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3054 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3055 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3056 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator HicksPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3057 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator DriskillPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3058 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator KinskeyPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3059 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3060 (Divided, 3rd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3060.01 (Corrected, Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3060.02 (Corrected, Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3061 (Failed, 3rd reading) -- Senator LandenPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3062 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator Laursen, DPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3063 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator SchulerPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3064 (Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator KinskeyPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3065 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator KolbPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3066 (Withdrawn, 3rd reading) -- Senator GierauPDF
- Senate Amendment SF0001S3067 (Corrected, Adopted, 3rd reading) -- Senator KinskeyPDF