IntroducedFeb 21, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying homelessness and barriers to housing, including consideration of the effectiveness of the RentHelp program; the provision of housing financial support; legal assistance programs available to tenants; state, local, or federal educational programs for tenants and landlords regarding rights and responsibilities; month-to-month eviction rates by human service zone area; definitions of homelessness or homeless rates used by government entities; barriers to accessing housing; the manner in which homeless children receive services; historical rates of homelessness; and how a community based approach to homelessness may reduce rates of homelessness.
Last Action See all actions
House • Mar 22, 2023: Filed with Secretary Of State 03/22
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HCR 3030
Whip Lists
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- Signed by Speaker
- Filed with Secretary Of State 03/22
- Mar 21, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by President
- Mar 20, 2023 | House
- Returned to House
- Mar 17, 2023 | Senate
- Second reading, adopted
- Mar 15, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back, do pass, place on calendar 4 0 1
- Mar 14, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 2:15 PM, Room Fort Union - A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying homelessness and barriers to housing.
- Committee Hearing 02:15
- Mar 07, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Industry and Business
- Mar 06, 2023 | Senate
- Received from House
- Mar 03, 2023 | House
- Reported back, do pass, placed on consent calendar 14 0 0
- Second reading, adopted
- Mar 01, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Human Services, 03/01 3:45 PM, Room Pioneer - A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying homelessness and barriers to housing.
- Committee Hearing 03:45
- Feb 21, 2023 | House
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Human Services
Bill Texts
- Legislative HistoryPDF
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 03:52 PM (HCR 3030)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 03:53 PM (Representative Boschee - Testifying in support of HCR 3030)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 03:59 PM (Dave Flohr - Executive Director at the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency - Testifying in support of HCR 3030)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 04:09 PM (Kelly L. Gorz - Associate Director at High Plains Fair Housing Center - Testifying in support of HCR 3030)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 04:13 PM (Hearing closed on HCR 3030)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 04:13 PM (Committee work on HCR 3030)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 04:13 PM (Representative Dobervich - Moved do pass and place on the consent calendar)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 04:14 PM (Representative Davis - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 04:14 PM (Roll call vote on Do Pass and place on Consent Calendar - Motion Passes - 14-0-0)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/01 04:15 PM (Representative Dobervich to carry the bill)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:36 PM (HCR 3030)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:36 PM (Dave Flohr - Executive Director - ND Housing Finance Agency - Testified in Favor)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:00 PM (Kelly Gorz - Associate Director - High Plains Fair Housing Center - Testified in Favor)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:10 PM (Representative Boschee - Introduced the bill)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:21 PM (Hearing adjourned)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:23 PM (Senator Kessel - Moved Do Pass)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:23 PM (Senator Barta - Seconded the motion)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:24 PM (Roll call vote - 4-0-1 - Motion passed)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:24 PM (Senator Barta will carry the bill)
- Video - Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 03:25 PM (Meeting adjourned)
- Video - Senate, 03/17 01:08 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3030 - Industry and Business - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 03/17 01:09 PM (Senator Barta)
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kristin Rubbelke, NASW-North Dakota (Executive Director), Bloomington, IL (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Josh Boschee, ND House of Representatives (District 44 Representative), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Erin Oban, USDA Rural Development (State Director - North Dakota), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kelly L. Gorz, High Plains Fair Housing Center (Associate Director), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Andrea Olson, Community Action Partnership of North Dakota - Fargo, ND (Executive Director), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- David Klein, Great Plains Housing Authority (Executive Director), Jamestown, ND (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Dave Flohr, North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (Executive Director), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Terry Hanson, Grand Forks Housing Authority (Executive Director), Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 03/01 03:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kelly Gorz, High Plains Fair Housing Center (Associate Director), (Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Katie Jo Armbrust, Grand Forks Housing Authority (Project Director), Grand Forks, ND (Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Joshua Boschee, ND House of Representatives (State Representative, District 44), Fargo, ND (Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Dave Flohr, North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (Executive Director), Bismarck, ND (Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Terry Hanson, Grand Forks Housing Authority (Executive Director), Grand Forks, ND (Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- David Klein, Great Plains Housing Authority (Executive Director), Jamestown, ND (Senate Industry and Business, 03/14 02:15 PM)PDF