IntroducedMay 10, 2021
Passed HouseAug 11, 2021
Passed SenateMay 31, 2022
Signed into LawJul 12, 2022
Regulatory Reform Act of 2022.
Last Action See all actions
executive • Jul 12, 2022: Ch. SL 2022-75
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 911
Whip Lists
- Bradfordprimary
- Yarboroughprimary
- Humphreycosponsor
- Ilercosponsor
YES: 63
- Alexander
- Brockman
- Graham
- Hunter
- Richardson
- Willingham
- Wray
- Adams
- Arp
- Bell
- Blackwell
- Boles
- Brisson
- Brody
- Bumgardner
- Clampitt
- Cleveland
- Davis
- Dixon
- Elmore
- Faircloth
- Gillespie
- Goodwin
- Greene
- D. Hall
- K. Hall
- Hanig
- Hardister
- Hastings
- Humphrey
- Hurley
- Iler
- Johnson
- B. Jones
- Lambeth
- McElraft
- McNeely
- McNeill
- Miller
- Mills
- Moffitt
- Paré
- Penny
- Pittman
- Pless
- Potts
- Riddell
- Rogers
- Saine
- Sasser
- Sauls
- Shepard
- C. Smith
- Strickland
- Szoka
- Torbett
- Tyson
- Warren
- Watford
- Wheatley
- Winslow
- Yarborough
- Zenger
NO: 45
YES: 73
- Alexander
- Brockman
- Cunningham
- Graham
- Hunter
- Pierce
- Richardson
- Willingham
- Wray
- Adams
- Arp
- K. Baker
- Bell
- Blackwell
- Boles
- Bradford
- Brisson
- Brody
- Clampitt
- Cleveland
- Davis
- Dixon
- Elmore
- Faircloth
- Gillespie
- Goodwin
- Greene
- D. Hall
- K. Hall
- Hanig
- Hardister
- Hastings
- Howard
- Humphrey
- Hurley
- Iler
- Johnson
- B. Jones
- Lambeth
- McElraft
- McNeely
- McNeill
- Miller
- Mills
- Moffitt
- Moore (Speaker)
- Moss
- Paré
- Penny
- Pittman
- Pless
- Potts
- Riddell
- Rogers
- Saine
- Sasser
- Sauls
- Shepard
- C. Smith
- Stevens
- Strickland
- Szoka
- Torbett
- Tyson
- Warren
- Watford
- Wheatley
- White
- Willis
- Winslow
- Yarborough
- Zachary
- Zenger
NO: 42
YES: 43
- Batch
- Blue
- Chaudhuri
- Clark
- Crawford
- D. Davis
- deViere
- Fitch
- Foushee
- J. Jackson
- Marcus
- Mayfield
- Mohammed
- Murdock
- Nickel
- Robinson
- Waddell
- Woodard
- T. Alexander
- Ballard
- Barnes
- Berger (Chair)
- Britt
- Burgin
- Corbin
- Craven
- Daniel
- Edwards
- Galey
- Harrington
- Hise
- B. Jackson
- Jarvis
- Lazzara
- Lee
- McInnis
- Newton
- Perry
- Proctor
- Rabon
- Sanderson
- Sawyer
- Steinburg
NO: 0
YES: 102
- Adcock
- Ager
- Alexander
- Alston
- Autry
- A. Baker
- Ball
- Belk
- Brockman
- Brown
- Buansi
- Butler
- Carney
- Clemmons
- Cunningham
- Dahle
- Everitt
- Farkas
- Gailliard
- Garrison
- Gill
- Graham
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hawkins
- Hunt
- Hurtado
- John
- A. Jones
- Lofton
- Lucas
- Majeed
- Morey
- Pierce
- Quick
- Reives
- Roberson
- Rudow
- K. Smith
- R. Smith
- von Haefen
- Willingham
- Wray
- Adams
- Arp
- K. Baker
- Bell
- Blackwell
- Boles
- Bradford
- Brisson
- Brody
- Clampitt
- Davis
- Dixon
- Faircloth
- Gillespie
- Goodwin
- Greene
- D. Hall
- K. Hall
- Hanig
- Hardister
- Hastings
- Howard
- Humphrey
- Hurley
- Iler
- Johnson
- B. Jones
- Kidwell
- Loftis
- McElraft
- McNeely
- McNeill
- Miller
- Mills
- Moffitt
- Moore (Speaker)
- Paré
- Penny
- Pickett
- Pittman
- Pless
- Potts
- Pyrtle
- Riddell
- Saine
- Sasser
- Setzer
- Shepard
- C. Smith
- Stevens
- Strickland
- Torbett
- Tyson
- Warren
- Watford
- Wheatley
- Yarborough
- Zachary
- Zenger
NO: 0
YES: 45
- Batch
- Bazemore
- Blue
- Clark
- Crawford
- D. Davis
- deViere
- Fitch
- Foushee
- Garrett
- J. Jackson
- Lowe
- Marcus
- Mayfield
- Mohammed
- Murdock
- Nickel
- Salvador
- Waddell
- Woodard
- T. Alexander
- Ballard
- Barnes
- Berger (Chair)
- Britt
- Burgin
- Corbin
- Craven
- Daniel
- Edwards
- Ford
- Galey
- Hise
- B. Jackson
- Jarvis
- Johnson
- Krawiec
- Lee
- McInnis
- Newton
- Perry
- Proctor
- Rabon
- Sanderson
- Sawyer
NO: 2
- Chaudhuri
- Robinson
YES: 83
- Adcock
- Ager
- Brown
- Buansi
- Carney
- Clemmons
- Cunningham
- Dahle
- Farkas
- Gailliard
- Graham
- Harris
- Hunt
- Hurtado
- John
- Lofton
- Pierce
- Reives
- Richardson
- K. Smith
- Turner
- Willingham
- Wray
- Adams
- Arp
- Bell
- Boles
- Bradford
- Brisson
- Brody
- Clampitt
- Cleveland
- Davis
- Dixon
- Elmore
- Faircloth
- Gillespie
- Goodwin
- Greene
- D. Hall
- K. Hall
- Hanig
- Hardister
- Hastings
- Humphrey
- Hurley
- Iler
- Johnson
- B. Jones
- Kidwell
- Lambeth
- Loftis
- McElraft
- McNeely
- McNeill
- Miller
- Mills
- Moore (Speaker)
- Moss
- Paré
- Penny
- Pickett
- Pittman
- Pless
- Potts
- Pyrtle
- Riddell
- Saine
- Sasser
- Sauls
- Shepard
- C. Smith
- Strickland
- Szoka
- Tyson
- Warren
- Watford
- Wheatley
- White
- Willis
- Winslow
- Zachary
- Zenger
NO: 24
- Jul 12, 2022 | executive
- Ch. SL 2022-75
- Jul 12, 2022 | House
- Became Law W/o Signature
- Jul 01, 2022 | executive
- Ratified
- Pres. To Gov. 7/1/2022
- Jul 01, 2022 | House
- Conf Report Adopted
- Ordered Enrolled
- Jun 30, 2022 | House
- Conf Com Reported
- Cal Pursuant Rule 44(d)
- Placed On Cal For 07/01/2022
- Jun 30, 2022 | Senate
- Conf Com Reported
- Placed on Today's Calendar
- Conf Report Adopted
- Jun 06, 2022 | Senate
- Conf Com Appointed
- Jun 02, 2022 | House
- Regular Message Received For Concurrence in S Com Sub
- Added to Calendar
- Failed Concur In S Com Sub
- Conf Com Appointed
- Jun 01, 2022 | Senate
- Regular Message Sent To House
- May 31, 2022 | Senate
- Amend Adopted A1
- Passed 2nd Reading
- Passed 3rd Reading
- Engrossed
- May 27, 2022 | Senate
- Reptd Fav
- May 25, 2022 | Senate
- Reptd Fav Com Substitute
- Com Substitute Adopted
- Re-ref Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate
- May 24, 2022 | Senate
- Reptd Fav Com Substitute
- Com Substitute Adopted
- Re-ref Com On Judiciary
- May 19, 2022 | Senate
- Withdrawn From Com
- Re-ref to Agriculture, Energy, and Environment. If fav, re-ref to Judiciary. If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate
- Aug 16, 2021 | Senate
- Regular Message Received From House
- Passed 1st Reading
- Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate
- Aug 12, 2021 | House
- Regular Message Sent To Senate
- Aug 11, 2021 | House
- Amend Adopted A4
- Amend Adopted A5
- Amend Failed A6
- Passed 3rd Reading
- Ordered Engrossed
- Aug 10, 2021 | House
- Withdrawn From Cal
- Placed On Cal For 08/11/2021
- Aug 05, 2021 | House
- Reptd Fav Com Sub 2
- Cal Pursuant Rule 36(b)
- Added to Calendar
- Amend Adopted A1
- Amend Adopted A2
- Amend Adopted A3
- Passed 2nd Reading
- Placed On Cal For 08/10/2021
- Jun 24, 2021 | House
- Reptd Fav
- Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House
- Jun 10, 2021 | House
- Reptd Fav Com Substitute
- Serial Referral To Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Stricken
- Re-ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House
- May 11, 2021 | House
- Passed 1st Reading
- Ref to the Com on Regulatory Reform, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House
- May 10, 2021 | House
- Filed
Bill Texts
- FiledPDF
- Edition 1PDF
- Edition 2PDF
- Edition 3PDF
- Edition 4PDF
- Edition 5PDF
- Edition 6PDF
- Edition 7PDF
- RatifiedPDF
- SL 2022-75PDF
- House Amendment A1: ABR-50-V-3 (Adopted 8/5/2021)PDF
- House Amendment A2: ABR-51-V-1 (Adopted 8/5/2021)PDF
- House Amendment A3: ARI-36-V-4 (Adopted 8/5/2021)PDF
- House Amendment A4: ABR-52-V-2 (Adopted 8/11/2021)PDF
- House Amendment A5: ABR-53-V-2 (Adopted 8/11/2021)PDF
- House Amendment A6: ABR-54-V-1 (Failed 8/11/2021)PDF
- Senate Amendment A1: ABR-68-V-2 (Adopted 5/31/2022) -- RIDDELLPDF
- Bill Digest
- Summary H911-SMBR-124(CSBR-28)-v-13, 05/24/2022 -- Regulatory Reform Act of 2022.
- Summary H911-SMBR-126(e5)-v-2, 05/25/2022 -- Regulatory Reform Act of 2022.
- Summary H911-SMBR-127(e6)-v-2, 05/31/2022 -- Regulatory Reform Act of 2022.
- Summary H911-SMBR-131(e7)-v-2, 06/01/2022 -- Regulatory Reform Act of 2022.
- Summary H911-SMBR-145(CCSBR-5)-v-5, 06/30/2022 -- Regulatory Reform Act of 2022.
- Summary H911-SMBR-154(sl)-v-5, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 1: Clarify Requesting Board for Residency License
- Summary H911-SMBR-155(sl)-v-4, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 2: Tolling the Terms of Charters to Allow Time to Obtain Land Use Approvals
- Summary H911-SMBR-156(sl)-v-4, 08/12/2022 -- Sec. 3: Authorize Sanitary Districts to Create, Maintain, and Operate Parks and Recreation Programs and Facilities
- Summary H911-SMBR-157(sl)-v-4, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 4: Clarify NC Veterinary Medical Board Authority to Issue Certain Civil Penalties
- Summary H911-SMBR-158(sl)-v-4, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 5: State Auditor Technical Change
- Summary H911-SMBR-160(sl)-v-5, 08/12/2022 -- Sec. 6: Conforming Change to Lead Dust Standards
- Summary H911-SMBR-161(sl)-v-4, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 7: Sensitive Public Security Information Public Records Changes
- Summary H911-SMBR-162(sl)-v-3, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 9: Exempt Off-Frame Modular Homes from Certain Design Elements Required by the North Carolina Building Code
- Summary H911-SMBR-163(sl)-v-3, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 10: Extend Deadline for Small Municipalities to Adopt Comprehensive Land-Use Plans
- Summary H911-SMBR-164(sl)-v-4, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 11: Permit a Consumer Finance Licensee to Take a Confession of Judgment from a Borrower Following the Borrower's Failure to Make a Payment as Required under the Loan Contract
- Summary H911-SMBR-165(sl)-v-5, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 12: Clarify Scope of Licensed Water Heater Installation and Repair
- Summary H911-SMBR-166(sl)-v-4, 08/12/2022 -- Sec. 13: Waterslide Dispatcher Change
- Summary H911-SMBR-167(sl)-v-4, 08/12/2022 -- Sec. 14: Allow Local Governments to Enter Intergovernmental Support Agreements with Military to Provide Installation-Support Services
- Summary H911-SMBR-168(sl)-v-4, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 15: Amend Licensure Requirements for Cosmetic Arts
- Summary H911-SMBR-169(sl)-v-3, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 16: Add Approved Firearm Safety and Training Course
- Summary H911-SMBR-170(sl)-v-4, 08/11/2022 -- Sec. 17: Amend North Carolina Timeshare Act Transfer Provisions
- Summary H911-SMBR-171(sl)-v-4, 08/12/2022 -- Sec. 18: Change Pertaining to the Reorganization of Child and Family Well-Being Programs and Services Within the Department of Health and Human Services
- Summary H911-SMBR-172(sl)-v-5, 08/12/2022 -- Sec. 21: Repeal Alternate Grant Disbursement Procedure for Certain Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Funds
- Summary H911-SMBR-173(sl)-v-3, 08/12/2022 -- Sec. 22: Provide Additional Guidelines for Development of the Flood Resiliency Blueprint
- Summary H911-SMBR-62(CSBRxf-21)-v-4, 08/05/2021 -- Regulatory Reform 2.0.
- Summary H911-SMCC-12(CSBHxf-16)-v-17, 02/15/2022 -- Regulatory Reform 2.0.
- Summary H911-SMSV-70(e2)-v-2, 06/24/2021 -- Regulatory Reform 2.0.