IntroducedMay 03, 2023
Passed AssemblyMay 17, 2023
Passed SenateJun 14, 2023
Signed into LawJun 21, 2023
Relating to: county and municipal aid; imposing a city sales tax and an additional county sales tax to pay the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of city and county retirement systems; requiring newly hired city and county employees of certain city agencies and counties to be enrolled in the Wisconsin Retirement System; fire and police commissions of first class cities; eliminating the personal property tax; reporting certain crimes and other incidents that occur on school property or school transportation; advisory referenda; local health officers; local public protection services; exceptions to local levy limits; local regulation of certain quarry operations; emergency services; local approval of projects and activities under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program; requiring a referendum; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
Last Action See all actions
Assembly • Sep 14, 2023: Fiscal estimate received
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on AB 245
Whip Lists
- Rodriguezprimary
- Vosprimary
- Augustprimary
- Bornprimary
- Armstrongprimary
- Behnkeprimary
- Binsfeldprimary
- Callahanprimary
- Dallmanprimary
- Dittrichprimary
- Donovanprimary
- Duchowprimary
- Edmingprimary
- Greenprimary
- Gundrumprimary
- Gustafsonprimary
- Hurdprimary
- Katsmaprimary
- Kitchensprimary
- Knodlprimary
- Krugprimary
- Magnaficiprimary
- Maxeyprimary
- Michalskiprimary
- Mosesprimary
- Murphyprimary
- Mursauprimary
- Nedweskiprimary
- O'Connorprimary
- Oldenburgprimary
- Pentermanprimary
- Petersenprimary
- Petrykprimary
- Plumerprimary
- Pronschinskeprimary
- Rozarprimary
- Sapikprimary
- Schmidtprimary
- Schraaprimary
- Snyderprimary
- Sortwellprimary
- Spirosprimary
- Steffenprimary
- Summerfieldprimary
- Swearingenprimary
- Tuslerprimary
- Zimmermanprimary
- Wittkeprimary
YES: 56
NO: 36
- Sep 14, 2023 | Assembly
- Fiscal estimate received
- Jun 21, 2023 | Assembly
- Report approved by the Governor on 6-20-2023. 2023 Wisconsin Act 12
- Published 6-21-2023
- Jun 15, 2023 | Assembly
- LRB correction
- Report correctly enrolled on 6-15-2023
- Presented to the Governor on 6-15-2023 by directive of the Speaker
- Jun 14, 2023 | Assembly
- Received from Senate concurred in
- Jun 14, 2023 | Senate
- Received from Assembly amended and concurred in as amended, Assembly Amendment 2 to Senate Amendment 1 adopted
- Taken off the Assembly message, pursuant to Senate Rule 18 (1b)
- Assembly Amendment 2 to Senate Amendment 1 concurred in, Ayes 29, Noes 4
- Action ordered immediately messaged
- Jun 14, 2023 | Assembly
- Received from Senate amended and concurred in as amended (Senate amendment 1 adopted)
- Assembly Amendment 1 to Senate Amendment 1 offered by Representatives Neubauer, Snodgrass, Clancy, Vining, Bare, Moore Omokunde, Madison, Jacobson, Considine, Ratcliff, C. Anderson, Andraca, Joers, Haywood, Sinicki, Billings, J. Anderson, Ortiz-Velez, Baldeh, Ohnstad, Shelton, Drake, Palmeri, Conley, Cabrera, Hong, Emerson and Stubbs
- Assembly Amendment 1 to Senate Amendment 1 laid on table, Ayes 60, Noes 34
- Assembly Amendment 2 to Senate Amendment 1 offered by Representative Kurtz
- Assembly Amendment 2 to Senate Amendment 1 adopted
- Senate Amendment 1 concurred in as amended, Ayes 68, Noes 26, Paired 2
- Ordered immediately messaged
- Jun 14, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Amendment 1 offered by Senator LeMahieu
- Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Amendment 1 offered by Senators Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Larson, Roys, Pfaff, Smith, Taylor and Wirch
- Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Amendment 1 offered by Senators Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Roys, Smith, Taylor and Wirch
- Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Amendment 1 offered by Senators Carpenter, Taylor, Larson, Hesselbein, Roys and Smith
- Read a second time
- Senate Amendment 4 to Senate Amendment 1 offered by Senator Taylor
- Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Amendment 1 rejected, Ayes 22, Noes 11
- Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Amendment 1 rejected, Ayes 22, Noes 11
- Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Amendment 1 rejected, Ayes 22, Noes 11
- Senate Amendment 4 to Senate Amendment 1 withdrawn and returned to author
- Senate Amendment 1 adopted, Ayes 21, Noes 12
- Ordered to a third reading
- Rules suspended to give bill its third reading
- Read a third time and concurred in as amended, Ayes 21, Noes 12
- Ordered immediately messaged
- Jun 13, 2023 | Senate
- Executive action taken
- Report concurrence, with emergency statement attached, pursuant to s. 16.47 (2), Wisconsin Statutes, recommended by Joint Committee on Finance, Ayes 10, Noes 4
- Available for scheduling
- Public hearing requirement waived by committee on Senate Organization, pursuant to Senate Rule 18 (1m), Ayes 5, Noes 0
- Made a special order of business at 12:01 p.m. on 6-14-2023 by the committee on Senate Organization, Ayes 4, Noes 1
- Placed on calendar 6-14-2023 pursuant to Senate Rule 18(1)
- Jun 12, 2023 | Senate
- Printed engrossed by the direction of the Senate Chief Clerk-3255
- Read first time and referred to joint committee on Finance
- May 31, 2023 | Senate
- Fiscal estimate received
- Fiscal estimate received
- May 24, 2023 | Senate
- LRB correction (Assembly Amendment 2)
- LRB correction
- May 18, 2023 | Senate
- Received from Assembly
- May 17, 2023 | Assembly
- Read a second time
- Refused to refer to committee on Local Government, Ayes 34, Noes 57
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 2 offered by Representatives Neubauer, Haywood, Subeck, Billings, C. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Considine, Doyle, Drake, Emerson, Goyke, Hong, Joers, Madison, McGuire, Moore Omokunde, Ohnstad, Ortiz-Velez, Ratcliff, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs, Vining and Cabrera
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 2 laid on table, Ayes 57, Noes 34
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 offered by Representatives Neubauer, Haywood, Billings, C. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Drake, Goyke, Joers, Palmeri and Stubbs
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 laid on table, Ayes 57, Noes 34
- Assembly Amendment 2 offered by Representative Kurtz
- Assembly Amendment 2 adopted
- Ordered to a third reading
- Rules suspended
- Read a third time and passed, Ayes 56, Noes 36, Paired 4
- Ordered immediately messaged
- May 16, 2023 | Assembly
- LRB correction
- May 15, 2023 | Assembly
- Executive action taken by joint survey committee on Retirement Systems
- Report of Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems received
- Executive action taken by joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions
- Report of Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions received
- Report passage recommended by Committee on Local Government, Ayes 8, Noes 4
- Referred to calendar of 5-17-2023 pursuant to Assembly Rule 45 (1)
- May 12, 2023 | Assembly
- Fiscal estimate received
- Fiscal estimate received
- May 11, 2023 | Assembly
- Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Representatives Baldeh, Conley, C. Anderson and Ratcliff
- Executive action taken by committee on Local Government
- May 08, 2023 | Assembly
- Referred to joint survey committee on Retirement Systems pursuant to s. 13.50, Wisconsin Statutes
- Referred to joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions pursuant to s. 13.52, Wisconsin Statutes
- May 05, 2023 | Assembly
- Fiscal estimate received
- Fiscal estimate received
- May 04, 2023 | Assembly
- Public hearing held
- May 03, 2023 | Assembly
- Introduced by Representatives Kurtz, Rodriguez, Vos, August, Born, Armstrong, Behnke, Binsfeld, Callahan, Dallman, Dittrich, Donovan, Duchow, Edming, Green, Gundrum, Gustafson, Hurd, Katsma, Kitchens, Knodl, Krug, Magnafici, Maxey, Michalski, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, O'Connor, Oldenburg, Penterman, Petersen, Petryk, Plumer, Pronschinske, Rozar, Sapik, Schmidt, Schraa, Snyder, Sortwell, Spiros, Steffen, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tusler, Zimmerman and Wittke; cosponsored by Senators Felzkowski, Cabral-Guevara, James and Quinn
- Read first time and referred to Committee on Local Government
Bill Texts
- Bill TextHTML
- Bill TextPDF
- Bill Text EngrossedHTML
- Bill Text EngrossedPDF
- Assembly Amendment 1 (offered 5/11/2023) -- Baldeh, Conley, C. Anderson, RatcliffHTML
- Assembly Amendment 1 (offered 5/11/2023) -- Baldeh, Conley, C. Anderson, RatcliffPDF
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 2 (offered 5/17/2023) -- Neubauer, Haywood, Subeck, Billings, C. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Considine, Doyle, Drake, Emerson, Goyke, Hong, Joers, Madison, McGuire, Moore Omokunde, Ohnstad, Ortiz-Velez, Ratcliff, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs, Vining, CabreraHTML
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 2 (offered 5/17/2023) -- Neubauer, Haywood, Subeck, Billings, C. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Bare, Clancy, Conley, Considine, Doyle, Drake, Emerson, Goyke, Hong, Joers, Madison, McGuire, Moore Omokunde, Ohnstad, Ortiz-Velez, Ratcliff, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs, Vining, CabreraPDF
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 (offered 5/17/2023) -- Neubauer, Haywood, Billings, C. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Drake, Goyke, Joers, Palmeri, StubbsHTML
- Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 (offered 5/17/2023) -- Neubauer, Haywood, Billings, C. Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Drake, Goyke, Joers, Palmeri, StubbsPDF
- Assembly Amendment 2 (adopted 5/17/2023) -- KurtzHTML
- Assembly Amendment 2 (adopted 5/17/2023) -- KurtzPDF
- Senate Amendment 1 (adopted 6/14/2023) -- LeMahieuHTML
- Senate Amendment 1 (adopted 6/14/2023) -- LeMahieuPDF
- Senate Amendment 1 (rejected 6/14/2023) -- Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Larson, Roys, Pfaff, Smith, Taylor, WirchHTML
- Senate Amendment 1 (rejected 6/14/2023) -- Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Larson, Roys, Pfaff, Smith, Taylor, WirchPDF
- Senate Amendment 2 (rejected 6/14/2023) -- Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Roys, Smith, Taylor, WirchHTML
- Senate Amendment 2 (rejected 6/14/2023) -- Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein, L. Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Roys, Smith, Taylor, WirchPDF
- Senate Amendment 3 (rejected 6/14/2023) -- Carpenter, Taylor, Larson, Hesselbein, Roys, SmithHTML
- Senate Amendment 3 (rejected 6/14/2023) -- Carpenter, Taylor, Larson, Hesselbein, Roys, SmithPDF
- Senate Amendment 4 (offered 6/14/2023) -- TaylorHTML
- Senate Amendment 4 (offered 6/14/2023) -- TaylorPDF
- Assembly Amendment 1 (offered 6/14/2023) -- Neubauer, Snodgrass, Clancy, Vining, Bare, Moore Omokunde, Madison, Jacobson, Considine, Ratcliff, C. Anderson, Andraca, Joers, Haywood, Sinicki, Billings, J. Anderson, Ortiz-Velez, Baldeh, Ohnstad, Shelton, Drake, Palmeri, Conley, Cabrera, Hong, Emerson, StubbsHTML
- Assembly Amendment 1 (offered 6/14/2023) -- Neubauer, Snodgrass, Clancy, Vining, Bare, Moore Omokunde, Madison, Jacobson, Considine, Ratcliff, C. Anderson, Andraca, Joers, Haywood, Sinicki, Billings, J. Anderson, Ortiz-Velez, Baldeh, Ohnstad, Shelton, Drake, Palmeri, Conley, Cabrera, Hong, Emerson, StubbsPDF
- Assembly Amendment 2 (adopted 6/14/2023) -- KurtzHTML
- Assembly Amendment 2 (adopted 6/14/2023) -- KurtzPDF
- Amendment Histories
- 2023 Wisconsin Act 12
- 2023 Wisconsin Act 12
- 2023 Wisconsin Act 12: LC Act Memo
- LC Amendment Memo
- AB245: Report of the Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems
- AB245: Report of the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions
- AB245: Fiscal Estimate From DNR
- AB245: Fiscal Estimate From DOR
- AB245: Fiscal Estimate From DPI
- AB245: Fiscal Estimate From DSPS
- AB245: Fiscal Estimate From ELEC
- AB245: Fiscal Estimate From ETF
- AB245: Fiscal Estimate From SWIB
- AB245 ROCP for Committee on Local Government On 5/15/2023
- AB245 ROCP for Committee on Local Government On 5/15/2023
- AB245 ROCP for Joint Committee on Finance On 6/13/2023
- AB245 ROCP for Joint Committee on Finance On 6/13/2023
- AB245 ROCP for Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems On 5/15/2023
- AB245 ROCP for Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems On 5/15/2023
- AB245 ROCP for Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions On 5/15/2023
- AB245 ROCP for Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions On 5/15/2023
- LC Hearing Materials for AB245 on 5/4/2023
- Wisconsin Ethics Commission information
- 2023 Senate Bill 301