IntroducedJan 08, 2025
Passed HouseMar 26, 2025
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Title: relative to prohibiting obscene or harmful sexual materials in schools.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Mar 27, 2025: Introduced 03/27/2025 and Referred to Education; SJ 10
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Position: 160
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 324
Whip Lists
- Noblecosponsor
- Perezcosponsor
- Terrycosponsor
- Vervillecosponsor
- Potenzacosponsor
- Avardcosponsor
- Gannoncosponsor
- Keith Murphycosponsor
- Victoria Sullivancosponsor
YES: 183
- Aldrich, Glen
- Alexander, Joe
- Ammon, Keith
- Andrus, Louise
- Aron, Judy
- Aron, Michael
- Aures, Cyril
- Avellani, Lino
- Aylward, Deborah
- Bailey, Glenn
- Ball, Lorie
- Barbour, Liz
- Bean, Harry
- Beaulier, Calvin
- Belcher, Mike
- Bennett, Cindy
- Berezhny, Lex
- Bernardy, JD
- Berry, Ross
- Bjelobrk, Marie Louise
- Boehm, Ralph
- Bogert, Steven
- Boyd, Bill
- Boyd, Stephen
- Brown, Pam
- Brown, Richard
- Bryer, Scott
- Burnham, Claudine
- Cambrils, Jose
- Chourasia, Manoj
- Colcombe, Riché
- Cole, Brian
- Comtois, Barbara
- Cordelli, Glenn
- Creighton, James
- Daniels, Gary
- Davis, Arnold
- DeLemus, Susan
- DeRoy, Susan
- DeSimone, Debra
- DeVito, Sayra
- Devoid, Ricky
- Dolan, Tom
- Donnelly, Tanya
- Drago, Mike
- Drew, Matt
- Drye, Margaret
- Dumais, Russell
- Dumont, Dillon
- Dunn, Ron
- Dupont, Pierre
- Edwards, Jess
- Erf, Keith
- Farrington, Samuel
- Flanagan, Jack
- Foote, Charles
- Franz, Linda
- Freeman, Lisa
- Gagne, Larry
- Giasson, Henry
- Gorski, Ted
- Gould, Linda
- Granger, Michael
- Grant, George
- Griffin, Gerald
- Guzofski, James
- Hamblen, Joseph
- Harb, Robert
- Harrington, Michael
- Harvey-Bolia, Juliet
- Hill, Gregory
- Kaczynski, Thomas
- Karasinski, Sly
- Kelley, Diane
- Kenny, Catherine
- Kesselring, Steven
- Khan, Aboul
- King, Seth
- Kofalt, Jim
- Korzen, Lori
- Kuttab, Katelyn
- Labrie, Brian
- Ladd, Rick
- Lascelles, Richard
- Layon, Erica
- Litchfield, Melissa
- Louis, Darrell
- Love, David
- Lynn, Bob
- MacDonald, John
- MacDonald, Wayne
- Mannion, Dennis
- Mannion, Tim
- Mannion, Tom
- Markell, Jay
- Mattson, Rita
- Mazur, Lisa
- McDonnell, Valerie
- McFarlane, Donald
- McGrath, Linda
- McGuire, Carol
- McGuire, Dan
- McLean, Mark
- McMahon, Charles
- Mehegan, Peter
- Melvin, Charles
- Miles, Julie
- Milz, David
- Miner, Laurence
- Moffett, Michael
- Mooney, Maureen
- Morency, Pete
- Morse, Bryan
- Morton, Jonathan
- Murphy, Denis
- Murphy, Mary
- Nadeau, Brian
- Nalevanko, Rich
- Noble, Kristin
- Notter, Jeanine
- Ohm, Bill
- Osborne, Jason
- Ouellet, Mike
- Panek, Sandra
- Paquette, Kathleen
- Pauer, Diane
- Pearson, Mark
- Pearson, Stephen
- Peeples, Raymond
- Perez, Kristine
- Peternel, Katy
- Pitaro, Matthew
- Plante, Raymond
- Ploszaj, Tom
- Polozov, Yury
- Popovici-Muller, Daniel
- Porcelli, Susan
- Post, Lisa
- Potenza, Kelley
- Potucek, John
- Prudhomme-O'Brien, Katherine
- Qualey, James
- Reinfurt, Sherri
- Rhodes, Jennifer
- Rollins, Skip
- Sabourin dit Choinière, Matt
- Schneller, John
- Scully, Kevin
- Seaworth, Brian
- See, Alvin
- Seidel, Sheila
- Sellers, John
- Sheehan, Vanessa
- Sirois, Shane
- Slottje, Jeremy
- Smith, Jonathan
- Smith, Steven
- Soti, Julius
- Spillane, James
- Spilsbury, Walter
- Suiter, John
- Summers, James
- Sweeney, Joe
- Sytek, John
- Tenczar, Jeffrey
- Terry, Paul
- Thackston, Dick
- Thibault, James
- Thomas, Douglas
- Tierney, James
- Toner, Travis
- Tudor, Paul
- Turcotte, Len
- Ulery, Jordan
- Valerino, Brian
- Vandecasteele, Susan
- Vose, Michael
- Walsh, Lilli
- Walsh, Thomas
- Weyler, Kenneth
- Wherry, Robert
- Wilson, Vicki
- Wood, Clayton
NO: 148
- Almy, Susan
- Ames, Dick
- Balboni, Peggy
- Baldwin, Heather
- Bay, Luz
- Beauchemin, Paige
- Berch, Paul
- Bergeron, Dan
- Bolton, Bill
- Bouchard, Donald
- Bricchi, Tracy
- Buco, Thomas
- Budathoki, Suraj
- Burroughs, Anita
- Burton, Wayne
- Cahill, Michael
- Caplan, Tony
- Cloutier, John
- Colby, Eleana
- Cormen, Thomas
- Cornell, Patricia
- Damon, Hope
- Darby, Will
- Dargie, Paul
- Davis, Fred
- de Vries, Erica
- Dolan, William
- Ebel, Karen
- Edgar, Michael
- Elberger, Susan
- Faulkner, Barry
- Fellows, Sallie
- Foss, Lily
- Fox, Dru
- Foxx, Loren
- Fracht, David
- Gallager, Eric
- Georges, Mary
- Germana, Nicholas
- Gibbs, Merryl
- Gilmore, Gary
- Grill, Jessica
- Grote, Jaci
- Grund, Stephanie
- Guthrie, Joseph
- Hakken-Phillips, Mary
- Hall, Muriel
- Harriott-Gathright, Linda
- Hartnett, Tim
- Harvey, Cathryn
- Hicks, Matthew
- Horrigan, Timothy
- Howard, Heath
- Howard, Molly
- Howland, Allan
- Jack, Martin
- Jacobs, Samantha
- Johnson, Erik
- Juris, Louis
- Kelly, Eileen
- Kluger, Lee Ann
- Knab, Allison
- LaMontagne, Jessica
- Lane, Connie
- Larochelle, John
- LeClerc, Daniel
- Leishman, Peter
- Levesque, Cassandra
- Lloyd, Christal
- Long, Patrick
- Lovett, Peter
- Lucas, Janet
- Luneau, David
- MacKay, James
- MacKenzie, Mark
- Maggiore, Jim
- Malloy, Dennis
- Manos, Zoe
- McAleer, Chris
- McGhee, Kat
- Meuse, David
- Miller, Seth
- Muns, Chris
- Murphy, Nancy
- Murray, Alissandra
- Murray, Megan
- Nagel, David
- Newell, Jodi
- Newman, Ray
- Newman, Sue
- Newsom, James
- O'Rorke, Terri
- Oppel, Thomas
- Paige, David
- Parshall, Lucius
- Payeur, Stephanie
- Pearson, Wayne
- Petrigno, Peter
- Preece, David
- Raymond, Heather
- Raynolds, Ned
- Read, Ellen
- Rockmore, Ellen
- Roesener, James
- Rombeau, Catherine
- Rung, Rosemarie
- Ryan, Linda
- Salvi, Santosh
- Sargent, Gregory
- Schamberg, Thomas
- Scherr, Buzz
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schultz, Kris
- Seibert, Christine
- Simpson, Alexis
- Smith, Geoffrey
- Smith, Marjorie
- Snodgrass, Jim
- Sofikitis, Catherine
- Sorensen, Carrie
- Soucy, Timothy
- Southworth, Thomas
- Spahr, Terry
- Spier, Carry
- St. Clair, Charlie
- Staub, Kathy
- Stavis, Laurel
- Stringham, Jerry
- Sullivan, Brian
- Sullivan, Jared
- Swanson, Dale
- Sykes, George
- Taylor, Brian
- Telerski, Laura
- Tellez, Trinidad
- Thomas, Wendy
- Turer, Eric
- Vail, Suzanne
- Vallone, Mark
- Veilleux, Daniel
- Wade, Alice
- Wall, Janet
- Wallner, Mary Jane
- Ward, Gerald
- Weber, Lucy
- Weinstein, Toni
- Wilhelm, Matthew
- Woods, Gary
- Bordes, Mike
- Bridle, Nicholas
- Chretien, Suzanne
- Coker, Matthew
- Corcoran, Travis
- Crawford, Karel
- DeDe-Poulin, Denise
- Durkin, Sean
- England, Myles
- Ford, Mary
- Germana, Dylan
- Gilman, Julie
- Gonzalez, Ernesto
- Gregg, Alicia
- Grossman, Gaby
- Gruber, James
- Haskins, Linda
- Hemingway, Wayne
- Janigian, John
- Kerwin, Erin
- Lundgren, David
- Malone, Amy
- Mandelbaum, Jennifer
- Minor, Sheri
- Muirhead, Russell
- Murphy, Michael
- Nelson, Jodi
- Paige, Mark
- Palmer, William
- Presa, Adam
- Prout, Andrew
- Rice, Kimberly
- Richards, Beth
- Roy, Terry
- Selig, Loren
- Trottier, Douglas
- Verville, Kevin
- Warden, Mark
- Woodcock, Stephen
- Ankarberg, Aidan
- Barton, Joseph
- Bixby, Peter
- Booras, Efstathia
- DiSilvestro, Linda
- Fedolfi, Jim
- Girard, Dale
- Hall, Robley
- Hegner, Karen
- Herbert, Christopher
- Hunt, John
- Jeudy, Jean
- Jones, Philip
- Katsakiores, Phyllis
- Leapley, Nicole
- Leavitt, John
- Lunney, Matthew
- Manohar, Sanjeev
- Murray, Kate
- Packard, Sherman
- Plamondon, Marc
- Proulx, Mark
- Selby, Donald
- Stone, John
- Tripp, Richard
- Varney, Peter
- Walker, David
- Wheeler, Jonah
- Mar 27, 2025 | Senate
- Introduced 03/27/2025 and Referred to Education; SJ 10
- Mar 26, 2025 | House
- FLAM #2025-1361h (Rep. Gregg): AF DV 151-185 03/26/2025 HJ 10
- FLAM #2025-1377h (Rep. N. Germana): AF DV 153-186 03/26/2025 HJ 10
- Ought to Pass: MA RC 183-148 03/26/2025 HJ 10
- Mar 10, 2025 | House
- Executive Session: 03/10/2025 01:00 pm LOB 205-207
- Minority Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate
- Majority Committee Report: Ought to Pass 03/10/2025 (Vote 9-8; RC) HC 17 P. 50
- Mar 05, 2025 | House
- Public Hearing: 03/05/2025 02:45 pm LOB 205-207
- Jan 08, 2025 | House
- Introduced 01/08/2025 and referred to Education Policy and Administration HJ 2 P. 15
- Remote Testimony by Dye, Skip (New York, NY) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationPDF
- Remote Testimony by MCILROY, DOUGLAS (Hanover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationPDF
- Remote Testimony by Rankin, Don (Wilton, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationPDF
- Remote Testimony by Smith, TD (Ashland, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationPDF
- Remote Testimony by Utley, Laura (Dover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationPDF
- Remote Testimony by Abbene, Laura (Orford, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by ADAMS, MELANIE (Keene, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Adler, Carl (Brentwood, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Agostino, Amy (Londonderry, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Aldrich, Donna (Alton, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Allen, Kari (Concord, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Allen, Mollie (Exeter, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Allen, Sandra (Newmarket, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Alley, Danielle (Dover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Almy, Susan (Lebanon, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Anderson, Anne (Keene, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Anderson, Jade (Newmarket, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Anson, Vicky (Nashua, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Atherton, John (Dover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Augun, Audrey (Hollis, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Augustine, Rick (Kingston, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bair, Theresa (Hollis, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by baker, stacey (Hollis, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bardo, Elisebeth (Concord, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Barkhouse, Meredith (Manchester, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Barnosky, Henry (Concord, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Basken, Katherine (Barrington, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bates, Emma (Warner, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Beal, Janice (Enfield, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Beaulieu, Rebecca (Dover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Beck, Catriona (Bennimgton, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Belanger, Kimberly (Dunbarton, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Belhumeur, Sarah (Manchester, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bennett, Penny (Merrimack, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Betancur, Jesse (Wilmot, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Biddle, Joshua (Nashua, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Biddle, Kacie Biddle (Kensington, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Biederman, Nancy (New Boston, NH) - Support, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Billings, Benjamin (Hancock, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bisson, Greg (Sandown, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Blachek, Judith (Nashua, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bleier, Kimberly (CONCORD, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bobay, Kathryn (Hooksett, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bobroff, Alice (Manchester, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bolton, Morgan (Londonderry, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Borden, Katih (Chesterfield, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bouchard, Giuliana (Canaan, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bourbeau, Johanna (Exeter, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Boyd, Caroline (Amherst, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bradbury, Maria (Nashua, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Braeburn, Kay (Concord, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Brannen, Tricia (Goffstown, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Brennan, Nancy (Weare, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Brightland, Virginia (Chesterfield, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Brown, Pam (Kingston, NH) - Support, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bruno, Bonnie (Hollis, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Burton, Elizabeth (Manchester, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Butler, Kate (Nashua, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Butt, Allison (Londonderry, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Caffrey, Barbara (Nashua, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cahoon, Carey (New Hampton, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Callaway, Barbara (Hanover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Camirand, Bob (Hooksett, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Camirand, Judy (Hooksett, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Camire, Hilary (Rochester, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cannon, Johanna (Madbury, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Carey, Katherine (Nashua, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Carrigan, Lauren (Derry, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Carter, Alexandra (Rochester, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Carter, Terry (Dover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Casey, Joanne (Hampton, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Castellucci, Michael (Merrimack, NH) - Support, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Castellucci, Tiffney (Merrimack, NH) - Support, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Castle, Judith (Portsmouth, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cavarnos, Sarah (Enfield, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Chen, Melinda (Bedford, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Chesno, Anne Marie (Brentwood, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Chicoine, Melanie (Amherst, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Chubb, Erin (Penacook, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Clark Canty, Amy (Milford, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Clarke, Bethany (Concord, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Clavio, Kara (Durham, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Clennon, Rachel (Exeter, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cochrane, Douglas (Hancock, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cochrane, Eleanor (Hancock, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cole, Neva (Raymond, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cole, Rebecca (Durham, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Conkright, Nell (Peterborough, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cornish, Deborah (Atkinson, NH) - Support, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Costello, Andrea (Wakefield, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cote, Lauren (Salem, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Couture, Emily (Durham, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Croteau, Gregory (Keene, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Crowley, David (Bedford, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Culliton, Penny (Temple, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Daniel, Kelly (Dover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by daniels, nancy (hancock, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Dargie, Paul (Milford, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Daugherty, Anne (Newmarket, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Davis, Megan (Dover, NH) - Oppose, House Education Policy and AdministrationHTML