IntroducedJan 31, 2024
Passed SenateMar 04, 2024
Passed House
Signed into Law
Juvenile Law - Reform
Last Action See all actions
House • Mar 20, 2024: Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 744
Whip Lists
YES: 43
- Mr. President
- Ellis
- Hettleman
- Lam
- Salling
- Augustine
- Feldman
- Jackson
- Lewis Young
- Smith
- Bailey
- Folden
- James
- Mautz
- Waldstreicher
- Beidle
- Gallion
- Jennings
- McCray
- Washington, A.
- Benson
- Gile
- Kagan
- McKay
- Washington, M.
- Carozza
- Guzzone
- Kelly
- Muse
- Watson
- Charles
- Hayes
- King
- Ready
- West
- Corderman
- Hershey
- Klausmeier
- Rosapepe
- Zucker
- Elfreth
- Hester
- Kramer
- Mar 20, 2024 | House
- Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m.
- Mar 06, 2024 | House
- Referred Judiciary
- Mar 04, 2024 | Senate
- Third Reading Passed (43-2)
- Feb 29, 2024 | Senate
- Favorable with Amendments {203524/1 Adopted
- Floor Amendment {993224/1 (Senator Lam) Adopted
- Floor Amendment {973922/1 (Senator Charles) Adopted
- Floor Amendment {313024/1 (Senator Salling) Withdrawn
- Floor Amendment {503627/1 (Senator Carter) Adopted
- Floor Amendment {633827/1 (Senator Carozza) Rejected (17-29)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Feb 28, 2024 | Senate
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Judicial Proceedings
- Feb 06, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing canceled
- Hearing 2/09 at 12:00 p.m.
- Feb 01, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing 2/09 at 1:00 p.m.
- Jan 31, 2024 | Senate
- First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Bill Texts
- Text - First - Juvenile Law - ReformPDF
- Text - Racial Equity Impact NotePDF
- Amendments {203524/1 Adopted (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {993224/1 (Senator Lam) Adopted (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {973922/1 (Senator Charles) Adopted (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {313024/1 (Senator Salling) Withdrawn (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {503627/1 (Senator Carter) Adopted (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {633827/1 (Senator Carozza) Rejected (17-29) (Senate)PDF
- Text - Third - Juvenile Law - ReformPDF
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)PDF
- Vote - Senate - Committee - Judicial ProceedingsPDF
- Video: Judicial ProceedingsHTML
- Video: JudiciaryHTML
- Witness ListHTML
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Powers, Leif
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, UNF -- Tilghman, Marlon (Bridge Maryland, Inc)
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, UNF -- Geddes, Ann (Mental Health Association of Maryland)
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Radov, Lisa (Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- STERN, CAROL
- JPR Virtual - Oral Testimony, UNF -- Goemann, Melissa (National Youth Justice Network)
- JPR Testimony, FAV -- Miller, Linda (Maryland Judiciary)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Rubin, Jeffrey
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Aanenson, Karalyn (Maryland Department of Juvenile Services)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Burton, Kimberly
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Scott, Catherine (N/A)
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Shellenberger, Scott (Baltimore County State's Attorney's Office)
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Egan, Ashley (UULM-MD)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Asin, Steven
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Schaffer, Barbara
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Gamble, Sheriff Joe (Sheriff's Office)
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Mansfield, Andrea (MD Chiefs and Sheriffs Association)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Childs, Carlos
- JPR Testimony, FAV -- Plante, Cecilia (Maryland Legislative Coalition)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- RUBIN, ANNA (Anna Rubin)
- JPR Testimony, FAV -- Arnold, Tyahna (Ashlar Government Relations)
- JPR Testimony, INFO -- Young, Bethany
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Juberg, Arielle
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Watkins, Ralph (League of Women Voters of Maryland)
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- O'Day, Garrett (Maryland Catholic Conference)
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Buckler, Lauren
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Friedman, David
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Shnider, Benjamin
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, UNF -- Virgin, Emily (Human Rights for Kids)
- JPR Testimony, INFO -- Kasemeyer, Pam
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Serpick, Evan (Jews United for Justice)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Green, Laurie
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Jordan, Lisae C (Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA))
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Quinn, Kelly (Maryland Coalition to Reform to School Discipline)
- JPR Testimony, FAV -- Crespo, Virginia
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Quinn, Kelly (The Choice Program at UMBC)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Shifrin, Jo
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Greengrass, Mara
- JPR Testimony, FAV -- Luedtke, Dawn
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Thornton, Chrissy (Associated Black Charities)
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Smalls, Cindy (AFSCME)
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Bevan-Dangel, Jennifer (Humane Society of the United States)
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Crankshaw-Quimby, Patty (Professional Animal Workers of Maryland)
- JPR Testimony, FWA -- Caroom, Philip (Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Seacrest, Logan (R Street Institute)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Tsiongas, Magdalena
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, UNF -- Rovner, Josh (The Sentencing Project)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Brown, Miner
- JPR Testimony, FAV -- Themelis, Nina (Mayor's Office of Government Relations)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Arikat, Loraine (1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Girdner, Linnie
- JPR In Person - Oral Testimony, UNF -- Wilkerson, Alice (Advance Maryland)
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Pack, Jr., Gordon
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Chaudry, Zainab
- JPR Testimony, UNF -- Hilliard, Elizabeth (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)
- JPR Virtual - Oral Testimony, UNF -- Miller, Andrew
- JPR Testimony, FAV -- Ateto, Philip
- JPR Testimony, INFO -- Salomon, Nina (Deputy Division Director, Corrections & Reentry)
- JPR Testimony, N/A -- Testimony, All
- JUD Testimony, FAV -- Radov, Lisa (Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.)
- JUD Testimony, FAV -- Shellenberger, Scott (Baltimore County State's Attorney's Office)
- JUD Testimony, FWA -- Crankshaw-Quimby, Patty (Professional Animal Workers of Maryland)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Virgin, Emily (Human Rights for Kids)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Caplan, Karen (Karen D. Caplan)
- JUD Testimony, FWA -- Aanenson, Karalyn (Maryland Department of Juvenile Services)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Ditz, Toby
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Juberg, Arielle
- JUD Testimony, FWA -- Bevan-Dangel, Jennifer (Humane Society of the United States)
- JUD Testimony, FWA -- Mansfield, Andrea (MD Chiefs and Sheriffs Association)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Rubin, Jeffrey
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Landers, Claire
- JUD Testimony, FAV -- Buckler, Lauren
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Blau, Samantha (Jews United for Justice)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Rovner, Josh (The Sentencing Project)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Wilkerson, Alice (Advance Maryland)
- JUD Testimony, FAV -- Plante, Cecilia (Maryland Legislative Coalition)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Miller, Andrew
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Tsiongas, Magdalena
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Shifrin, Jo
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Kaplowitz, Richard KAP (Year)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- O'Day, Garrett (Maryland Catholic Conference)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Friedman, David
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Patinella, Frank (ACLU of Maryland)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- RUBIN, ANNA (Anna Rubin)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Kess, NaShona (Maryland NAACP)
- JUD Testimony, UNF -- Hilliard, Elizabeth (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)
- JUD Testimony, FAV -- Themelis, Nina (Mayor's Office of Government Relations)
- JUD Testimony, N/A -- Testimony, All