IntroducedJun 15, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
An Act to improve quality and oversight of long-term care
Last Action See all actions
House • Nov 15, 2023: New draft substituted, see H4178
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on H 3929
Whip Lists
- Joint Committee on Elder Affairsprimary
- Andrea Joy Campbellcosponsor
- Lindsay N. Sabadosacosponsor
- Patricia D. Jehlencosponsor
- Ruth B. Balsercosponsor
- Rodney M. Elliottcosponsor
- Steven Owenscosponsor
- Steven Ultrinocosponsor
- Frank A. Morancosponsor
- David Henry Argosky LeBoeufcosponsor
- Christopher J. Worrellcosponsor
- Susannah M. Whippscosponsor
- Peter Capanocosponsor
- Carol A. Dohertycosponsor
- Brian W. Murraycosponsor
- Jack Patrick Lewiscosponsor
- James C. Arena-DeRosacosponsor
- Gerard J. Cassidycosponsor
- Michelle M. DuBoiscosponsor
- Michael P. Kushmerekcosponsor
- Kathleen R. LaNatracosponsor
- Tackey Chancosponsor
- Patricia A. Duffycosponsor
- Jon Santiagocosponsor
- James K. Hawkinscosponsor
- Paul McMurtrycosponsor
- Kay Khancosponsor
- Russell E. Holmescosponsor
- William C. Galvincosponsor
- Adrian C. Madarocosponsor
- Priscila S. Sousacosponsor
- David Paul Linskycosponsor
- Sean Garballeycosponsor
- Jennifer Balinsky Arminicosponsor
- Denise C. Garlickcosponsor
- Patrick Joseph Kearneycosponsor
- James B. Eldridgecosponsor
- David Allen Robertsoncosponsor
- Daniel Cahillcosponsor
- Josh S. Cutlercosponsor
- Michael D. Bradycosponsor
- Samantha Montañocosponsor
- Tram T. Nguyencosponsor
- Adrianne Pusateri Ramoscosponsor
- Carlos Gonzálezcosponsor
- Michelle L. Ciccolocosponsor
- Jacob R. Oliveiracosponsor
- Christopher Richard Flanagancosponsor
- Natalie M. Higginscosponsor
- Tommy Vitolocosponsor
- Margaret R. Scarsdalecosponsor
- Kristin E. Kassnercosponsor
- Carole A. Fiolacosponsor
- Christopher Hendrickscosponsor
- Erika Uyterhoevencosponsor
- Rita A. Mendescosponsor
- Estela A. Reyescosponsor
- John C. Veliscosponsor
- Nov 15, 2023 | House
- Committee recommended ought to pass with an amendment, substituting therefor a bill with the same title, see H4178
- Referred to the committee on House Steering, Policy and Scheduling with the amendment pending
- Committee reported that the matter be placed in the Orders of the Day for the next sitting for a second reading with the amendment pending
- Rules suspended
- Read second, amended (as recommended by the committee on House Ways and Means)
- New draft substituted, see H4178
- Oct 30, 2023 | House
- Accompanied by S738, S739, S780, S791, H1166, H1216 and H1218
- Committee recommended bill ought to pass and referred to the committee on House Ways and Means
- Jun 15, 2023 | House
- Reported from the committee on Elder Affairs
- New draft of S364, S378, S379, S384, H616, H627 and H648
- Reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Health Care Financing