IntroducedMar 07, 2023
Passed HouseApr 11, 2023
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to the ownership of dogs, making penalties applicable, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 152.)
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Jun 05, 2023: Referred to State Government.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HF 651
Whip Lists
YES: 82
- Abdul-Samad
- Andrews
- Bagniewski
- Bergan
- Best
- Bloomingdale
- Boden
- Bossman
- Bradley
- Brown-Powers
- Buck
- Cahill
- Collins
- Cooling
- Croken
- Determann
- Deyoe
- Dieken
- Dunwell
- Forbes
- Fry
- Gaines
- Gehlbach
- Gerhold
- Gjerde
- Graber
- Gustafson
- Gustoff
- Harris
- Henderson
- Holt
- Hora
- Ingels
- Isenhart
- Jacoby
- James
- Jeneary
- Johnson
- Jones
- Judge
- Kaufmann
- Kniff
- McCulla
- Konfrst
- Kressig
- Latham
- Levin
- Lohse
- Lundgren
- Madison
- Matson
- Meggers
- Meyer, A.
- Meyer, B.
- Mohr
- Moore
- Nielsen
- Nordman
- Olson
- Osmundson
- Rinker
- Scholten
- Sherman
- Shipley
- Sieck
- Sorensen
- Srinivas
- Steckman
- Stoltenberg
- Stone
- Thompson, P.
- Thomson
- Turek
- Vondran
- Wheeler
- Wills
- Wilson
- Wilz
- Windschitl
- Wood
- Wulf
- Young
- Speaker
- Grassley
NO: 16
- Jun 05, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to State Government.
- Apr 12, 2023 | Senate
- Message from House.
- Read first time, attached to SF 476.
- Apr 11, 2023 | House
- Immediate message.
- May 05, 2023 | House
- Explanation of vote.
- Apr 11, 2023 | House
- Amendment H-1195 adopted.
- Amendments H-1070 and H-1172 out of order.
- Passed House, yeas 82, nays 16.
- Apr 10, 2023 | House
- Amendment H-1195 filed.
- Mar 30, 2023 | House
- Amendment H-1172 filed.
- Placed on calendar under unfinished business.
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- Amendment H-1070 filed.
- Mar 07, 2023 | House
- Introduced, placed on calendar.
Bill Texts
- IntroducedHTML
- IntroducedPDF
- ReprintedHTML
- ReprintedPDF
- House Amendment H-1070 (and H-1172 out of order) -- BOSSMAN of Woodbury, 2023-04-11PDF
- House Amendment H-1070 (and H-1172 out of order) -- BOSSMAN of Woodbury, 2023-04-11HTML
- House Amendment H-1172 (filed) -- BOSSMAN of Woodbury, 2023-03-30PDF
- House Amendment H-1172 (filed) -- BOSSMAN of Woodbury, 2023-03-30HTML
- House Amendment H-1195 (adopted) -- BOSSMAN of Woodbury, 2023-04-11PDF
- House Amendment H-1195 (adopted) -- BOSSMAN of Woodbury, 2023-04-11HTML