IntroducedFeb 23, 2023
Passed SenateMar 07, 2023
Passed HouseMar 09, 2023
Signed into LawMay 26, 2023
A bill for an act relating to education, including modifying provisions related to comprehensive school improvement plans, teacher librarians and guidance counselors, required days or hours of instruction in elementary and secondary schools, agreements between school districts and community colleges to teach certain courses, and required courses in school districts and accredited nonpublic schools, and authorizing school districts to offer sequential units in one classroom. (Formerly SSB 1076.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • May 26, 2023: Signed by Governor.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SF 391
Whip Lists
YES: 62
- Andrews
- Bergan
- Best
- Bloomingdale
- Boden
- Bossman
- Bradley
- Carlson
- Cisneros
- Collins
- Determann
- Deyoe
- Dieken
- Dunwell
- Fisher
- Fry
- Gehlbach
- Gerhold
- Golding
- Graber
- Grassley
- Gustafson
- Gustoff
- Harris
- Hayes
- Henderson
- Holt
- Hora
- Jeneary
- Johnson
- Jones
- Kaufmann
- Kniff
- McCulla
- Latham
- Lohse
- Lundgren
- Meggers
- Meyer, A.
- Mohr
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Nordman
- Osmundson
- Rinker
- Sexton
- Sherman
- Shipley
- Sieck
- Sorensen
- Stoltenberg
- Stone
- Thompson, M.
- Thompson, P.
- Thomson
- Vondran
- Wheeler
- Wilz
- Windschitl
- Wood
- Wulf
- Young
- Wills
NO: 34
YES: 60
- Andrews
- Bergan
- Best
- Bloomingdale
- Boden
- Bossman
- Bradley
- Carlson
- Cisneros
- Collins
- Determann
- Deyoe
- Dieken
- Dunwell
- Fisher
- Fry
- Gehlbach
- Gerhold
- Golding
- Graber
- Grassley
- Gustafson
- Gustoff
- Harris
- Hayes
- Henderson
- Hora
- Jeneary
- Johnson
- Jones
- Kaufmann
- Kniff
- McCulla
- Latham
- Lohse
- Lundgren
- Meggers
- Meyer, A.
- Mohr
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Nordman
- Osmundson
- Rinker
- Sherman
- Shipley
- Siegrist
- Sorensen
- Stoltenberg
- Stone
- Thompson, M.
- Thompson, P.
- Thomson
- Vondran
- Wheeler
- Wilz
- Windschitl
- Wood
- Wulf
- Young
- Holt
NO: 36
- May 26, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by Governor.
- May 11, 2023 | Senate
- Reported correctly enrolled, signed by President and Speaker, and sent to Governor.
- Apr 24, 2023 | Senate
- Message from House.
- Apr 20, 2023 | House
- Immediate message.
- May 02, 2023 | House
- Explanation of vote.
- Apr 20, 2023 | House
- House concurred in amendment H-1252 to amendment S-3065.
- Passed House, yeas 60, nays 36.
- Apr 18, 2023 | House
- Message from Senate.
- Senate amendment H-1252 filed.
- Apr 17, 2023 | Senate
- Amendment S-3135 to S-3065 filed, adopted.
- Senate concurred with S-3065, as amended.
- Passed Senate, yeas 34, nays 16.
- Immediate message.
- Mar 30, 2023 | Senate
- Placed on calendar under unfinished business.
- Mar 13, 2023 | Senate
- Message from House, with amendment S-3065.
- Mar 09, 2023 | House
- Substituted for HF 327.
- Amendment H-1081 to amendment H-1074 filed, adopted.
- Amendment H-1074 adopted, as amended.
- Passed House, yeas 62, nays 34.
- Immediate message.
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- Amendment H-1074 filed.
- Mar 07, 2023 | House
- Message from Senate.
- Read first time, passed on file.
- Mar 07, 2023 | Senate
- Amendment S-3047 filed, lost.
- Amendment S-3042 filed, adopted.
- Amendment S-3048 filed, lost.
- Amendment S-3046 filed, lost.
- Passed Senate, yeas 33, nays 16.
- Immediate message.
- Feb 23, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced, placed on calendar.
- Committee report, approving bill.
Bill Texts
- IntroducedHTML
- IntroducedPDF
- Reprinted Marked UpHTML
- Reprinted Marked UpPDF
- ReprintedHTML
- ReprintedPDF
- EnrolledHTML
- EnrolledPDF
- Senate Amendment S-3042 (filed, adopted) -- TIM KRAAYENBRINK, 2023-03-07PDF
- Senate Amendment S-3042 (filed, adopted) -- TIM KRAAYENBRINK, 2023-03-07HTML
- Senate Amendment S-3046 (filed, lost) -- HERMAN C. QUIRMBACH, 2023-03-07PDF
- Senate Amendment S-3046 (filed, lost) -- HERMAN C. QUIRMBACH, 2023-03-07HTML
- Senate Amendment S-3047 (filed, lost) -- MOLLY DONAHUE, 2023-03-07PDF
- Senate Amendment S-3047 (filed, lost) -- MOLLY DONAHUE, 2023-03-07HTML
- Senate Amendment S-3048 (filed, lost) -- LIZ BENNETT, 2023-03-07PDF
- Senate Amendment S-3048 (filed, lost) -- LIZ BENNETT, 2023-03-07HTML
- House Amendment H-1074 (adopted, as amended) -- JOHNSON of Buchanan, 2023-03-09PDF
- House Amendment H-1074 (adopted, as amended) -- JOHNSON of Buchanan, 2023-03-09HTML
- House Amendment H-1081 (to amendment H-1074 filed, adopted) -- (2nd) FRY of Clarke, 2023-03-09PDF
- House Amendment H-1081 (to amendment H-1074 filed, adopted) -- (2nd) FRY of Clarke, 2023-03-09HTML
- Senate Amendment S-3065 -- RECEIVED FROM THE HOUSE, 2023-03-13PDF
- Senate Amendment S-3065 -- RECEIVED FROM THE HOUSE, 2023-03-13HTML
- House Amendment H-1252 (to amendment S-3065) -- (2nd) RECEIVED FROM THE SENATE, 2023-04-20PDF
- House Amendment H-1252 (to amendment S-3065) -- (2nd) RECEIVED FROM THE SENATE, 2023-04-20HTML
- Senate Amendment S-3135 (to S-3065 filed, adopted) -- (2nd) TIM KRAAYENBRINK, 2023-04-17PDF
- Senate Amendment S-3135 (to S-3065 filed, adopted) -- (2nd) TIM KRAAYENBRINK, 2023-04-17HTML