IntroducedJan 19, 2023
Passed HouseApr 20, 2023
Passed SenateApr 26, 2023
Signed into LawMay 01, 2023
Public Nuisances; Prohibits person from distributing onto private property any material for purpose of intimidating or threatening owner, resident, or invitee; prohibits person from willfully & maliciously harassing, threatening, or intimidating another person based on person's wearing or displaying of any indicia relating to any religious or ethnic heritage; requires violations be reported as hate crimes; prohibits display or projection of images onto building, structure, or property without permission; prohibits person who willfully enters campus of state university or Florida College System institution for purpose of threatening or intimidating another person from remaining on such campus after being warned to depart.
Last Action See all actions
legislature • May 02, 2023: Chapter No. 2023-24
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 269
Whip Lists
- Judiciary Committeeprimary
- Criminal Justice Subcommitteeprimary
- Fineprimary
- Abbottcosponsor
- Altmancosponsor
- Alvarezcosponsor
- Amestycosponsor
- Andersoncosponsor
- Andradecosponsor
- Antonecosponsor
- Arringtoncosponsor
- Bakercosponsor
- Banksoncosponsor
- Barnabycosponsor
- Bartlemancosponsor
- Basabecosponsor
- Bellcosponsor
- Beltrancosponsor
- Benjamincosponsor
- Berfieldcosponsor
- Blackcosponsor
- Borrerocosponsor
- Botanacosponsor
- Brackettcosponsor
- Bracy Daviscosponsor
- Brannancosponsor
- Buchanancosponsor
- Busatta Cabreracosponsor
- Campbellcosponsor
- Canadycosponsor
- Casellocosponsor
- Casselcosponsor
- Chamblisscosponsor
- Chaneycosponsor
- Clemonscosponsor
- Crosscosponsor
- Daleycosponsor
- Danielscosponsor
- Driskellcosponsor
- Duggancosponsor
- Dunkleycosponsor
- Edmondscosponsor
- Eskamanicosponsor
- Espositocosponsor
- Fabriciocosponsor
- Fernandez-Barquincosponsor
- Franklincosponsor
- Ganttcosponsor
- Garciacosponsor
- Garrisoncosponsor
- Giallombardocosponsor
- Gonzalez Pittmancosponsor
- Gossett-Seidmancosponsor
- Gottliebcosponsor
- Grantcosponsor
- Gregorycosponsor
- Griffittscosponsor
- Harriscosponsor
- Hartcosponsor
- Hawkinscosponsor
- Hinsoncosponsor
- Holcombcosponsor
- Hunschofskycosponsor
- Jacquescosponsor
- Josephcosponsor
- Killebrewcosponsor
- Kostercosponsor
- LaMarcacosponsor
- Leekcosponsor
- López, J.cosponsor
- Lopez, V.cosponsor
- Maggardcosponsor
- Maneycosponsor
- Massullocosponsor
- McClaincosponsor
- McClurecosponsor
- McFarlandcosponsor
- Melocosponsor
- Michaelcosponsor
- Mooneycosponsor
- Nixoncosponsor
- Overdorfcosponsor
- Paynecosponsor
- Perezcosponsor
- Persons-Mulickacosponsor
- Plakoncosponsor
- Plasenciacosponsor
- Porrascosponsor
- Rayner-Goolsbycosponsor
- Rennercosponsor
- Rizocosponsor
- Roachcosponsor
- Robinson, F.cosponsor
- Robinson, W.cosponsor
- Rommelcosponsor
- Rothcosponsor
- Rudmancosponsor
- Salzmancosponsor
- Shoafcosponsor
- Silverscosponsor
- Siroiscosponsor
- Skidmorecosponsor
- Smithcosponsor
- Snydercosponsor
- Starkcosponsor
- Steelecosponsor
- Stevensoncosponsor
- Tantcosponsor
- Templecosponsor
- Tomkowcosponsor
- Trabulsycosponsor
- Tramontcosponsor
- Truenowcosponsor
- Tuckcosponsor
- Valdéscosponsor
- Waldroncosponsor
- Williamscosponsor
- Woodsoncosponsor
- Yarkoskycosponsor
- Yeagercosponsor
YES: 112
- Abbott
- Eskamani
- Overdorf
- Altman
- Esposito
- Payne
- Alvarez
- Fabricio
- Amesty
- Fernandez-Barquin
- Persons-Mulicka
- Anderson
- Fine
- Plakon
- Andrade
- Franklin
- Plasencia
- Antone
- Gantt
- Porras
- Arrington
- Garcia
- Rayner-Goolsby
- Baker
- Garrison
- Renner
- Bankson
- Giallombardo
- Rizo
- Barnaby
- Gonzalez Pittman
- Roach
- Bartleman
- Gossett-Seidman
- Robinson, F.
- Basabe
- Gottlieb
- Robinson, W.
- Bell
- Grant
- Rommel
- Beltran
- Gregory
- Roth
- Benjamin
- Rudman
- Berfield
- Harris
- Salzman
- Black
- Hart
- Shoaf
- Borrero
- Hawkins
- Botana
- Hinson
- Sirois
- Brackett
- Holcomb
- Skidmore
- Bracy Davis
- Hunschofsky
- Smith
- Jacques
- Snyder
- Buchanan
- Joseph
- Stark
- Busatta Cabrera
- Killebrew
- Steele
- Campbell
- Koster
- Stevenson
- Canady
- LaMarca
- Tant
- Caruso
- Leek
- Temple
- Casello
- Tomkow
- Cassel
- Lopez, V.
- Trabulsy
- Chambliss
- Maggard
- Tramont
- Chaney
- Maney
- Truenow
- Clemons
- Massullo
- Tuck
- Cross
- McClain
- Valdés
- Daley
- McClure
- Waldron
- Daniels
- Driskell
- Melo
- Woodson
- Duggan
- Michael
- Yarkosky
- Dunkley
- Mooney
- Yeager
- Edmonds
- Nixon
NO: 0
YES: 114
- Abbott
- Eskamani
- Overdorf
- Altman
- Esposito
- Payne
- Alvarez
- Fabricio
- Perez
- Amesty
- Fernandez-Barquin
- Persons-Mulicka
- Anderson
- Fine
- Plakon
- Andrade
- Franklin
- Plasencia
- Antone
- Gantt
- Porras
- Arrington
- Garcia
- Rayner-Goolsby
- Baker
- Garrison
- Renner
- Bankson
- Giallombardo
- Rizo
- Barnaby
- Gonzalez Pittman
- Roach
- Bartleman
- Gossett-Seidman
- Robinson, F.
- Basabe
- Gottlieb
- Robinson, W.
- Bell
- Grant
- Rommel
- Beltran
- Gregory
- Roth
- Benjamin
- Griffitts
- Rudman
- Berfield
- Harris
- Salzman
- Black
- Hart
- Borrero
- Hawkins
- Silvers
- Botana
- Hinson
- Sirois
- Brackett
- Holcomb
- Skidmore
- Bracy Davis
- Hunschofsky
- Smith
- Brannan
- Jacques
- Snyder
- Buchanan
- Joseph
- Stark
- Killebrew
- Steele
- Campbell
- Koster
- Stevenson
- Canady
- LaMarca
- Tant
- Caruso
- Temple
- Casello
- Tomkow
- Cassel
- Lopez, V.
- Trabulsy
- Chambliss
- Maggard
- Tramont
- Chaney
- Maney
- Truenow
- Clemons
- Massullo
- Tuck
- Cross
- McClain
- Valdés
- Daley
- McClure
- Waldron
- Daniels
- Williams
- Driskell
- Melo
- Woodson
- Duggan
- Michael
- Yarkosky
- Dunkley
- Mooney
- Yeager
- Edmonds
- Nixon
NO: 0
- May 02, 2023 | legislature
- Chapter No. 2023-24
- May 01, 2023 | legislature
- Approved by Governor
- Apr 26, 2023 | legislature
- Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
- Apr 26, 2023 | House
- In Messages
- Ordered enrolled
- Apr 26, 2023 | Senate
- Withdrawn from Rules
- Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
- Substituted for CS/SB 994
- Read 2nd time
- Read 3rd time
- CS passed; YEAS 40 NAYS 0
- Apr 25, 2023 | Senate
- Received
- Apr 21, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Rules
- Apr 20, 2023 | Senate
- In Messages
- Apr 20, 2023 | House
- Read 2nd time
- Added to Third Reading Calendar
- Read 3rd time
- CS passed; YEAS 112, NAYS 0
- Apr 13, 2023 | House
- Bill added to Special Order Calendar (4/20/2023)
- Apr 03, 2023 | House
- Bill referred to House Calendar
- 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 2)
- Added to Second Reading Calendar
- Mar 31, 2023 | House
- Favorable with CS by Judiciary Committee
- Reported out of Judiciary Committee
- Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)
- CS Filed
- Mar 29, 2023 | House
- Added to Judiciary Committee agenda
- Mar 15, 2023 | House
- Favorable by Justice Appropriations Subcommittee
- Reported out of Justice Appropriations Subcommittee
- Now in Judiciary Committee
- Mar 13, 2023 | House
- Added to Justice Appropriations Subcommittee agenda
- Mar 10, 2023 | House
- Referred to Justice Appropriations Subcommittee
- Referred to Judiciary Committee
- Now in Justice Appropriations Subcommittee
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- Reported out of Criminal Justice Subcommittee
- Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)
- CS Filed
- 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)
- Mar 07, 2023 | House
- Favorable with CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee
- 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
- Mar 03, 2023 | House
- Added to Criminal Justice Subcommittee agenda
- Feb 01, 2023 | House
- Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee
- Referred to Justice Appropriations Subcommittee
- Referred to Judiciary Committee
- Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
- Jan 19, 2023 | House
- Filed