IntroducedJan 16, 2023
Passed HouseMar 06, 2023
Passed SenateApr 11, 2023
Signed into LawMay 11, 2023
Concerning the scoring of prior juvenile offenses in sentencing range calculations.
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 11, 2023: Effective date 7/23/2023.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1324
Whip Lists
YES: 51
- Alvarado
- Bateman
- Berg
- Bergquist
- Berry
- Callan
- Chapman
- Chopp
- Cortes
- Davis
- Doglio
- Donaghy
- Duerr
- Entenman
- Farivar
- Fey
- Fitzgibbon
- Fosse
- Goodman
- Gregerson
- Hackney
- Jinkins
- Kloba
- Lekanoff
- Macri
- Mena
- Morgan
- Ormsby
- Ortiz-Self
- Orwall
- Peterson
- Pollet
- Ramel
- Ramos
- Reed
- Reeves
- Riccelli
- Ryu
- Santos
- Senn
- Simmons
- Slatter
- Springer
- Stearns
- Stonier
- Street
- Taylor
- Thai
- Tharinger
- Walen
- Wylie
NO: 45
- Abbarno
- Barkis
- Barnard
- Bronoske
- Caldier
- Chambers
- Chandler
- Cheney
- Christian
- Connors
- Corry
- Couture
- Dent
- Dye
- Eslick
- Goehner
- Graham
- Griffey
- Harris
- Hutchins
- Jacobsen
- Klicker
- Kretz
- Leavitt
- Low
- Maycumber
- McClintock
- McEntire
- Mosbrucker
- Orcutt
- Paul
- Robertson
- Rude
- Rule
- Sandlin
- Schmick
- Schmidt
- Shavers
- Steele
- Stokesbary
- Timmons
- Walsh
- Waters
- Wilcox
- Ybarra
- Hansen
- Volz
YES: 50
- Alvarado
- Bateman
- Berg
- Bergquist
- Berry
- Bronoske
- Callan
- Chapman
- Chopp
- Cortes
- Davis
- Doglio
- Donaghy
- Duerr
- Farivar
- Fey
- Fitzgibbon
- Fosse
- Goodman
- Gregerson
- Hackney
- Hansen
- Jinkins
- Kloba
- Leavitt
- Lekanoff
- Macri
- Mena
- Ormsby
- Ortiz-Self
- Orwall
- Peterson
- Pollet
- Ramel
- Ramos
- Reed
- Reeves
- Riccelli
- Ryu
- Senn
- Simmons
- Slatter
- Springer
- Stearns
- Stonier
- Taylor
- Thai
- Tharinger
- Walen
- Wylie
NO: 48
- Abbarno
- Barkis
- Barnard
- Caldier
- Chambers
- Chandler
- Cheney
- Christian
- Connors
- Corry
- Couture
- Dent
- Dye
- Entenman
- Eslick
- Goehner
- Graham
- Griffey
- Harris
- Hutchins
- Jacobsen
- Klicker
- Kretz
- Low
- Maycumber
- McClintock
- McEntire
- Morgan
- Mosbrucker
- Orcutt
- Paul
- Robertson
- Rude
- Rule
- Sandlin
- Santos
- Schmick
- Schmidt
- Shavers
- Steele
- Stokesbary
- Street
- Timmons
- Volz
- Walsh
- Waters
- Wilcox
- Ybarra
- May 11, 2023 | executive
- Governor signed.
- Chapter 415, 2023 Laws.
- Effective date 7/23/2023.
- Apr 23, 2023 | executive
- Delivered to Governor.
- Apr 23, 2023 | Senate
- President signed.
- Apr 23, 2023 | House
- Speaker signed.
- Apr 22, 2023 | House
- House concurred in Senate amendments.
- Passed final passage; yeas, 50; nays, 48; absent, 0; excused, 0.
- Apr 11, 2023 | Senate
- Committee amendment(s) adopted as amended.
- Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
- Third reading, passed; yeas, 26; nays, 23; absent, 0; excused, 0.
- Apr 05, 2023 | Senate
- Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
- Mar 29, 2023 | Senate
- Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
- Mar 28, 2023 | Senate
- Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 10:30 AM.
- LAW - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
- Minority; do not pass.
- Mar 27, 2023 | Senate
- Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 10:30 AM.
- Mar 08, 2023 | Senate
- First reading, referred to Law & Justice.
- Mar 06, 2023 | House
- Floor amendment(s) adopted.
- Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
- Third reading, passed; yeas, 51; nays, 45; absent, 0; excused, 2.
- Mar 02, 2023 | House
- Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
- Feb 06, 2023 | House
- Referred to Rules 2 Review.
- Feb 02, 2023 | House
- Executive action taken in the House Committee on Community Safety at 8:00 AM.
- CSJR - Majority; do pass.
- Minority; do not pass.
- Minority; without recommendation.
- Jan 23, 2023 | House
- Public hearing in the House Committee on Community Safety at 1:30 PM.
- Jan 16, 2023 | House
- First reading, referred to Community Safety, Justice, & Reentry.
Bill Texts
- Original BillPDF
- Engrossed BillPDF
- Bill as Passed LegislaturePDF
- Session LawPDF
- House Floor Amendment 1324 AMH HACK RUSM 047 (Pg 8 Ln 7, ADOPTED 03/06/2023 03/06/2023) -- HackneyPDF
- Senate Committee Amendment 1324.E AMS LAW S2720.1 (Striker, ADOPTED AS AMENDED 04/11/2023 04/11/2023) -- Law & JusticePDF
- Senate Floor Amendment 1324.E AMS DHIN S3137.1 (Pg 3 Ln 14, ADOPTED 04/11/2023 04/11/2023) -- DhingraPDF
- Senate Floor Amendment 1324.E AMS FRAM S2818.1 (Pg 7 Ln 36, WITHDRAWN 04/11/2023 04/11/2023) -- FramePDF
- Senate Engrossed Amendment 1324.E AMS ENGR S2720.E (Striker, ADOPTED AND ENGROSSED 04/11/2023 04/11/2023)PDF