IntroducedJan 11, 2023
Passed HouseMar 02, 2023
Passed SenateApr 11, 2023
Signed into LawMay 09, 2023
Providing free school meals for all.
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 09, 2023: Effective date 7/23/2023*.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1238
Whip Lists
- Thaicosponsor
- Simmonscosponsor
- Senncosponsor
- Rudecosponsor
- Reevescosponsor
- Reedcosponsor
- Walencosponsor
- Petersoncosponsor
- Ortiz-Selfcosponsor
- Ormsbycosponsor
- Taylorcosponsor
- Leavittcosponsor
- Fitzgibboncosponsor
- Duerrcosponsor
- Dogliocosponsor
- Berrycosponsor
- Batemancosponsor
- Morgancosponsor
- Feycosponsor
- Ramelcosponsor
- Goodmancosponsor
- Fossecosponsor
- Polletcosponsor
- Lekanoffcosponsor
- Macricosponsor
- Choppcosponsor
- Stoniercosponsor
- Gregersoncosponsor
- Santoscosponsor
YES: 93
- Abbarno
- Alvarado
- Barkis
- Barnard
- Bateman
- Berg
- Bergquist
- Berry
- Bronoske
- Caldier
- Callan
- Chambers
- Chandler
- Chapman
- Cheney
- Chopp
- Christian
- Connors
- Corry
- Cortes
- Couture
- Davis
- Dent
- Doglio
- Donaghy
- Duerr
- Entenman
- Eslick
- Farivar
- Fey
- Fitzgibbon
- Fosse
- Goehner
- Goodman
- Graham
- Gregerson
- Griffey
- Hackney
- Hansen
- Harris
- Hutchins
- Jacobsen
- Jinkins
- Klicker
- Kloba
- Kretz
- Leavitt
- Lekanoff
- Low
- Macri
- Maycumber
- McClintock
- McEntire
- Mena
- Mosbrucker
- Ormsby
- Ortiz-Self
- Orwall
- Peterson
- Pollet
- Ramel
- Ramos
- Reed
- Reeves
- Riccelli
- Robertson
- Rude
- Rule
- Ryu
- Sandlin
- Santos
- Schmidt
- Senn
- Shavers
- Simmons
- Slatter
- Springer
- Stearns
- Steele
- Stokesbary
- Stonier
- Street
- Taylor
- Thai
- Tharinger
- Timmons
- Volz
- Walen
- Walsh
- Waters
- Wilcox
- Wylie
- Ybarra
YES: 44
- Billig
- Boehnke
- Braun
- Cleveland
- Conway
- Dhingra
- Fortunato
- Frame
- Hasegawa
- Hawkins
- Holy
- Hunt
- Kauffman
- Keiser
- King
- Kuderer
- Liias
- Lovelett
- Lovick
- MacEwen
- McCune
- Mullet
- Muzzall
- Nguyen
- Nobles
- Pedersen
- Randall
- Rivers
- Robinson
- Rolfes
- Saldaña
- Salomon
- Shewmake
- Short
- Stanford
- Torres
- Trudeau
- Valdez
- Van De Wege
- Warnick
- Wellman
- Wilson, C.
- Wilson, J.
- Wilson, L.
YES: 92
- Abbarno
- Alvarado
- Barkis
- Barnard
- Bateman
- Berg
- Bergquist
- Berry
- Bronoske
- Caldier
- Callan
- Chambers
- Chapman
- Cheney
- Chopp
- Christian
- Connors
- Corry
- Cortes
- Couture
- Davis
- Dent
- Doglio
- Donaghy
- Duerr
- Entenman
- Eslick
- Farivar
- Fey
- Fitzgibbon
- Fosse
- Goehner
- Goodman
- Graham
- Gregerson
- Griffey
- Hackney
- Hansen
- Harris
- Hutchins
- Jacobsen
- Jinkins
- Klicker
- Kloba
- Kretz
- Leavitt
- Lekanoff
- Low
- Macri
- Maycumber
- McClintock
- McEntire
- Mena
- Morgan
- Mosbrucker
- Ormsby
- Orwall
- Paul
- Peterson
- Pollet
- Ramel
- Ramos
- Reed
- Reeves
- Riccelli
- Robertson
- Rude
- Rule
- Ryu
- Sandlin
- Santos
- Schmidt
- Senn
- Shavers
- Simmons
- Slatter
- Springer
- Stearns
- Steele
- Stokesbary
- Stonier
- Street
- Taylor
- Thai
- Tharinger
- Timmons
- Volz
- Walen
- Walsh
- Waters
- Wylie
- Ybarra
- May 09, 2023 | executive
- Governor signed.
- Chapter 379, 2023 Laws.
- Effective date 7/23/2023*.
- Apr 20, 2023 | executive
- Delivered to Governor.
- Apr 19, 2023 | Senate
- President signed.
- Apr 18, 2023 | House
- House concurred in Senate amendments.
- Passed final passage; yeas, 92; nays, 4; absent, 0; excused, 2.
- Speaker signed.
- Apr 11, 2023 | Senate
- Committee amendment(s) adopted as amended.
- Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
- Third reading, passed; yeas, 44; nays, 5; absent, 0; excused, 0.
- Apr 07, 2023 | Senate
- Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
- Apr 04, 2023 | Senate
- Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM.
- WM - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
- Minority; do not pass.
- Minority; without recommendation.
- Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
- Mar 28, 2023 | Senate
- Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 4:00 PM.
- Mar 21, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Ways & Means.
- Mar 20, 2023 | Senate
- Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 1:30 PM.
- EDU - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
- Minority; without recommendation.
- And refer to Ways & Means.
- Mar 16, 2023 | Senate
- Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 1:30 PM.
- Mar 06, 2023 | Senate
- First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education.
- Mar 02, 2023 | House
- 2nd substitute bill substituted (APP 23).
- Floor amendment(s) adopted.
- Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
- Third reading, passed; yeas, 93; nays, 3; absent, 0; excused, 2.
- Feb 28, 2023 | House
- Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
- Feb 24, 2023 | House
- Executive action taken in the House Committee on Appropriations at 9:00 AM.
- APP - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
- Minority; without recommendation.
- Referred to Rules 2 Review.
- Feb 22, 2023 | House
- Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 1:30 PM.
- Feb 10, 2023 | House
- Referred to Appropriations.
- Feb 07, 2023 | House
- Executive action taken in the House Committee on Education at 4:00 PM.
- ED - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
- Minority; do not pass.
- Minority; without recommendation.
- Feb 02, 2023 | House
- Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM.
- Jan 24, 2023 | House
- Public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 4:00 PM.
- Jan 11, 2023 | House
- First reading, referred to Education.
Bill Texts
- Original BillPDF
- Substitute BillPDF
- Second SubstitutePDF
- Engrossed Second SubstitutePDF
- Bill as Passed LegislaturePDF
- Session LawPDF
- House Floor Amendment 1238-S2 AMH RICC WARG 048 (Pg 3 Ln 13, WITHDRAWN 03/02/2023 03/02/2023) -- RiccelliPDF
- House Floor Amendment 1238-S2 AMH RUDE MOET 180 (Pg 3 Ln 25, ADOPTED 03/02/2023 03/02/2023) -- RudePDF
- House Floor Amendment 1238-S2 AMH SAND WARG 049 (Pg 4 Ln 7, ADOPTED 03/02/2023 03/02/2023) -- SandlinPDF
- Senate Committee Amendment 1238-S2.E AMS EDU S2450.1 (Striker, NOT CONSIDERED 04/11/2023 04/11/2023) -- Early Learning & K-12 EducationPDF
- Senate Committee Amendment 1238-S2.E AMS WM S3007.1 (Striker, ADOPTED AS AMENDED 04/11/2023 04/11/2023) -- Ways & MeansPDF
- Senate Floor Amendment 1238-S2.E AMS WELL S3294.1 (Pg 26 Ln 20, ADOPTED 04/11/2023 04/11/2023) -- WellmanPDF
- Senate Engrossed Amendment 1238-S2.E AMS ENGR S3007.E (Striker, ADOPTED AND ENGROSSED 04/11/2023 04/11/2023)PDF