IntroducedJan 24, 2023
Passed HouseFeb 10, 2023
Passed SenateApr 19, 2023
Signed into LawMay 10, 2023
An act relating to civil and criminal procedures concerning legally protected health care activity
Last Action See all actions
Senate • May 11, 2023: House message: Governor approved bill on May 10, 2023
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on H 89
Whip Lists
- Julia Andrewscosponsor
- Joseph Andrianocosponsor
- Peter Anthonycosponsor
- John Arrisoncosponsor
- Angela Arsenaultcosponsor
- Sarah "Sarita" Austincosponsor
- John Bartholomewcosponsor
- Daisy Berbecocosponsor
- Matthew Birongcosponsor
- Alyssa Blackcosponsor
- Tiffany Bluemlecosponsor
- Seth Bongartzcosponsor
- Michelle Bos-Luncosponsor
- Erin Bradycosponsor
- Jana Browncosponsor
- Jessica Brumstedcosponsor
- Mollie Burkecosponsor
- Elizabeth Burrowscosponsor
- Tesha Busscosponsor
- R. Scott Campbellcosponsor
- Conor Caseycosponsor
- Ela Chapincosponsor
- Heather Chasecosponsor
- Seth Chasecosponsor
- Robin Chesnut-Tangermancosponsor
- Kevin Christiecosponsor
- Brian Cinacosponsor
- Sara Coffeycosponsor
- Esme Colecosponsor
- Peter Conloncosponsor
- Timothy Corcoran IIcosponsor
- Mari Cordescosponsor
- Carl Demrowcosponsor
- Leonora Dodgecosponsor
- Karen Dolancosponsor
- Katherine "Kari" Dolancosponsor
- David Durfeecosponsor
- Caleb Eldercosponsor
- Alice Emmonscosponsor
- Robert "Bobby" Farlice-Rubiocosponsor
- Golrang Garofanocosponsor
- Leslie Goldmancosponsor
- Edye Graningcosponsor
- Troy Headrickcosponsor
- Rebecca Holcombecosponsor
- Robert Hoopercosponsor
- Lori Houghtoncosponsor
- Mary Howardcosponsor
- Noah Hymancosponsor
- Kathleen Jamescosponsor
- Stephanie Jeromecosponsor
- Emilie Kornheisercosponsor
- Emilie Krasnowcosponsor
- Kate Lalleycosponsor
- Saudia LaMontcosponsor
- Diane Lanphercosponsor
- Josie Leavittcosponsor
- Kate Logancosponsor
- Emily Longcosponsor
- James Maslandcosponsor
- Kate McCanncosponsor
- Michael McCarthycosponsor
- Jubilee McGillcosponsor
- Marc Mihalycosponsor
- Brian Miniercosponsor
- Michael Mrowickicosponsor
- Emma Mulvaney-Stanakcosponsor
- Logan Nicollcosponsor
- William Nottecosponsor
- Daniel Noyescosponsor
- Kate Nugentcosponsor
- Carol Odecosponsor
- Kelly Pajalacosponsor
- Avram Pattcosponsor
- Phil Pouechcosponsor
- Monique Priestleycosponsor
- Barbara Rachelsoncosponsor
- Mike Ricecosponsor
- Tristan Robertscosponsor
- Lawrence Satcowitzcosponsor
- Robin Scheucosponsor
- Amy Sheldoncosponsor
- Laura Sibiliacosponsor
- Katherine Simscosponsor
- Trevor Squirrellcosponsor
- Gabrielle Stebbinscosponsor
- Thomas Stevenscosponsor
- Mary-Katherine Stonecosponsor
- Heather Surprenantcosponsor
- Curt Taylorcosponsor
- David Templemancosponsor
- Tristan Tolenocosponsor
- Dara Torrecosponsor
- Joseph "Chip" Troianocosponsor
- Chea Waters Evanscosponsor
- Kirk Whitecosponsor
- Jonathan Williamscosponsor
- Theresa Woodcosponsor
- Less…cosponsor
YES: 130
- Andrews
- Andriano
- Anthony
- Arrison
- Arsenault
- Austin
- Bartholomew
- Bartley
- Beck
- Berbeco
- Birong
- Black
- Bluemle
- Bongartz
- Bos-Lun
- Boyden
- Brady
- Brennan
- Brown
- Brownell
- Brumsted
- Burditt
- Burke
- Burrows
- Buss
- Campbell
- Canfield
- Carroll
- Casey
- Chapin
- Chase
- Chesnut-Tangerman
- Christie
- Cina
- Clifford
- Coffey
- Cole
- Conlon
- Corcoran
- Cordes
- Demar
- Demrow
- Dodge
- Dolan
- Durfee
- Elder
- Emmons
- Farlice-Rubio
- Galfetti
- Garofano
- Goldman
- Goslant
- Graning
- Harrison
- Headrick
- Holcombe
- Hooper
- Houghton
- Howard
- James
- Jerome
- Kornheiser
- Krasnow
- Lalley
- LaLonde
- LaMont
- Lanpher
- Laroche
- Leavitt
- Lipsky
- Logan
- Long
- Maguire
- Marcotte
- Masland
- Mattos
- McCann
- McCarthy
- McCoy
- McFaun
- McGill
- Mihaly
- Minier
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morrissey
- Mrowicki
- Mulvaney-Stanak
- Nicoll
- Notte
- Noyes
- O'Brien
- Ode
- Pajala
- Patt
- Pearl
- Pouech
- Priestley
- Rachelson
- Rice
- Roberts
- Sammis
- Satcowitz
- Scheu
- Shaw
- Sheldon
- Sibilia
- Sims
- Small
- Squirrell
- Stebbins
- Stevens
- Stone
- Surprenant
- Taylor
- Templeman
- Toleno
- Toof
- Torre
- Troiano
- Walker
- Waters Evans
- White
- Whitman
- Williams
- Wood
- May 11, 2023 | Senate
- House message: Governor approved bill on May 10, 2023
- May 10, 2023 | executive
- Signed by Governor on May 10, 2023
- May 04, 2023 | House
- Delivered to the Governor on May 4, 2023
- Apr 28, 2023 | Senate
- House message: House concurred in Senate proposal of amendment
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- Action Calendar: Senate Proposal of Amendment
- Senate proposal of amendment concurred in
- Apr 26, 2023 | House
- Action Calendar: Senate Proposal of Amendment
- Rep. LaLonde of South Burlington moved to postpone action until April 27, 2023, which was agreed to
- Apr 25, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Consideration of Senate Proposal of Amendment
- Action Calendar: Senate Proposal of Amendment
- Rep. LaLonde of South Burlington moved to postpone action until April 26, 2023, which was agreed to
- Apr 24, 2023 | House
- Action Calendar: Senate Proposal of Amendment
- Apr 21, 2023 | House
- Notice Calendar: Senate Proposal of Amendment
- Apr 20, 2023 | House
- Senate Message: Passed in concurrence with proposal of amendment
- Apr 19, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Judiciary - Lyons, Hashim, and Hardy Amendment
- New Business/Third Reading
- Pending third reading, motion to amend Senate proposal of amendment offered by Senator(s) Lyons, Hashim, Baruth, Gulick, Hardy, Sears, Vyhovsky, and Weeks
- Motion to amend Senate proposal of amendment agreed to
- Read 3rd time & passed in concurrence with proposal of amendment
- Apr 18, 2023 | Senate
- New Business/Second Reading
- Favorable report with proposal of amendment by Committee on Judiciary
- Read 2nd time, reported favorably with proposal of amendment by Senator Hashim for Committee on Judiciary
- Proposal of amendment by Committee on Judiciary agreed to
- 3rd reading ordered on roll call, requested by Senator Sears, Passed -- Needed 15 of 30 to Pass -- Yeas = 26, Nays = 4
- Apr 14, 2023 | Senate
- Entered on Notice Calendar
- Favorable report with proposal of amendment by Committee on Judiciary
- Apr 13, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Judiciary - Mark-up and possible vote
- Apr 12, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Judiciary
- Apr 07, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Judiciary
- Mar 29, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Judiciary - Walk-Through and Testimony
- Feb 15, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Health and Welfare - Walk-through
- Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Judiciary
- Feb 10, 2023 | House
- Action Calendar: Third Reading
- Read third time
- Rep. Small of Winooski demanded yeas and nays
- Roll Call Results Passed -- Needed 72 of 143 to Pass -- Yeas = 130, Nays = 13
- Passed
- Feb 09, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Proposed Amendment Discussion and Testimony
- Action Calendar: Favorable with Amendment
- Read second time
- Rep. LaLonde of South Burlington reported for the Committee on Judiciary
- Rep. Donahue of Northfield and Higley of Lowell moved to amend the report of the Committee on Judiciary
- Rep. Bartholomew of Hartland raised a Point of Order
- Point of order ruled well taken
- Amendment of Rep. Donahue of Northfield and Higley of Lowell ruled not germane
- Report of Committee on Judiciary agreed to
- Third Reading ordered
- Feb 08, 2023 | House
- Notice Calendar: Favorable with Amendment
- Feb 07, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Testimony and Committee Discussion; Committee Discussion and Vote
- Feb 03, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Committee Discussion of Amendments; Committee Discussion and Testimony; Committee Discussion and Testimony Continued
- Feb 02, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Testimony
- Feb 01, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Testimony; Testimony Continued and Committee Discussion
- Jan 31, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Testimony; Testimony Continued
- Jan 26, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Testimony; Testimony Continued
- Jan 25, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Judiciary - Introduction and Walk-through; Testimony; Testimony Continued
- Jan 24, 2023 | House
- Read first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary
Bill Texts