IntroducedFeb 27, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
To establish leave policies of the Armed Forces for a member to seek an abortion.
Last Action See all actions
House • Feb 27, 2025: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HR 1742
Whip Lists
- Rep. Sewell, Terri A.cosponsor
- Rep. Carbajal, Salud O.cosponsor
- Rep. Carter, Troy A.cosponsor
- Rep. Trahan, Loricosponsor
- Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick, Sheilacosponsor
- Rep. McClellan, Jennifer L.cosponsor
- Rep. Tokuda, Jill N.cosponsor
- Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmescosponsor
- Rep. McCollum, Bettycosponsor
- Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank"cosponsor
- Rep. Moulton, Sethcosponsor
- Rep. Ryan, Patrickcosponsor
- Rep. DeGette, Dianacosponsor
- Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M.cosponsor
- Rep. Connolly, Gerald E.cosponsor
- Rep. Carson, Andrécosponsor
- Rep. Moore, Gwencosponsor
- Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gaycosponsor
- Rep. Dingell, Debbiecosponsor
- Rep. Panetta, Jimmycosponsor
- Rep. Brownley, Juliacosponsor
- Rep. Elfreth, Sarahcosponsor
- Rep. McGovern, James P.cosponsor
- Rep. Nadler, Jerroldcosponsor
- Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R.cosponsor
- Rep. Swalwell, Ericcosponsor
- Rep. Horsford, Stevencosponsor
- Rep. Norcross, Donaldcosponsor
- Rep. Garcia, Robertcosponsor
- Rep. Salinas, Andreacosponsor
- Rep. Soto, Darrencosponsor
- Rep. Davis, Danny K.cosponsor
- Rep. Ansari, Yassamincosponsor
- Rep. Khanna, Rocosponsor
- Rep. Wilson, Frederica S.cosponsor
- Rep. Tran, Derekcosponsor
- Rep. Sorensen, Ericcosponsor
- Rep. Hayes, Jahanacosponsor
- Rep. Titus, Dinacosponsor
- Rep. Gottheimer, Joshcosponsor
- Rep. McBride, Sarahcosponsor
- Rep. Deluzio, Christopher R.cosponsor
- Rep. Larson, John B.cosponsor
- Rep. Mullin, Kevincosponsor
- Rep. Courtney, Joecosponsor
- Rep. Crockett, Jasminecosponsor
- Rep. Budzinski, Nikkicosponsor
- Rep. Jackson, Jonathan L.cosponsor
- Rep. Frankel, Loiscosponsor
- Rep. Thompson, Bennie G.cosponsor
- Rep. Jacobs, Saracosponsor
- Rep. Strickland, Marilyncosponsor
- Rep. Peters, Scott H.cosponsor
- Feb 27, 2025 | House
- Introduced in House
- Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.
Bill Texts