IntroducedJan 28, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
To award posthumously a Congressional Gold Medal to Fred Korematsu, in recognition of his contributions to civil rights, his loyalty and patriotism to the Nation, and his dedication to justice and equality.
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 28, 2025: Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HR 821
Whip Lists
- Rep. Matsui, Doris O.cosponsor
- Rep. Kim, Youngcosponsor
- Rep. Meng, Gracecosponsor
- Rep. Moore, Gwencosponsor
- Rep. Goldman, Daniel S.cosponsor
- Rep. Tran, Derekcosponsor
- Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmescosponsor
- Rep. Tlaib, Rashidacosponsor
- Rep. Strickland, Marilyncosponsor
- Rep. Crawford, Eric A. "Rick"cosponsor
- Rep. Owens, Burgesscosponsor
- Rep. Harder, Joshcosponsor
- Rep. Green, Alcosponsor
- Rep. Lieu, Tedcosponsor
- Rep. Brownley, Juliacosponsor
- Jan 28, 2025 | House
- Introduced in House
- Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Bill Texts