IntroducedJan 23, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
To enforce the rights protected by the Second and Fourteenth Amendments against the States.
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HR 645
Whip Lists
- Rep. Burchett, Timcosponsor
- Rep. Burlison, Ericcosponsor
- Rep. Cline, Bencosponsor
- Rep. Cloud, Michaelcosponsor
- Rep. Collins, Mikecosponsor
- Rep. Crane, Elijahcosponsor
- Rep. Gosar, Paul A.cosponsor
- Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylorcosponsor
- Rep. Harris, Andycosponsor
- Rep. Higgins, Claycosponsor
- Rep. Langworthy, Nicholas A.cosponsor
- Rep. Luna, Anna Paulinacosponsor
- Rep. Miller, Mary E.cosponsor
- Rep. Moore, Barrycosponsor
- Rep. Moran, Nathanielcosponsor
- Rep. Ogles, Andrewcosponsor
- Rep. Rose, John W.cosponsor
- Rep. Roy, Chipcosponsor
- Rep. Self, Keithcosponsor
- Rep. Spartz, Victoriacosponsor
- Rep. Tenney, Claudiacosponsor
- Rep. Tiffany, Thomas P.cosponsor
- Rep. Weber, Randy K. Sr.cosponsor
- Rep. Wied, Tonycosponsor
- Rep. Gill, Brandoncosponsor
- Rep. Harrigan, Patcosponsor
- Rep. Harris, Markcosponsor
- Rep. Perry, Scottcosponsor
- Rep. Jackson, Ronnycosponsor
- Jan 23, 2025 | House
- Introduced in House
- Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Bill Texts