IntroducedMar 30, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Recognizing that it is the duty of the Federal Government to develop and implement a Transgender Bill of Rights to protect and codify the rights of transgender and nonbinary people under the law and ensure their access to medical care, shelter, safety, and economic security.
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House • Apr 19, 2023: Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H1860)
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Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HRes 269
Whip Lists
- Rep. Takano, Markcosponsor
- Rep. Cicilline, David N.cosponsor
- Rep. Adams, Alma S.cosponsor
- Rep. Allred, Colin Z.cosponsor
- Rep. Balint, Beccacosponsor
- Rep. Barragan, Nanette Diazcosponsor
- Rep. Blumenauer, Earlcosponsor
- Rep. Bonamici, Suzannecosponsor
- Rep. Bowman, Jamaalcosponsor
- Rep. Brown, Shontel M.cosponsor
- Rep. Bush, Coricosponsor
- Rep. Carson, Andrecosponsor
- Rep. Carter, Troycosponsor
- Rep. Casar, Gregcosponsor
- Rep. Casten, Seancosponsor
- Rep. Castor, Kathycosponsor
- Rep. Chu, Judycosponsor
- Rep. Clarke, Yvette D.cosponsor
- Rep. Connolly, Gerald E.cosponsor
- Rep. Crockett, Jasminecosponsor
- Rep. Davis, Danny K.cosponsor
- Rep. Dean, Madeleinecosponsor
- Rep. DeGette, Dianacosponsor
- Rep. DeSaulnier, Markcosponsor
- Rep. Doggett, Lloydcosponsor
- Rep. Escobar, Veronicacosponsor
- Rep. Eshoo, Anna G.cosponsor
- Rep. Espaillat, Adrianocosponsor
- Rep. Evans, Dwightcosponsor
- Rep. Fletcher, Lizziecosponsor
- Rep. Frost, Maxwellcosponsor
- Rep. Garamendi, Johncosponsor
- Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R.cosponsor
- Rep. Garcia, Robertcosponsor
- Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. "Chuy"cosponsor
- Rep. Gomez, Jimmycosponsor
- Rep. Green, Alcosponsor
- Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M.cosponsor
- Rep. Hayes, Jahanacosponsor
- Rep. Higgins, Briancosponsor
- Rep. Ivey, Glenncosponsor
- Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheilacosponsor
- Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr.cosponsor
- Rep. Kamlager-Dove, Sydneycosponsor
- Rep. Keating, William R.cosponsor
- Rep. Khanna, Rocosponsor
- Rep. Kilmer, Derekcosponsor
- Rep. Kim, Andycosponsor
- Rep. Krishnamoorthi, Rajacosponsor
- Rep. Larsen, Rickcosponsor
- Rep. Larson, John B.cosponsor
- Rep. Lee, Barbaracosponsor
- Rep. Leger Fernandez, Teresacosponsor
- Rep. Lieu, Tedcosponsor
- Rep. Lynch, Stephen F.cosponsor
- Rep. Matsui, Doris O.cosponsor
- Rep. McClellan, Jennifer L.cosponsor
- Rep. McCollum, Bettycosponsor
- Rep. McGarvey, Morgancosponsor
- Rep. McGovern, James P.cosponsor
- Rep. Meng, Gracecosponsor
- Rep. Moore, Gwencosponsor
- Rep. Moulton, Sethcosponsor
- Rep. Mullin, Kevincosponsor
- Rep. Nadler, Jerroldcosponsor
- Rep. Napolitano, Grace F.cosponsor
- Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmescosponsor
- Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandriacosponsor
- Rep. Omar, Ilhancosponsor
- Rep. Panetta, Jimmycosponsor
- Rep. Payne, Donald M., Jr.cosponsor
- Rep. Pingree, Chelliecosponsor
- Rep. Porter, Katiecosponsor
- Rep. Pressley, Ayannacosponsor
- Rep. Quigley, Mikecosponsor
- Rep. Raskin, Jamiecosponsor
- Rep. Ross, Deborah K.cosponsor
- Rep. Salinas, Andreacosponsor
- Rep. Sánchez, Linda T.cosponsor
- Rep. Scanlon, Mary Gaycosponsor
- Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D.cosponsor
- Rep. Schiff, Adam B.cosponsor
- Rep. Smith, Adamcosponsor
- Rep. Stansbury, Melanie Anncosponsor
- Rep. Stevens, Haley M.cosponsor
- Rep. Thanedar, Shricosponsor
- Rep. Titus, Dinacosponsor
- Rep. Tlaib, Rashidacosponsor
- Rep. Tokuda, Jill N.cosponsor
- Rep. Tonko, Paulcosponsor
- Rep. Trahan, Loricosponsor
- Rep. Trone, David J.cosponsor
- Rep. Vargas, Juancosponsor
- Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M.cosponsor
- Rep. Wasserman Schultz, Debbiecosponsor
- Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonniecosponsor
- Rep. Williams, Nikemacosponsor
- Rep. Wilson, Frederica S.cosponsor
- Rep. Goldman, Daniel S.cosponsor
- Rep. Peters, Scott H.cosponsor
- Rep. Carbajal, Salud O.cosponsor
- Rep. Menendez, Robertcosponsor
- Rep. Blunt Rochester, Lisacosponsor
- Rep. Cárdenas, Tonycosponsor
- Rep. Cohen, Stevecosponsor
- Rep. Lee, Summer L.cosponsor
- Rep. Ramirez, Delia C.cosponsor
- Rep. Cleaver, Emanuelcosponsor
- Rep. Brownley, Juliacosponsor
- Rep. Gottheimer, Joshcosponsor
- Rep. Waters, Maxinecosponsor
- Rep. Lofgren, Zoecosponsor
- Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L.cosponsor
- Rep. Pascrell, Billcosponsor
- Rep. Torres, Ritchiecosponsor
- Rep. Sarbanes, John P.cosponsor
- Rep. Magaziner, Sethcosponsor
- Rep. Ruiz, Raulcosponsor
- Rep. Amo, Gabecosponsor
- Rep. Foushee, Valerie P.cosponsor
- Rep. Huffman, Jaredcosponsor
- Rep. Caraveo, Yadiracosponsor
- Rep. Sherrill, Mikiecosponsor
- Rep. Soto, Darrencosponsor
- Rep. Dingell, Debbiecosponsor
- Apr 19, 2023 | House
- Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H1860)
- Apr 07, 2023 | House
- Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.
- Mar 30, 2023 | House
- Introduced in House
- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Financial Services, and Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.