IntroducedMar 07, 2023
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
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Senate • Mar 07, 2023: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
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Summary/Bill Text
- Sen. Fischer, Debcosponsor
- Sen. Manchin, Joe, IIIcosponsor
- Sen. Moran, Jerrycosponsor
- Sen. Bennet, Michael F.cosponsor
- Sen. Sullivan, Dancosponsor
- Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E.cosponsor
- Sen. Collins, Susan M.cosponsor
- Sen. Heinrich, Martincosponsor
- Sen. Romney, Mittcosponsor
- Sen. Capito, Shelley Moorecosponsor
- Sen. Lujan, Ben Raycosponsor
- Sen. Kaine, Timcosponsor
- Sen. Cramer, Kevincosponsor
- Sen. Blumenthal, Richardcosponsor
- Sen. Grassley, Chuckcosponsor
- Sen. Hickenlooper, John W.cosponsor
- Sen. Tillis, Thomascosponsor
- Sen. Graham, Lindseycosponsor
- Sen. Kelly, Markcosponsor
- Sen. King, Angus S., Jr.cosponsor
- Sen. Crapo, Mikecosponsor
- Sen. Boozman, Johncosponsor
- Sen. Welch, Petercosponsor
- Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr.cosponsor
- Mar 07, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced in Senate
- Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.