IntroducedFeb 24, 2021
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into LawJul 06, 2021
A bill to provide for the availability of amounts for customer education initiatives and non-awards expenses of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Whistleblower Program, and for other purposes.
Last Action See all actions
House • Jul 06, 2021: Became Public Law No: 117-25.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on S 409
Whip Lists
- Sen. Baldwin, Tammycosponsor
- Sen. Collins, Susan M.cosponsor
- Jul 06, 2021 | House
- Signed by President.
- Became Public Law No: 117-25.
- Jun 28, 2021 | House
- Presented to President.
- Jun 23, 2021 | House
- Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 486, proceedings on S. 409 are considered vacated.
- Passed/agreed to in House: Pursuant to section 11 of H. Res. 486, and the motion offered by Mr. McGovern, the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 482; H.R. 704; H.R. 961, as amended; H.R. 1314; H.R. 2571, as amended; H.R. 2679, as amended; H.R. 2694; H.R. 2922, as amended; H.R. 3182; H.R. 3239; H.R. 3241, as amended; H.R. 3723; H.R. 3752; H.R. 3841; S. 409; and S. 1340.(consideration: CR H3026-3052; text: CR H3051)
- Pursuant to section 11 of H. Res. 486, and the motion offered by Mr. McGovern, the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 482; H.R. 704; H.R. 961, as amended; H.R. 1314; H.R. 2571, as amended; H.R. 2679, as amended; H.R. 2694; H.R. 2922, as amended; H.R. 3182; H.R. 3239; H.R. 3241, as amended; H.R. 3723; H.R. 3752; H.R. 3841; S. 409; and S. 1340. (consideration: CR H3026-3052; text: CR H3051)
- Jun 22, 2021 | House
- Mr. Khanna moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill.
- Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H2986-2987; text: CR H2986)
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on S. 409.
- At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.
- Jun 01, 2021 | House
- Received in the House.
- Held at the desk.
- May 28, 2021 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry discharged by Unanimous Consent.
- Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S3931-3932)
- Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title by Unanimous Consent.(text of amendment in the nature of a substitute: CR S3932)
- Passed Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title by Unanimous Consent. (text of amendment in the nature of a substitute: CR S3932)
- Message on Senate action sent to the House.
- Feb 24, 2021 | Senate
- Introduced in Senate
- Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
Bill Texts
- Public LawHTML
- Public LawPDF
- Introduced in SenateHTML
- Introduced in SenatePDF
- Engrossed in SenateHTML
- Engrossed in SenatePDF
- Enrolled BillHTML
- Enrolled BillPDF
- Senate Amendment SA 2111 by Sen. Stabenow, Debbie (Amendment SA 2111 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. ) -- To amend the title.HTML
- Senate Amendment SA 2110 by Sen. Stabenow, Debbie (Amendment SA 2110 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. ) -- In the nature of a substitute.HTML