IntroducedNov 07, 2023
Passed SenateNov 09, 2023
Passed House
Signed into Law
Relating to the establishment of an education savings account program.
Last Action See all actions
House • Nov 10, 2023: Referred to Educational Opportunity & Enrichment, Select
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 1
Whip Lists
- Campbellcoauthor
- Middletoncoauthor
- Paxtoncoauthor
- Schwertnercoauthor
- Sparkscoauthor
- Nov 10, 2023 | House
- Received from the Senate
- Read first time
- Referred to Educational Opportunity & Enrichment, Select
- Nov 09, 2023 | Senate
- Co-author authorized
- Scheduled for public hearing on . . . 11/09/2023
- Considered in public hearing
- Vote taken in committee
- Reported favorably w/o amendments
- Rules suspended
- Record vote
- Printing rule suspended
- Ordered not printed
- Laid before the Senate
- Read 2nd time
- Amendment(s) offered FA1 Perry
- Amendment fails of adoption
- Record vote
- Amendment(s) offered FA2 Perry
- Amendment withdrawn
- Amendment(s) offered FA3 Menéndez
- Amendment fails of adoption
- Record vote
- Amendment(s) offered FA4 Menéndez
- Amendment fails of adoption
- Record vote
- Amendment(s) offered FA5 Menéndez
- Amendment fails of adoption
- Record vote
- Amendment(s) offered FA6 West
- Amendment withdrawn
- Passed to engrossment
- Record vote
- Laid before the Senate
- Read 3rd time
- Passed
- Record vote
- Reported engrossed
- Nov 07, 2023 | Senate
- Received by the Secretary of the Senate
- Filed
- Read first time
- Referred to Education
Bill Texts
- IntroducedPDF
- IntroducedHTML
- EngrossedPDF
- EngrossedHTML
- Senate Amendment F1 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- PerryPDF
- Senate Amendment F1 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- PerryHTML
- Senate Amendment F2 (Withdrawn, 11/9/2023) -- PerryPDF
- Senate Amendment F2 (Withdrawn, 11/9/2023) -- PerryHTML
- Senate Amendment F3 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- MenéndezPDF
- Senate Amendment F3 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- MenéndezHTML
- Senate Amendment F4 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- MenéndezPDF
- Senate Amendment F4 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- MenéndezHTML
- Senate Amendment F5 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- MenéndezPDF
- Senate Amendment F5 (Failed, 11/9/2023) -- MenéndezHTML
- Senate Amendment F6 (Withdrawn, 11/9/2023) -- WestPDF
- Senate Amendment F6 (Withdrawn, 11/9/2023) -- WestHTML