IntroducedMar 10, 2023
Passed SenateApr 05, 2023
Passed HouseMay 22, 2023
Signed into LawJun 18, 2023
Relating to the authority to regulate sexually oriented performances and to restricting those performances on the premises of a commercial enterprise, on public property, or in the presence of an individual younger than 18 years of age; authorizing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action See all actions
executive • Jun 18, 2023: Effective on 9/1/23
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 12
Whip Lists
- Creightoncoauthor
- Kolkhorstcoauthor
- Paxtoncoauthor
- Springercoauthor
- Shaheensponsor
- Metcalfsponsor
- Burrowssponsor
- Harris, Carolinesponsor
- Isaacsponsor
- Ashbycosponsor
- Bell, Cecilcosponsor
- Bell, Keithcosponsor
- Buckleycosponsor
- Bumgarnercosponsor
- Burnscosponsor
- Caincosponsor
- Cookcosponsor
- Deancosponsor
- Frankcosponsor
- Gerdescosponsor
- Gerencosponsor
- Harris, Codycosponsor
- Hefnercosponsor
- Hollandcosponsor
- Hullcosponsor
- Kitzmancosponsor
- Klickcosponsor
- Landgrafcosponsor
- Lopez, Janiecosponsor
- Lozanocosponsor
- Noblecosponsor
- Oliversoncosponsor
- Pattersoncosponsor
- Rogerscosponsor
- Schofieldcosponsor
- Smitheecosponsor
- Spillercosponsor
- Swansoncosponsor
- Teppercosponsor
- Tothcosponsor
- VanDeavercosponsor
- Vasutcosponsor
- Wilsoncosponsor
YES: 88
- Allison
- Anderson
- Ashby
- Bailes
- Bell, C.
- Bell, K.
- Bonnen
- Buckley
- Bumgarner
- Burns
- Burrows
- Button
- Cain
- Capriglione
- Clardy
- Cook
- Cortez
- Craddick
- Cunningham
- Darby
- Dean
- DeAyala
- Dorazio
- Frank
- Frazier
- Gates
- Gerdes
- Geren
- Guerra
- Guillen
- Harless
- Caroline Harris
- Cody Harris
- Harrison
- Hayes
- Hefner
- Holland
- Hull
- Hunter
- Isaac
- Jetton
- Kacal
- King, K.
- Kitzman
- Klick
- Kuempel
- Lambert
- Leach
- Leo-Wilson
- Lopez, J.
- Lozano
- Lujan
- Martinez
- Metcalf
- Meyer
- Morales, E.
- Morrison
- Muñoz
- Murr
- Noble
- Oliverson
- Orr
- Patterson
- Paul
- Price
- Raney
- Raymond
- Rogers
- Schaefer
- Schatzline
- Schofield
- Shaheen
- Shine
- Slawson
- Smith
- Smithee
- Spiller
- Stucky
- Swanson
- Tepper
- Thierry
- Thimesch
- Thompson, E.
- Toth
- Troxclair
- VanDeaver
- Vasut
- Wilson
NO: 12
- Dade Phelan
- Bernal
- Bucy
- Campos
- Canales
- Cole
- Collier
- Davis
- Dutton
- Flores
- Gámez
- Garcia
- Gervin-Hawkins
- Goldman(C)
- González, J.
- González, M.
- Goodwin
- Hinojosa
- Howard
- Johnson, A.
- Julie Johnson
- Jones, J.
- Jones, V.
- Longoria
- Lopez, R.
- Manuel
- Fischer
- Meza
- Moody
- Morales, C.
- Neave Criado
- Ortega
- Plesa
- Reynolds
- Romero
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Sherman
- Talarico
- Vo
- Walle
- Zwiener
YES: 93
- Allen
- Allison
- Anderson
- Ashby
- Bailes
- Bell, C.
- Bell, K.
- Bonnen
- Buckley
- Bumgarner
- Burns
- Burrows
- Button
- Cain
- Canales
- Capriglione
- Clardy
- Cook
- Craddick
- Cunningham
- Darby
- Dean
- DeAyala
- Dorazio
- Frank
- Frazier
- Gates
- Gerdes
- Geren
- Goldman
- Guerra
- Guillen
- Harless
- Caroline Harris
- Cody Harris
- Harrison
- Hayes
- Hefner
- Holland
- Hull
- Hunter
- Isaac
- Jetton
- Kacal
- King, K.
- King, T.
- Kitzman
- Klick
- Kuempel
- Lambert
- Landgraf
- Leach
- Leo-Wilson
- Longoria
- Lopez, J.
- Lozano
- Lujan
- Martinez
- Metcalf
- Meyer
- Morales, E.
- Morrison
- Muñoz
- Murr
- Noble
- Oliverson
- Orr
- Patterson
- Paul
- Price
- Raney
- Raymond
- Rogers
- Schaefer
- Schatzline
- Schofield
- Shaheen
- Shine
- Slawson
- Smith
- Smithee
- Spiller
- Stucky
- Swanson
- Tepper
- Thimesch
- Thompson, E.
- Tinderholt
- Toth
- Troxclair
- VanDeaver
- Vasut
- Wilson
NO: 45
- Bernal
- Bhojani
- Bryant
- Bucy
- Cole
- Davis
- Dutton
- Flores
- Gámez
- Gervin-Hawkins
- González, M.
- Goodwin
- Hernandez
- Hinojosa
- Howard
- Johnson, A.
- Jarvis Johnson
- Julie Johnson
- Jones, J.
- Jones, V.
- Lalani
- Lopez, R.
- Manuel
- Fischer
- Meza
- Moody
- Morales, C.
- Morales Shaw
- Neave Criado
- Ordaz
- Ortega
- Perez
- Plesa
- Ramos
- Reynolds
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Sherman
- Talarico
- Thierry
- Thompson, S.
- Turner
- Walle
- Wu
- Zwiener
YES: 87
- Allison
- Anderson
- Ashby
- Bailes
- Bell, C.
- Bell, K.
- Bonnen
- Buckley
- Bumgarner
- Burns
- Burrows
- Button
- Cain
- Capriglione
- Clardy
- Cook
- Craddick
- Cunningham
- Darby
- Dean
- DeAyala
- Dorazio
- Dutton
- Frank
- Gates
- Gerdes
- Geren
- Guillen
- Harless
- Caroline Harris
- Cody Harris
- Harrison
- Hayes
- Hefner
- Holland
- Hull
- Hunter
- Isaac
- Jetton
- Kacal
- King, K.
- King, T.
- Kitzman
- Klick
- Kuempel
- Lambert
- Landgraf
- Leach
- Leo-Wilson
- Lopez, J.
- Lozano
- Lujan
- Metcalf
- Meyer
- Morales, E.
- Morrison
- Muñoz
- Murr
- Noble
- Oliverson
- Orr
- Patterson
- Paul
- Price
- Raney
- Raymond
- Rogers
- Schaefer
- Schatzline
- Schofield
- Shine
- Slawson
- Smith
- Smithee
- Spiller
- Stucky
- Swanson
- Tepper
- Thierry
- Thimesch
- Thompson, E.
- Tinderholt
- Toth
- Troxclair
- VanDeaver
- Vasut
- Wilson
NO: 54
- Allen
- AnchÃa
- Bernal
- Bhojani
- Bowers
- Bryant
- Bucy
- Canales
- Cole
- Collier
- Cortez
- Davis
- Flores
- Gámez
- Gervin-Hawkins
- González, J.
- González, M.
- Goodwin
- Guerra
- Hernandez
- Hinojosa
- Howard
- Johnson, A.
- Jarvis Johnson
- Julie Johnson
- Jones, J.
- Jones, V.
- Lalani
- Longoria
- Lopez, R.
- Manuel
- Martinez
- Fischer
- Meza
- Moody
- Morales, C.
- Neave Criado
- Ordaz
- Ortega
- Perez
- Plesa
- Ramos
- Reynolds
- Romero
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Sherman
- Talarico
- Thompson, S.
- Turner
- Vo
- Walle
- Wu
- Zwiener
- Jun 18, 2023 | executive
- Signed by the Governor
- Effective on 9/1/23
- May 29, 2023 | executive
- Sent to the Governor
- May 29, 2023 | House
- Signed in the House
- May 29, 2023 | Senate
- Reported enrolled
- Signed in the Senate
- May 28, 2023 | Senate
- House adopts conf. comm. report-reported
- May 28, 2023 | House
- Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported
- House adopts resolution to go outside bounds HR 2462
- House adopts conference committee report
- Record vote RV#2241
- Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
- May 28, 2023 | Senate
- Senate adopts resolution to go outside bounds SR 704
- Senate adopts conference committee report
- Record vote
- May 27, 2023 | House
- Conf. Comm. Report distributed
- May 27, 2023 | Senate
- Conference committee report filed
- May 26, 2023 | Senate
- House grants request for conf comm-reported
- House appoints conferees-reported
- May 26, 2023 | House
- House grants request for conference committee
- House appoints conferees
- May 25, 2023 | House
- Senate refuses to concur-reported
- Senate requests conference committee-reported
- Senate appoints conferees-reported
- May 25, 2023 | Senate
- House amendment(s) laid before the Senate
- Read
- Senate refuses to concur
- Senate requests conference committee
- Senate appoints conferees
- May 22, 2023 | Senate
- House passage as amended reported
- May 22, 2023 | House
- Read 3rd time
- Passed
- Record vote RV#1917
- Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
- May 19, 2023 | House
- Placed on Major State Calendar
- Read 2nd time
- Passed to 3rd reading
- Record vote RV#1859
- Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
- May 17, 2023 | House
- Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator
- Committee report distributed
- Committee report sent to Calendars
- Considered in Calendars
- May 12, 2023 | House
- Considered in formal meeting
- Committee substitute considered in committee
- Reported favorably as substituted
- May 10, 2023 | House
- Scheduled for public hearing on . . . 05/10/2023
- Considered in public hearing
- Committee substitute considered in committee
- Testimony taken/registration(s) recorded in committee
- Left pending in committee
- Apr 13, 2023 | House
- Read first time
- Referred to State Affairs
- Apr 06, 2023 | House
- Received from the Senate
- Apr 05, 2023 | Senate
- Co-author authorized
- Rules suspended-Regular order of business
- Record vote
- Read 3rd time
- Passed
- Record vote
- Remarks ordered printed
- Reported engrossed
- Apr 04, 2023 | Senate
- Co-author authorized
- Rules suspended-Regular order of business
- Record vote
- Read 2nd time
- Amendment(s) offered FA1 Hughes
- Amended
- Vote recorded in Journal
- Passed to engrossment as amended
- Record vote
- Apr 03, 2023 | Senate
- Co-author authorized
- Placed on intent calendar
- Mar 30, 2023 | Senate
- Reported favorably as substituted
- Committee report printed and distributed
- Mar 27, 2023 | Senate
- Considered in public hearing
- Vote taken in committee
- Mar 23, 2023 | Senate
- Scheduled for public hearing on . . . 03/23/2023
- Considered in public hearing
- Testimony taken in committee
- Left pending in committee
- Mar 21, 2023 | Senate
- Co-author authorized
- Mar 13, 2023 | Senate
- Read first time
- Referred to State Affairs
- Mar 10, 2023 | Senate
- Received by the Secretary of the Senate
- Filed
Bill Texts
- IntroducedPDF
- IntroducedHTML
- Senate Committee ReportPDF
- Senate Committee ReportHTML
- EngrossedPDF
- EngrossedHTML
- House Committee ReportPDF
- House Committee ReportHTML
- Conference Committee Report*PDF
- EnrolledPDF
- EnrolledHTML
- Senate Amendment F1 (Adopted, 4/4/2023) -- HughesPDF
- Senate Amendment F1 (Adopted, 4/4/2023) -- HughesHTML
- Analysis (Introduced)PDF
- Analysis (Introduced)HTML
- Fiscal Note (Introduced)PDF
- Fiscal Note (Introduced)HTML
- Analysis (Senate Committee Report)PDF
- Analysis (Senate Committee Report)HTML
- Fiscal Note (Senate Committee Report)PDF
- Fiscal Note (Senate Committee Report)HTML
- Witness List (Senate Committee Report)HTML
- Fiscal Note (Engrossed)PDF
- Fiscal Note (Engrossed)HTML
- Analysis (House Committee Report)PDF
- Analysis (House Committee Report)HTML
- Fiscal Note (House Committee Report)PDF
- Fiscal Note (House Committee Report)HTML
- Witness List (House Committee Report)HTML
- Summary of Committee Action (House Committee Report)HTML
- Fiscal Note (Conference Committee Report*)PDF
- Fiscal Note (Conference Committee Report*)HTML
- Analysis (Enrolled)PDF
- Analysis (Enrolled)HTML
- Fiscal Note (Enrolled)PDF
- Fiscal Note (Enrolled)HTML