IntroducedAug 21, 2023
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
Insurance, Health, Accident - As introduced, requires health insurance carriers, including TennCare providers, to provide mental health services and treatment to the same extent that the carriers and providers provide alcoholism and drug dependence services and treatment. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 33; Title 56 and Title 71.
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Senate • Aug 22, 2023: Lay on the table
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Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 7091
Whip Lists
YES: 0
NO: 0
YES: 0
NO: 0
YES: 0
NO: 0
YES: 0
NO: 0
YES: 83
- Alexander
- Boyd
- Bricken
- Bulso
- Burkhart
- Butler
- Camper
- Capley
- Carr
- Carringer
- Cepicky
- Chism
- Cochran
- Crawford
- Darby
- Davis A
- Dixie
- Eldridge
- Faison
- Farmer
- Freeman
- Garrett
- Gillespie
- Glynn
- Grills
- Hale
- Harris
- Haston
- Hawk
- Hazlewood
- Helton-Haynes
- Hemmer
- Hicks G
- Hicks T
- Hill
- Holsclaw
- Howell
- Hulsey
- Hurt
- Johnson C
- Johnson G
- Jones
- Keisling
- Kumar
- Lafferty
- Lamberth
- Littleton
- Love
- Lynn
- Marsh
- Martin B
- Martin G
- McCalmon
- McKenzie
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Moody
- Moon
- Parkinson
- Powell
- Ragan
- Raper
- Reedy
- Rudd
- Rudder
- Russell
- Shaw
- Sherrell
- Slater
- Sparks
- Stevens
- Thompson
- Todd
- Towns
- Travis
- Vaughan
- Vital
- White
- Whitson
- Williams
- Wright
- Zachary
- Mr. Speaker Sexton
- Aug 22, 2023 | Senate
- Passed on Second Consideration, refer to S. Commerce & Labor Committee
- Placed on S. Commerce & Labor Comm. calendar for 8/22/23
- Lay on the table
- Aug 21, 2023 | Senate
- Filed for introduction
- Introduced, Passed on First Consideration