IntroducedJan 10, 2024
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
AN ACT RELATING TO COMMERCIAL LAW--GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- DIGITAL ELECTRONICS RIGHT TO REPAIR ACT (Establishes a digital electronics right to repair, which would allow for digital electronic equipment and parts that are sold in this state on or after January 1, 2025, to be repaired at an independent repair provider.)
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 25, 2024: 01/25/2024 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 7095
Whip Lists
- Jan 25, 2024 | House
- 01/25/2024 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
- Jan 19, 2024 | House
- 01/19/2024 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (01/25/2024)
- Jan 10, 2024 | House
- 01/10/2024 Introduced, referred to House Innovation, Internet, & Technology
Bill Texts
- 01/19/2024 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (01/25/2024)
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024-- H7095--Patricia HanzPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--AFBF_John_DeerePDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Allen SchaefferPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Cat--GaynorPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Claudia J BetznerPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Clean Water Action-Jed ThorpPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Coalition Against Illegal TamperingPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--CTIAPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Daniel FisherPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Eric Wareham--Coalition Against Illegal TamperingPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Eric wareham--NAEDA (2)PDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Eric Wareham--NAEDAPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--ESAPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Gay Gordon-ByrnePDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Gaye Gordon-Byrne--repair.orgPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Ike Brannon and Kerri Seyfert-Right to repairPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Jeff CampbellPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Joseph MarionPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Josh GaynorPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Milton Cat--Josh GaynorPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--NAEDAPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--NPE 2 LLC DBA Norfolk Power Equip--MissionPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--NPE 2 LLC DBA Norfolk Power Equip--ValuesPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01252024--H7095--NPE 2 LLC DBA Norfolk Power Equip--VisionPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--NPE 2LLC DBA NORFOLK POWER EQUIPPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Outdoor Power Equipment InstitutePDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Patrick HopePDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Paul RobertsPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Peter BaptistaPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--RIMTA--MRAA--NMMAPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Rohi SukhiaPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Roxy KozyckyjPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--Sina KhanifarPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--United Ag & TurfPDF
- House Innovation, Internet and Technology: 01-25-2024--H7095--XSI ITAD--ToddPDF
- House Municipal Government and Housing: 01-25-2024--H7095--Dr. Hans SchollPDF