IntroducedFeb 01, 2023
Passed SenateMay 11, 2023
Passed HouseJun 01, 2023
Signed into LawJun 12, 2023
AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- SPEED RESTRICTIONS (Requires those vehicles traveling on any roadway or highway to move over to the left lane or slow down upon approaching a nonemergency vehicle that is stationary on the side of any roadway or highway.)
Last Action See all actions
executive • Jun 12, 2023: 06/12/2023 Signed by Governor
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 88
Whip Lists
YES: 66
- Abney
- Ajello
- Alzate
- Azzinaro
- Baginski
- Batista
- Bennett
- Biah
- Blazejewski
- Boylan
- Brien
- Caldwell
- Cardillo
- Carson
- Casimiro
- Chippendale
- Cortvriend
- Corvese
- Costantino
- Cotter
- Craven
- Cruz
- Dawson
- DeSimone
- Diaz
- Edwards
- Felix
- Fenton-Fung
- Finkelman
- Fogarty
- Giraldo
- Handy
- Hull
- Kazarian
- Kennedy
- Knight
- Lombardi
- Marszalkowski
- McEntee
- McGaw
- McNamara
- Messier
- Morales
- Morgan
- Mr. Speaker
- Nardone
- Newberry
- Noret
- O'Brien
- Phillips
- Place
- Potter
- Quattrocchi
- Rea
- Roberts
- Sanchez
- Serpa
- ShallcrossSmith
- Shanley
- Slater
- Speakman
- Spears
- Stewart
- Tanzi
- Vella-Wilkinson
- Voas
NO: 0
- Jun 12, 2023 | executive
- 06/12/2023 Signed by Governor
- Jun 06, 2023 | executive
- 06/06/2023 Transmitted to Governor
- Jun 06, 2023 | Senate
- 06/06/2023 Senate passed Sub A in concurrence
- Jun 01, 2023 | Senate
- 06/01/2023 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/06/2023)
- Jun 01, 2023 | House
- 06/01/2023 House passed Sub A
- May 26, 2023 | House
- 05/26/2023 Placed on House Calendar (06/01/2023)
- May 23, 2023 | House
- 05/23/2023 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
- May 19, 2023 | House
- 05/19/2023 Scheduled for reconsideration (05/23/2023)
- 05/19/2023 Proposed Substitute
- May 16, 2023 | House
- 05/16/2023 Committee recommends passage in concurrence
- May 12, 2023 | House
- 05/12/2023 Referred to House Judiciary
- 05/12/2023 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/16/2023)
- May 11, 2023 | Senate
- 05/11/2023 Senate read and passed
- May 05, 2023 | Senate
- 05/05/2023 Placed on Senate Calendar (05/11/2023)
- May 04, 2023 | Senate
- 05/04/2023 Committee recommends passage
- Apr 28, 2023 | Senate
- 04/28/2023 Scheduled for consideration (05/04/2023)
- Feb 28, 2023 | Senate
- 02/28/2023 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
- Feb 24, 2023 | Senate
- 02/24/2023 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/28/2023)
- Feb 01, 2023 | Senate
- 02/01/2023 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
Bill Texts
- 02/24/2023 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/28/2023)
- 04/28/2023 Scheduled for consideration (05/04/2023)
- 05/05/2023 Placed on Senate Calendar (05/11/2023)
- 05/12/2023 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/16/2023)
- 05/19/2023 Scheduled for reconsideration (05/23/2023)
- 05/26/2023 Placed on House Calendar (06/01/2023)
- 06/01/2023 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/06/2023)