IntroducedFeb 06, 2023
Passed HouseMar 22, 2023
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Health information; creating the Health Care Transparency Initiative Act of 2023; emergency.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Apr 24, 2023: General Order, considered and deferred
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1688
Whip Lists
- Hasteprimary
NO: 0
YES: 69
- Hays
- Fetgatter
- Manger
- Roberts
- Alonso-Sandoval
- Ford
- Marti
- Roe
- Archer
- Fugate
- Martinez
- Schreiber
- Banning
- George
- McBride
- Sims
- Bennett
- Hardin
- McEntire
- Sneed
- Blancett
- Hasenbeck
- Miller
- Sterling
- Boatman
- Hilbert
- Moore
- Stinson
- Burns
- Hill
- Newton
- Strom
- Caldwell, C
- Humphrey
- Nichols
- Talley
- Caldwell, T
- Johns
- ODonnell
- Tedford
- Cantrell
- Kane
- Olsen
- Waldron
- Conley
- Kannady
- Osburn
- West, K
- Cornwell
- Kerbs
- Pae
- West, T
- Crosswhite Hader Lawson
- Pfeiffer
- Williams
- Culver
- Lepak
- Provenzano
- Wolfley
- Dempsey
- Lowe, D
- Randleman
- Worthen
- Dobrinski
- Luttrell
- Ranson
- Mr. Speaker
- Echols
NO: 10
- Bashore
- Grego
- Staires
- Vancuren
- Duel
- Maynard
- Townley
- West, R
- Gann
- Patzkowsky
YES: 62
- Alonso-Sandoval
- Fugate
- Marti
- Roberts
- Archer
- George
- Martinez
- Roe
- Bennett
- Hardin
- May
- Schreiber
- Blancett
- Hasenbeck
- McBride
- Sims
- Boatman
- Hefner
- McEntire
- Sneed
- Burns
- Hilbert
- Miller
- Sterling
- Caldwell, T
- Humphrey
- Moore
- Stinson
- Cantrell
- Johns
- Munson
- Strom
- Cornwell
- Kane
- Nichols
- Talley
- Culver
- Kannady
- ODonnell
- Tedford
- Davis
- Kerbs
- Osburn
- Waldron
- Dempsey
- Lawson
- Pae
- West, T
- Dobrinski
- Lepak
- Pfeiffer
- Williams
- Echols
- Lowe, J
- Pittman
- Wolfley
- Fetgatter
- Luttrell
- Provenzano
- Mr. Speaker
- Ford
- Manger
NO: 31
- Caldwell, C
- Newton
- Randleman
- West, J
YES: 0
NO: 0
- Daniels
- Hall
- Haste
- Hicks
- Montgomery
- Pemberton
- Prieto
- Rosino
- Standridge
- Stanley
- Young
- Committee Substitute, motion by Senator Haste - Adopted (Request No: 2061)
YES: 0
NO: 0
- Brooks
- Burns
- Dugger
- Floyd
- Hall
- Haste
- Hicks
- Howard
- Jech
- Kirt
- Matthews
- Montgomery
- Newhouse
- Prieto
- Pugh
- Rader
- Rosino
- Stephens
- Kristen Thompson
- Woods
- Committee Substitute, motion by Senator Hall - Adopted (Request No: 2061)
- Strike the Title, motion by Senator Hall - Adopted
YES: 14
- Brooks
- Haste
- Paxton
- Rosino
- Daniels
- Howard
- Pemberton
- Roger Thompson
- Garvin
- Jech
- Rader
- Young
- Hall
- McCortney
NO: 33
- Alvord
- Floyd
- Matthews
- Seifried
- Bergstrom
- Gollihare
- Montgomery
- Standridge
- Boren
- Green
- Murdock
- Stanley
- Bullard
- Hamilton
- Newhouse
- Stephens
- Burns
- Hicks
- Pederson
- Stewart
- Coleman
- Jett
- Prieto
- Kristen Thompson
- Dahm
- Kidd
- Pugh
- Weaver
- Dossett
- Kirt
- Rogers
- Woods
- Dugger
- Apr 24, 2023 | Senate
- General Order, considered and deferred
- Apr 12, 2023 | Senate
- Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Appropriations committee; CR filed
- Title stricken
- Apr 06, 2023 | Senate
- Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Health and Human Services committee; CR filed
- Referred to Appropriations
- Mar 30, 2023 | Senate
- Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services Committee then to Appropriations Committee
- Mar 23, 2023 | Senate
- First Reading
- Mar 23, 2023 | House
- Engrossed, signed, to Senate
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- General Order
- House Rule suspended
- Amended by floor substitute
- Emergency added
- Third Reading, Measure and Emergency passed: Ayes: 62 Nays: 31; Ayes: 69 Nays: 10
- Referred for engrossment
- Mar 02, 2023 | House
- CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Rules Committee
- Authored by Senator Haste (principal Senate author)
- Feb 07, 2023 | House
- Second Reading referred to Rules
- Feb 06, 2023 | House
- First Reading
- Authored by Representative McEntire
Bill Texts
- IntroducedPDF
- House Committee SubstitutePDF
- Senate Committee Substitute for House BillPDF
- Floor (House)PDF
- Floor (Senate)PDF
- EngrossedPDF
- Floor Amendment (Senate) HB1688 (4-17-23) (HASTE) RT FA1PDF
- Floor Amendment (Senate) HB1688 (4-17-23) (STANDRIDGE) FA2PDF
- Floor Amendment (House) 1 by MCENTIRE (UNTIMELY FILED)PDF
- Committee Amendment (Senate) PDF
- Committee Amendment (House) HB1688 FULLPCS1 MARCUS MCENTIRE-TJPDF
- House Committee ReportPDF
- Senate Committee Report 1PDF
- Senate Committee Report 2PDF
- Summary Proposed Committee Substitute (full committee) 1 (House)PDF
- Summary Committee Substitute (House)PDF
- Summary Committee Substitute (House)PDF
- Summary Floor Amendment 1 (House)PDF
- Summary Floor Amendment I (House)PDF
- Summary HB1688 ENGR FI.PDF (House)PDF