IntroducedMar 16, 2023
Passed HouseJun 21, 2023
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Eliminate retention under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Sep 13, 2023: Referred to committee (Education)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 117
Whip Lists
- Cindy Abramscosponsor
- Adam C. Birdcosponsor
- Willis E. Blackshear, Jr.cosponsor
- Sean P. Brennancosponsor
- Juanita O. Brentcosponsor
- Darnell T. Brewercosponsor
- Richard D. Browncosponsor
- Sara P. Carrutherscosponsor
- Gary Clickcosponsor
- Rodney Creechcosponsor
- Richard Dell'Aquilacosponsor
- Sedrick Densoncosponsor
- Dave Doboscosponsor
- Sarah Fowler Arthurcosponsor
- Tavia Galonskicosponsor
- Haraz N. Ghanbaricosponsor
- Michele Grimcosponsor
- Brett Hudson Hillyercosponsor
- Latyna M. Humphreycosponsor
- Dani Isaacsohncosponsor
- Don Jonescosponsor
- Mary Lightbodycosponsor
- Beth Listoncosponsor
- Lauren McNallycosponsor
- Adam C. Millercosponsor
- Joseph A. Miller, IIIcosponsor
- Jessica E. Mirandacosponsor
- Ismail Mohamedcosponsor
- Thomas F. Pattoncosponsor
- Sharon A. Raycosponsor
- Elgin Rogers, Jr.cosponsor
- C. Allison Russocosponsor
- Dick Steincosponsor
- Bride Rose Sweeneycosponsor
- Cecil Thomascosponsor
- Terrence Upchurchcosponsor
- Casey Weinsteincosponsor
- Bernard Williscosponsor
YES: 89
- Cindy Abrams
- Tim Barhorst
- Adam C. Bird
- Willis E. Blackshear, Jr.
- Sean P. Brennan
- Juanita O. Brent
- Darnell T. Brewer
- Richard D. Brown
- Sara P. Carruthers
- Thaddeus J. Claggett
- Gary Click
- Rodney Creech
- Jon Cross
- Bill Dean
- Richard Dell'Aquila
- Steve Demetriou
- Sedrick Denson
- Dave Dobos
- Jay Edwards
- Ron Ferguson
- Elliot Forhan
- Sarah Fowler Arthur
- Haraz N. Ghanbari
- Michele Grim
- Jennifer Gross
- Thomas Hall
- Brett Hudson Hillyer
- Adam Holmes
- James M. Hoops
- Latyna M. Humphrey
- Dani Isaacsohn
- Marilyn S. John
- Mark Johnson
- Don Jones
- Darrell Kick
- Roy Klopfenstein
- Jeff LaRe
- Brian E. Lampton
- Beth Lear
- P. Scott Lipps
- Beth Liston
- Brian Lorenz
- Mike Loychik
- Susan Manchester
- Gayle Manning
- Adam Mathews
- Lauren McNally
- Adam C. Miller
- Kevin D. Miller
- Melanie Miller
- Ismail Mohamed
- Scott Oelslager
- Thomas F. Patton
- Gail K. Pavliga
- Bob Peterson
- Justin Pizzulli
- Phil Plummer
- Jena Powell
- Sharon A. Ray
- Tracy M. Richardson
- Monica Robb Blasdel
- Bill Roemer
- Elgin Rogers, Jr.
- C. Allison Russo
- Nick Santucci
- Jean Schmidt
- Bill Seitz
- Michael J. Skindell
- Anita Somani
- Dick Stein
- Jason Stephens
- Brian Stewart
- Reggie Stoltzfus
- D. J. Swearingen
- Bride Rose Sweeney
- Cecil Thomas
- Jim Thomas
- Daniel P. Troy
- Terrence Upchurch
- Casey Weinstein
- Andrea White
- Scott Wiggam
- Bernard Willis
- Tom Young
- Sep 13, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to committee (Education)
- Sep 12, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced
- Jun 21, 2023 | House
- Passed
- May 10, 2023 | House
- Reported (Primary and Secondary Education)
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- Referred to committee (Primary and Secondary Education)
- Mar 16, 2023 | House
- Introduced
- Analysis - As IntroducedPDF
- Analysis - As Reported By House CommitteePDF
- Analysis - As Passed By HousePDF
- Testimony by Gayle Manning (Ohio House of Representatives, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 1st Hearing (April 18, 2023)
- Testimony by Phil Robinson (Ohio House of Representatives, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 1st Hearing (April 18, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Bindus (Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Katie Baker (Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Joshua Tripp (Chillicothe Schools, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeff Wensing (Ohio Education Association, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Melinda Lindauer (Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Faith Elleman (Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa Cropper (Ohio Federation of Teachers, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Heidi Beradinis (Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa Kmetz (Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Chilton (Ohio School Psychologists Association, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Hearing (May 2, 2023)
- Testimony by Barbara Shaner, Jennifer Hogue, Paul Imhoff, Katie Johnson (Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators, Ohio School Board Association, Buckeye Association of School Administrators, Ohio Association of School Business Officials, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 3rd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Lisa A. Gray (Ohio Excels, Opponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 3rd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Carrie Sanchez (Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators, Proponent) -- Primary and Secondary Education, 3rd Hearing (May 9, 2023)