IntroducedMar 14, 2023
Passed SenateMay 17, 2023
Passed House
Signed into Law
Enact Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 03, 2024: Re-referred (Rules and Reference)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 83
Whip Lists
- Terry Johnsoncosponsor
- George F. Langcosponsor
- Rob McColleycosponsor
- Sandra O'Briencosponsor
- Kristina D. Roegnercosponsor
- Michael A. Rullicosponsor
- Tim Schaffercosponsor
- Shane Wilkincosponsor
- Josh Williamscosponsor
- Jan 03, 2024 | House
- Re-referred (Rules and Reference)
- Dec 06, 2023 | House
- Reported - Substitute (Higher Education)
- May 23, 2023 | House
- Referred to committee (Higher Education)
- May 22, 2023 | House
- Introduced
- May 17, 2023 | Senate
- Reported - Substitute (Workforce and Higher Education)
- Passed
- Mar 21, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to committee (Workforce and Higher Education)
- Mar 14, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced
- Analysis - As IntroducedPDF
- Analysis - As Reported By Senate CommitteePDF
- Analysis - As Passed By SenatePDF
- Analysis - As Reported By House CommitteePDF
- Sub Bill Comparative SynopsisPDF
- Synopsis of Committee AmendmentsPDF
- Testimony by Senator Jerry Cirino (Ohio Senate, Sponsor) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 1st Hearing (March 22, 2023)
- Testimony by Hal Arkes (Citizen of Ohio, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Michael B. Poliakoff, Ph.D. (The American Council of Trustees and Alumni, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Richard Vedder (Citizen of Ohio, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by George Dent (National Association of Scholars, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Peter Wood (National Association of Scholars, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Representative Josh Williams (The Ohio House of Representatives, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by John Wright (Citizen of Ohio, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Kissinger (Citizen of Ohio, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Greg Lawson (The Buckeye Institute, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Stephen Mockabee, Ph.D. (Ohio Conference AAUP, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Scott DiMauro (Ohio Education Association, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Darold Johnson (Ohio Federation of Teachers, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Deborah Smith (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Emily Houh (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Debra Calhoun (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Emily Hill (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa Scott (SEIU, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeff Dieringer (SEIU District 18, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jona Hilario (OPAWL- AAPI Feminist Leadership, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Tom Roberts (NAACP, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alexander Stone (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Emma Sage Damron (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Gary Daniels (ACLU of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Jack Sullivan, Jr. (Ohio Council of Churches, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Hannah Ware (National Association of Social Workers - Ohio Chapter, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lalitha Pamidigantam (YWCA Columbus, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Collyer (Ohio Student Organization, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Bobby McAlpine (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Madison Mason (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Terry Filicko (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ben Givens (Ohio Faculty Council, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Catherine Less (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lane Diedrick (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Nicole Londo (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Leila Khan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Joseph P. Tomain (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Stephen David (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Adam Keller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cynthia Peeples (Honesty for Ohio Education, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kim Eckhart (Children's Defense Fund, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth Wardle (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher Nichols (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brittany Glenn (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Emily Lohmann (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Misha Harris (Honesty for Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by John Davis (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Pedro Pereira (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Katherine Borland (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Vitoria de Rezende Grisi (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sam Buehrig (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Cara Dillion (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Catalina Iannone (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Michael Todd Edwards (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Joseph M. Bjorkman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Victoria Cataloni (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Casey Smith (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Julian Robbins (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Nina Brown (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cameron Hill (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alberto Williams (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Devin Baisden (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Tori Haller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Bernadette "Bird" Bowen (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Pamela McVay (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Carla Unzueta (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. David Ruderman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alex Povitsky (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Samuel Klein (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Molly Scruta (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Molly Scruta (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jacob Risinger (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Balena Blaylock Shorter (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sam Braden (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lisa Hall (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by John Michael Mills (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Zachary Graves (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cindy Jones (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Annika Kuretsky (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jenna Gilbreath (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jessica Starkey (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Abygial Deemer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Bruno (Equality Ohio/CHROMA, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kaleb Washington (NAACP, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Andrew Bernier (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Katie Johnson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kayley Delong (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Anthony Caldwell (Ohio Nurses Association, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Clara Conover (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Erynn Beaton (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dana McTigue (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jesse Schotter (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mathew Crain (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Michael Davis (UAW Local 2021, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Scot Kaplan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Ryan Skinner (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christina Wei-Szu Burke Mathison (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kylee Mathews (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Molly Farrell (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Richard Fletcher (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brooke Shields (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kyle Peters (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alysha Stone (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Caroline T. Clark (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lauren Gonzalez (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jaylene Canales (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ash Bateman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Andrew Cruse (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Martin Dupont (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Scott Schricker (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Tiffany Chin (PS Wellness LLC, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sophia Shai (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lillian Ivey (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Aidan Walker (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sydney Jones (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Chris Crews (Ohioans for Critical Race Theory, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Blankenship (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Bene Khoury (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sabrina Costella (Michigan Resident, Ohio College Student, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jo El J. Schultz (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jamie Reed (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Salvatore Caradonna (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Carson Corley (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sophia Kwiatowski (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Susan Ramlo (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Joshua Ferry (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kathleen Kollman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kathleen Kollman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Melissa Foster (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christine Emanuelli (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Angela Fry (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dan Piccolo (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Fritsche (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Hongmei Li-Byarley (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jane E. Bogan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jillian Bornak (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeanie Lau (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mark G. Ryland, Au.D. (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Reid Davis (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Valerie Miller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Chilton (Ohio School Psychologists Association, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Becky L. Thomas (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sarah Price (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mary Triece (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by B. Audrey Nguyen (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeanie Melvin (Public Education Partners, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Harvey J. Graff (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Greg Wilson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alexander Copsey Olszewski (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mary Elizabeth Earle (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Meagan "MK" Lamkin (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ashlyn White (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Madison Earnest (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Esther Nzomo (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Emily Cole (Ohio Families Unite for Political and Action Change, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by David Hoffmann (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sara McCormick (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lyndsi Moore (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kit Gladieux (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jazmine Williams (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Katie Clonan-Roy (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by James Vacca (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Siver Flight (Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Emily Everhart Wells (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. J. Robert Loftis (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Susan Cutler (Citizens for a Better Beavercreek, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Samantha Ginsberg (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mytheli Sreenivas (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Olivia Gallo (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Holly Clemens (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Samuel H. LiPuma (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alexander Evan Wolf-Root (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Pepper Stelter (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Isis Barra Costa (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Michelle L. Jantzen (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mary Beth Naim (Third Act Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Bear F. Braumoeller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ilana Miller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lochlan Lemke (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by David Rohe (Citizen of Ohio, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Juliana N. Fierro (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lisa Vahey (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brandon Delia (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa McLaren (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sara Webb-Sunderhaus (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Courtney Bockbrader (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jason Whitfield (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rebekah Russell (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Marcus Morris (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kristy Townsend (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher Phillips (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Britta Bielak (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jared Cutler (Citizens for a Better Beavercreek, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Colette T. Dollarhide (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Julie Field (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kevin Cavicchi (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Susan Hyde (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Genevieve Ritchie-Ewing (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rhett Brymer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Paul Schaeffer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Angela Kladias (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rebecca Chamberlin (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Carmen Winant (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Shannon Winnubst (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Victoria "Tori" DeLaney (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ronn M. Daniel (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jacob Kopcienski (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alyssa Latona (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amber D. Franklin (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alison Crocetta (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Michelle Wibbelsman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Claire Metzger (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifa "Jenna" Neuman (Third Act Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cyrus C. Taylor (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Leta Hendricks (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by John M. Herbert (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lauren Durnwald (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Andrea L. Meluch (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dana Miller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Amy Lauren Fairchild (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ariel Miller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Robert Caleb Collins (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Robert Caleb Collins (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brian Leingang (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kate Altany (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Sara Rieder Bennett (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jodi Whitted (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kathy Johnson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ethan Dobres (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jenin Abdlaziz (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Heather Caprette, M.F.A. (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Meakins (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sydney Minick (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Benjamin Gomez (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Sullivan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alex Poling (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amrita Dhar (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Marc Bockrath (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Camryn Smith (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Namiko Kunimoto (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Laura Dillon (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cameron Tiefenthaler (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Luke Knull (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ethan Botzenhart (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Andrea Sosa Fontaine (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alex Jasko (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Renee Heberle (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mickayla Erinmarie Nelson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christie Lukegord (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Eric Schweinhagen (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kara Barr (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cecilia Yeckley (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sophia Shannon (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sara Watson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by David Pereplyotchik (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth Rockwell (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Heather Tubbs Cooley (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher Dum (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher Dum (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brittany Hand (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kenneth L. Simon (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jan Nespor (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Heather Harding (Campaign for our Shared Future, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Adam Abbott (Citizen of Ohio, Proponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Elizabeth Hodges (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amanda Lee Robinson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by George Marshall Jr. (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Molly Szucs (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Annastasia Babcock (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amelia West (Citizen Of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Patricia Enciso (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Patricia Enciso (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jessica Wiseman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Timothy Melley (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Gina Osterloh (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Addison Caruso (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Maggie Ballard (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Catherine Quatman-Yates (Citizen of Ohio, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Visker (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Shwetha Bindhu (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Stephanie Bendinelli (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lakaya Deegan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dani ReStack (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Anna Cunningham (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cierra Smith-Carter (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Emily Siderits (Honesty for Ohio Education, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Robert W. Pfaff, PhD (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Laura Luehrmann (Faculty Congress of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ajit Chaudhari PhD (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Linda Piccirillo-Smith (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by John Scholl (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kyle Key (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jules Mae (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brayon Miller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Tom Roberts (Ohio Conference NAACP, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Taylor Urbina (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Patricia Sieber (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Saskia Scott (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Josh Scheidler (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cameron Cavaliere (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Patrick Houlihan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lydia Gokey (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by J Brendan Shaw (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Justin Ortuno-Martinez (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dennin Ellis (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ann Elizabeth Amstrong (AAUP, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Suzanne Silver (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lis Regula (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ryan Forquer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Eva George (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dion Mensah (Ohio Enviromental Council Action Fund, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dion Mensah (Ohio Enviromental Council Action Fund, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lucas Blair (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Miriam Matteson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ann Shroyer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Nicole Karn (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Wren Burks (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by John McNay (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dylan Peachock (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Peyton Matik (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Margaret Rose Rozelman (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mia Potenzini (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Renee Finan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Paige Oatney (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Shelby Larson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Michael Todd Edwards (Citizen of Ohio/AYA, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Hannah Pearson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Denise Harrison (Citizen of Ohio/AAAUP, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Yuko Kurahashi (Citizen of Ohio/AAAPI, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sharon Kim (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Stephanie Lanzerotti (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by MK Lamkin (Citizen of OH, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Kirsten Halling (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Caleb Elkkevizth (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Martin Ponce (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jaladah Aslam (Youngstown-Warren Black Caucus, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jack Hershey (Ohio Association of Community Colleges, Interested Party) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Kristyna Clark (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Genevieve Ritchie-Ewing (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Danielle Fosler-Lussier (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Paul Schaeffer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Pranav Jani (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Gretchen McNamara (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Shana Klein (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Madelyn Detloff (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Deborah Cooper (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Kei Graves (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Michael Grifka Wander (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Suchland (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Suzanne Reyes (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jessica Leveto (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Deborah Smith (AAUP - Kent State Chapter, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Sarah Rilling (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Nicole Yadon (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Yuko Urahashi (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dan Piccolo (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Joseph Baumgarnter (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dorothy Supp (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dominic Wells (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Fritsche (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Cassie Storlie (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Pepper Stelter (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Patrick Frato (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Kathleen Clark (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Mytheli Sreenivas (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Julie Haught (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Michelle Taber (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Stephen Mockabee (AAUP, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by John Davis (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Ryan Forquer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jared Cutler (Citizens for a Better Beavercreek, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dana Howard (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Elisabeth Righter (Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jason Whitfield (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Samuel LiPuma (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Ilana Miller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeanne Ogden (Trans Allies of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by David Weinburg (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Tasha Perdue (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Tara Hudson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Teresa Villa-Ignacio (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Cynthia Osborn (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth Black (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Hannah Ware (National Association of Social Workers - Ohio Chapter, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Phoebe Reeves (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Rebecca Phillips (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Karla Anhalt (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Amber Ferris (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth M. Smith-Pryor (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. John T. McNay (AAUP National Council, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Kathryn Poe (Equality OH, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Koshoffer (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Nathan A. Stevenson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Christopher Post (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Steven Rugare (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Julie Alexander (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Fabio Polanco (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Haosheng Yang (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Haidy Kamel (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Stacey Benton (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Clovis Westlund (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Emily Weglian (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Allison Reynolds-Berry (Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Kim Eckhart (Children's Defense Fund - Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Kelly Cichy (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Reanne Frank (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Astrid Sambolin-Morales (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Terry Filicko (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Gregory Wilson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Tyrone Fontaine (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Bern Kohler (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Britta Bielak (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Ashley Reynolds (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Cynthia Peeples (Honesty for Ohio Education, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Bruno (Equality Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Ron Becker (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jesse Schotter (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Mathew Crain (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Randi Pokladnik (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Athena Salaba (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Travis Irvine (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeannie Lau (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Ryan Skinner (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Mimi Plevin Foust (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Kate Budd (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeanne Melvin (Public Education Partners, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Andrea Sosa Fontaine (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Collyer (Ohio Student Association, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Sara Watson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Nick Fagan (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Tori Haller (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Tina Patel (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by John Huss (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Lance Greene (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Noeleen McIlvenna (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jo El J. Schultz (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Amrita Dhar (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Lori I. Kidd (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Sandy Bolzenius (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Yvonne Bruce (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Linda Piccirillo-Smith (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Ira D. Sasowsky (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Darice Polo (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Victoria Hickcox (CAIR-Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Julie A. Cajigas (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Mark McKinney (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Erynn Elizabeth Beaton (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Khalid Dada (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Fedor Nazarov (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Ron Gay (Communications Workers of America, District 4, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Mordechai Sadowsky, M.D. (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa Cropper (Ohio Federation of Teachers, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Careccia (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Scott Lundregan (Ohio State Bar Association, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by John Herbert (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Anne Miano (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Robert A. Davis (AFSCME - Ohio Council 8, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Eve McPherson (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Mack Hagood (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Jacqueline Daugherty (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Theresa Kulbaga (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Maureen Reedy (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Benedetta Khoury (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Richard Fletcher (Citizen of Ohio, Opponent) -- Workforce and Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 17, 2023)
- Testimony by Senator Jerry Cirino (Ohio Senate, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 1st Hearing (May 24, 2023)
- Testimony by Stephen Mockabee (Ohio Conference AAUP (American Association of University Professors), Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by John Plecnik (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Juliana Buonaiuto (Kent State Undergraduate Student Government, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Matthew Kraus (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Clovis Westlund (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Angela May Mergenthaler (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeff Dieringer (SEIU District 1199 WV/KY/OH, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher Nichols (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Meredith Freedhoff (Opportunity Solutions Project, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Stanley Goldfarb (Do No Harm, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Hal Arkes (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by David Randall (National Association of Scholars, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jonathan Pidluzny (America First Policy Institute, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by George W. Dent Jr. (Ohio Association of Scholars, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Richard Vedder (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by James Grosh (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachael Collyer (Ohio Student Association, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Gary Daniels (ACLU of Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Wahida Abaza (Nationwide Children's Hospital, Noor Islamic Cultural Center, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Mariam Abaza (The Ohio State University, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Bruno (Equality Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sahar Shalash (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Ashley Hope Perez (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Hongmei Li-Byarlay (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Vitoria de Rezende Grisi (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Liam Strausbaugh (NASW Ohio Chapter, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Pranav Jani (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Tyler Coward (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Mark G. Ryland, Au.D. RNCST, RPSGT, R.EPT.,FASET (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Taylor James Watson (OCA and SAIGEO, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sumaya Hamadmad (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Bart Elmore (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Mark Ryland (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Nicole Yadon (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jesse Schotter (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Caroline T. Clark (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Julie Rose Alexander, Ph.D. (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Pedro Pereira (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Anisa Liban (Council on American Islamic Relations, CAIR-Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Katherine Borland (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Cathy Wagner (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Matthew Butler (Kent State University, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Dr. Werner Lange (Ohio Peace Council, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Emma Vaughn (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Alex Papa (Youngstown State University (SGA), Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jill Galvan (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jona Hilario (OPAWL - Building AAPI Feminist Leadership, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Alison Crocetta (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Marcus Morris (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jared Cutler (Citizens for a Better Beavercreek, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rola Rimawi (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Mary E. Triece (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Genevieve Ritchie-Ewing (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Haroon Moghul (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Munir (Southwest Ohio Pain Institute Harmony Medical Weight Loss Cntr, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Deborah C. Smith (American Association of University Professors, Kent State Chapter, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Pierluigi Bonello (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Joshua Ferry (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Namiko Kunimoto (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by David J. Jackson (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rebecca Henderson (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Lynette Phillips (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rob Hoffman (American Atheists, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth Black (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Erynn Beaton (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Raghad Alwattar (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Carson Hartlage (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Fritsche (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sarah Black (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Joan E. Cashin (Ohio Academy of History, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Cynthia J. Osborn (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Venus Harvey (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Astrid N. SambolÃn Morales (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jaladah Aslam (Youngstown Warren Black Caucus, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Boihoan Audrey Nguyen-Rudy (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Paul Schaeffer (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Mary Step (Kent State University, College of Public Health, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Ron Gay (Communications Workers of America-District 4, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Karla Anhalt, Ph.D. (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher Dum (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Scot Kaplan (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth Sheehan (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sandy Wong (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Cunningham (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jorge Ernesto CLAVO ABBASS (Council of Graduate Students at The Ohio State Univ., Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Scott DiMauro (Ohio Education Association (OEA), Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Lis Regula (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Nicole Karn (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Shana Klein (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Kathleen Kollman (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Lemuel E. Stewart III (Cuyahoga Community College (West), Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Marianne Martens, Ph.D. (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dominic Wells (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth Kenyon (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Victoria Cataloni (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Matthew Crain (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Alexander E. Wolf-Root (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sue Clement, Ph.D. (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Linda Marie Rouillard (Ohio Faculty Council, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher S. Parmenter (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Elizabeth Smith-Pryor (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dani ReStack (Ohio State University, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by John M. Herbert (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by David Niven (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Carmen Winant (Ohio State University, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Christine Morales (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Danielle Fosler-Lussier (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jacqueline Daugherty (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Mytheli Sreenivas (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Amrita Dhar (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Pete Bucher (Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Haidy Kamel (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Mark McKinney (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Andrew Bernier, PhD (University of Cincinnati, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Suzanne Silver (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Gina Osterloh (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Ryan Skinner (The Ohio State University, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Olivia Gallo (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Toni L Bisconti (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Clara Conover (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Treva B. Lindsey Ph.D. (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by David W. Blight (Organization of American Historians, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Coyle (Honesty For Ohio Education Coalition, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Kate Budd (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Martin Ponce (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sara Watson (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Annika Kuretsky (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Richard Finlay Fletcher (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Naomi Brenner and Colleagues (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jill Clark (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sara Webb-Sunderhaus (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Hannah Kemp-Severence (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Michelle D. Boone (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rajarshi Banerjee (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Wahinya Njau (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Caitlin A. Kane, Ph.D. (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by John Davis (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Sullivan (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Ilana Miller (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Celine Rajoulh (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Suchland (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Armand Alacbay (American Council of Trustees and Alunmi, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Matt Beienburg (Goldwater Institute, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Linda Harvey (Mission America, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sharon Madger (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Adam Kissel (Heritage Foundation, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Max Eden (AEI, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jenna A. Robinson (James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (November 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Greg R. Lawson (The Buckeye Institute, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by Liam Strausbaugh (NASW Ohio, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by James Grossman (American Historical Association, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by Jeanne Melvin (Public Education Partners, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by David W. Blight (Organization of American Historians, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by Nicholas Seay (The Ohio State University, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by Joan E. Cashin (Ohio Academy of History, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by Tom Walsh (Ohio Association of Community Colleges, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by Christopher A. Reed (Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by David Hoffmann (Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)
- Testimony by Margaret Newell (Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (December 6, 2023)