IntroducedMar 14, 2023
Passed HouseDec 06, 2023
Passed SenateApr 10, 2024
Signed into Law
Urge Congress to repeal Windfall Elimination
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HCR 6
Whip Lists
- Andrew O. Brennercosponsor
- Jerry C. Cirinocosponsor
- Hearcel F. Craigcosponsor
- William P. DeMoracosponsor
- Matt Dolancosponsor
- Theresa Gavaronecosponsor
- Paula Hicks-Hudsoncosponsor
- Stephen A. Huffmancosponsor
- Catherine D. Ingramcosponsor
- Terry Johnsoncosponsor
- Stephanie Kunzecosponsor
- Al Landiscosponsor
- Nathan H. Manningcosponsor
- Sandra O'Briencosponsor
- Bill Reinekecosponsor
- Michele Reynoldscosponsor
- Kristina D. Roegnercosponsor
- Mark Romanchukcosponsor
- Tim Schaffercosponsor
- Kent Smithcosponsor
- Vernon Sykescosponsor
- Shane Wilkincosponsor
- Cindy Abramscosponsor
- Tim Barhorstcosponsor
- Sean P. Brennancosponsor
- Gary Clickcosponsor
- Rodney Creechcosponsor
- Richard Dell'Aquilacosponsor
- Steve Demetrioucosponsor
- Dave Doboscosponsor
- Jay Edwardscosponsor
- Elliot Forhancosponsor
- Tavia Galonskicosponsor
- Haraz N. Ghanbaricosponsor
- Michele Grimcosponsor
- Jennifer Grosscosponsor
- Thomas Hallcosponsor
- Brett Hudson Hillyercosponsor
- James M. Hoopscosponsor
- Latyna M. Humphreycosponsor
- Dani Isaacsohncosponsor
- Marilyn S. Johncosponsor
- Mark Johnsoncosponsor
- Don Jonescosponsor
- Darrell Kickcosponsor
- Beth Learcosponsor
- Mary Lightbodycosponsor
- Beth Listoncosponsor
- Brian Lorenzcosponsor
- Gayle Manningcosponsor
- Adam Mathewscosponsor
- Adam C. Millercosponsor
- Joseph A. Miller, IIIcosponsor
- Ismail Mohamedcosponsor
- Scott Oelslagercosponsor
- Bob Petersoncosponsor
- Sharon A. Raycosponsor
- Monica Robb Blasdelcosponsor
- C. Allison Russocosponsor
- Jean Schmidtcosponsor
- Bill Seitzcosponsor
- Anita Somanicosponsor
- Bride Rose Sweeneycosponsor
- Daniel P. Troycosponsor
- Andrea Whitecosponsor
- Josh Williamscosponsor
- Tom Youngcosponsor
YES: 85
- Munira Abdullahi
- Cindy Abrams
- Rachel B. Baker
- Tim Barhorst
- Adam C. Bird
- Willis E. Blackshear, Jr.
- Juanita O. Brent
- Darnell T. Brewer
- Richard D. Brown
- Jamie Callender
- Sara P. Carruthers
- Thaddeus J. Claggett
- Gary Click
- Rodney Creech
- Richard Dell'Aquila
- Steve Demetriou
- Sedrick Denson
- Dave Dobos
- Jay Edwards
- Ron Ferguson
- Elliot Forhan
- Sarah Fowler Arthur
- Michele Grim
- Jennifer Gross
- Thomas Hall
- Brett Hudson Hillyer
- Adam Holmes
- James M. Hoops
- Latyna M. Humphrey
- Dani Isaacsohn
- Marilyn S. John
- Mark Johnson
- Don Jones
- Darrell Kick
- Angela N. King
- Roy Klopfenstein
- Brian E. Lampton
- Beth Lear
- P. Scott Lipps
- Beth Liston
- Brian Lorenz
- Mike Loychik
- Susan Manchester
- Gayle Manning
- Adam Mathews
- Riordan T. McClain
- Lauren McNally
- Derek Merrin
- Adam C. Miller
- Joseph A. Miller, III
- Kevin D. Miller
- Melanie Miller
- Ismail Mohamed
- Scott Oelslager
- Thomas F. Patton
- Gail K. Pavliga
- Bob Peterson
- Justin Pizzulli
- Phil Plummer
- Jena Powell
- Sharon A. Ray
- Monica Robb Blasdel
- Phillip M. Robinson, Jr.
- Bill Roemer
- C. Allison Russo
- Nick Santucci
- Jean Schmidt
- Bill Seitz
- Michael J. Skindell
- Anita Somani
- Jason Stephens
- Brian Stewart
- D. J. Swearingen
- Bride Rose Sweeney
- Cecil Thomas
- Jim Thomas
- Daniel P. Troy
- Terrence Upchurch
- Casey Weinstein
- Andrea White
- Scott Wiggam
- Josh Williams
NO: 0
YES: 30
- Nickie J. Antonio
- Louis W. Blessing, III
- Andrew O. Brenner
- Brian M. Chavez
- Jerry C. Cirino
- Hearcel F. Craig
- William P. DeMora
- Matt Dolan
- Theresa Gavarone
- Bob D. Hackett
- Paula Hicks-Hudson
- Matt Huffman
- Stephen A. Huffman
- Catherine D. Ingram
- Terry Johnson
- Stephanie Kunze
- Al Landis
- George F. Lang
- Nathan H. Manning
- Rob McColley
- Sandra O'Brien
- Bill Reineke
- Michele Reynolds
- Kristina D. Roegner
- Mark Romanchuk
- Tim Schaffer
- Kent Smith
- Vernon Sykes
- Shane Wilkin
- Steve Wilson
NO: 0
- Apr 10, 2024 | Senate
- Reported (Government Oversight)
- Adopted
- Dec 13, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to committee (Government Oversight)
- Dec 11, 2023 | Senate
- Offered
- Dec 06, 2023 | House
- Adopted
- May 22, 2023 | House
- Reported - Substitute (Pensions)
- Mar 14, 2023 | House
- Introduced and Referred to Committee (Pensions)
- Testimony by Representative Angie King (Proponent) -- Pensions, 1st Hearing (March 28, 2023)
- Testimony by Representative Phil Plummer (Proponent) -- Pensions, 1st Hearing (March 28, 2023)
- Testimony by Chris Abbuhl (County Commissioners Association of Ohio, Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Richard Ross (Public Employee Retirees, Inc. (PERI), Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Lezlie Garcia (Public Employee Retirees, Inc. (PERI), Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Mark Hill (The Ohio Education Association, Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Karen Carraher (Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Richard Stensrud (School Employees Retirement System of Ohio, Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by William Neville (STRS State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Gary Monto (Police & Fire Retirees of Ohio (PFRO), Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Angie Fair (Mercer County Clerk of Courts, Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Barbara Vorhees (Proponent) -- Pensions, 2nd Hearing (May 9, 2023)
- Testimony by Reps. Angie King and Phil Plummer (Self, Sponsor) -- Government Oversight, 1st Hearing (January 24, 2024)
- Testimony by Mark Hill (The Ohio Education Association, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Rich Ross (Public Employee Retirees, Inc, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Chris Abbuhl (County Commissioners Association of Ohio, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Karen Carraher (Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Lynn Hoover (State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Steven Stein (Ohio Association of Professional Fire Fighters, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Richard Stensrud (School Employees Retirement System of Ohio, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Barb Vorhees (Self, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (February 28, 2024)
- Testimony by Melissa Cropper (Ohio Federation of Teachers, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (April 10, 2024)
- Testimony by Gordon Gatien (Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS), Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (April 10, 2024)
- Testimony by Sam Gmetro (Northern Ohio Fire Fighters (NOFF), Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (April 10, 2024)