IntroducedFeb 15, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Enact the Save Women's Sports Act
Last Action See all actions
House • May 10, 2023: Reported (Higher Education)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 6
Whip Lists
- Gary Clickcosponsor
- Rodney Creechcosponsor
- Al Cutronacosponsor
- Bill Deancosponsor
- Steve Demetrioucosponsor
- Jennifer Grosscosponsor
- Thomas Hallcosponsor
- Mark Johnsoncosponsor
- Kris Jordancosponsor
- Darrell Kickcosponsor
- Angela N. Kingcosponsor
- Roy Klopfensteincosponsor
- Jeff LaRecosponsor
- Beth Learcosponsor
- Susan Manchestercosponsor
- Adam Mathewscosponsor
- Derek Merrincosponsor
- Kevin D. Millercosponsor
- Melanie Millercosponsor
- Phil Plummercosponsor
- Tracy M. Richardsoncosponsor
- Nick Santuccicosponsor
- Jean Schmidtcosponsor
- Dick Steincosponsor
- Brian Stewartcosponsor
- Reggie Stoltzfuscosponsor
- Jim Thomascosponsor
- Scott Wiggamcosponsor
- Josh Williamscosponsor
- Bernard Williscosponsor
- Tom Youngcosponsor
- May 10, 2023 | House
- Reported (Higher Education)
- Feb 16, 2023 | House
- Referred to committee (Higher Education)
- Feb 15, 2023 | House
- Introduced
- Analysis - As IntroducedPDF
- Analysis - As Reported By House CommitteePDF
- Testimony by State Representative Jena Powell (Ohio House of Representative, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 1st Hearing (March 8, 2023)
- Testimony by Matt Sharp (Alliance Defending Freedom, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Nilani Jawahar (Center for Christian Virtue, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Corinna Cohn (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Kevin Ritter (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Cynthia Millen (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Jean Schmidt (Ohio House of Representative, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Riley Gaines (Independent Women's Voice, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Davis (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Lisa Sebastian (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Sharon Madger (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Larry Keough (Catholic Conference of Ohio, Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Kaitlyn Willette (Proponent) -- Higher Education, 2nd Hearing (March 29, 2023)
- Testimony by Mallory Golski (Kaleidoscope Youth Center, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Parker Parker (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alison and Bradie Anderson (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Rhea Debussy (Equitas Health, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Conner McLaren (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa McLaren (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ember Zelch (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Minna Zelch (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Lalitha Pamidigantam (YWCA Columbus, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brianne Brinker (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alina Taylor (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Alice Connor (The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Micah Mitchell (ACLU of Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Bruno (Equality Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Jacqui Buschor (Hunger Network in Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Christina Lopez (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Delia Sosa (Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mariah Payne (Ohio Counselor Association & Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities of Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cole-Finley Nelson (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Demi York (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ash Bateman (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kelly Risher (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Malia Lewis (Cleveland Heights-University Heights City Schools, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa Kelley (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy McCrory (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Julianne Smeck (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Camerynn Ratliff (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Jess Peacock (Community Church of Chesterland, United Church of Christ, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Ben Huelskamp (LOVEboldly, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Andrew Burns (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Silver Flight (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Elaine Schleiffer (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jace Vidumsky (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Isaac Poplin (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Campaign for our Shared Future (Campaign for our Shared Future, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alex Wolf-Root (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sunny Era (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by James Vacca (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Janet Shaw (Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Alicia Burkle (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mae Kowalke (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Serena Luna (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Katherine Ungar (Children's Defense Fund-Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Connor Kirchens (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Adam Wolfe (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dr. Sarah Pickle (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jona Hilario (OPAWL, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Halle Martin (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amanda Jay (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jessi Sadaka (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Sarah World (Find Your Way Counseling and Consulting LLC, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jyothika Yermal (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Olwyn Conway (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Cheryl Ryan (Red Oak Community School, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Palmer (Find Your Way Counseling and Consulting LLC, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Susan Hyde (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Darren Lazor (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Nick Zingarelli (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Nikita Das (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Josie Mayle (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Ty Holiday (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Em UpDyke (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jenny Muniz (Campaign for our Shared Future, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Allison Ritting (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Salvatore Caradonna (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jan Nespor (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Iris Peng (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Rene Hick (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jes Sellers (PFLAG Cleveland, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Arthur Thomson (PFLAG Cleveland, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy Boland (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Curtis Turpin (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Carol Rackley (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Mikael McLaren (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brendan Kelley (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jennifer Simmons (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Brandon Delia (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Juliana Fierro (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Pamela Bosser (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Laura Robertson-Boyd (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Jessica Kirsner (Self, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Kathryn Amrhein (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Josephine Snowball (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 3rd Hearing (April 19, 2023)
- Testimony by Dara Adkinson (Trans Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Christina Lopez (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Malia Lewis (Cleveland Heights-University Heights City Schools, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Mariah Payne (Ohio Counselor Association & Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities of Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Jess Peacock (Community Church of Chesterland, United Church of Christ, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Alice Connor (The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Maria Bruno (Equality Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Cole-Finley Nelson (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Lane Shirrell (Kaleidoscope Youth Center, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Sean McCann (ACLU of Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Melissa Kelley (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Jacqui Buschor (Hunger Network in Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Demi York (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Rev. Julianne Smeck (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Brianna Turner (Athlete Ally, WNBA Player, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Lori Lindsey (Athlete Ally, Olympic Gold Medalist/Former US National Women's Soccer Team, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Scott DiMauro (Ohio Education Association, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Carson Hartlage (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Art Thomson (PFLAG Cleveland, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Grace Delinger (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Victoria DeLaney (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Camerynn Ratliff (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Ash Bateman (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Delia Sosa (Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Bethany Hickman (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Chris Mosier (TransAthlete.com, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Mason Caminiti (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Anne Lieberman (Athlete Ally, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Pam Boteler (Athlete Ally, WomenCAN International, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Joshua Ferry (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Elaine Schleiffer (Honesty for Ohio Education, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Caleb Smiley (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Natalie Zaborski (Public Health Graduate Student Assocation at the Ohio State University, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Heather Harding (Campaign for our Shared Future, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Lora Cover (Shaker Heights Board of Education, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Katherine Ungar (Children's Defense Fund-Ohio, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Amy McCrory (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Kelly Risher (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Erin Upchurch (Kaleidoscope Youth Center, Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Rover Chapman (Opponent) -- Higher Education, 4th Hearing (April 26, 2023)
- Testimony by Sarah Perry (The Heritage Foundation, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 10, 2023)
- Testimony by Rachel Chilton (Ohio School Psychologists Association, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 10, 2023)
- Testimony by Doug Ute (Ohio High School Athletic Association, Interested Party) -- Higher Education, 5th Hearing (May 10, 2023)