IntroducedNov 09, 2021
Passed SenateDec 15, 2021
Passed House
Signed into Law
Revise the medical marijuana law
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 25, 2022: Refer to Committee (Government Oversight)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 261
Whip Lists
- Jerry C. Cirinocosponsor
- Kirk Schuringcosponsor
- Cecil Thomascosponsor
- Kenny Yukocosponsor
- Jan 25, 2022 | House
- Refer to Committee (Government Oversight)
- Dec 22, 2021 | House
- Introduced
- Dec 15, 2021 | Senate
- Passed
- Dec 08, 2021 | Senate
- Reported (Small Business and Economic Opportunity)
- Nov 10, 2021 | Senate
- Refer to Committee (Small Business and Economic Opportunity)
- Nov 09, 2021 | Senate
- Introduced
- Analysis - As IntroducedPDF
- Analysis - As Reported By Senate CommitteePDF
- Analysis - As Passed By SenatePDF
- Fiscal Note - As IntroducedPDF
- Fiscal Note - As Reported By Senate CommitteePDF
- Fiscal Note - As Passed By SenatePDF
- Occupational Regulation ReportPDF
- Testimony by Senator Stephen Huffman (–, Sponsor) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 1st Hearing (November 17, 2021)
- Testimony by Andrew Rayburn (Ohio Medical Cannabis Industry Association, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 1st Hearing (November 17, 2021)
- Testimony by James "Ted" Bibart (Gordon Bibart, LLC, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 1st Hearing (November 17, 2021)
- Testimony by Tim Johnson (–, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 1st Hearing (November 17, 2021)
- Testimony by Tom Hobson (Wellspring Fields, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Geoff Korf (Galenas LLC, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by David Mahan (The Center for Christian Virtue, Opponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Brian Soderston (–, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Fadi Boumitri (Ascension Biomedical, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Pete Pantelides (FireRock, Ltd., Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Anup Patel (Nationwide Children's Hospital, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Jill Lamoureux (Pure OH LLC, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by James Leventis (Mother Grows Best, LLC, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Trent Woloveck (OhiGrow, LLC, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Louis Tobin (Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association, Opponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Robert Landis (Ohio Clean Leaf, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Dina Rollman (Green Thumb Industries, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 2nd Hearing (November 30, 2021)
- Testimony by Tahira Rehmatullah (Highlands Venture Partners, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Adam Thomarios (Klutch Cannabis, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Brian Soderston (NORML Appalachia of Ohio, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Sheila Billman (Not Listed, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Pete Nischt (Klutch Cannabis, Interested Party) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Fran Gerbig (Prevention Action Alliance, Opponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Pricilla Sparks (Sensible Movement Coalition & Norml Appalachia Ohio, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Daniel Kessler (Rivera Creek Holdings, Proponent) -- Small Business and Economic Opportunity, 3rd Hearing (December 8, 2021)
- Testimony by Senator Stephen A. Huffman (Ohio Senate, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 1st Hearing (February 17, 2022)
- Testimony by Matt Close (Ohio Medical Cannabis Industry Association, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (March 16, 2022)
- Testimony by David Mahan (Center for Christian Virtue, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (March 16, 2022)
- Testimony by Ted Bibart (–, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 2nd Hearing (March 16, 2022)
- Testimony by Amanda Conn Starner (PreventionFIRST!, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Fran Gerbig (Prevention Action Alliance, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Kerry Metzger (Tuscarawas County Commissioner, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Jay McDonald (Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Jodi Salvo (OhioGuidestone and Empower Tusc, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Geoffrey Korff (Galenas LLC, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Pete Pantelides (Fire Rock, Ltd, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by James A. Leventis (Mother Grows Best, LLC, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Kate Nelson (Acreage Holdings, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Colleen Oakes (Montgomery County Prevention Coalition, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Peggy Hollenback (BeneLeaves, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Tristyn Ball (Montgomery County ADAMHS Board, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Pete Nischt (Klutch Cannabis, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Robert Landis (Ohio Clean Leaf, LLC, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Tom Hobson (Wellspring Fields, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by The Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers (The Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Trent Woloveck (OhiGrow, Interested Party) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Louis Tobin (Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by David Mahan (The Center for Christian Virtue, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 3rd Hearing (March 24, 2022)
- Testimony by Chris Lane (BASEC Management, Inc., Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 4th Hearing (April 27, 2022)
- Testimony by Mark A. Murphy (Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 4th Hearing (April 27, 2022)
- Testimony by Tim Johnson (Cannabis Safety First LLC, Proponent) -- Government Oversight, 4th Hearing (April 27, 2022)
- Testimony by Bruce Pijanowski (The Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 4th Hearing (April 27, 2022)
- Testimony by Ohio Society of Addiction Medicine (Ohio Society of Addiction Medicine, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 4th Hearing (April 27, 2022)
- Testimony by Nancy Beals (Union County Drug Free Coalition, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 4th Hearing (April 27, 2022)
- Testimony by Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association (Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 4th Hearing (April 27, 2022)
- Testimony by Anup Patel (Nationwide Children's Hospital, Opponent) -- Government Oversight, 5th Hearing (November 17, 2022)