IntroducedFeb 21, 2023
Passed SenateApr 25, 2023
Passed Assembly
Signed into Law
Establishes provisions relating to the collection and destruction of unused drugs. (BDR 54-576)
Last Action See all actions
Assembly • May 20, 2023: (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 183
Whip Lists
- Carrie Buckprimary
- Robin Titusprimary
- Pete Goicoecheaprimary
- Philip P.K. O’Neillprimary
- Jill Dickmanprimary
- Danielle Gallantprimary
- Fabian Doñatecosponsor
- Scott Hammondcosponsor
- Dallas Harriscosponsor
- Lisa Krasnercosponsor
- Roberta Langecosponsor
- Rochelle Nguyencosponsor
- James Ohrenschallcosponsor
- Julie Pazinacosponsor
- Melanie Scheiblecosponsor
- Heidi Seevers Gansertcosponsor
- Pat Spearmancosponsor
- Brian Hibbettscosponsor
- Gregory Koenigcosponsor
YES: 21
- Buck, Carrie
- Cannizzaro, Nicole
- Daly, Skip
- Doñate, Fabian
- Dondero Loop, Marilyn
- Flores, Edgar
- Goicoechea, Pete
- Hammond, Scott
- Hansen, Ira
- Harris, Dallas
- Krasner, Lisa
- Lange, Roberta
- Neal, Dina
- Nguyen, Rochelle
- Ohrenschall, James
- Pazina, Julie
- Scheible, Melanie
- Seevers Gansert, Heidi
- Spearman, Pat
- Stone, Jeff
- Titus, Robin
NO: 0
- May 20, 2023 | Assembly
- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.)
- Apr 28, 2023 | Assembly
- Heard -- Assembly Commerce and Labor Apr 28, 2023 1:30 PM
- Apr 26, 2023 | Assembly
- In Assembly. Read first time. Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor. To committee.
- Apr 25, 2023 | Senate
- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. Read third time. Passed, as amended. Title approved, as amended. (Yeas: 21, Nays: None.) To Assembly.
- Apr 24, 2023 | Senate
- From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended. Placed on Second Reading File. Read second time. Amended. (Amend. No. 407.) To printer.
- Apr 14, 2023 | Senate
- Amend, and do pass as amended -- Senate Commerce and Labor (Work Session) Apr 14, 2023 8:00 AM
- Mar 06, 2023 | Senate
- Heard, No Action -- Senate Commerce and Labor Mar 06, 2023 9:00 AM
- Feb 22, 2023 | Senate
- From printer. To committee.
- Feb 21, 2023 | Senate
- Read first time. Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor. To printer.
Bill Texts
- Agenda: Assembly Commerce and Labor, 04/28/2023
- Minutes: Assembly Commerce and Labor, 04/28/2023
- Video: Assembly Commerce and Labor, 04/28/2023
- Exhibit SB183 Proposed Amendment, submitted by A. Tanchek, Senior Associate, Silver State Govt. Relations -- Assembly Commerce and Labor, 04/28/2023
- Exhibit SB183 Letter of Opposition, submitted by K. Pham, R.Ph, CDCES, President, Nevada Pharmacy Association -- Assembly Commerce and Labor, 04/28/2023
- Agenda: Senate Commerce and Labor, 04/14/2023
- Minutes: Senate Commerce and Labor, 04/14/2023
- Video: Senate Commerce and Labor, 04/14/2023
- Exhibit SB183_Work Session Document_Cesar Melgarejo_Committee Policy Analyst -- Senate Commerce and Labor, 04/14/2023
- Agenda: Senate Commerce and Labor, 03/06/2023
- Minutes: Senate Commerce and Labor, 03/06/2023
- Video: Senate Commerce and Labor, 03/06/2023
- Exhibit SB183_Proposed Amendment_Will Adler_Silver State Government Relations -- Senate Commerce and Labor, 03/06/2023