IntroducedMar 27, 2023
Passed Assembly
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Urges the Congress of the United States to deschedule marijuana as a schedule I controlled substance. (BDR R-615)
Last Action See all actions
Assembly • May 25, 2023: In Assembly. To enrollment. Enrolled and delivered to Secretary of State. File No. 25.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on AJR 8
Whip Lists
- Natha Andersoncosponsor
- Tracy Brown-Maycosponsor
- Max Cartercosponsor
- Lesley Cohencosponsor
- Venicia Considinecosponsor
- Rich DeLongcosponsor
- Jill Dickmancosponsor
- Danielle Gallantcosponsor
- Cecelia Gonzálezcosponsor
- Michelle Gorelowcosponsor
- Selena La Rue Hatchcosponsor
- Cameron Millercosponsor
- Daniele Monroe-Morenocosponsor
- Erica Moscacosponsor
- Sabra Newbycosponsor
- Duy Nguyencosponsor
- Philip P.K. O’Neillcosponsor
- David Orentlichercosponsor
- Sarah Peterscosponsor
- Shondra Summers-Armstrongcosponsor
- Angie Taylorcosponsor
- Clara Thomascosponsor
- Selena Torrescosponsor
- Howard Wattscosponsor
- Steve Yeagercosponsor
- Fabian Doñatecosponsor
- Edgar Florescosponsor
- Scott Hammondcosponsor
- Dallas Harriscosponsor
- Dina Nealcosponsor
- Rochelle Nguyencosponsor
- James Ohrenschallcosponsor
- Pat Spearmancosponsor
- Jeff Stonecosponsor
YES: 37
- Anderson, Natha
- Backus, Shea
- Bilbray-Axelrod, Shannon
- Brown-May, Tracy
- Carter, Max
- Cohen, Lesley
- Considine, Venicia
- DeLong, Rich
- Dickman, Jill
- D'Silva, Reuben
- Duran, Bea
- Gallant, Danielle
- González, Cecelia
- Gorelow, Michelle
- Gray, Ken
- Gurr, Bert
- Hibbetts, Brian
- Jauregui, Sandra
- Kasama, Heidi
- Koenig, Gregory
- La Rue Hatch, Selena
- Marzola, Elaine
- Miller, Brittney
- Miller, Cameron
- Monroe-Moreno, Daniele
- Mosca, Erica
- Newby, Sabra
- Nguyen, Duy
- O’Neill, Philip P.K.
- Orentlicher, David
- Peters, Sarah
- Summers-Armstrong, Shondra
- Taylor, Angie
- Thomas, Clara
- Torres, Selena
- Watts, Howard
- Yeager, Steve
- May 25, 2023 | Assembly
- In Assembly. To enrollment. Enrolled and delivered to Secretary of State. File No. 25.
- May 24, 2023 | Senate
- Resolution read. Passed. Title approved. Preamble adopted. (Yeas: 18, Nays: 3.) To Assembly.
- May 23, 2023 | Senate
- Taken from Resolution File. Placed on Resolution File for next legislative day.
- May 22, 2023 | Senate
- Taken from Resolution File. Placed on Resolution File for next legislative day.
- May 19, 2023 | Senate
- From committee: Do pass.
- May 18, 2023 | Senate
- Do pass -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections (Work Session) May 18, 2023 3:30 PM
- May 09, 2023 | Senate
- Heard, No Action -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections May 09, 2023 3:30 PM
- Apr 25, 2023 | Senate
- In Senate. Resolution read. Referred to Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. To committee.
- Apr 24, 2023 | Assembly
- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. Resolution read. Passed, as amended. Title approved. Preamble adopted. (Yeas: 37, Nays: 5.) To Senate.
- Apr 21, 2023 | Assembly
- From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended. Placed on Resolution File. Resolution read. Amended. (Amend. No. 484.) To printer.
- Apr 13, 2023 | Assembly
- Heard; Amend, and do pass as amended -- Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections (Work Session) Apr 13, 2023 4:00 PM
- Mar 28, 2023 | Assembly
- From printer. To committee.
- Mar 27, 2023 | Assembly
- Resolution read. Referred to Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. To printer.
- Agenda: Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/18/2023
- Minutes: Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/18/2023
- Video: Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/18/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 (R1) Work Session Document_Nicolas Anthony_Research Director -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/18/2023
- Agenda: Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Minutes: Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Video: Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_Susan Proffitt -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_Jason Greninger_Atlas Alchemy -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_Bri Padilla_Executive Director_Chamber of Cannabis -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_Shelbie Swartz_Battle Born Progress -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_Katree Saunders -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_A'Esha Goins_Vice President_NAACP Las Vegas -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_A'Esha Goins_Cannabis Equity and Inclusion Community -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_Christine Saunders_Policy Director_Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Exhibit SenLOE_AJR 8 Support_ACLU -- Senate Legislative Operations and Elections, 05/09/2023
- Agenda: Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Minutes: Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Video: Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Exhibit AJR8 Proposed Amendment by Athar Haseebullah, ACLU of Nevada -- Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Exhibit AJR8 Testimony in Support by Kevin Dick, Washoe County Health District -- Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Exhibit AJR8 Testimony in Support by Briana Padilla, Chamber of Cannabis -- Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Exhibit AJR8 Testimony in Support by Abigail (Abby) Kaufmann, Chamber of Cannabis -- Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Exhibit AJR8 Information in Support by Jason Greninger, Atlas Alchemy -- Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023
- Exhibit AJR8 Letters in Support from the Public -- Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections, 04/13/2023