IntroducedJan 08, 2025
Passed HouseFeb 06, 2025
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Title: modifying the new resident drivers' license transfer requirements, specifying when the division of motor vehicles shall send violation notices, and appropriating funds to the division for technological upgrades required for legal compliance.
Last Action See all actions
House • Feb 19, 2025: Division II Work Session: 02/19/2025 10:30 am LOB 209
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 133
Whip Lists
- Selbycosponsor
- Prudhomme-O'Briencosponsor
- Potenzacosponsor
- Vervillecosponsor
- Ricecosponsor
- Turcottecosponsor
- Dragocosponsor
- McGoughcosponsor
- Pearlcosponsor
- Victoria Sullivancosponsor
YES: 206
- Aldrich, Glen
- Alexander, Joe
- Ammon, Keith
- Andrus, Louise
- Aron, Judy
- Aron, Michael
- Aures, Cyril
- Avellani, Lino
- Bailey, Glenn
- Ball, Lorie
- Barbour, Liz
- Barton, Joseph
- Bean, Harry
- Beaulier, Calvin
- Belcher, Mike
- Bennett, Cindy
- Berezhny, Lex
- Bernardy, JD
- Berry, Ross
- Bjelobrk, Marie Louise
- Boehm, Ralph
- Bogert, Steven
- Boyd, Stephen
- Bridle, Nicholas
- Brown, Pam
- Brown, Richard
- Bryer, Scott
- Burnham, Claudine
- Cambrils, Jose
- Coker, Matthew
- Colcombe, Riché
- Cole, Brian
- Comtois, Barbara
- Corcoran, Travis
- Cordelli, Glenn
- Crawford, Karel
- Creighton, James
- Daniels, Gary
- Davis, Arnold
- DeDe-Poulin, Denise
- DeLemus, Susan
- DeRoy, Susan
- DeSimone, Debra
- DeVito, Sayra
- Devoid, Ricky
- Dolan, Tom
- Donnelly, Tanya
- Doucette, Fred
- Drago, Mike
- Drew, Matt
- Drye, Margaret
- Dumais, Russell
- Dumont, Dillon
- Dunn, Ron
- Dupont, Pierre
- Durkin, Sean
- Edwards, Jess
- Erf, Keith
- Farrington, Samuel
- Flanagan, Jack
- Foote, Charles
- Ford, Mary
- Franz, Linda
- Freeman, Lisa
- Gagne, Larry
- Giasson, Henry
- Girard, Dale
- Gonzalez, Ernesto
- Gorski, Ted
- Gould, Linda
- Granger, Michael
- Grant, George
- Griffin, Gerald
- Guthrie, Joseph
- Hall, Robley
- Hamblen, Joseph
- Harb, Robert
- Harvey-Bolia, Juliet
- Hemingway, Wayne
- Hill, Gregory
- Hunt, John
- Janigian, John
- Kaczynski, Thomas
- Karasinski, Sly
- Katsakiores, Phyllis
- Kelley, Diane
- Kenny, Catherine
- Kesselring, Steven
- Khan, Aboul
- King, Seth
- Kofalt, Jim
- Korzen, Lori
- Kuttab, Katelyn
- Labrie, Brian
- Ladd, Rick
- Lascelles, Richard
- Layon, Erica
- Leavitt, John
- Leishman, Peter
- Litchfield, Melissa
- Love, David
- Lunney, Matthew
- MacDonald, John
- MacDonald, Wayne
- Mannion, Dennis
- Mannion, Tim
- Mannion, Tom
- Markell, Jay
- Mattson, Rita
- Mazur, Lisa
- McDonnell, Valerie
- McFarlane, Donald
- McGrath, Linda
- McGuire, Carol
- McGuire, Dan
- McLean, Mark
- McMahon, Charles
- Mehegan, Peter
- Melvin, Charles
- Miles, Julie
- Milz, David
- Minor, Sheri
- Moffett, Michael
- Mooney, Maureen
- Morency, Pete
- Morse, Bryan
- Morton, Jonathan
- Murphy, Denis
- Murphy, Mary
- Murphy, Michael
- Nadeau, Brian
- Nagel, David
- Nalevanko, Rich
- Nelson, Jodi
- Noble, Kristin
- Notter, Jeanine
- Ohm, Bill
- Osborne, Jason
- Ouellet, Mike
- Panek, Sandra
- Paquette, Kathleen
- Pauer, Diane
- Pearson, Mark
- Pearson, Stephen
- Peeples, Raymond
- Perez, Kristine
- Peternel, Katy
- Pitaro, Matthew
- Plante, Raymond
- Ploszaj, Tom
- Polozov, Yury
- Popovici-Muller, Daniel
- Porcelli, Susan
- Post, Lisa
- Potenza, Kelley
- Potucek, John
- Proulx, Mark
- Prout, Andrew
- Qualey, James
- Reinfurt, Sherri
- Rhodes, Jennifer
- Rice, Kimberly
- Rollins, Skip
- Roy, Terry
- Sabourin dit Choinière, Matt
- Schneller, John
- Scully, Kevin
- Seaworth, Brian
- See, Alvin
- Seidel, Sheila
- Selby, Donald
- Sellers, John
- Sheehan, Vanessa
- Sirois, Shane
- Slottje, Jeremy
- Smith, Jonathan
- Soti, Julius
- Spillane, James
- Spilsbury, Walter
- Summers, James
- Sweeney, Joe
- Sytek, John
- Taylor, Brian
- Terry, Paul
- Thackston, Dick
- Thibault, James
- Thomas, Douglas
- Tierney, James
- Toner, Travis
- Tripp, Richard
- Tudor, Paul
- Turcotte, Len
- Ulery, Jordan
- Valerino, Brian
- Vandecasteele, Susan
- Verville, Kevin
- Vose, Michael
- Walker, David
- Walsh, Lilli
- Walsh, Thomas
- Warden, Mark
- Weyler, Kenneth
- Wheeler, Jonah
- Wherry, Robert
- Wilson, Vicki
- Wood, Clayton
NO: 147
- Almy, Susan
- Ames, Dick
- Balboni, Peggy
- Baldwin, Heather
- Beauchemin, Paige
- Bergeron, Dan
- Bixby, Peter
- Booras, Efstathia
- Bouchard, Donald
- Bricchi, Tracy
- Budathoki, Suraj
- Burroughs, Anita
- Burton, Wayne
- Caplan, Tony
- Chourasia, Manoj
- Chretien, Suzanne
- Cloutier, John
- Colby, Eleana
- Cornell, Patricia
- Damon, Hope
- Darby, Will
- Dargie, Paul
- Davis, Fred
- de Vries, Erica
- DiSilvestro, Linda
- Ebel, Karen
- Edgar, Michael
- Elberger, Susan
- Faulkner, Barry
- Fellows, Sallie
- Foss, Lily
- Fox, Dru
- Foxx, Loren
- Fracht, David
- Gallager, Eric
- Georges, Mary
- Germana, Dylan
- Germana, Nicholas
- Gibbs, Merryl
- Gilman, Julie
- Grill, Jessica
- Grote, Jaci
- Gruber, James
- Grund, Stephanie
- Hakken-Phillips, Mary
- Hall, Muriel
- Harrington, Michael
- Harriott-Gathright, Linda
- Hartnett, Tim
- Harvey, Cathryn
- Hegner, Karen
- Herbert, Christopher
- Hicks, Matthew
- Horrigan, Timothy
- Howard, Heath
- Howard, Molly
- Jack, Martin
- Jacobs, Samantha
- Johnson, Erik
- Jones, Philip
- Juris, Louis
- Kelly, Eileen
- Kerwin, Erin
- Kluger, Lee Ann
- Knab, Allison
- LaMontagne, Jessica
- Lane, Connie
- Larochelle, John
- Leapley, Nicole
- LeClerc, Daniel
- Levesque, Cassandra
- Lloyd, Christal
- Long, Patrick
- Lovett, Peter
- Lucas, Janet
- Luneau, David
- MacKay, James
- MacKenzie, Mark
- Maggiore, Jim
- Malloy, Dennis
- Malone, Amy
- Manos, Zoe
- McAleer, Chris
- McGhee, Kat
- Meuse, David
- Miller, Seth
- Muirhead, Russell
- Muns, Chris
- Murphy, Nancy
- Murray, Alissandra
- Murray, Kate
- Murray, Megan
- Newell, Jodi
- Newman, Ray
- Newman, Sue
- Newsom, James
- O'Rorke, Terri
- Oppel, Thomas
- Paige, David
- Palmer, William
- Petrigno, Peter
- Preece, David
- Raymond, Heather
- Raynolds, Ned
- Read, Ellen
- Richards, Beth
- Rockmore, Ellen
- Roesener, James
- Rombeau, Catherine
- Rung, Rosemarie
- Ryan, Linda
- Sargent, Gregory
- Schamberg, Thomas
- Scherr, Buzz
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schultz, Kris
- Selig, Loren
- Simpson, Alexis
- Smith, Geoffrey
- Smith, Marjorie
- Snodgrass, Jim
- Sorensen, Carrie
- Soucy, Timothy
- Spahr, Terry
- Spier, Carry
- St. Clair, Charlie
- Staub, Kathy
- Stavis, Laurel
- Stringham, Jerry
- Sullivan, Brian
- Swanson, Dale
- Sykes, George
- Telerski, Laura
- Tellez, Trinidad
- Thomas, Wendy
- Turer, Eric
- Vail, Suzanne
- Vallone, Mark
- Veilleux, Daniel
- Wade, Alice
- Wall, Janet
- Wallner, Mary Jane
- Ward, Gerald
- Weinstein, Toni
- Wilhelm, Matthew
- Woodcock, Stephen
- Woods, Gary
- Aylward, Deborah
- Bay, Luz
- Berch, Paul
- Bolton, Bill
- Bordes, Mike
- Boyd, Bill
- Buco, Thomas
- Cahill, Michael
- Cormen, Thomas
- Dolan, William
- England, Myles
- Gregg, Alicia
- Grossman, Gaby
- Guzofski, James
- Haskins, Linda
- Howland, Allan
- Jeudy, Jean
- Louis, Darrell
- Lundgren, David
- Lynn, Bob
- Mandelbaum, Jennifer
- Manohar, Sanjeev
- Miner, Laurence
- Parshall, Lucius
- Payeur, Stephanie
- Pearson, Wayne
- Presa, Adam
- Sofikitis, Catherine
- Southworth, Thomas
- Suiter, John
- Sullivan, Jared
- Tenczar, Jeffrey
- Trottier, Douglas
- Varney, Peter
- Weber, Lucy
- Feb 19, 2025 | House
- Division II Work Session: 02/19/2025 10:30 am LOB 209
- Feb 06, 2025 | House
- Ought to Pass: MA RC 206-147 02/06/2025 HJ 4
- Referred to Finance 02/06/2025 HJ 4
- Jan 28, 2025 | House
- Executive Session: 01/28/2025 01:30 pm LOB 203
- Minority Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate
- Majority Committee Report: Ought to Pass 01/28/2025 (Vote 9-7; RC) HC 10 P. 13
- Jan 21, 2025 | House
- Public Hearing: 01/21/2025 01:00 pm LOB 203
- Jan 08, 2025 | House
- Introduced 01/08/2025 and referred to Transportation HJ 2 P. 7
Bill Texts