IntroducedJan 08, 2025
Passed HouseFeb 06, 2025
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Title: creating a new conservation license plate and directing the additional fee to the cyanobacteria mitigation loan and grant fund.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Mar 06, 2025: Introduced 03/06/2025 and Referred to Transportation; SJ 7
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 105
Whip Lists
- John MacDonaldcosponsor
- Veilleuxcosponsor
- Watterscosponsor
- Mar 06, 2025 | Senate
- Introduced 03/06/2025 and Referred to Transportation; SJ 7
- Feb 06, 2025 | House
- Ought to Pass: MA VV 02/06/2025 HJ 4
- Referred to Ways and Means 02/06/2025 HJ 4
- Referral Waived by Committee Chair per House Rule 47(f) 02/06/2025 HJ 4
- Jan 28, 2025 | House
- Executive Session: 01/28/2025 01:30 pm LOB 203
- Committee Report: Ought to Pass 01/28/2025 (Vote 15-1; CC) HC 10 P. 5
- Jan 21, 2025 | House
- Public Hearing: 01/21/2025 10:00 am LOB 203
- Jan 08, 2025 | House
- Introduced 01/08/2025 and referred to Transportation HJ 2 P. 6
Bill Texts
- Remote Testimony by Greyes, Natch (Concord, NH) - Support, House TransportationPDF
- Remote Testimony by Wingate, LMAC, Steve (Tuftonboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationPDF
- Remote Testimony by Avery, Stephen (Deering, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Banks, Pamela (Hollis, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Barker, Stephen (Springfield, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bea, David (Salisbury, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Beardsley, David (Sunapee (Georges Mills), NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Beaulieu, Lorrie (Stratham, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bemis, Karen (Bristol, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Bickford Bailey, Tara (STRAFFORD, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Brown, Julie (Wolfeboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Burnett-Kurie, Karen (Wolfeboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cadwallader, Mary (Hanover, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Claus, Thomas (Enfield, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Clough, Jeffrey (Loudon, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Colcord, Laura (Salisbury, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Cone, Nancy (Antrim, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Correa, Lisa (Newbury, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Deane, Elizabeth (Madison, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by DePuy, Charles (Lebanon, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Deschenes, Cathy (Gilford, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Dexter, James (New London, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Ehman, Eileen (Moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Ferron, Kenneth (Salem, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Fraser, Deborah (Salem, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Freeman, Bruce (Strafford, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Fulford, Richard (Merrimack, NH) - Oppose, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Gentel, Gary (Meredith, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Golibersuch, Michael (rindge, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Goodwin, Susan (Wolfeboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Gottesman, David (Nashua and Moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Grazer, Bob (Madison, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Grossman, Richard (Moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Gunn, Peter (New London, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Hatfield, Meredith (Concord, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Hewitt, Kayla (Wolfeboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Holmes, Laura (Northwood, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Johnson, Bill (Moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Johnson, Jane (Moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Johnson, Janet (Freedom, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Johnson, Janetjanet (Freedom, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Kelly, Jim and Nina (Auburn, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Kelly, Pamela (Nottingham, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Kelsey, Cynthia (New London, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Kent, Peter (Wolfeboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Knight, Elizabeth (Rindge, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Kono, Alan (Webster, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by LaBelle, Peter (Hanover, NH) - Oppose, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Lake, Leon (Moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by lea, carola (hanover, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Lynch, Keiron (Tuftonboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by LYONS, Alfred (Dublin, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Mabie, Craig (Loudon, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by mackay, anne (barrington, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Marcoux, Beth (Alton, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Martin, Robert (New London, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by mccarthy, karen (moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by McQuilkin, Bernadette (Hollis, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Milanovich, Christine (Moultonborough, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Miles, Nancy (Hanover, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Mion, Patrick (Salem, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Mittell, Elaine (Silver Lake, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by OConnell, Brian (Alton, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Parker, Sharon (Enfield, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Purdy Pelosi, Sue (Wolfeboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Rasenas, Leonida (Warner, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Reeve, Judith (Hanover, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Regan, Daniel (Enfield, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Rehm, Ka (Hanover, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Rich, Martha Jane (Enfield, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Richman, Susan (Durham, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Richter, Barbara (Concord, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Romanow, Michael M.T. (Rindge, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Ryan, Melissa (Milford, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Samuelson, Jon (East Wakefield, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Sandler, Albert (Hampstead, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Scarborough, Dave (Madison, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Scarborough, Tracy (Silver Lake, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Scarborough, Valerie (PLYMOUTH, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Schelling, Catherine (Laconia, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Sheehan, John D. (New London, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Skidmore, Linda (Chichester, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Smith, Angela (Meredith, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Smith, Michael (Nashua, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Snyder, Linda Lea (Nottingham, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Taggart, Judi (Gilford, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Thrane, Carol (New London, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by villari, gloria (Center Ossipee, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Walton, Kenneth (Spofford, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Wells, Lee (Andover, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by White, Constance (Tuftonboro, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Wilson, Donald (Rindge, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML
- Remote Testimony by Woo, John (Hancock, NH) - Support, House TransportationHTML