IntroducedJan 03, 2024
Passed SenateApr 05, 2024
Passed HouseMay 09, 2024
Signed into Law
Title: (New Title) relative to civil actions for PFAS contamination and relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • May 30, 2024: Sen. Carson Moved Nonconcur with the House Amendment, MA, VV; 05/30/2024; SJ 16
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 413
Whip Lists
YES: 184
- Abare, Kimberly
- Alexander, Joe
- Ammon, Keith
- Aron, Judy
- Aures, Cyril
- Avellani, Lino
- Aylward, Deborah
- Bailey, Glenn
- Ball, Lorie
- Bean, Harry
- Beaudoin, Richard
- Belcher, Mike
- Berezhny, Lex
- Bernardy, JD
- Berry, Ross
- Bickford, David
- Boehm, Ralph
- Bogert, Steven
- Bordes, Mike
- Boyd, Bill
- Boyd, Stephen
- Brown, Carroll
- Brown, Richard
- Burnham, Claudine
- Cahill, Tim
- Cambrils, Jose
- Carey, Lorrie
- Coker, Matthew
- Colcombe, Riché
- Cole, Brian
- Comtois, Barbara
- Connor, James
- Corcoran, Travis
- Cordelli, Glenn
- Costable, Michael
- Coulon, Matthew
- Crawford, Karel
- Creighton, Jim
- Cushman, Leah
- Davis, Arnold
- DeSimone, Debra
- Dolan, Tom
- Donnelly, Tanya
- Doucette, Fred
- Drago, Mike
- Drye, Margaret
- Dunn, Ron
- Edwards, Jess
- Emerick, Tracy
- Erf, Keith
- Fedolfi, Jim
- Foote, Charles
- Ford, Oliver
- Gagne, Larry
- Gorski, Ted
- Gould, Linda
- Granger, Michael
- Greeson, Jeffrey
- Griffin, Gerald
- Guthrie, Joseph
- Harb, Robert
- Harrington, Michael
- Harvey-Bolia, Juliet
- Healey, Robert
- Hill, Gregory
- Horgan, James
- Hunt, John
- Janigian, John
- Janvrin, Jason
- Kaczynski, Thomas
- Katsakiores, Phyllis
- Kelley, Diane
- Kennedy, Stephen
- Kenny, Catherine
- Khan, Aboul
- King, Bill
- King, Seth
- Kofalt, Jim
- Kuttab, Katelyn
- Ladd, Rick
- Lascelles, Richard
- Layon, Erica
- Leavitt, John
- Lekas, Alicia
- Lekas, Tony
- Lewicke, John
- Love, David
- Lundgren, David
- Lynn, Bob
- MacDonald, John
- MacDonald, Wayne
- Mannion, Dennis
- Mannion, Tom
- Mason, James
- Mazur, Lisa
- McCarter, Nikki
- McConkey, Mark
- McDonnell, Valerie
- McGough, Tim
- McGuire, Carol
- McGuire, Dan
- McLean, Mark
- McMahon, Charles
- Melvin, Charles
- Milz, David
- Moffett, Michael
- Murphy, Michael
- Nagel, David
- Nelson, Jodi
- Newton, Clifford
- Noble, Kristin
- Notter, Jeanine
- Nutting, Zachary
- Osborne, Jason
- Ouellet, Mike
- Packard, Sherman
- Panek, Sandra
- Pauer, Diane
- Pearson, Mark
- Perez, Kristine
- Peternel, Katy
- Phillips, Emily
- Phinney, Brandon
- Piemonte, Tony
- Pitre, Joseph
- Plett, Fred
- Ploszaj, Tom
- Polozov, Yury
- Popovici-Muller, Daniel
- Porcelli, Susan
- Post, Lisa
- Potenza, Kelley
- Potucek, John
- Pratt, Kevin
- Proulx, Mark
- Prout, Andrew
- Prudhomme-O'Brien, Katherine
- Qualey, James
- Quaratiello, Arlene
- Reid, Karen
- Renzullo, Andrew
- Rhodes, Jennifer
- Rochefort, David
- Rollins, Skip
- Roy, Terry
- Sanborn, Laurie
- Santonastaso, Matthew
- Seaworth, Brian
- See, Alvin
- Seidel, Sheila
- Sellers, John
- Sheehan, Vanessa
- Simon, Matthew
- Sirois, Shane
- Smart, Lisa
- Smith, Jonathan
- Smith, Steven
- Soti, Julius
- Spillane, James
- Spilsbury, Walter
- Stone, Jonathan
- Sweeney, Joe
- Sytek, John
- Tenczar, Jeffrey
- Terry, Paul
- Testerman, Dave
- Thackston, Dick
- Thomas, Douglas
- Tierney, James
- Tripp, Richard
- True, Chris
- Tudor, Paul
- Turcotte, Len
- Ulery, Jordan
- Varney, Peter
- Vose, Michael
- Wallace, Scott
- Walsh, Lilli
- Walsh, Thomas
- Weyler, Kenneth
- Wherry, Robert
- Wolf, Dan
- Wood, Clayton
- Yokela, Josh
NO: 183
- Abbott, Michael
- Almy, Susan
- Ames, Richard
- Andrus, Louise
- Ankarberg, Aidan
- Balboni, Peggy
- Baldwin, Heather
- Baroody, Benjamin
- Bay, Luz
- Beauchemin, Paige
- Beaulieu, Jane
- Bixby, Peter
- Bolton, Bill
- Booras, Efstathia
- Bouchard, Donald
- Bouldin, Amanda
- Bradley, Amy
- Brennan, Angela
- Burroughs, Anita
- Cahill, Michael
- Calabro, Karen
- Cannon, Gerri
- Caplan, Tony
- Cascadden, Corinne
- Chretien, Jacqueline
- Cloutier, John
- Conlin, Bill
- Cormen, Thomas
- Cornell, Patricia
- Damon, Hope
- Darby, Will
- Davis, Fred
- Devine, Shelley
- DiLorenzo, Charlotte
- DiSilvestro, Linda
- Dutzy, Sherry
- Eaton, Daniel
- Ebel, Karen
- Edgar, Michael
- Elberger, Susan
- Faulkner, Barry
- Fellows, Sallie
- Fitzpatrick, Daniel
- Fox, Dru
- Foxx, Loren
- Fracht, David
- Freitas, Mary
- Gallager, Eric
- Germana, Nicholas
- Gibbons, Candace
- Gilman, Julie
- Goley, Jeffrey
- Gould, Sherry
- Grassie, Chuck
- Gregg, Alicia
- Grill, Jessica
- Grossman, Gaby
- Grote, Jaci
- Hakken-Phillips, Mary
- Hall, Muriel
- Hamblet, Joan
- Hamer, Heidi
- Harriott-Gathright, Linda
- Haskins, Linda
- Heath, Mary
- Herbert, Christopher
- Hicks, Matthew
- Horrigan, Timothy
- Howard, Heath
- Howard, Molly
- Howland, Allan
- Jack, Martin
- Jeudy, Jean
- Johnson, Erik
- Jones, Philip
- Juris, Louis
- Kelley, Eamon
- Kenney, Cam
- Knab, Allison
- LaMontagne, Jessica
- Lane, Connie
- Lanza, Judi
- Leapley, Nicole
- LeClerc, Daniel
- Leishman, Peter
- Levesque, Cassandra
- Lloyd, Christal
- Long, Patrick
- Lovett, Peter
- Luneau, David
- MacKay, James
- MacKenzie, Mark
- Maggiore, Jim
- Malloy, Dennis
- Mandelbaum, Jennifer
- Mangipudi, Latha
- Manos, Zoe
- Massimilla, Linda
- McAleer, Chris
- McGhee, Kat
- McWilliams, Rebecca
- Merchant, Gary
- Meuse, David
- Ming, Ben
- Monteil, Renee
- Mooney, Maureen
- Morse, Corinne
- Muirhead, Russell
- Muns, Chris
- Murphy, James
- Murphy, Nancy
- Murray, Alissandra
- Murray, Kate
- Murray, Megan
- Myler, Mel
- Newell, Jodi
- Newman, Ray
- Newman, Sue
- Noël, Henry
- Nutter-Upham, Frances
- Nutting-Wong, Allison
- O'Neil, Candice
- Paige, David
- Paige, Mark
- Palmer, William
- Pare, Gail
- Parshall, Lucius
- Payeur, Stephanie
- Pedersen, Michael
- Perez, Maria
- Petrigno, Peter
- Plamondon, Marc
- Preece, David
- Rafter, Hal
- Raymond, Heather
- Raynolds, Ned
- Read, Ellen
- Rich, Cecilia
- Roesener, James
- Rombeau, Catherine
- Rung, Rosemarie
- Ryan, Linda
- Schapiro, Joe
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schuett, Dianne
- Schultz, Kristina
- Seibert, Christine
- Selig, Loren
- Shurtleff, Steve
- Simpson, Alexis
- Smith, Geoffrey
- Smith, Juliet
- Smith, Marjorie
- Sofikitis, Catherine
- Soucy, Timothy
- Southworth, Thomas
- Spier, Carry
- St. Clair, Charlie
- Stapleton, Walter
- Staub, Kathy
- Stavis, Laurel
- Stringham, Jerry
- Sullivan, Brian
- Sullivan, Jared
- Sykes, George
- Tanner, Linda
- Telerski, Laura
- Tellez, Trinidad
- Thomas, Wendy
- Toll, Amanda
- Turcotte, Alisson
- Turer, Eric
- Vail, Suzanne
- Vallone, Mark
- Vandecasteele, Susan
- Veilleux, Daniel
- Wall, Janet
- Wallner, Mary Jane
- Ward, Gerald
- Weber, Lucy
- Wheeler, Jonah
- Wilhelm, Matthew
- Woodcock, Stephen
- May 30, 2024 | Senate
- Sen. Carson Moved Nonconcur with the House Amendment, MA, VV; 05/30/2024; SJ 16
- May 09, 2024 | House
- Amendment #2024-1678h: AA RC 184-183 05/09/2024 HJ 13 P. 25
- Ought to Pass with Amendment 2024-1678h: MA DV 188-178 05/09/2024 HJ 13 P. 28
- Reconsider OTPA (Rep. Sweeney): MF DV 177-188 05/09/2024 HJ 13 P. 28
- May 01, 2024 | House
- Executive Session: 05/01/2024 10:00 am LOB 206-208
- Committee Report: Without Recommendation 05/01/2024 (Vote 10-10; RC)
- Apr 24, 2024 | House
- Public Hearing: 04/24/2024 10:00 am LOB 206-208
- Mar 28, 2024 | House
- Introduced (in recess of) 03/28/2024 and referred to Judiciary HJ 10 P. 228
- Apr 05, 2024 | Senate
- Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment #2024-1357s, 04/05/2024; Vote 5-0; CC; SC 13
- Committee Amendment #2024-1357s, AA, VV; 04/05/2024; SJ 8
- Ought to Pass with Amendment 2024-1357s, MA, VV; OT3rdg; 04/05/2024; SJ 8
- Jan 31, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing: 01/31/2024, Room 100, SH, 01:30 pm; SC 5
- Jan 03, 2024 | Senate
- To Be Introduced 01/03/2024 and Referred to Judiciary; SJ 1