IntroducedJan 04, 2023
Passed HouseJan 03, 2024
Passed SenateMay 23, 2024
Signed into LawJul 26, 2024
Title: (Fourth New Title) relative to the determination of parental rights and responsibilities based on shared parenting and requiring all municipalities and school governing bodies to post on their official website the amount of funds received by the state either by allocation or grant.
Last Action See all actions
executive • Jul 26, 2024: Signed by Governor Sununu 07/26/2024; Chapter 262; eff. I. Sec 1-2 eff 1/1/25 II. Sec 3 eff 9/24/24 III. Rem eff 7/1/24
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 185
Whip Lists
YES: 202
- Abare, Kimberly
- Alexander, Joe
- Ammon, Keith
- Andrus, Louise
- Ankarberg, Aidan
- Aron, Judy
- Aures, Cyril
- Avellani, Lino
- Aylward, Deborah
- Bailey, Glenn
- Ball, Lorie
- Bean, Harry
- Beaudoin, Richard
- Belcher, Mike
- Berezhny, Lex
- Bernardy, JD
- Berry, Ross
- Bickford, David
- Boehm, Ralph
- Bogert, Steven
- Bordes, Mike
- Boyd, Bill
- Boyd, Stephen
- Brouillard, Jacob
- Brown, Carroll
- Brown, Richard
- Burnham, Claudine
- Cahill, Tim
- Cambrils, Jose
- Caplan, Tony
- Carey, Lorrie
- Coker, Matthew
- Colcombe, Riché
- Cole, Brian
- Comtois, Barbara
- Connor, James
- Corcoran, Travis
- Costable, Michael
- Coulon, Matthew
- Crawford, Karel
- Creighton, Jim
- Cushman, Leah
- Darby, Will
- Davis, Arnold
- DeSimone, Debra
- Dolan, Tom
- Dolan, William
- Doucette, Fred
- Drago, Mike
- Drye, Margaret
- Dumais, Russell
- Dunn, Ron
- Edwards, Jess
- Emerick, Tracy
- Erf, Keith
- Fedolfi, Jim
- Foote, Charles
- Ford, Oliver
- Gagne, Larry
- Gerhard, Jason
- Gilman, Julie
- Gorski, Ted
- Gould, Linda
- Gould, Sherry
- Granger, Michael
- Greeson, Jeffrey
- Griffin, Gerald
- Grote, Jaci
- Guthrie, Joseph
- Harb, Robert
- Harley, Tina
- Harrington, Michael
- Harvey-Bolia, Juliet
- Healey, Robert
- Hicks, Matthew
- Hill, Gregory
- Hobson, Deb
- Hoell, J.R.
- Horgan, James
- Hunt, John
- Hynes, Dan
- Infantine, William
- Janigian, John
- Janvrin, Jason
- Kaczynski, Thomas
- Katsakiores, Phyllis
- Kelley, Diane
- Kennedy, Stephen
- Kenny, Catherine
- King, Bill
- King, Seth
- Kofalt, Jim
- Kuttab, Katelyn
- Ladd, Rick
- Lascelles, Richard
- Layon, Erica
- Leavitt, John
- Lekas, Alicia
- Lekas, Tony
- Lewicke, John
- Love, David
- Lynn, Bob
- MacDonald, John
- MacDonald, Wayne
- Maggiore, Jim
- Mannion, Dennis
- Mannion, Tom
- Mason, James
- Massimilla, Linda
- Mazur, Lisa
- McCarter, Nikki
- McConkey, Mark
- McDonnell, Valerie
- McGough, Tim
- McGuire, Carol
- McGuire, Dan
- McLean, Mark
- McMahon, Charles
- Melvin, Charles
- Merchant, Gary
- Milz, David
- Moffett, Michael
- Mooney, Maureen
- Nagel, David
- Nelson, Jodi
- Newton, Clifford
- Noble, Kristin
- Notter, Jeanine
- Nutting, Zachary
- Osborne, Jason
- Ouellet, Mike
- Paige, David
- Panek, Sandra
- Pauer, Diane
- Pearson, Mark
- Pearson, Stephen
- Perez, Kristine
- Phillips, Emily
- Phinney, Brandon
- Piemonte, Tony
- Pitre, Joseph
- Plett, Fred
- Ploszaj, Tom
- Polozov, Yury
- Popovici-Muller, Daniel
- Porcelli, Susan
- Post, Lisa
- Potenza, Kelley
- Potucek, John
- Pratt, Kevin
- Proulx, Mark
- Prout, Andrew
- Prudhomme-O'Brien, Katherine
- Qualey, James
- Quaratiello, Arlene
- Read, Ellen
- Reid, Karen
- Renzullo, Andrew
- Rhodes, Jennifer
- Rochefort, David
- Rollins, Skip
- Roy, Terry
- Santonastaso, Matthew
- Seaworth, Brian
- See, Alvin
- Seidel, Sheila
- Sellers, John
- Sheehan, Vanessa
- Simon, Matthew
- Sirois, Shane
- Smith, Jonathan
- Soti, Julius
- Spillane, James
- Spilsbury, Walter
- Stapleton, Walter
- Stone, Jonathan
- Summers, James
- Sweeney, Joe
- Sytek, John
- Tenczar, Jeffrey
- Terry, Paul
- Testerman, Dave
- Thackston, Dick
- Thomas, Douglas
- Tierney, James
- Tripp, Richard
- Trottier, Douglas
- True, Chris
- Tudor, Paul
- Turcotte, Len
- Ulery, Jordan
- Vandecasteele, Susan
- Verville, Kevin
- Vose, Michael
- Wallace, Scott
- Walsh, Lilli
- Walsh, Thomas
- Weyler, Kenneth
- Wheeler, Jonah
- Wherry, Robert
- Wood, Clayton
- Yokela, Josh
NO: 172
- Abbott, Michael
- Almy, Susan
- Ames, Richard
- Balboni, Peggy
- Baldwin, Heather
- Beauchemin, Paige
- Beaulieu, Jane
- Bixby, Peter
- Bolton, Bill
- Booras, Efstathia
- Bouchard, Donald
- Bouldin, Amanda
- Bradley, Amy
- Brennan, Angela
- Buco, Thomas
- Burroughs, Anita
- Cahill, Michael
- Calabro, Karen
- Cannon, Gerri
- Cascadden, Corinne
- Chretien, Jacqueline
- Cloutier, John
- Conlin, Bill
- Cordelli, Glenn
- Cormen, Thomas
- Cornell, Patricia
- Damon, Hope
- Davis, Fred
- Devine, Shelley
- DiLorenzo, Charlotte
- DiSilvestro, Linda
- Donnelly, Tanya
- Dutzy, Sherry
- Eaton, Daniel
- Ebel, Karen
- Edgar, Michael
- Elberger, Susan
- Faulkner, Barry
- Fellows, Sallie
- Fitzpatrick, Daniel
- Ford, Damond
- Fox, Dru
- Foxx, Loren
- Fracht, David
- Freitas, Mary
- Gallager, Eric
- Germana, Nicholas
- Gibbs, Merryl
- Goley, Jeffrey
- Grassie, Chuck
- Gregg, Alicia
- Grill, Jessica
- Grossman, Gaby
- Hakken-Phillips, Mary
- Hall, Muriel
- Hamblet, Joan
- Hamer, Heidi
- Harriott-Gathright, Linda
- Harvey, Cathryn
- Haskins, Linda
- Heath, Mary
- Herbert, Christopher
- Horrigan, Timothy
- Howard, Molly
- Howland, Allan
- Hoyt, Tommy
- Huot, David
- Jack, Martin
- Jeudy, Jean
- Jones, Philip
- Juris, Louis
- Kelley, Eamon
- Kenney, Cam
- Knab, Allison
- LaMontagne, Jessica
- Lanza, Judi
- Leapley, Nicole
- LeClerc, Daniel
- Leishman, Peter
- Levesque, Cassandra
- Lloyd, Christal
- Long, Patrick
- Lovett, Peter
- Luneau, David
- MacKay, James
- MacKenzie, Mark
- Malloy, Dennis
- Manos, Zoe
- McAleer, Chris
- McGhee, Kat
- McWilliams, Rebecca
- Meuse, David
- Ming, Ben
- Monteil, Renee
- Morse, Corinne
- Morton, Jennifer
- Muirhead, Russell
- Muns, Chris
- Murphy, James
- Murphy, Nancy
- Murray, Alissandra
- Murray, Kate
- Murray, Megan
- Myler, Mel
- Newell, Jodi
- Newman, Ray
- Newman, Sue
- Noël, Henry
- Nutter-Upham, Frances
- Nutting-Wong, Allison
- O'Brien, Michael
- O'Neil, Candice
- Paige, Mark
- Palmer, William
- Pare, Gail
- Parshall, Lucius
- Payeur, Stephanie
- Pedersen, Michael
- Perez, Maria
- Petrigno, Peter
- Plamondon, Marc
- Preece, David
- Rafter, Hal
- Raymond, Heather
- Raynolds, Ned
- Rich, Cecilia
- Roesener, James
- Rombeau, Catherine
- Rung, Rosemarie
- Schamberg, Thomas
- Schapiro, Joe
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schuett, Dianne
- Schultz, Kristina
- Seibert, Christine
- Selig, Loren
- Shurtleff, Steve
- Simpson, Alexis
- Smart, Lisa
- Smith, Geoffrey
- Smith, Juliet
- Smith, Marjorie
- Sofikitis, Catherine
- Soucy, Timothy
- Southworth, Thomas
- Spier, Carry
- St. Clair, Charlie
- Staub, Kathy
- Stavis, Laurel
- Stringham, Jerry
- Sullivan, Brian
- Sullivan, Jared
- Sykes, George
- Tanner, Linda
- Tatro, Bruce
- Telerski, Laura
- Tellez, Trinidad
- Thomas, Wendy
- Toll, Amanda
- Turcotte, Alisson
- Turer, Eric
- Vail, Suzanne
- Vallone, Mark
- Veilleux, Daniel
- Vincent, Kenneth
- Wall, Janet
- Wallner, Mary Jane
- Ward, Gerald
- Weber, Lucy
- Wilhelm, Matthew
- Wolf, Dan
- Woodcock, Stephen
YES: 178
- Abbott, Michael
- Almy, Susan
- Ames, Richard
- Andrus, Louise
- Balboni, Peggy
- Baldwin, Heather
- Baroody, Benjamin
- Bay, Luz
- Beauchemin, Paige
- Beaulieu, Jane
- Bixby, Peter
- Bolton, Bill
- Booras, Efstathia
- Bouchard, Donald
- Bouldin, Amanda
- Bradley, Amy
- Brennan, Angela
- Buco, Thomas
- Burroughs, Anita
- Cahill, Michael
- Calabro, Karen
- Cannon, Gerri
- Caplan, Tony
- Carey, Lorrie
- Cascadden, Corinne
- Chretien, Jacqueline
- Cloutier, John
- Conlin, Bill
- Cormen, Thomas
- Cornell, Patricia
- Damon, Hope
- Davis, Fred
- Devine, Shelley
- DiLorenzo, Charlotte
- DiSilvestro, Linda
- Dutzy, Sherry
- Eaton, Daniel
- Ebel, Karen
- Edgar, Michael
- Elberger, Susan
- Faulkner, Barry
- Fellows, Sallie
- Fitzpatrick, Daniel
- Ford, Damond
- Fox, Dru
- Foxx, Loren
- Fracht, David
- Gallager, Eric
- Germana, Nicholas
- Gibbs, Merryl
- Gilman, Julie
- Goley, Jeffrey
- Gould, Sherry
- Grassie, Chuck
- Gregg, Alicia
- Grossman, Gaby
- Grote, Jaci
- Hakken-Phillips, Mary
- Hall, Muriel
- Hamblet, Joan
- Hamer, Heidi
- Harriott-Gathright, Linda
- Harvey, Cathryn
- Haskins, Linda
- Heath, Mary
- Herbert, Christopher
- Hicks, Matthew
- Horrigan, Timothy
- Howard, Heath
- Howard, Molly
- Howland, Allan
- Jack, Martin
- Jeudy, Jean
- Johnson, Erik
- Jones, Philip
- Juris, Louis
- Kelley, Eamon
- Kenney, Cam
- Knab, Allison
- LaMontagne, Jessica
- Lane, Connie
- Lanza, Judi
- Leapley, Nicole
- LeClerc, Daniel
- Levesque, Cassandra
- Lloyd, Christal
- Long, Patrick
- Lovett, Peter
- Luneau, David
- MacKay, James
- MacKenzie, Mark
- Malloy, Dennis
- Mandelbaum, Jennifer
- Mangipudi, Latha
- Manos, Zoe
- Massimilla, Linda
- McAleer, Chris
- McBeath, Rebecca
- McGhee, Kat
- McWilliams, Rebecca
- Meuse, David
- Ming, Ben
- Monteil, Renee
- Mooney, Maureen
- Morse, Corinne
- Morton, Jennifer
- Muirhead, Russell
- Muns, Chris
- Murphy, James
- Murphy, Nancy
- Murray, Alissandra
- Murray, Kate
- Murray, Megan
- Myler, Mel
- Newell, Jodi
- Newman, Ray
- Newman, Sue
- Noël, Henry
- Nutter-Upham, Frances
- Nutting-Wong, Allison
- Paige, David
- Paige, Mark
- Palmer, William
- Pare, Gail
- Parshall, Lucius
- Payeur, Stephanie
- Pedersen, Michael
- Petrigno, Peter
- Plamondon, Marc
- Preece, David
- Rafter, Hal
- Raymond, Heather
- Raynolds, Ned
- Read, Ellen
- Rich, Cecilia
- Richards, Beth
- Roesener, James
- Rombeau, Catherine
- Rung, Rosemarie
- Ryan, Linda
- Schamberg, Thomas
- Schapiro, Joe
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schuett, Dianne
- Schultz, Kristina
- Seibert, Christine
- Selig, Loren
- Shurtleff, Steve
- Simpson, Alexis
- Smith, Geoffrey
- Smith, Juliet
- Sofikitis, Catherine
- Soucy, Timothy
- Southworth, Thomas
- Spier, Carry
- St. Clair, Charlie
- Staub, Kathy
- Stavis, Laurel
- Sullivan, Brian
- Sullivan, Jared
- Sykes, George
- Tanner, Linda
- Tatro, Bruce
- Telerski, Laura
- Tellez, Trinidad
- Thomas, Wendy
- Toll, Amanda
- Turcotte, Alisson
- Turer, Eric
- Vail, Suzanne
- Vallone, Mark
- Veilleux, Daniel
- Vincent, Kenneth
- Wall, Janet
- Wallner, Mary Jane
- Ward, Gerald
- Weber, Lucy
- Wilhelm, Matthew
NO: 191
- Abare, Kimberly
- Alexander, Joe
- Ammon, Keith
- Ankarberg, Aidan
- Aron, Judy
- Aures, Cyril
- Avellani, Lino
- Aylward, Deborah
- Bailey, Glenn
- Ball, Lorie
- Bean, Harry
- Beaudoin, Richard
- Belcher, Mike
- Berezhny, Lex
- Bernardy, JD
- Bickford, David
- Boehm, Ralph
- Bogert, Steven
- Bordes, Mike
- Boyd, Bill
- Boyd, Stephen
- Brown, Carroll
- Brown, Richard
- Burnham, Claudine
- Cahill, Tim
- Cambrils, Jose
- Coker, Matthew
- Colcombe, Riché
- Cole, Brian
- Comtois, Barbara
- Connor, James
- Corcoran, Travis
- Cordelli, Glenn
- Costable, Michael
- Coulon, Matthew
- Creighton, Jim
- Cushman, Leah
- Darby, Will
- Davis, Arnold
- Dolan, Tom
- Donnelly, Tanya
- Doucette, Fred
- Drago, Mike
- Drye, Margaret
- Dunn, Ron
- Durkin, Sean
- Edwards, Jess
- Emerick, Tracy
- Erf, Keith
- Fedolfi, Jim
- Filiault, Shaun
- Foote, Charles
- Ford, Oliver
- Gagne, Larry
- Gerhard, Jason
- Gibbons, Candace
- Gorski, Ted
- Gould, Linda
- Granger, Michael
- Greeson, Jeffrey
- Griffin, Gerald
- Guthrie, Joseph
- Harb, Robert
- Harrington, Michael
- Harvey-Bolia, Juliet
- Healey, Robert
- Hill, Gregory
- Hobson, Deb
- Hoell, J.R.
- Horgan, James
- Hunt, John
- Infantine, William
- Janigian, John
- Janvrin, Jason
- Kaczynski, Thomas
- Katsakiores, Phyllis
- Kelley, Diane
- Kennedy, Stephen
- Kenny, Catherine
- Khan, Aboul
- King, Bill
- King, Seth
- Kofalt, Jim
- Kuttab, Katelyn
- Ladd, Rick
- Lascelles, Richard
- Layon, Erica
- Leavitt, John
- Leishman, Peter
- Lekas, Alicia
- Lekas, Tony
- Lewicke, John
- Love, David
- Lundgren, David
- Lynn, Bob
- MacDonald, John
- MacDonald, Wayne
- Maggiore, Jim
- Mannion, Dennis
- Mannion, Tom
- Mason, James
- Mazur, Lisa
- McCarter, Nikki
- McConkey, Mark
- McDonnell, Valerie
- McGough, Tim
- McGuire, Carol
- McGuire, Dan
- McLean, Mark
- McMahon, Charles
- Melvin, Charles
- Merchant, Gary
- Milz, David
- Moffett, Michael
- Murphy, Michael
- Nagel, David
- Nelson, Jodi
- Newton, Clifford
- Noble, Kristin
- Notter, Jeanine
- Nutting, Zachary
- Osborne, Jason
- Ouellet, Mike
- Panek, Sandra
- Pauer, Diane
- Pearson, Mark
- Pearson, Stephen
- Perez, Kristine
- Peternel, Katy
- Phillips, Emily
- Phinney, Brandon
- Piemonte, Tony
- Pitre, Joseph
- Plett, Fred
- Ploszaj, Tom
- Polozov, Yury
- Popovici-Muller, Daniel
- Porcelli, Susan
- Post, Lisa
- Potenza, Kelley
- Potucek, John
- Pratt, Kevin
- Proulx, Mark
- Prout, Andrew
- Prudhomme-O'Brien, Katherine
- Qualey, James
- Quaratiello, Arlene
- Renzullo, Andrew
- Rhodes, Jennifer
- Rochefort, David
- Rollins, Skip
- Roy, Terry
- Seaworth, Brian
- See, Alvin
- Seidel, Sheila
- Sellers, John
- Sheehan, Vanessa
- Simon, Matthew
- Sirois, Shane
- Smart, Lisa
- Smith, Jonathan
- Smith, Steven
- Soti, Julius
- Spilsbury, Walter
- Stapleton, Walter
- Stone, Jonathan
- Stringham, Jerry
- Sweeney, Joe
- Sytek, John
- Tenczar, Jeffrey
- Terry, Paul
- Testerman, Dave
- Thackston, Dick
- Thomas, Douglas
- Tripp, Richard
- True, Chris
- Tudor, Paul
- Turcotte, Len
- Ulery, Jordan
- Vandecasteele, Susan
- Verville, Kevin
- Vose, Michael
- Wallace, Scott
- Walsh, Lilli
- Walsh, Thomas
- Weyler, Kenneth
- Wheeler, Jonah
- Wherry, Robert
- Wolf, Dan
- Wood, Clayton
- Yokela, Josh
- Jul 26, 2024 | executive
- Signed by Governor Sununu 07/26/2024; Chapter 262; eff. I. Sec 1-2 eff 1/1/25 II. Sec 3 eff 9/24/24 III. Rem eff 7/1/24
- Jun 13, 2024 | House
- Enrolled (in recess of) 06/13/2024 HJ 16
- Jun 13, 2024 | Senate
- Enrolled Adopted, VV, (In recess 06/13/2024); SJ 18
- Jun 13, 2024 | House
- Enrolled Bill Amendment #2024-2328e(NT): AA VV (in recess of) 06/13/2024 HJ 16 P. 45
- Jun 13, 2024 | Senate
- Enrolled Bill Amendment #2024-2328e Adopted, VV, (In recess of 06/13/2024); SJ 18
- May 30, 2024 | House
- House Concurs with Senate Amendment 2024-2189s and 2024-2141s (Rep. M. Pearson): MA DV 191-171 05/30/2024 HJ 15 P. 2
- Reconsider Concur (Rep. Gibbons): MF RC 178-191 05/30/2024 HJ 15 P. 5
- May 23, 2024 | Senate
- Special Order to 05/23/2024, Without Objection, MA; 05/02/2024 SJ 11
- Committee Report: Referred to Interim Study, 05/23/2024, Vote 4-1; SC 20
- Special Order to the end of the calendar on 05/23/2024, Without Objection, MA; 05/22/2024; SJ 14
- Special Order to after HB 1292, Without Objection, MA; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Refer to Interim Study, MF, VV; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Sen. Carson Moved Ought to Pass; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Sen. Carson Floor Amendment #2024-1973s, AA, VV; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Sen. Carson Floor Amendment #2024-2189s, AA, VV; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Sen. Birdsell Floor Amendment #2024-2141s, AA, VV; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Senator Soucy moved to divide the question on the motion of Ought to Pass with Amendment: Original bill and Floor Amendment 2024-1973s and then Floor Amendments 2024-2189s and 2024-2141s; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- The Chair ruled the Question Divisible; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Ought to Pass with Amendment: Original bill and Floor Amendment 2024-1973s, MA, VV; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Ought to Pass with Amendment: Floor Amendments 2024-2189s and 2024-2141s and the effective date, MA, VV; OT3rdg; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- Without Objection, the Clerk is authorized to make technical and administrative corrections which are necessary to reflect the intent of the Senate, MA; 05/23/2024; SJ 15
- May 02, 2024 | Senate
- Committee Report: Referred to Interim Study, 05/02/2024, Vote 4-1; SC 17
- Mar 28, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing: 03/28/2024, Room 100, SH, 09:00 am; SC 12
- Feb 21, 2024 | Senate
- Introduced 02/21/2024 and Referred to Judiciary; SJ 6
- Jan 03, 2024 | House
- Amendment #2023-2378h: AA VV 01/03/2024 HJ 1 P. 70
- Ought to Pass with Amendment 2023-2378h: MA RC 202-172 01/03/2024 HJ 1 P. 70
- Oct 31, 2023 | House
- Public Hearing on non-germane Amendment #2023-2351h: 10/31/2023 09:30 am LOB 206-208
- Executive Session: 10/31/2023 10:00 am LOB 206-208 HC 41
- Minority Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate
- Majority Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment #2023-2378h (NT) 10/31/2023 (Vote 9-7; RC) HC 49 P. 24
- Oct 03, 2023 | House
- Subcommittee Work Session: 10/03/2023 01:00 pm LOB 206-208
- Mar 07, 2023 | House
- Executive Session: 03/07/2023 09:30 am LOB 206-208
- Retained in Committee
- Feb 21, 2023 | House
- Public Hearing: 02/21/2023 02:00 pm LOB 206-208
- Jan 04, 2023 | House
- Introduced 01/04/2023 and referred to Children and Family Law
Bill Texts
- IntroducedHTML
- IntroducedPDF
- As Amended by the HouseHTML
- As Amended by the HousePDF
- As Amended by the SenateHTML
- As Amended by the SenatePDF
- Version adopted by both bodiesHTML
- Version adopted by both bodiesPDF
- House Amendment 2023-2351hHTML
- House Amendment 2023-2351hPDF
- House Amendment 2023-2378hHTML
- House Amendment 2023-2378hPDF
- Senate Amendment 2024-1973sHTML
- Senate Amendment 2024-1973sPDF
- Senate Amendment 2024-2140sHTML
- Senate Amendment 2024-2140sPDF
- Senate Amendment 2024-2141sHTML
- Senate Amendment 2024-2141sPDF
- Senate Amendment 2024-2189sHTML
- Senate Amendment 2024-2189sPDF
- Amendment 2024-2328EBAHTML
- Amendment 2024-2328EBAPDF