IntroducedJan 03, 2024
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Title: (New Title) relative to intimidation of election officials, officers, and workers, improper influence over the electoral process, and tampering with electronic ballot counting devices, voter lists or rosters, voter registration systems, and voting system components or passwords.
Last Action See all actions
House • Mar 14, 2024: Indefinitely Postpone (Rep. Sweeney): MA RC 189-184 03/14/2024 HJ 8 P. 65
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1364
Whip Lists
- Gallagercosponsor
YES: 189
- Abare, Kimberly
- Alexander, Joe
- Ammon, Keith
- Andrus, Louise
- Ankarberg, Aidan
- Aron, Judy
- Aures, Cyril
- Avellani, Lino
- Aylward, Deborah
- Bailey, Glenn
- Ball, Lorie
- Bean, Harry
- Beaudoin, Richard
- Belcher, Mike
- Berezhny, Lex
- Bernardy, JD
- Berry, Ross
- Bickford, David
- Boehm, Ralph
- Bogert, Steven
- Bordes, Mike
- Boyd, Bill
- Boyd, Stephen
- Brouillard, Jacob
- Brown, Carroll
- Brown, Richard
- Burnham, Claudine
- Cahill, Tim
- Cambrils, Jose
- Coker, Matthew
- Colcombe, Riché
- Cole, Brian
- Comtois, Barbara
- Connor, James
- Corcoran, Travis
- Cordelli, Glenn
- Costable, Michael
- Crawford, Karel
- Creighton, Jim
- Cushman, Leah
- Davis, Arnold
- DeSimone, Debra
- Dolan, Tom
- Donnelly, Tanya
- Doucette, Fred
- Drago, Mike
- Drye, Margaret
- Dumais, Russell
- Dunn, Ron
- Durkin, Sean
- Edwards, Jess
- Emerick, Tracy
- Erf, Keith
- Fedolfi, Jim
- Foote, Charles
- Ford, Oliver
- Gagne, Larry
- Gerhard, Jason
- Gorski, Ted
- Granger, Michael
- Greeson, Jeffrey
- Griffin, Gerald
- Guthrie, Joseph
- Harb, Robert
- Harley, Tina
- Harrington, Michael
- Harvey-Bolia, Juliet
- Healey, Robert
- Hill, Gregory
- Hobson, Deb
- Hoell, J.R.
- Horgan, James
- Hunt, John
- Infantine, William
- Janigian, John
- Janvrin, Jason
- Kaczynski, Thomas
- Katsakiores, Phyllis
- Kelley, Diane
- Kennedy, Stephen
- Kenny, Catherine
- Khan, Aboul
- King, Bill
- King, Seth
- Kofalt, Jim
- Kuttab, Katelyn
- Ladd, Rick
- Lascelles, Richard
- Layon, Erica
- Leavitt, John
- Lekas, Alicia
- Lekas, Tony
- Lewicke, John
- Love, David
- Lundgren, David
- Lynn, Bob
- MacDonald, John
- MacDonald, Wayne
- Mannion, Dennis
- Mannion, Tom
- Mason, James
- Mazur, Lisa
- McCarter, Nikki
- McConkey, Mark
- McDonnell, Valerie
- McGough, Tim
- McGuire, Carol
- McGuire, Dan
- McLean, Mark
- McMahon, Charles
- Melvin, Charles
- Milz, David
- Moffett, Michael
- Mooney, Maureen
- Murphy, Michael
- Nagel, David
- Nelson, Jodi
- Newton, Clifford
- Noble, Kristin
- Notter, Jeanine
- Nutting, Zachary
- Osborne, Jason
- Ouellet, Mike
- Packard, Sherman
- Panek, Sandra
- Pauer, Diane
- Pearson, Mark
- Pearson, Stephen
- Perez, Kristine
- Peternel, Katy
- Phillips, Emily
- Phinney, Brandon
- Plett, Fred
- Ploszaj, Tom
- Polozov, Yury
- Popovici-Muller, Daniel
- Porcelli, Susan
- Post, Lisa
- Potenza, Kelley
- Potucek, John
- Pratt, Kevin
- Proulx, Mark
- Prout, Andrew
- Prudhomme-O'Brien, Katherine
- Qualey, James
- Quaratiello, Arlene
- Reid, Karen
- Renzullo, Andrew
- Rhodes, Jennifer
- Rochefort, David
- Rollins, Skip
- Roy, Terry
- Santonastaso, Matthew
- Seaworth, Brian
- See, Alvin
- Seidel, Sheila
- Sellers, John
- Sheehan, Vanessa
- Simon, Matthew
- Sirois, Shane
- Smart, Lisa
- Smith, Jonathan
- Soti, Julius
- Spillane, James
- Spilsbury, Walter
- Stapleton, Walter
- Stone, Jonathan
- Sweeney, Joe
- Sytek, John
- Terry, Paul
- Testerman, Dave
- Thackston, Dick
- Thomas, Douglas
- Tripp, Richard
- True, Chris
- Tudor, Paul
- Turcotte, Len
- Ulery, Jordan
- Vandecasteele, Susan
- Varney, Peter
- Verville, Kevin
- Vose, Michael
- Wallace, Scott
- Walsh, Lilli
- Walsh, Thomas
- Weyler, Kenneth
- Wherry, Robert
- Wood, Clayton
- Yokela, Josh
NO: 184
- Abbott, Michael
- Almy, Susan
- Ames, Richard
- Balboni, Peggy
- Baldwin, Heather
- Baroody, Benjamin
- Bay, Luz
- Beauchemin, Paige
- Beaulieu, Jane
- Bixby, Peter
- Bolton, Bill
- Booras, Efstathia
- Bouchard, Donald
- Bouldin, Amanda
- Bradley, Amy
- Brennan, Angela
- Buco, Thomas
- Burroughs, Anita
- Cahill, Michael
- Calabro, Karen
- Cannon, Gerri
- Caplan, Tony
- Carey, Lorrie
- Cascadden, Corinne
- Chretien, Jacqueline
- Cloutier, John
- Conlin, Bill
- Cormen, Thomas
- Cornell, Patricia
- Damon, Hope
- Darby, Will
- Davis, Fred
- Devine, Shelley
- DiLorenzo, Charlotte
- DiSilvestro, Linda
- Dolan, William
- Dutzy, Sherry
- Eaton, Daniel
- Ebel, Karen
- Edgar, Michael
- Elberger, Susan
- Faulkner, Barry
- Fellows, Sallie
- Filiault, Shaun
- Fitzpatrick, Daniel
- Ford, Damond
- Fox, Dru
- Foxx, Loren
- Fracht, David
- Freitas, Mary
- Gallager, Eric
- Germana, Nicholas
- Gibbs, Merryl
- Gilman, Julie
- Goley, Jeffrey
- Grassie, Chuck
- Gregg, Alicia
- Grill, Jessica
- Grossman, Gaby
- Grote, Jaci
- Hakken-Phillips, Mary
- Hall, Muriel
- Hamblet, Joan
- Hamer, Heidi
- Harriott-Gathright, Linda
- Harvey, Cathryn
- Haskins, Linda
- Heath, Mary
- Herbert, Christopher
- Horrigan, Timothy
- Howard, Heath
- Howard, Molly
- Howland, Allan
- Hoyt, Tommy
- Huot, David
- Jack, Martin
- Jeudy, Jean
- Jones, Philip
- Juris, Louis
- Kelley, Eamon
- Kenney, Cam
- Knab, Allison
- LaMontagne, Jessica
- Lane, Connie
- Lanza, Judi
- Leapley, Nicole
- LeClerc, Daniel
- Leishman, Peter
- Levesque, Cassandra
- Lloyd, Christal
- Long, Patrick
- Lovett, Peter
- Luneau, David
- MacKay, James
- MacKenzie, Mark
- Maggiore, Jim
- Malloy, Dennis
- Mangipudi, Latha
- Manos, Zoe
- Massimilla, Linda
- McAleer, Chris
- McBeath, Rebecca
- McGhee, Kat
- McWilliams, Rebecca
- Merchant, Gary
- Meuse, David
- Ming, Ben
- Monteil, Renee
- Morse, Corinne
- Morton, Jennifer
- Muirhead, Russell
- Muns, Chris
- Murphy, Nancy
- Murray, Alissandra
- Murray, Kate
- Murray, Megan
- Myler, Mel
- Newell, Jodi
- Newman, Ray
- Newman, Sue
- Noël, Henry
- Nutter-Upham, Frances
- Nutting-Wong, Allison
- O'Brien, Michael
- Paige, David
- Paige, Mark
- Palmer, William
- Pare, Gail
- Parshall, Lucius
- Pedersen, Michael
- Petrigno, Peter
- Plamondon, Marc
- Preece, David
- Rafter, Hal
- Raymond, Heather
- Raynolds, Ned
- Read, Ellen
- Rich, Cecilia
- Richards, Beth
- Roesener, James
- Rombeau, Catherine
- Rung, Rosemarie
- Ryan, Linda
- Schamberg, Thomas
- Schapiro, Joe
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schuett, Dianne
- Schultz, Kristina
- Seibert, Christine
- Selig, Loren
- Shurtleff, Steve
- Simpson, Alexis
- Smith, Geoffrey
- Smith, Juliet
- Smith, Marjorie
- Sofikitis, Catherine
- Soucy, Timothy
- Southworth, Thomas
- Spier, Carry
- St. Clair, Charlie
- Staub, Kathy
- Stavis, Laurel
- Stringham, Jerry
- Sullivan, Brian
- Sullivan, Jared
- Sykes, George
- Tatro, Bruce
- Telerski, Laura
- Tellez, Trinidad
- Thomas, Wendy
- Toll, Amanda
- Turcotte, Alisson
- Turer, Eric
- Vail, Suzanne
- Vallone, Mark
- Veilleux, Daniel
- Wall, Janet
- Wallner, Mary Jane
- Ward, Gerald
- Weber, Lucy
- Wheeler, Jonah
- Wilhelm, Matthew
- Wolf, Dan
- Woodcock, Stephen
- Mar 14, 2024 | House
- Amendment #2024-0890h: AA VV 03/14/2024 HJ 8 P. 63
- Indefinitely Postpone (Rep. Sweeney): MA RC 189-184 03/14/2024 HJ 8 P. 65
- Mar 05, 2024 | House
- Executive Session: 03/05/2024 09:00 am LOB 306-308
- Committee Report: Without Recommendation 03/05/2024 (Vote 10-10; RC)
- Feb 06, 2024 | House
- Public Hearing: 02/06/2024 03:00 pm LOB 306-308
- Jan 03, 2024 | House
- Introduced 01/03/2024 and referred to Election Law HJ 1 P. 17