IntroducedJan 20, 2025
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 50-11.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the establishment of a child care workforce recruitment and retention program.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Feb 07, 2025: Reported back, do not pass, placed on calendar 4 0 1
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Senate Calendar: 02/10/2025: Second Reading of Bills and Resolutions
Position: 8
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 2306
Whip Lists
- Feb 07, 2025 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Workforce Development, 02/07 9:07 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Relating to the establishment of a child care workforce recruitment and retention program.
- Reported back, do not pass, placed on calendar 4 0 1
- Feb 06, 2025 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 9:45 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Relating to the establishment of a childcare workforce recruitment and retention program.
- Committee Work, Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 2:57 PM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Relating to the establishment of a child care workforce recruitment and retention program.
- Committee Hearing 09:45
- Jan 20, 2025 | Senate
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Workforce Development
Bill Texts
- Video - Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM (SB 2306)
- Video - Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 02:57 PM (Committee Work - SB 2306)
- Video - Senate Workforce Development, 02/07 09:04 AM (Committee Work - SB 2306)
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kenzi J. Brown, Williston, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Stacey Boyko, Juniper Child Care LLC, Minot, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Brandi Jackson, valley city, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jimmy Jackson, valley city, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Christina Norrie, valley city, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Amanda L. McCallum, Kiddie Korral 2.0 (Kiddie Korral 2.0), Minot, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Carol Maurer, Ragamuffins Ranch Daycare (Owner/Pre K Teacher), Stanley, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Landis Larson, North Dakota AFL-CIO (North Dakota AFL-CIO), West Fargo, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Robin A. Nelson, Boys & Girls Club / Fargo Board of Education (CEO and Board Member), Fargo, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Laura Lacher, Economic Development Association of North Dakota (Executive Director), Bismarck, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Anna Nelson, Williston Economic Development (Executive Director), Williston, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Bill Bauman, YMCA Alliance of North Dakota (CEO, Missouri Valley Family YMCA), Bismarck, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Lisa Olson, City of Minot (Council Vice President / Committee on Childcare, Chair), Minot, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Adrian A. Miller, Charge on Together Childcare LLC (Director), Jamestown, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kevin Cross, The Learning Tree (Owner), Minot, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Katherine Grindberg, FMWF Chamber of Commerce (Executive Vice President), Fargo, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kathy Hogan, ND Legislative Assembly (Senate Minority Leader), Fargo, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kathy Hogan, ND Legislative Assembly (Senate Minority Leader), Fargo, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kathy Hogan, ND Legislative Assembly (Senate Minority Leader), Fargo, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kathy Hogan, Bismarck, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 09:45 AM)PDF