IntroducedJan 17, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new chapter to title 14 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to contraceptive health care rights; and to provide a penalty.
Last Action See all actions
House • Feb 10, 2025: Committee Work, House Human Services, 02/10 2:52 PM, Room Pioneer - Committee Work: Relating to contraceptive health care rights; and to provide a penalty.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1478
Whip Lists
- Feb 10, 2025 | House
- Committee Work, House Human Services, 02/10 2:52 PM, Room Pioneer - Committee Work: Relating to contraceptive health care rights; and to provide a penalty.
- Jan 29, 2025 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Human Services, 01/29 9:00 AM, Room Pioneer - Relating to contraceptive health care rights; and to provide a penalty. *IN FAVOR*
- Bill Hearing, House Human Services, 01/29 9:30 AM, Room Pioneer - Relating to contraceptive health care rights; and to provide a penalty. *IN OPPOSITION*
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Committee Hearing 09:30
- Jan 17, 2025 | House
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Human Services
Bill Texts
- Video - House Human Services, 01/29 08:58 AM (HB 1478)
- Testimony (In Favor) -- SHAUNA M. ERICKSON-ABOU ZAHR, FARGO, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony () -- Beth Anderson Grand Forks, ND In Favor Beth Anderson Grand Forks, ND In Favor, (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Michelle Nitengale, Minot AFB, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Elizabeth L. Samuelson, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Erin E. Lee, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- RaNae Jochim, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Whitney Benter, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Caitlin Scheresky, UND Student (President, The F Word), Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Alexandra Deufel, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Ralenia M. Seifert, minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Anastassiya Andrianova, FARGO, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Ellen Johnson, Sanford Health Reproductive Medicine (Senior Genetic Counselor), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Erin Price, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Allison Harrison, Sanford Health (Women's Health Nurse Practitioner), West Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Cora Turner, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Seth O'Neill, North Dakota Domestic & Sexual Violence Coalition (Executive Director), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Katie Christensen Mineer, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Action Fund (North Dakota State Director, External Affairs), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Moinjama Konneh, Womens activist organizations, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Katie Casey, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Debra Hoffarth, (Self), Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Courtney Koebele, ND Medical Association (Executive Director), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karla Rose Hanson, District 44 - House, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karla Rose Hanson, District 44 - House, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Julie Reiten, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Shayna Wacha, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Alisha Kania, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Ana Mastin, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Ana Tobiasz, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ND Section Chair), Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Tara Harding, Simply You Wellness (Simply You Wellness), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Collette Lessard, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Shannon Krueger, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Catherine Benton, Personal, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Christina A. Sambor, Gender Justice (North Dakota State Director), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/29 09:00 AM)PDF