IntroducedJan 14, 2025
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subsection to section 12-60-24 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to criminal history record checks; to provide an appropriation; to provide for application; and to provide an effective date.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Feb 07, 2025: Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 6 nays 41
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 2194
Whip Lists
- Mitskogprimary
- Schreiber-Beckprimary
NO: 41
- Feb 07, 2025 | Senate
- Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 6 nays 41
- Feb 06, 2025 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 2:15 PM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Relating to criminal history record checks; to provide an appropriation; to provide for application; and to provide an effective date.
- Reported back, do not pass, placed on calendar 5 0 0
- Jan 24, 2025 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Workforce Development, 01/24 9:00 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Relating to criminal history record checks; to provide an appropriation; to provide for application; and to provide an effective date.
- Committee Work, Senate Workforce Development, 01/24 9:55 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Relating to criminal history record checks; to provide an appropriation; to provide for application; and to provide an effective date.
- Committee Work, Senate Workforce Development, , Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Relating to criminal history record checks; to provide an appropriation; to provide for application; and to provide an effective date.
- Committee Work, Senate Workforce Development, , Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Relating to criminal history record checks; to provide an appropriation; to provide for application; and to provide an effective date.
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Jan 14, 2025 | Senate
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Workforce Development
Bill Texts
- Video - Senate Workforce Development, 01/24 09:00 AM (SB 2194)
- Video - Senate Workforce Development, 02/06 02:41 PM (Committee Work: SB 2194)
- Video - Senate, 02/07 01:48 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2194 - Workforce Development - Do Not Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/07 01:48 PM (Senator Wobbema)
- Video - Senate, 02/07 01:50 PM (Senator Lee)
- Video - Senate, 02/07 01:52 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2194 - Workforce Development - Do Not Pass - Votes Required 24: FAILED - Yea 6 Nay 41 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Bill Bauman, YMCA Alliance (Executive Director/CEO, Missouri Valley Family YMCA), Bismarck, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 01/24 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Janelle Middlestead, North Dakota Insurance Department (Producer Licensing Director), Bismarck, ND (Senate Workforce Development, 01/24 09:00 AM)PDF