IntroducedJan 18, 2023
Passed HouseFeb 22, 2023
Passed SenateApr 03, 2023
Signed into LawMay 18, 2023
AN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 14-02.4 and a new section to chapter 15.1-06 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to preferred pronouns and providing accommodations to a transgender student; to provide a penalty; and to declare an emergency.
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 18, 2023: Filed with Secretary Of State 05/09
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1522
Whip Lists
YES: 73
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, D.
- Anderson, K.
- Bahl
- Bellew
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Brandenburg
- Christensen
- Cory
- Dockter
- Dyk
- Fegley
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Grueneich
- Hatlestad
- Hauck
- Headland
- Heilman
- Heinert
- Henderson
- Holle
- Johnson, J.
- Jonas
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Klemin
- Koppelman
- Kreidt
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Marschall
- Martinson
- McLeod
- Meier
- Monson
- Motschenbacher
- Nathe
- Nelson
- Novak
- Olson, J.
- Olson, S.
- Porter
- Prichard
- Pyle
- Rios
- Rohr
- Ruby, D.
- Ruby, M.
- Sanford
- Satrom
- Schatz
- Schauer
- Schobinger
- Steiner
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Timmons
- Toman
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Weisz
- Speaker Johnson, D.
NO: 19
YES: 68
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, K.
- Bahl
- Bellew
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Brandenburg
- Christensen
- Cory
- Dockter
- Dyk
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Grueneich
- Hatlestad
- Hauck
- Headland
- Heilman
- Henderson
- Holle
- Hoverson
- Johnson, J.
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Klemin
- Koppelman
- Kreidt
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Marschall
- Martinson
- McLeod
- Meier
- Motschenbacher
- Nathe
- Nelson
- Novak
- Olson, J.
- Olson, S.
- Prichard
- Pyle
- Rios
- Roers Jones
- Rohr
- Ruby, D.
- Ruby, M.
- Satrom
- Schatz
- Schauer
- Schobinger
- Steiner
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Timmons
- Toman
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Weisz
- Speaker Johnson, D.
NO: 22
- May 18, 2023 | executive
- Filed with Secretary Of State 05/09
- May 18, 2023 | House
- Signed by Governor 05/08
- Apr 28, 2023 | House
- Signed by Speaker
- Sent to Governor
- Apr 28, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by President
- Apr 27, 2023 | Senate
- Conference committee report adopted
- Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 40 nays 6
- Emergency clause carried
- Apr 26, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back from conference committee, amend, placed on calendar
- Apr 25, 2023 | House
- Conference committee report adopted
- Second reading, passed, yeas 68 nays 22, Emergency clause carried
- Apr 24, 2023 | House
- Reported back from conference committee, amend, placed on calendar
- Apr 21, 2023 | House
- Conference Committee, House Human Services, 04/21 2:30 PM, Room Pioneer - Representatives Rohr (R) (Chair); K. Anderson (R); Dobervich (D); Senators Weston (R); Lee (R); Clemens (R);
- Apr 19, 2023 | Senate
- Conference committee appointed Weston Lee Cleary
- Apr 19, 2023 | House
- Conference Committee, House Human Services, 04/19 3:30 PM, Room Pioneer - Representatives Rohr (R) (Chair); K. Anderson (R); Dobervich (D); Senators Weston (R); Lee (R); Clemens (R);
- Apr 17, 2023 | House
- Refused to concur
- Conference committee appointed Rohr K. Anderson Dobervich
- Apr 03, 2023 | House
- Returned to House (12)
- Apr 03, 2023 | Senate
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Amendment proposed on floor
- Amendment adopted
- Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 37 nays 10
- Emergency clause carried
- Mar 31, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:30 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Committee Hearing 11:30
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 4 1 1
- Mar 29, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Human Services, 03/29 2:45 PM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Committee Hearing 02:45
- Mar 21, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Human Services, 03/21 9:00 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Relating to providing accommodations to a transgender student; and to declare an emergency.
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Mar 15, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Human Services, 03/15 10:30 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Relating to providing accommodations to a transgender student; and to declare an emergency. MOVED TO AFTERNOON
- Bill Hearing, Senate Human Services, 03/15 3:00 PM, Room Fort Lincoln - MOVED FROM MORNING - Relating to providing accommodations to a transgender student; and to declare an emergency.
- Committee Hearing 10:30
- Committee Hearing 03:00
- Mar 03, 2023 | Senate
- Received from House
- Introduced, first reading, (emergency), referred to Human Services
- Feb 22, 2023 | House
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Second reading, passed, yeas 73 nays 19, Emergency clause carried
- Feb 21, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Human Services, 02/21 9:00 AM, Room Pioneer - Committee Work: Relating to providing accommodations to a transgender student; and to declare an emergency.
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 12 2 0
- Feb 20, 2023 | House
- Rereferred to Human Services
- Feb 17, 2023 | House
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Feb 16, 2023 | House
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 11 3 0
- Feb 15, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Human Services, 02/15 4:30 PM, Room Pioneer - Committee Work: Relating to providing accommodations to a transgender student; and to declare an emergency
- Committee Hearing 04:30
- Jan 24, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Human Services, 01/24 9:45 AM, Room Pioneer - Relating to providing accommodations to a transgender student; to provide a penalty; and to declare an emergency.
- Committee Hearing 09:45
- Jan 18, 2023 | House
- Introduced, first reading, (emergency), Human Services Committee
Bill Texts
- Adopted by the House Human Services CommitteePDF
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Representative DykPDF
- Adopted by the Senate Human Services CommitteePDF
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senator LuickPDF
- SECOND ENGROSSMENT with Senate AmendmentsPDF
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Representative RohrPDF
- SECOND ENGROSSMENT with Conference Committee AmendmentsPDF
- EnrollmentPDF
- Legislative HistoryPDF
- Marked up (Adopted by the House Human Services Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Representative Dyk)PDF
- Marked up (Adopted by the Senate Human Services Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senator Luick)PDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Representative Rohr)PDF
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 10:52 AM (HB 1522 - relating to providing accommodations to a transgender student; to provide a penalty; and to declare an emergency.)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 10:53 AM (Representative Dyk - Testifying in support of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:16 AM (Kimberly Hurst - Testifying in support of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:18 AM (Karen Krenz - Chair Moms for Liberty - Testifying in support of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:21 AM (Tom Tracey - Testifying in support of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:29 AM (Sharlet Mohr - Testifying in support of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:32 AM (Patricia Leno - Testifying in support of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:33 AM (Elia Jay Scott - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:36 AM (Caedmon Marks - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:38 AM (Gabriela Balf - from NDPS - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:42 AM (Christina Sambor - Lobbyist/Legislative Coordinator for the NDHCR/Youthworks - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 11:56 AM (Patrick Pins - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 12:00 PM (David Martian - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 12:02 PM (Gretchen Deeg - North Dakota resident -Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 12:04 PM (Amy Dacook - General Council for the ND School board association -Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 12:05 PM (Gabriela Balf - from NDPS - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 12:06 PM (Mia Halvorson - Testifying in opposition of HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 01/24 12:08 PM (Hearing closed on HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:29 PM (Committee Work on HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:32 PM (Representative M. Ruby - Moved to amend HB 1522 LC #23.0864.04003 # 22141)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:32 PM (Representative Dobervich - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:34 PM (Roll call vote - 12-2-0 Motion carries)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:39 PM (Representative Prichard - Moved to further amend HB 1522 with revive Section 2 Emergency clause and Subsection 5 but change Line 17 $500 to $25,000)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:40 PM (Representative K. Anderson - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:40 PM (Roll call vote - 8-6-0 Motion carries)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:41 PM (Representative Holle - Moved do pass as amended on HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:41 PM (Representative Prichard - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:41 PM (Roll call vote - 11-3-0 Motion carries)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/15 04:42 PM (Representative Holle to carry the bill)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:01 AM (Call to order)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:02 AM (Committee Work - HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:02 AM (Representative Holle - Moved to reconsider HB 1522- The use of a separate restroom accommodations for a transgender student- line 17 Student instead of Transgender)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:02 AM (Representative K. Anderson - Seconded Motion)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:02 AM (Voice vote to reconsider - Motion Passes)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:02 AM (Discussion on Amendment)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:04 AM (Representative Holle - Moved to amend HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:04 AM (Representative McLeod - Seconded Motion)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:05 AM (Roll call vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 12-2-0)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:06 AM (Representative Prichard - Moved do pass as amended on HB 1522)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:06 AM (Representative Holle - Seconded Motion)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:07 AM (Roll call vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 12-2-0)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/21 09:07 AM (Representative Prichard to carry the bill)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:15 AM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:15 AM (Representative Prichard)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:17 AM (Representative Boschee)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:20 AM (Representative Dyk)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:26 AM (Representative Hauck)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:26 AM (Representative Dobervich)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:28 AM (Representative Olson, S.)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:29 AM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 73 Nay 19 N/V 2 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 11:55 AM (HB 1522 - Moved to afternoon)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:10 PM (HB 1522 - MOVED TO NEXT WEEK)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:01 AM (HB 1522)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:01 AM (Representative Dyk introduced the bill in favor #23647)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:01 AM (Representative Dyk additional information #26060)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:01 AM (Representative Dyk proposed amendment LC23086406001 #26059)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:01 AM (Representative Dyk proposed amendment LC23086406003 #26058)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:15 AM (Representative S. Olson in favor #26080)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:19 AM (Mark Jorrritsma - Executive Director - North Dakota Family Alliance - Legislative Action in favor #25302)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:22 AM (Karen Hanson in favor #26070)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:32 AM (Brady Mehlhoff in favor #26069)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:36 AM (Aubrianna Brown in favor #26071)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:40 AM (Tayva Upgren in favor #26043)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:44 AM (Alaina Brown in favor #26067)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:48 AM (Cody Schuler - Advocacy Manager - ACLU - in opposition #25102)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:56 AM (Christina Sambor - Lobbyist for Youthworks - North Dakota Human Rights Coalition - Human Rights Campaign in opposition #25176)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:15 AM (Andrew Alexis Varvel in neutral #26035)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:15 AM (Andrew Alexis Varvel additional information #25835)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:15 AM (Andrew Alexis Varvel additional information #24938)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:19 AM (Brittany Diedrich - Owner - Better Deeds in opposition #26044)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:23 AM (Caedmon Marx - Outreach - Dakota Outright in opposition verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:26 AM (Allison Rhodes in opposition #25909)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:32 AM (Kristie Miller in opposition #24086)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:33 AM (Kristie Miller additional information #25822)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:35 AM (Barry Nelson - Commission Member - Fargo Human Rights Commission in opposition #25070)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/21 10:41 AM (Hearing adjourned)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/29 02:55 PM (HB 1522 Committee Work)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/29 03:18 PM (Courtney Koebele provided information verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/29 03:32 PM (Chris Joseph - Counsel - Legislative Council provided information verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/29 03:59 PM (Senator Cleary moved Do Pass)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/29 03:59 PM (Senator Weston seconded)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/29 04:02 PM (Roll Call Vote - Motion passed 3-2-1)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/29 04:06 PM (Adjourned)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:31 AM (Committee Work - HB 1522)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:31 AM (Senator Lee handed out requested amendments drafted by Liz Fordahl - Counsel - Legislative Council provided requested amendments LC 23086406004 and LC 23086406005 #27166)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:46 AM (Liz Fordahl - Counsel - Legislative Council provided information verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:52 AM (Senator Cleary moved to adopt LC 23086406005 without the change to Page 1, line 10 relating to the or public school and change policy to plan on line 11)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:52 AM (Senator Hogan seconded)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:59 AM (Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 5-0-1)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:02 PM (Senator Cleary moved to adopt amendment to strike section 4 and 5)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:02 PM (Senator Hogan seconded)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:05 PM (Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 3-2-1)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:06 PM (Liz Fordahl provided additional information verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:10 PM (Senator Cleary moved Do Pass as Amended)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:10 PM (Senator Weston seconded)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:10 PM (Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 4-1-1)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/31 12:11 PM (Adjourned)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:06 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1522 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:06 PM (Senator Clemens)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:07 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:08 PM (Senator Clemens)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:09 PM (Senator Luick)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:10 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1522)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:10 PM (Senator Luick)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:11 PM (Senator Lee)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:12 PM (Senator Myrdal)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:13 PM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:14 PM (Senator Luick)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:14 PM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:15 PM (Senator Myrdal)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:16 PM (Senator Lee)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:17 PM (Senator K. Roers)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:17 PM (Senator Myrdal)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:19 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1522 - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 31 Nay 16 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:19 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 04/03 02:20 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 37 Nay 10 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/19 03:33 PM (HB 1522)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:30 PM (HB 1522)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:32 PM (Senator Weston - Moved that the senate recede from the senate amendments and amend as follows 23.0864.06008)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:33 PM (Senator Lee - Seconded)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:33 PM (Roll call vote - 5-1-0 - Motion carried)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:33 PM (Senator Clemens to carry the bill for the senate)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:34 PM (Representative Rohr to carry the bill for the house)
- Video - House, 04/25 07:05 PM (7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - HB1522 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - House, 04/25 07:06 PM (Representative Rohr)
- Video - House, 04/25 07:08 PM (Representative Schreiber Beck)
- Video - House, 04/25 07:09 PM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - House, 04/25 07:09 PM (Representative Rohr)
- Video - House, 04/25 07:10 PM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Conference Committee - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 68 Nay 22 N/V 4 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate, 04/27 01:19 PM (7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - HB1522 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - Senate, 04/27 01:19 PM (Senator Clemens)
- Video - Senate, 04/27 01:20 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - Senate, 04/27 01:21 PM (Senator Clemens)
- Video - Senate, 04/27 01:21 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1522 - Human Services - Conference Committee - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 40 Nay 6 N/V 1 Exc 0)
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Proposed Amendment, (Conference Committee, 04/21 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Beth Dyk, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Scott Dyk, (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Charles J. Vondal, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Naomi R. Franek, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christina Feldmann, Beach, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rev Karen Van Fossan - she her, FARGO, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Martin J. Avery, Mayville/Gran Lutheran Parish (Church), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Reed E. Rahrich, Minneapolis, MN (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kayla Schmidt, North Dakota Women's Network (Interim Executive Director), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Jacob Thomsen, North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action (Policy Analyst), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Gabriela Balf, Psychiatrist, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Lovita Scrimshaw, D.O. (Emergency Physician, North Dakota State Director American Academy of Medical Ethics), Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Daniel Scrimshaw, D.O. (Emergency Physician, North Dakota State Director American Academy of Medical Ethics), Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Alexa Workman, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Doug Sharbono, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Nathan Brown, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Wade M. Pulkrabek, Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Lisa M. Pulkrabek, Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brian E. Murphy, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Amber Vibeto, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jayce D. Branden, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shawn Nixon, ND Resident, Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jeff Miller, MINOT, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sarah Galbraith, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Olivia F. Data, Youth Action Council (Youth Action Council Coordinator), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Seth Flamm, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Gretchen Deeg, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Laurel Sanders, (Historian), Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rody L. Schultz, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Janet H. Mathistad, (ELCA Lutheran Pastor), Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Faye Seidler, Moorhead, MN (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kara Gloe, Canopy Medical Clinic (Mental Health Therapist), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rev Grace M. Morton, People's United Church of Christ (Pastor), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Naomi Tabassum, New Story Counseling Services (owner/president), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jacob Thomas, (Public Educator), Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jamie W. Teeples, Moorhead, MN (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Maura Ferguson, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sarah Seger, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mallorie M. Taylor-Teeples, Moorhead, MN (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rebekah Oliver, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kayla M. Johnson, Watford City, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Gordon W. Greenstein, Taxpayer Retired (Taxpayer Retired), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christopher D. Brown, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Molly Haagenson, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Bree Langemo, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Gregory Demme, (Pastor), Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amalia Dillin, North Dakota Resident, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sylvia Bull, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Becky Craigo, Beach Pride Family ; House of Safe Spaces (President), Beach, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kaitlyn Kelly, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Caius DC. Harris, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Mariah A. Bates, Moms For Liberty, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Joseph E. Bowling, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kimberly Hurst, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Sharlet J. Mohr, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karen Krenz, Moms for Liberty Williams County (Chair), Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Andrew Alexis Varvel, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jason D. Moore, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Tiffany C. Ormonde, Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- David Ormonde, Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rocky G. Babel, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Debra M. Bolte, Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sydney Glende, New Story Counseling Services (New Story Counseling Services), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kristie Miller, (North Dakota Citizen and Parent of Transgender), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Tim Baumann, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jimmy R. Ramsey, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Susan Draper, Moms For Liberty (Vice Chair), Williston, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- catherine cartier, WILLISTON, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Samantha E. Kilcline, Youthworks (Client), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Megan T. Degenstein, (Mental health counselor/therapist), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Michelle K. Webber, Moorhead, MN (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Emily Coler Hanson, (LMFT), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Debra L. Hoffarth, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Daniel L. Baumgartner, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Elia J. Scott, Fraser LLC (DSP), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Stacy High, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Janet B. Anderson, Burlington, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brett Whitney, Menoken, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Ellery P. Dykeman, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Seth W. Flamm, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jane Hirst, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- William S. Niehaus, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 01/24 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Proposed Amendment, (House Human Services, 02/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Whitney Oxendahl, Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rose A. Nichols, Mandan, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kristin Nelson, Project RAI (Founder), Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Alayna M. Kraft, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Barry N. Nelson, Fargo Human Rights Commission (Commission Member), Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Elizabeth Loos, North Dakota Chapter - National Association of Social Workers (Lobbyist), Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mariah Ralston Deragon, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kimberly Hurst, Williston, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Cody J. Schuler, ACLU (Advocacy Manager), Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shelley M. Farrell, ND human rights collation (Member), Minot, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Tara Jensen, Parent, fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Faye Seidler, Moorhead, MN (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mia Halvorson, Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Doug Sharbono, Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Stephen L. McDonough, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Sharlet Mohr, Williston, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shannon Krueger, (School. Counselor), Minot, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christina Sambor, Youthworks, NDHRC, Human Rights Campaign (Lobbyist - 312), Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Andrew Alexis Varvel, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mary Weiler, FARGO, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Derek Harnish, FARGO, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brenda Weiler, FARGO, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amber R. Lefers, MADISON, WI (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jason D. Moore, Williston, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Oliver G. Jensen, Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rachel Haidle, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kristie G. Miller, (Parent of Transgender), Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christopher D. Brown, Minot, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Alannah Valenta, NDASP (NDASP President), Montpelier, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Shawna Grubb, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- scott h. dyk, legislature, Williston, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Mark Jorritsma, North Dakota Family Alliance - Legislative Action (Executive Director), (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- SuAnn Olson, (Representative), (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Aubrianna Brown, (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karen Hanson, (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Brady Mehlhoff, (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Alaina Brown, (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Scott Dyk, (Representative), (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Scott Dyk, (Representative), (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Scott Dyk, (Representative), (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Sheppard Olson, (Student), New Salem, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brittany Diederich, Better Deeds (Owner), Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Tayva Upgren, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Nick Archuleta, ND United (President), Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Andrew Alexis Varvel, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Andrew Alexis Varvel, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shannon Krueger, (School Counselor), Minot, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Melissa H. Burkland, Fargo Board of Education (Government Affairs Committee), Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karen Krenz, Williston, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Janet B. Anderson, Self (Self), Burlington, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rachel Sinness, North Dakota Protection & Advocacy (Legal Director), Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jacob R. Holter, Surrey, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Cionda N. Holter, Surrey, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Courtney Tennancour, HILLSBORO, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Allison J. Rhodes, Personal/Self, MINOT, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Bree Langemo, (Parent), Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- James Lyons, moorhead, MN (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- John Fraase, Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jodi Plecity, Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kara Gloe, Canopy Medical Clinic (Mental Health Therapist), Farog, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jane Pettinger, Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/21 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Matt Ruby, (Representative), (House Human Services, 02/15 04:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mia Halverson, (Senate Human Services, 03/29 02:45 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Liz Fordahl, Attorney General's Office (Counsel), (Senate Human Services, 03/31 11:30 AM)PDF