IntroducedJan 18, 2023
Passed HouseFeb 22, 2023
Passed SenateApr 06, 2023
Signed into LawApr 29, 2023
AN ACT to create and enact a new chapter to title 50 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to creation of the opioid settlement fund, creation of the opioid settlement advisory committee, and use of opioid settlement funds; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 21-10-06 and section 23-01-42 of the North Dakota Century Code and section 5 of chapter 3 of the 2021 Session Laws, relating to funds under management of the state investment board, opioid antagonist prescription, distribution, possession, or use, and the funding of the opioid treatment and prevention program; to provide an appropriation; to provide for a transfer; to provide for application; and to declare an emergency.
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 18, 2023: Filed with Secretary Of State 05/01
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1447
Whip Lists
YES: 92
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, D.
- Anderson, K.
- Bahl
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Boschee
- Brandenburg
- Christensen
- Christy
- Conmy
- Cory
- Dakane
- Davis
- Dobervich
- Dockter
- Dyk
- Fegley
- Finley-DeVille
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Grueneich
- Hager
- Hagert
- Hanson
- Hatlestad
- Hauck
- Headland
- Heilman
- Heinert
- Henderson
- Holle
- Ista
- Johnson, J.
- Jonas
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Klemin
- Koppelman
- Kreidt
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Marschall
- Martinson
- McLeod
- Meier
- Mitskog
- Mock
- Monson
- Motschenbacher
- Murphy
- Nathe
- Nelson
- Novak
- O'Brien
- Olson, J.
- Olson, S.
- Ostlie
- Porter
- Prichard
- Pyle
- Richter
- Rios
- Roers Jones
- Rohr
- Ruby, D.
- Ruby, M.
- Sanford
- Satrom
- Schatz
- Schauer
- Schneider
- Schobinger
- Schreiber- Beck
- Steiner
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Timmons
- Toman
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Weisz
- Speaker Johnson, D.
NO: 1
YES: 47
- Axtman
- Barta
- Beard
- Bekkedahl
- Boehm
- Braunberger
- Burckhard
- Cleary
- Clemens
- Conley
- Davison
- Dever
- Dwyer
- Elkin
- Erbele
- Estenson
- Hogan
- Hogue
- Kannianen
- Kessel
- Klein
- Krebsbach
- Kreun
- Larsen
- Larson
- Lee
- Lemm
- Luick
- Magrum
- Mathern
- Meyer
- Myrdal
- Patten
- Paulson
- Piepkorn
- Roers, J.
- Roers, K.
- Rummel
- Rust
- Schaible
- Sickler
- Sorvaag
- Vedaa
- Wanzek
- Weber
- Weston
- Wobbema
NO: 0
YES: 85
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, D.
- Anderson, K.
- Bahl
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Boschee
- Brandenburg
- Conmy
- Cory
- Dakane
- Davis
- Dobervich
- Dockter
- Dyk
- Fegley
- Finley-DeVille
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Grueneich
- Hager
- Hagert
- Hanson
- Hatlestad
- Hauck
- Headland
- Heinert
- Henderson
- Holle
- Ista
- Johnson, J.
- Jonas
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Klemin
- Kreidt
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Martinson
- McLeod
- Meier
- Mitskog
- Mock
- Monson
- Motschenbacher
- Murphy
- Nathe
- Nelson
- Novak
- O'Brien
- Olson, J.
- Olson, S.
- Ostlie
- Prichard
- Pyle
- Richter
- Rios
- Roers Jones
- Rohr
- Ruby, M.
- Sanford
- Satrom
- Schatz
- Schauer
- Schneider
- Schobinger
- Schreiber-Beck
- Steiner
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Timmons
- Toman
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Weisz
- Speaker Johnson, D.
YES: 47
- Axtman
- Barta
- Beard
- Bekkedahl
- Boehm
- Braunberger
- Burckhard
- Cleary
- Clemens
- Conley
- Davison
- Dever
- Dwyer
- Elkin
- Erbele
- Estenson
- Hogan
- Hogue
- Kannianen
- Kessel
- Klein
- Krebsbach
- Kreun
- Larsen
- Larson
- Lee
- Lemm
- Luick
- Magrum
- Mathern
- Meyer
- Myrdal
- Patten
- Paulson
- Piepkorn
- Roers, J.
- Roers, K.
- Rummel
- Rust
- Schaible
- Sickler
- Sorvaag
- Vedaa
- Wanzek
- Weber
- Weston
- Wobbema
NO: 0
- May 18, 2023 | executive
- Filed with Secretary Of State 05/01
- Apr 29, 2023 | House
- Signed by Governor 04/29
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- Signed by Speaker
- Sent to Governor
- Apr 27, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by President
- Apr 26, 2023 | Senate
- Conference committee report adopted
- Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 47 nays 0
- Emergency clause carried
- Apr 25, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back from conference committee, amend, placed on calendar
- Apr 25, 2023 | House
- Conference committee report adopted
- Second reading, passed, yeas 85 nays 8, Emergency clause carried
- Apr 21, 2023 | House
- Reported back from conference committee, amend, placed on calendar
- Apr 20, 2023 | House
- Conference Committee, House Human Services, 04/20 11:00 AM, Room Pioneer - Representatives Beltz (R) (Chair); Weisz (R); Dobervich (D); Senators Lee (R); Cleary (R); K. Roers (R);
- Apr 19, 2023 | House
- Conference Committee, House Human Services, 04/19 3:00 PM, Room Pioneer - Representatives Beltz (R) (Chair); Weisz (R); Dobervich (D); Senators Lee (R); Cleary (R); K. Roers (R);
- Apr 17, 2023 | Senate
- Conference committee appointed Lee Cleary K. Roers
- Apr 11, 2023 | House
- Refused to concur
- Conference committee appointed Beltz Weisz Dobervich
- Apr 06, 2023 | House
- Returned to House (12)
- Apr 06, 2023 | Senate
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 47 nays 0
- Emergency clause carried
- Apr 05, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 16 0 0
- Apr 04, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations, 04/04 11:00 AM, Room Roughrider - Committee Work: HB 1447 - Committee work
- Committee Hearing 11:00
- Apr 03, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 2:30 PM, Room Roughrider - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Committee Hearing 02:30
- Mar 28, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 8:30 AM, Room Roughrider - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Committee Hearing 08:30
- Mar 17, 2023 | Senate
- Amendment adopted
- Rereferred to Appropriations
- Mar 16, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 6 0 0
- Mar 15, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Human Services, 03/15 9:00 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Committee Work - HB 1447
- Committee Work, Senate Human Services, 03/15 4:15 PM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Committee Hearing 04:15
- Mar 14, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Human Services, 03/14 4:00 PM, Room Fort Lincoln - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Committee Hearing 04:00
- Mar 13, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Human Services, 03/13 9:00 AM, Room Fort Lincoln - Relating to creation of the opioid settlement fund, creation of the opioid settlement advisory committee, and use of opioid settlement funds; to funds under management of the state investment board and the funding of the opioid treatment and prevention program
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Mar 03, 2023 | Senate
- Received from House
- Introduced, first reading, (emergency), referred to Human Services
- Feb 22, 2023 | House
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Second reading, passed, yeas 92 nays 1, Emergency clause carried
- Feb 21, 2023 | House
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 14 0 0
- Feb 20, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Human Services, 02/20 11:12 AM, Room Pioneer - Committee Work: HB 1447
- Committee Hearing 11:12
- Feb 08, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Human Services, 02/08 9:00 AM, Room Pioneer - Relating to creation of the opioid settlement fund; to amend and reenact section 5 of chapter 3 of the 2021 Session Laws, relating to the funding of the opioid treatment and prevention program; to provide for a transfer; and to declare an emergency.
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Jan 18, 2023 | House
- Introduced, first reading, (emergency), Human Services Committee
Bill Texts
- Adopted by the House Human Services CommitteePDF
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senate Human Services CommitteePDF
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division CommitteePDF
- FIRST ENGROSSMENT with Senate AmendmentsPDF
- Adopted by the Conference CommitteePDF
- FIRST ENGROSSMENT with Conference Committee AmendmentsPDF
- EnrollmentPDF
- Legislative HistoryPDF
- Marked up (Adopted by the House Human Services Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senate Human Services Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Adopted by the Conference Committee)PDF
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:04 AM (HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:05 AM (Representative Weisz - Testifying in support of HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:16 AM (Parrell D. Grossman -Director of Consumer Protection and Antitrust Division From ND Office of Attorney General - Testifying in support of HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:16 AM (Additional testimony provided by Parrell D. Grossman)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:16 AM (Amendment proposed by Parrell D. Grossman)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:33 AM (Pamela Sagness - From ND Health & Human Services - Testifying in support of HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:41 AM (Parrell D. Grossman - From the North Dakota Office of Attorney General - Testifying in support of HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:46 AM (Pamela Sagness - From ND Health & Human Services - Testifying in support of HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/08 09:52 AM (Hearing closed on HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:12 AM (Committee Work on HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:19 AM (Representative Porter - Moved to amend HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:19 AM (Representative Rohr - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:23 AM (Voice vote on Amendment - Motion Passes)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:23 AM (Representative McLeod - Moved do pass as amended on HB 1447)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:23 AM (Representative Beltz - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:23 AM (Roll call vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 14-0-0)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:24 AM (Representative Weisz to carry the bill)
- Video - House Human Services, 02/20 11:24 AM (Recess)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:06 AM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:07 AM (Representative Weisz)
- Video - House, 02/22 10:14 AM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Human Services - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 92 Nay 1 N/V 1 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:01 AM (HB 1447)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:01 AM (Representative Weisz introduced the bill in favor verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:20 AM (Parrell Grossman - Director of Consumer Protection and Antitrust Division - Office of the Attorney General in neutral and proposed an amendment LC 2310402001 #24219)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:39 AM (Pam Sagness - Behavioral Health Executive Director - North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services in neutral #24368)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:42 AM (Stephanie Dassinger Engebretson - Deputy Director and Staff Attorney -North Dakota League of Cities in opposition #24163)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:47 AM (Aaron Birst - Executive Director - North Dakota Association of Counties in opposition verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:54 AM (Robyn Litke Sall - Substance Misuse Prevention Coordinator - Fargo Cass Public Health in opposition #23949)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 10:09 AM (Renae Moch - Bismarck Burleigh County Public Health provided information verbally)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 10:14 AM (Lorraine Davis - Founder and Chief Executive Officer in favor #24365)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/13 10:29 AM (Hearing Adjourned)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/14 04:00 PM (HB 1447 Committee Work)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/14 04:00 PM (Senator Cleary proposed an amendment #24996)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 08:57 AM (HB 1447 Committee Work)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 04:58 PM (HB 1447 Committee Work)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:00 PM (Senator Cleary handed out amendment LC 23101402002 #25392)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:00 PM (Senator Cleary additional information LC 23101402002 #25393)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:04 PM (Senator K. Roers moved amendment LC 23101402002 #25392 and 25393)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:04 PM (Senator Weston seconded)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:05 PM (Roll Call Vote - Motion passed 6-0-0)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:05 PM (Senator K. Roers moved DO PASS as AMENDED and REREFER to APPROPRIATIONS)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:05 PM (Senator Weston seconded)
- Video - Senate Human Services, 03/15 05:05 PM (Roll Call Vote - Motion passed 6-0-0)
- Video - Senate, 03/17 12:36 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1447 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 03/17 12:36 PM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 08:30 AM (Committee Work: HB 1447)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 08:45 AM (General Discussion)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 08:46 AM (Levi Kinnischtzke - Legislative Council - Senior Fiscal Analyst - provided Neutral overview of the Opioid Settlement)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 08:55 AM (Stephanie Dassinger Engebretson - Deputy Director - ND League of Cities - Testified In Favor)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 08:58 AM (Sherry Adams - Southwestern District Health Unit - Executive Officer - Testified In Favor)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 09:06 AM (Laura Anderson - Policy Director - Behavioral Health Division - Testified In Favor)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 09:20 AM (Senator Davison moved DO PASS)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 09:20 AM (Senator Burckhard seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 09:20 AM (Roll call vote on DO PASS 5-0-0)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 03/28 09:20 AM (Senator Kreun will carry)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:19 PM (HB 1447)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:19 PM (Discussion of amendments)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:20 PM (Senator Mathern moved to reconsider previous committee action)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:20 PM (Senator Davison seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:21 PM (Roll call vote 5-0-0 motion passed)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:21 PM (Senator Mathern moved to amend LC 23.1014.02004)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:21 PM (Senator Kreun seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:23 PM (Roll call vote 5-0-0 motion passed)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:23 PM (Senator Mathern moved DO PASS as amended)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:23 PM (Senator Kreun seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:24 PM (Roll call vote 5-0-0 motion passed)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 03:24 PM (meeting adjourned)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:07 AM (Committee Work - HB 1447)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:09 AM (Senator Kreun introduced HB 1447 Amendment 23.1014.02004 #27251)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:12 AM (Senator Kreun moved to adopt HB 1447 Amendment 23.1014.02004)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:13 AM (Senator Davison seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:14 AM (Roll call vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 16-0-0)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:14 AM (Senator Kreun moved Do Pass HB 1447 as amended)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:15 AM (Senator Kreun introduces Amendment 23.1014.03000)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:17 AM (Senator Kreun moves Do Pass HB 1447 as amended)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:17 AM (Senator Burckhard seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:19 AM (Pam Sagness presented information)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:20 AM (Adam Mathiak - Legislative Council - Senior Fiscal Analyst - provided budget information)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:23 AM (Roll call vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 16-0-0)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 04/04 10:23 AM (Senator Cleary carries)
- Video - Senate, 04/06 01:14 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1447 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 04/06 01:14 PM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 04/06 01:17 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 04/06 01:18 PM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 04/06 01:20 PM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/19 03:06 PM (HB 1447)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 11:07 AM (HB 1447)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 11:13 AM (Senator Lee - Moved to recede and amend as follows(All political subs are required to provide an allocation plan to the behavioral health division prier to expenditure))
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 11:13 AM (Senator K. Roers - Seconded)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 11:14 AM (Roll call vote - 6-0-0 - Motion carried)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 11:15 AM (Senator Cleary to carry for the senate side)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 11:15 AM (Representative Beltz to carry for the house side)
- Video - House, 04/25 01:55 PM (7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - HB1447 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - House, 04/25 01:56 PM (Representative Beltz)
- Video - House, 04/25 01:58 PM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - House, 04/25 01:59 PM (Representative Beltz)
- Video - House, 04/25 01:59 PM (11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Human Services - Conference Committee - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 85 Nay 8 N/V 1 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:47 AM (7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - HB1447 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:48 AM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:49 AM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Human Services - Conference Committee)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:50 AM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:51 AM (Senator Dwyer)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:51 AM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:51 AM (Senator Lee)
- Video - Senate, 04/26 08:53 AM (14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1447 - Human Services - Conference Committee - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Sean Cleary, (Senator), (Senate Human Services, 03/15 04:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Sean Cleary, (Senator), (Senate Human Services, 03/15 04:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Pamela Sagness, ND Health & Human Services, (House Human Services, 02/08 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Parrell D. Grossman, North Dakota Office of Attorney General (North Dakota Office of Attorney General), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 02/08 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Parrell D. Grossman, North Dakota Office of Attorney General (North Dakota Office of Attorney General), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 02/08 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Parrell D. Grossman, North Dakota Office of Attorney General (North Dakota Office of Attorney General), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 02/08 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- proposed amendment, ND (House Human Services, 02/20 11:12 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Pamela Sagness, North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (Behavioral Health Executive Director), (Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Lorraine Davis, Native, Inc. (Founder and Chief Executive Officer), (Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Parrell Grossman, Attorney General's Office (Director of Consumer Protection and Antirust Division), (Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Stephanie Engebretson, North Dakota League of Cities (NDLC), Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kate Herzog, Downtowners Association/COO (Downtowners Association/COO), Bismarck, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Robyn Litke Sall, Fargo Cass Public Health (Substance Misuse Prevention Coordinator), Fargo, ND (Senate Human Services, 03/13 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Sean Cleary, (Senate), (Senate Human Services, 03/14 04:00 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Dick Dever, ND State Senator, Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division, 04/03 02:30 PM)PDF