IntroducedJan 13, 2023
Passed SenateFeb 10, 2023
Passed House
Signed into Law
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 14-09 and a new section to chapter 15.1-09 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to fundamental parental rights and parental involvement in education.
Last Action See all actions
House • Apr 25, 2023: Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 39 nays 51
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 2260
Whip Lists
YES: 39
- Anderson, K.
- Bellew
- Christensen
- Dyk
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Hauck
- Headland
- Heilman
- Henderson
- Holle
- Hoverson
- Johnson, J.
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Koppelman
- Kreidt
- Marschall
- McLeod
- Meier
- Olson, S.
- Prichard
- Rios
- Rohr
- Ruby, D.
- Ruby, M.
- Schatz
- Schauer
- Schobinger
- Steiner
- Timmons
- Toman
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Weisz
NO: 51
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, D.
- Bahl
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Boschee
- Brandenburg
- Conmy
- Cory
- Dakane
- Davis
- Dobervich
- Dockter
- Fegley
- Finley-DeVille
- Grueneich
- Hager
- Hagert
- Hanson
- Hatlestad
- Heinert
- Ista
- Jonas
- Klemin
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Martinson
- Mitskog
- Mock
- Motschenbacher
- Murphy
- Nathe
- Nelson
- Novak
- O'Brien
- Olson, J.
- Ostlie
- Pyle
- Richter
- Roers Jones
- Satrom
- Schneider
- Schreiber- Beck
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Speaker Johnson, D.
- Apr 25, 2023 | House
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 39 nays 51
- Apr 24, 2023 | House
- Laid over one legislative day
- Apr 21, 2023 | House
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 10 4 0
- Laid over one legislative day
- Apr 14, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Human Services, 04/14 11:11 AM, Room Pioneer - Committee Work: Committee work SB 2260
- Committee Hearing 11:11
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Human Services, 03/22 9:30 AM, Room Pioneer - Relating to fundamental parental rights, parental involvement in education, and parental right to consent to medical treatment of the parent's child.
- Bill Hearing, House Human Services, 03/22 3:00 PM, Room Pioneer - Relating to fundamental parental rights, parental involvement in education, and parental right to consent to medical treatment of the parent's child.
- Committee Hearing 09:30
- Committee Hearing 03:00
- Mar 09, 2023 | House
- Request return from committee
- Rereferred to Human Services
- Feb 17, 2023 | House
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary
- Feb 13, 2023 | House
- Received from Senate
- Feb 10, 2023 | Senate
- Division of bill
- Division A passed
- Division B passed
- Second reading, passed, yeas 40 nays 6
- Feb 09, 2023 | Senate
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Feb 08, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 6 1 0
- Feb 07, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:00 AM, Room Peace Garden - Committee Work: Relating to fundamental parental rights, parental involvement in education, and parental right to consent to medical treatment of the parent's child.
- Committee Hearing 11:00
- Jan 24, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Judiciary, 01/24 2:30 PM, Room Peace Garden - Relating to fundamental parental rights, parental involvement in education, and parental right to consent to medical treatment of the parent's child.
- Committee Hearing 02:30
- Jan 13, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary
- Legislative HistoryPDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Representative Paulson)PDF
- Marked up (Adopted by the House Human Services Committee)PDF
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:29 PM (SB 2260)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:29 PM (Senator Paulson - Bill introduction)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:56 PM (Kimberly Hurst - Personal testimony)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 03:12 PM (Karen Krenz - Chair - Moms for Liberty Williams County)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 03:16 PM (Travis Zablotney - Personal testimony)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 03:19 PM (Dan Wakefield - Personal testimony)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 03:41 PM (Matt Sharp - Senior Counsel - Alliance Defending Freedom)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 03:46 PM (Dr. Chris Meeker - Emergency Medicine Physician - North Dakota Hospital Association)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 03:57 PM (Michael Geiermann - General Counsel - North Dakota United)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 04:19 PM (Recess)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 04:25 PM (Michael Geiermann - General Counsel - North Dakota United [question from Senator Sickler])
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 04:27 PM (Angela Sersha - Attorney - Bismarck)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 04:36 PM (Amy De Kok - General Counsel - North Dakota School Boards Association)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 04:57 PM (Kevin Hoherz - North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 05:17 PM (Tracy Potter - Retired Teacher)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 05:22 PM (Chelsea Flory - Director - Burleigh County Human Service Zone)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 01/24 05:26 PM (Public hearing closed)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 10:55 AM (SB 2260)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 10:58 AM (Discussion of amendments)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:02 AM (Senator Myrdal - motion - adoption of amendment [LC 23.0421.03003])
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:02 AM (Seconded by Senator Luick)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:04 AM (Roll call vote - motion passed - 7-0-0)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:04 AM (Senator Myrdal - motion - DO PASS as amended)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:04 AM (Seconded by Senator Luick)
- Video - Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:06 AM (Roll call vote - motion passed - 6-1-0)
- Video - Senate, 02/09 01:05 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2260 - Judiciary - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/09 01:06 PM (Senator Paulson)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:25 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2260 - Judiciary - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:26 PM (Senator Paulson)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:32 PM (Senator Hogan)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:34 PM (Senator Braunberger)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:37 PM (Senator Cleary)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:39 PM (Senator Wanzek)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:40 PM (Senator Mathern)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:43 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2260 - Division A - Sec 1 and 2)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:46 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2260 - Division A - Sec 1 and 2 - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 40 Nay 6 N/V 1 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:46 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2260 - Division B - Sec 3)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:46 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2260 - Division B - Sec 3 - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 40 Nay 6 N/V 1 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:47 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2260 - Judiciary - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/10 01:47 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2260 - Judiciary - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 40 Nay 6 N/V 1 Exc 0)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 09:13 AM (Hearing closed on SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 09:32 AM (SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 09:32 AM (Senator Paulson - Testifying in support of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 09:50 AM (Matt Sharp - Senior Counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom - Testifying in support of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 10:11 AM (Jacob Thomsen - Policy Analyst for North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action - Testifying in support of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 10:15 AM (Jennifer J. Kallenbach - ND Teacher and parent- Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 10:42 AM (Michael Geiermann - ND United- Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 11:02 AM (Amy L. De Kok - General Counsel for the ND School Boards Association - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 11:16 AM (Monica A. Meadows - Teacher at New Rockford-Sheyenne High School - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:05 PM (Call to order)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:05 PM (SB 2260 - Hearing continuation from the morning)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:05 PM (Leslie Bieber - Superintendent at Alexander Public School - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:13 PM (Melissa Hauer - ND Hospital Association-Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:15 PM (Danielle Thurtle - Pediatrician- Chair of Pediatric Medicine at Sanford- Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:22 PM (Angela Sersha - attorney from Bismarck - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:29 PM (Chelsea Flory - Director of BCHSZ - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:37 PM (Kristie Miller - Parent of a transgender individual - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:40 PM (Aimee Copas - North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 03:42 PM (Cardinal Redbird - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 04:07 PM (Christina Sambor - NDHRC, HRC, Youthworks - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 04:13 PM (Andrew Alexis Varvel - Testifying in opposition of SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 04:14 PM (Further testimony provided by Andrew Alexis Varvel)
- Video - House Human Services, 03/22 04:16 PM (Hearing closed on SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:11 AM (Committee work on SB 2260)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:14 AM (Representative Prichard - Moved amendment #23.0421.04004)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:14 AM (Representative K. Anderson - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:20 AM (Roll call vote - 10-4-0 - Motion carried)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:21 AM (Representative Porter - Moved amendment to remove Sub 7 on Page 3 and Sub 5 on page 6.)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:22 AM (Representative Fegley - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:23 AM (Representative Porter withdrew the motion)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:23 AM (Representative Porter - Moved amendment on Page3 remove lines 10-15 the period after relief and on page 6 remove line 4 through the period after relief)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:24 AM (Representative Fegley - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:26 AM (Roll call vote - 8-6-0 - Motion carried)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:27 AM (Representative Porter - Moved do pass as amended with #23.0421.04005)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:27 AM (Representative M. Ruby - Seconded)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:27 AM (Roll call vote - 10-4-0 - Motion carried)
- Video - House Human Services, 04/14 11:28 AM (Representative M. Ruby to carry the bill)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:02 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2260 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:02 PM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2260 - Human Services - Do Pass)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:03 PM (Representative M. Ruby)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:06 PM (Representative Fegley)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:10 PM (Representative Tveit)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:12 PM (Representative M. Ruby)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:14 PM (Representative Novak)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:19 PM (Representative Schreiber Beck)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:24 PM (Representative Klemin)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:26 PM (Representative Olson, J.)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:28 PM (Representative Thomas)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:31 PM (Representative Jonas)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:34 PM (Representative Murphy)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:37 PM (Representative Hoverson)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:41 PM (Representative Koppelman)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:44 PM (Representative Frelich)
- Video - House, 04/25 08:46 PM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2260 - Human Services - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: FAILED - Yea 39 Nay 51 N/V 4 Exc 0)
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amy De Kok, North Dakota School Boards Association (General Counsel), ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Michael Geiermann, North Dakota United (General Counsel), (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Bob Paulson, (Senator), (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jodi R. Plecity, 842873935 (842873935), Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Chris Meeker, North Dakota Hospital Association (Emergency Medicine Physician), BISMARCK, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Fred J. Braun, West Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Angela Sersha, Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Luane C. Ebel, Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Dwight R. Ebel, Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rozell R. Unruh, Dickinson, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Aaron M. Holter, Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Thea L. Holter, Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Miki Thompson, Dickinson, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Chelsea L. Flory, Burleigh County Human Service Zone (BCHSZ), Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Daniel V. Wakefield, self, Devils Lake, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Melissa L. Sitton, Self (Self), Belfield, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Vicki L. Grafing, Valley City, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Faye Seidler, Moorhead, MN (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Nathan Brown, Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kimberly Hurst, Mom's For Liberty, Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kara Gloe, Canopy Medical Clinic (Mental Health Therapist), Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- sharlet Mohr, williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Erin J. McSparron, Grand Forks, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sarah Galbraith, Grand Forks, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karen Krenz, Moms for Liberty Williams County (Chair), Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Gretchen Deeg, Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Maura Ferguson, Grand Forks, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Naomi Tabassum, mother of two minor children, Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kristie Miller, (North Dakota Citizen and Parent of Transgender), Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rody Schultz, Grand Forks, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rosemary Ames, Munich, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kevin Hoherz, NDCEL (NDCEL), Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Gordon W. Greenstein, Taxpayer Retired (Taxpayer Retired), Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kayla M. Johnson, Watford City, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christopher D. Brown, Minot, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Bree Langemo, (Parent), Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Courtney Koebele, ND Medical Association (ND Medical Association), BISMARCK, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sylvia Bull, Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Tanya S. Baity, (Certified Nurse Midwife), Moorhead, MN (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kaitlyn Kelly, Grand Forks, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Matt Sharp, Alliance Defending Freedom (Senior Counsel), Lawrenceville, GA (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kimberly Bieber, Bismarck, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jacob R. Holter, Surrey, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Cionda N. Holter, Surrey, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Andrea R. Leingang, MANDAN, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Wade A. Pulkrabek, Mandan, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Lisa M. Pulkrabek, Mandan, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Tim Baumann, Minot, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Susan Draper, Moms For Liberty (Vice Chair), Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Mariah A. Bates, Moms For Liberty, Williston, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rebekah Oliver, Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Megan T. Degenstein, (Mental health counselor/therapist), Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Michelle Webber, First Congregational UCC Moorhead (First Congregational UCC Moorhead), Moorhead, MN (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Patricia K. Burckhard, Devils Lake, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Seth W. Flamm, Fargo, ND (Senate Judiciary, 01/24 02:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Bob Paulson, (Senator), ND (Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Bob Paulson, (Senator), ND (Senate Judiciary, 02/07 11:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Bob Paulson, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Zachary Krein, Glen Ullin Public School (Agriculture Educator), Glen Ullin, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jenna A. Michel, Beulah Elementary School (Teacher), Beulah, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rebecca M. Huss, Hazen, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Shaunna M. Upgren, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Sharlet J. Mohr, williston, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Angela Sersha, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christina Sambor, NDHRC, HRC, Youthworks (Lobbyist), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Courtney Koebele, ND Medical Association (Executive Director), BISMARCK, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amber L. Goebel, Wishek Public School (6th Grade Teacher), Wishek, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Leslie Bieber, Alexander Public School (Superintendent), Alexander, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Leslie Bieber, Alexander Public School (Superintendent), Alexander, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Emily L. Long, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Daren D. Christianson, Langdon Area School District 23 (Langdon Area School District 23), Langdon, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Robert J. Blunck, Lewis & Clark School Board (School Board Member), Plaza, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sonya Hansana, Union State Bank (Union State Bank), Hazen, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Tye McNair, Teacher (Teacher), Mandaree, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Toni Frank, Dickinson Public Schools (First Grade Teacher), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jacob Thomsen, North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action (Policy Analyst), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christina L. Monilaws, Hankinson Public School (Teacher), Hankinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shannon Faller, Alexander Public School District (High School Principal), Alexander, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kimberly Hurst, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mary L. Eldredge Sandbo, (Teacher), Des Lacs, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brian D. Christopherson, New Salem-Almont School District (Superintendent), New Salem, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Dawn Richardson, National Vaccine Information Center (Director of Advocacy), Austin, TX (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Cara L. Transtrom, Mandaree Public School (Librarian/Teacher), Mandaree, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amy L. De Kok, ND School Boards Association (General Counsel), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Aimee Copas, North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders (North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Faye Seidler, Moorhead, MN (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sandra Craig, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brenda A. Seehafer, Educator (Mt. Pleasant School-Rolla), Rolla, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Andrew Alexis Varvel, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Andrew Alexis Varvel, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sarah Zilka, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rae L. Ireland, Mandaree Public School (Special Education Teacher), Mandaree, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sarah J. Ricks, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kristie Miller, Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Morgan F. Hutzenbiler, Hettinger Public School (K-12 Music Teacher), Reeder, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Monica A. Meadows, New Rockford-Sheyenne High School (Teacher), New Rockford, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Danielle Thurtle, North Dakota Hospital Association (North Dakota Hospital Association), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jacqueline Zikmund, Midway Public School (High School Math Teacher), Pisek, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Emily M. Schaefer, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Anna Block, Hettinger Public School (Science Educator), Hettinger, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Matt Sharp, Alliance Defending Freedom (Senior Counsel), Lawrenceville, GA (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Bethany Gehrtz, Devils Lake, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Marc S. Bluestone, New Town Public School District #1 (Superintendent), New Town, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Chelsea Flory, BCHSZ (Director), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Danielle A. Bosse, Barnes County North Public School (Elementary Principal), Wimbledon, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brooke Schneider, Hettinger Public School (Hettinger Public School), Hettinger, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Misty Steeke, Scranton Public School (Agricultural Education), Rhame, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Allison Seamands, Hettinger Public School (Hettinger Public School), Hettinger, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Reba Resner, Hettinger Public School (Hettinger Public School), Hettigner, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Brendan T. Johnson, (Substitute Teacher), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Landon Pavlish, Dickinson Public Schools (Elementary School Teacher), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Emly L. Messmer, Dickinson Public Schools (1st grade teacher), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Haley M. Ulland, Park River Area School (Teacher), Park River, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- James A. Fahy, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mackenzie C. Buckmier, Hettinger High School (Agriculture Education Instructor), Hettinger, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Taren Ravnaas, (Educator), Minot, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Elizabeth Pilon, (Educator), Grafton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Taryn Sveet, Beach Public School (Secondary Principal), Beach, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Ashley Sailer, (Teacher), Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Tiffany Ahmann, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Chelsea M. Hartman, Dickinson Public Schools (Special Education Teacher), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Patricia A. Mosset, Hazen Middle School (Teacher), Hazen, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Deeann M. Long, (concerned citizen), WILLISTON, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Nute B. Bishop, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- D'Ette D. Erickson, Fordville, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Katie Berry, Midway Public School (Teacher), Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Carol Pritchard, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jennifer Fordahl, Hettinger Public School (JH/HS Math Educator), Hettinger, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- danielle yon, Dickinson Public Schools (Dickinson Public Schools), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Ethan D. Haynes, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sarah Skogen, Hettinger Public School (Teacher), Hettinger, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Connie Hoffman, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Larry Lasch, Wahpeton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Lisa Strand, (Social Studies Teacher), Thompson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amy K. Shirek, Grand Forks, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Eric K. Henrickson, Fargo Public Schools (Principal), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amanda Fisher, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Carolyn S. Bluestone, Mandaree School District #36 (Superintendent), Mandaree, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Lea B. Doerr, Scranton Public School, Scranton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Collette M. Hertz, Harvey Public Schools (Board Vice-Chairman), Harvey, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Alicia L. Hutzenbiler, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Dave Wheeler, Manvel Public School (Manvel Public School), Manvel, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Frank A. Schill, Edmore Public School (Superintendent), Edmore, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Katy M. Drader, Bottineau Public School (High School Social Studies Teacher), Bottineau, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Dylan J. Steffen, Dickinson Public Schools (STEM Instructor), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Melissa LeClerc, Grafton Public Schools (Educator), Grafton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Joni Lematta, Ellendale Public School (1st grade teacher), Ellendale, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- CaraLee Heiser, Dickinson Public Schools (Secondary Science Teacher), DICKINSON, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jayda Zimmerman, (Third Grade teacher), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sara Forness, Central Cass School District 17 (K-12 STEM Coordinator), Casselton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jenna R. Akers, Central Cass Schools (Elementary Librarian), Casselton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Chip Sundberg, Ellendale Public School (Superintendent), ELLENDALE, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Mitch Carlson, LaMoure Public School (LaMoure Public School), Lamoure, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sara M. Nelson, New Salem-Almont Public School (Kindergarten Teacher), Almont, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Amanda J. Boren, Ray Public School, Ray, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Steven J. Heim, Anamoose Public School (Superintendent), Anamooe, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Angela Kuntz, Wishek Public School (Wishek Public School), Wishek, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Cale Peterson, Wahpeton Public Schools (Wahpeton Public Schools), Wahpeton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jessica R. Koffler, Dickinson Public Schools (Teacher), dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Zachary W. Slayton, Mott-Regent Public School District #1 (Superintendent of LEA), Mott, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Tonya M. Bishop, Dickinson Public Schools (Special Education Teacher), Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Rachelle Bergstrom, Scranton Public School (Teacher), scranton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Chad D. Berger, Napoleon High School (Secondary Principal), Napoleon, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sasha Peck, Bottineau Public School (6th Grade ELA Teacher), Bottineau, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Sabrina Yoney, Mandan, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Chris Larson, Milnor Public School (Superintendent), Milnor, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Lauren M. Bennett, New Salem-Almont School District (Principal), New Salem, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Larry Derr, Glenburn Public School (Superintendent), Glenburn, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Stacy Aasen, Bottineau, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jennifer J. Kallenbach, Steele, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shawna K. Johnson, New Salem-Almont High School (English teacher), New Salem, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kaia N. Jelinek, Midway Public School (Primary Elementary Education Teacher), Pisek, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jody R. Preston, Central Cass Public School (8-12th Grade Teacher), ORISKA, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Angie Moser, Lisbon, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Taylor M. Kippen, Bottineau Public School (Teacher), Bottineau, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kristin Stadther, Central Cass Public Schools (ELA instructor), Casselton, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shannon Meier, (Principal), Belfield, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Shelley Herzing, Center-Stanton School (Center-Stanton School), Bismarck, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christopher T. Sommer, Devils Lake, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kendra Hamnes, Bottineau, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Stephanie Hochhalter, Lewis and Clark School District - North Shore Plaza (Assistant Principal), Plaza, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Nick Amb, NORTH BORDER 100 (NORTH BORDER 100), Walhalla, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- William A. Estrada, Parental Rights Foundation (President), Purcellville, VA (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Robert Bubach, Munich Public School (Munich Public School), Munich, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kristopher Kuehn, Nesson School District 2 - Ray, ND (Superintendent), Ray, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Ryan Moser, North Sargent Public School (Superintendent), Gwinner, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karen Krenz, Williston, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Christina Jorgensen, Dickinson, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Amber Vibeto, Minot, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Allison J. Rhodes, Personal/Self, MINOT, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Bree Langemo, (Parent), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Kara Gloe, Canopy Medical Clinic (Mental Health Therapist), Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Alannah Valenta, NDASP (NDASP President), Montpelier, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Jane Pettinger, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Whitney Oxendahl, Fargo, ND (House Human Services, 03/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Opposition) -- Michael Geiermann, ND United, (House Human Services, 03/22 03:00 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Proposed Amendment, (House Human Services, 04/14 11:11 AM)PDF