IntroducedJan 10, 2023
Passed SenateFeb 02, 2023
Passed HouseApr 11, 2023
Signed into LawApr 24, 2023
AN ACT to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools.
Last Action See all actions
executive • Apr 26, 2023: Filed with Secretary Of State 04/24
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 2200
Whip Lists
YES: 47
- Axtman
- Barta
- Beard
- Bekkedahl
- Boehm
- Braunberger
- Burckhard
- Cleary
- Clemens
- Conley
- Davison
- Dever
- Dwyer
- Elkin
- Erbele
- Estenson
- Hogan
- Hogue
- Kannianen
- Kessel
- Klein
- Krebsbach
- Kreun
- Larsen
- Larson
- Lee
- Lemm
- Luick
- Magrum
- Mathern
- Meyer
- Myrdal
- Patten
- Paulson
- Piepkorn
- Roers, J.
- Roers, K.
- Rummel
- Rust
- Schaible
- Sickler
- Sorvaag
- Vedaa
- Wanzek
- Weber
- Weston
- Wobbema
NO: 0
YES: 84
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, D.
- Anderson, K.
- Bahl
- Bellew
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Boschee
- Brandenburg
- Conmy
- Cory
- Dakane
- Davis
- Dobervich
- Dockter
- Dyk
- Fegley
- Finley-DeVille
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Grueneich
- Hager
- Hagert
- Hanson
- Hatlestad
- Headland
- Heilman
- Heinert
- Holle
- Ista
- Johnson, J.
- Jonas
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Klemin
- Koppelman
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Marschall
- Martinson
- McLeod
- Meier
- Mitskog
- Mock
- Monson
- Motschenbacher
- Murphy
- Nathe
- Novak
- O'Brien
- Olson, S.
- Ostlie
- Porter
- Prichard
- Pyle
- Richter
- Rios
- Roers Jones
- Rohr
- Ruby, D.
- Ruby, M.
- Sanford
- Satrom
- Schauer
- Schneider
- Schobinger
- Schreiber-Beck
- Steiner
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Timmons
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Weisz
- Speaker Johnson, D.
YES: 45
- Axtman
- Barta
- Beard
- Bekkedahl
- Boehm
- Braunberger
- Burckhard
- Cleary
- Clemens
- Conley
- Davison
- Dwyer
- Elkin
- Erbele
- Estenson
- Hogan
- Hogue
- Kannianen
- Kessel
- Klein
- Krebsbach
- Kreun
- Larsen
- Larson
- Lee
- Lemm
- Luick
- Magrum
- Mathern
- Myrdal
- Patten
- Paulson
- Piepkorn
- Roers, J.
- Roers, K.
- Rummel
- Rust
- Schaible
- Sickler
- Sorvaag
- Vedaa
- Wanzek
- Weber
- Weston
- Wobbema
NO: 0
- Apr 26, 2023 | executive
- Filed with Secretary Of State 04/24
- Apr 24, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by Governor 04/21
- Apr 17, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by President
- Sent to Governor
- Apr 17, 2023 | House
- Signed by Speaker
- Apr 13, 2023 | Senate
- Concurred
- Second reading, passed, yeas 45 nays 0
- Apr 11, 2023 | Senate
- Returned to Senate (12)
- Apr 11, 2023 | House
- Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 84 nays 6
- Apr 07, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations, 04/07 8:53 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools.
- Committee Hearing 08:53
- Reported back, do pass, place on calendar 20 1 2
- Apr 06, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations, 04/06 9:53 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools.
- Committee Hearing 09:53
- Apr 05, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations, 04/05 10:30 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: RR from EDU- A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools
- Committee Hearing 10:30
- Mar 24, 2023 | House
- Amendment adopted
- Rereferred to Appropriations
- Mar 23, 2023 | House
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 12 0 2
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Education, 03/22 3:33 PM, Room Coteau AB - Committee Work: Committee Work - SB 2200
- Committee Hearing 03:33
- Mar 14, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Education, 03/14 3:00 PM, Room Coteau AB - A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools.
- Committee Work, House Education, 03/14 4:16 PM, Room Coteau AB - Committee Work: Committee Work - SB 2200
- Committee Hearing 03:00
- Committee Hearing 04:16
- Feb 17, 2023 | House
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Education
- Feb 03, 2023 | House
- Received from Senate
- Feb 02, 2023 | Senate
- Second reading, passed, yeas 47 nays 0
- Feb 01, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Appropriations, 02/01 8:00 AM, Room Roughrider - A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools.
- Committee Hearing 08:00
- Reported back, do pass, place on calendar 16 0 0
- Jan 19, 2023 | Senate
- Amendment adopted
- Rereferred to Appropriations
- Jan 18, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Education, 01/18 11:00 AM, Room 216 - Committee Work: A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for the paraprofessional-to-teacher program.
- Committee Hearing 11:00
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 6 0 0
- Jan 17, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Education, 01/17 11:00 AM, Room 216 - A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools.
- Committee Work, Senate Education, 01/17 3:00 PM, Room 216 - Committee Work: A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of public instruction for North Dakota governor's schools.
- Committee Hearing 11:00
- Committee Hearing 03:00
- Jan 10, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Education
- Legislative HistoryPDF
- Marked up (Adopted by the Senate Education Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Adopted by the House Education Committee)PDF
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 11:00 AM (SB 2200)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 11:01 AM (Senator Sorvaag - District 45 Senator - Introduced the bill - #13981)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 11:05 AM (Senator Luick - District 25 Senator - in favor)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 11:10 AM (Stacy Duffield - Director of Teaching and Learning - Department of Public Instruction #13302)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 11:21 AM (Senator Sorvaag - District 25 Senator - further explains bill)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 11:23 AM (Peter Johnson - Private citizen in favor)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 11:24 AM (Hearing on SB 2200 Closed)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 02:31 PM (Committee Work: SB 2200)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 02:33 PM (Stacy Duffield - ND Governors School - Responded to questions by Committee)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 02:56 PM (Senator Axtman proposed an amendment to SB 2200 -provide an average cost per student at $5000- and to insert -Program- after schools on line 13)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/17 03:01 PM (Meeting adjourned)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:10 AM (Committee Work SB 2200)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:11 AM (Senator Beard moved amendments 23.0736.01001)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:11 AM (Senator Axtman seconded)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:11 AM (Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 6-0-0)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:12 AM (Senator Axtman Do Pass as Amended and Rerefer to Appropriations)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:12 AM (Senator Wobbema seconds)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:12 AM (Roll call vote on Do Pass as Amended and Rerefer to Appropriations - Motion Passes - 6-0-0)
- Video - Senate Education, 01/18 11:13 AM (Senator Beard will carry the bill)
- Video - Senate, 01/19 01:11 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2200 - Education - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 01/19 01:11 PM (Senator Beard)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:08 AM (Committee Work - SB 2200)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:08 AM (Senator Sorvaag - District 45 - Bill Introduction)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:18 AM (Senator Luick - District 25 - Testifying In Favor)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:23 AM (Stacey Duffield - NDSU)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:26 AM (Closed the Hearing)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:27 AM (Senator Mathern - DO PASS for SB 2200)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:27 AM (Senator Burckhard - Seconded Motion)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:41 AM (Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 15-0-1)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:42 AM (Senator Sorvaag moves Do Pass as Amended)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:42 AM (Senator Wanzek - seconds)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:43 AM (Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 16-0-0)
- Video - Senate, 02/02 02:04 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2200 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/02 02:04 PM (Senator Beard)
- Video - Senate, 02/02 02:05 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2200 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 03:17 PM (SB 2200)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 03:17 PM (Opened hearing- Title was read)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 03:18 PM (Senator Sorvaag Bill Sponsor Support #24705)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 03:22 PM (Stacy Duffield Director Office of Teaching and Learning-NDSU Support #24486)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 03:34 PM (Closed hearing)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 04:16 PM (Committee work SB 2200)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 04:16 PM (Representative Murphy moves a Do Pass)
- Video - House Education, 03/14 04:19 PM (Roll call vote 4-7-3 Motion Fails)
- Video - House Education, 03/22 03:33 PM (SB 2200 Committee Work)
- Video - House Education, 03/22 03:34 PM (Representative Murphy moves to adopt an amendment to add $500,000 and Governor's School shall alternate between NDSU and UND)
- Video - House Education, 03/22 03:34 PM (Voice Vote motion carries)
- Video - House Education, 03/22 03:34 PM (Representative Murphy moves a Do Pass as Amended rereferred to Appropriations)
- Video - House Education, 03/22 03:35 PM (Roll Call Vote Do Pass as Amended Rereferred to Appropriations Motion Carries 12-0-2)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/05 10:46 AM (Committee Work - SB 2200)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/05 10:46 AM (Representative Heinert Introduces Bill)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/05 10:56 AM (Discussion Closed)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:52 AM (Committee Work - SB 2200)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:52 AM (Representative Schatz Moves to Amend to Change the Name to Legislative Leadership School)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:53 AM (SB 2200)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:53 AM (Representative Kreidt Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:55 AM (Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 15-6-2)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:56 AM (Representative Pyle Moves Do Pass as Amended)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:56 AM (Representative Bellew Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:58 AM (Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 21-0-2)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/06 09:59 AM (Representative Schatz Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 08:53 AM (Committee Work - SB 2200)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 08:53 AM (Representative Stemen Moves to Reconsider Actions on SB 2200)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 08:53 AM (Representative Pyle Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 08:53 AM (Representative Stemen explains reconsideration)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 08:56 AM (Roll Call Vote on Reconsideration - Motion Passes - 14-7-2)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 08:57 AM (Representative Stemen Moves to Amend to Remove the Amendment Changing the Name to Legislative Leadership School)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 08:59 AM (Representative J. Nelson Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:02 AM (Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 13-8-2)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:04 AM (Representative Mock Moves to Amend to Change the Name to Governor's and Legislative Leadership School)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:04 AM (Representative Kempenich Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:05 AM (Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Fails - 10-11-2)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:08 AM (Representative O'Brien Moves Do Pass)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:08 AM (Representative Nathe Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:09 AM (Roll Call Vote on Do Pass - Motion Passes - 20-1-2)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/07 09:10 AM (Representative Schreiber-Beck Carries from Committee of Origin)
- Video - House, 04/11 12:48 PM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2200 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - House, 04/11 12:49 PM (Representative Schreiber Beck)
- Video - House, 04/11 12:50 PM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2200 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 84 Nay 6 N/V 4 Exc 0)
- Video - Senate, 04/13 02:09 PM (12th Order - Consideration of Message from House - SB2200 - Education - Concur In)
- Video - Senate, 04/13 02:09 PM (Senator Beard)
- Video - Senate, 04/13 02:12 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2200 - Education - Concur In)
- Video - Senate, 04/13 02:12 PM (Senator Beard)
- Video - Senate, 04/13 02:12 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2200 - Education - Concur In - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 45 Nay 0 N/V 2 Exc 0)
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Roland Sorvaag, ND Legislature (Senator District 45), (Senate Education, 01/17 11:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karyn M. Plumm, University of North Dakota (Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Student Success), GRAND FORKS, ND (Senate Education, 01/17 11:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Stacy K. Duffield, North Dakota State University (Director, Office of Teaching and Learning), Fargo, ND (Senate Education, 01/17 11:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Ron Sorvaag, ND State Senator District 45, (Senate Appropriations, 02/01 08:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Ronald Sorvaag, Legislative Assembly (Senator), Fargo, ND (House Education, 03/14 03:00 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Stacy K. Duffield, North Dakota State University (Director, Office of Teaching and Learning), Fargo, ND (House Education, 03/14 03:00 PM)PDF