IntroducedJan 03, 2023
Passed SenateFeb 21, 2023
Passed HouseApr 12, 2023
Signed into LawMay 18, 2023
AN ACT to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general; to provide an exemption; to provide a statement of legislative intent; to provide for a legislative management study; to provide for a transfer; and to declare an emergency.
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 18, 2023: Filed with Secretary Of State 05/09
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 2016
Whip Lists
- Senate Appropriationsprimary
YES: 45
- Axtman
- Barta
- Beard
- Bekkedahl
- Boehm
- Braunberger
- Burckhard
- Cleary
- Clemens
- Conley
- Davison
- Dever
- Dwyer
- Elkin
- Erbele
- Estenson
- Hogan
- Hogue
- Kannianen
- Kessel
- Klein
- Krebsbach
- Kreun
- Larson
- Lee
- Lemm
- Luick
- Mathern
- Meyer
- Myrdal
- Patten
- Paulson
- Piepkorn
- Roers, J.
- Roers, K.
- Rummel
- Rust
- Schaible
- Sickler
- Sorvaag
- Vedaa
- Wanzek
- Weber
- Weston
- Wobbema
YES: 87
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, D.
- Anderson, K.
- Bahl
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Boschee
- Brandenburg
- Christensen
- Conmy
- Cory
- Dakane
- Davis
- Dockter
- Dyk
- Fegley
- Finley-DeVille
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Grueneich
- Hager
- Hagert
- Hanson
- Hatlestad
- Hauck
- Headland
- Heilman
- Heinert
- Holle
- Ista
- Johnson, J.
- Jonas
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Klemin
- Koppelman
- Kreidt
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Marschall
- Martinson
- McLeod
- Meier
- Mitskog
- Mock
- Monson
- Motschenbacher
- Murphy
- Nathe
- Novak
- O'Brien
- Olson, J.
- Olson, S.
- Ostlie
- Porter
- Prichard
- Pyle
- Richter
- Rios
- Roers Jones
- Rohr
- Ruby, D.
- Ruby, M.
- Sanford
- Satrom
- Schauer
- Schneider
- Schobinger
- Schreiber-Beck
- Steiner
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Timmons
- Toman
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Weisz
- Speaker Johnson, D.
YES: 47
- Axtman
- Barta
- Beard
- Bekkedahl
- Boehm
- Braunberger
- Burckhard
- Cleary
- Clemens
- Conley
- Davison
- Dever
- Dwyer
- Elkin
- Erbele
- Estenson
- Hogan
- Hogue
- Kannianen
- Kessel
- Klein
- Krebsbach
- Kreun
- Larsen
- Larson
- Lee
- Lemm
- Luick
- Magrum
- Mathern
- Meyer
- Myrdal
- Patten
- Paulson
- Piepkorn
- Roers, J.
- Roers, K.
- Rummel
- Rust
- Schaible
- Sickler
- Sorvaag
- Vedaa
- Wanzek
- Weber
- Weston
- Wobbema
NO: 0
YES: 90
- Anderson, B.
- Anderson, D.
- Anderson, K.
- Beltz
- Bosch
- Boschee
- Brandenburg
- Christensen
- Conmy
- Cory
- Dakane
- Davis
- Dobervich
- Dockter
- Dyk
- Fegley
- Finley- DeVille
- Fisher
- Frelich
- Grueneich
- Hager
- Hagert
- Hanson
- Hatlestad
- Hauck
- Headland
- Heilman
- Heinert
- Holle
- Hoverson
- Ista
- Johnson, J.
- Jonas
- Karls
- Kasper
- Kempenich
- Kiefert
- Klemin
- Koppelman
- Kreidt
- Lefor
- Longmuir
- Louser
- Marschall
- Martinson
- McLeod
- Meier
- Mitskog
- Mock
- Monson
- Motschenbacher
- Murphy
- Nathe
- Nelson
- Novak
- O'Brien
- Olson, J.
- Olson, S.
- Ostlie
- Porter
- Prichard
- Pyle
- Richter
- Rios
- Roers Jones
- Rohr
- Ruby, D.
- Ruby, M.
- Sanford
- Satrom
- Schatz
- Schauer
- Schneider
- Schobinger
- Schreiber-Beck
- Steiner
- Stemen
- Strinden
- Swiontek
- Thomas
- Timmons
- Toman
- Tveit
- VanWinkle
- Vetter
- Vigesaa
- Wagner
- Warrey
- Weisz
- Speaker Johnson, D.
- May 18, 2023 | executive
- Filed with Secretary Of State 05/09
- May 18, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by Governor 05/08
- Apr 27, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by President
- Sent to Governor
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- Signed by Speaker
- Apr 26, 2023 | House
- Conference committee report adopted
- Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 90 nays 2
- Emergency clause carried
- Apr 25, 2023 | House
- Reported back from conference committee, amend, placed on calendar
- Apr 25, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back from conference committee, amend, placed on calendar
- Conference committee report adopted
- Second reading, passed, yeas 47 nays 0, Emergency clause carried
- Apr 22, 2023 | Senate
- Conference Committee, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 04/22 9:30 AM, Room Sakakawea - Senators Rust (R) (Chair); Krebsbach (R); Sorvaag (R); Representatives Brandenburg (R); Pyle (R); Monson (R);
- Apr 21, 2023 | Senate
- Conference Committee, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 04/21 10:30 AM, Room Sakakawea - Senators Rust (R) (Chair); Krebsbach (R); Sorvaag (R); Representatives Brandenburg (R); Pyle (R); Monson (R);
- Conference Committee, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 04/21 2:30 PM, Room Sakakawea - Senators Rust (R) (Chair); Krebsbach (R); Sorvaag (R); Representatives Brandenburg (R); Pyle (R); Monson (R);
- Apr 20, 2023 | Senate
- Conference Committee, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 04/20 10:00 AM, Room Sakakawea - Senators Rust (R) (Chair); Krebsbach (R); Sorvaag (R); Representatives Brandenburg (R); Pyle (R); Monson (R);
- Conference Committee, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 04/20 5:30 PM, Room Sakakawea - Senators Rust (R) (Chair); Krebsbach (R); Sorvaag (R); Representatives Brandenburg (R); Pyle (R); Monson (R);
- Apr 19, 2023 | House
- Conference committee appointed Brandenburg Pyle Monson
- Apr 17, 2023 | Senate
- Refused to concur
- Conference committee appointed Rust Krebsbach Sorvaag
- Apr 13, 2023 | Senate
- Returned to Senate (12)
- Apr 12, 2023 | House
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Second reading, passed as amended, yeas 87 nays 3
- Emergency clause carried
- Apr 11, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/11 9:00 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: Related to providing an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general.
- Committee Work, House Appropriations, 04/11 10:58 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general; to provide an exemption; to provide a statement of legislative intent; to provide for a transfer; and to declare an emergency.
- Committee Hearing 09:00
- Committee Hearing 10:58
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 20 0 3
- Apr 10, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 9:45 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: Relating to providing an appropriation for the office of the adjutant general.
- Committee Hearing 09:45
- Apr 04, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 8:30 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: Relating to providing an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general.
- Committee Hearing 08:30
- Mar 29, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 8:30 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: Related to providing an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general
- Committee Hearing 08:30
- Mar 24, 2023 | House
- Committee Work, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 8:30 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Committee Work: Related to providing an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general;
- Committee Hearing 08:30
- Mar 16, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:00 AM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Related to providing an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general.
- Committee Hearing 10:00
- Mar 13, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 2:15 PM, Room Brynhild Haugland - A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general; to provide an exemption; to provide a statement of legislative intent; to provide for a transfer; and to declare an emergency.
- Committee Hearing 02:15
- Mar 06, 2023 | House
- Bill Hearing, House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 2:15 PM, Room Brynhild Haugland - Related to providing an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general.
- Committee Hearing 02:15
- Feb 22, 2023 | House
- Received from Senate
- Introduced, first reading, (emergency), referred to Appropriations
- Feb 21, 2023 | Senate
- Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 16 0 0
- Amendment adopted, placed on calendar
- Second reading, passed, yeas 45 nays 2, Emergency clause carried
- Feb 20, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 7:30 AM, Room Sakakawea - Committee Work: Committee work
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations, 02/20 8:00 AM, Room Roughrider - Committee Work: Committee Hearings
- Committee Hearing 07:30
- Committee Hearing 08:00
- Feb 16, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/16 4:51 PM, Room Sakakawea - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Feb 14, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:00 AM, Room Sakakawea - Committee Work: Committee Work: A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general; and to provide an exemption.
- Committee Hearing 11:00
- Feb 09, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/09 3:14 PM, Room Sakakawea - Committee Work: Committee Work
- Feb 07, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 9:45 AM, Room Sakakawea - Committee Work: An appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of The Adjutant General; and to provide an exemption.
- Committee Hearing 09:45
- Jan 27, 2023 | Senate
- Bill Hearing, Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 8:30 AM, Room Sakakawea - An appropriation for defraying the expenses of The Office of the Adjutant General; and to provide an exemption.
- Committee Hearing 08:30
- Jan 09, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Work, Senate Appropriations, 01/09 2:00 PM, Room Roughrider - Committee Work: Adjutant General
- Committee Hearing 02:00
- Jan 03, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced, first reading, referred to Appropriations
Bill Texts
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division CommitteePDF
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for House Appropriations - Government Operations Division CommitteePDF
- FIRST ENGROSSMENT with House AmendmentsPDF
- Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Conference CommitteePDF
- FIRST ENGROSSMENT with Conference Committee AmendmentsPDF
- EnrollmentPDF
- Legislative HistoryPDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Committee)PDF
- Marked up (Prepared by the Legislative Council staff for Conference Committee)PDF
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:03 PM (Committee Work: SB 2016)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:04 PM (Major General Al Dohrmann - ND Adjutant General - ND National Guard #12597)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:07 PM (Major General Al Dohrmann - additional testimony #12598)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:08 PM (Major General Al Dohrmann - additional testimony #12596)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:23 PM (Darin Hanson - Director State Radio Services and Interim ND Director of Homeland Security)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:49 PM (Major General Al Dohrmann - regarding the National Guard)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 01/09 04:10 PM (Adjourned)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM (SB 2016)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:38 AM (Major General Al Dohrmann - Adjutant General and Director of Emergency Services)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:42 AM (Darin Hanson - Director of North Dakota Homeland Security)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 09:04 AM (Lt. Col. Sean Jonson - Chief of staff Civil Air Patrol)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 09:12 AM (Major General Al Dohrmann - Adjutant General and Director of Emergency Services)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 09:53 AM (Closed the Hearing)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 09:53 AM (Recess)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 09:47 AM (Committee Work: SB 2016)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 09:47 AM (Senator Sorvaag called meeting to order)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 09:48 AM (Toby Mertz- Fiscal Analyst - Green Sheet Overview)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 09:48 AM (Executive Budget Long Sheet #21118)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 09:48 AM (Executive Budget Long Sheet #21253)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 09:48 AM (Toby Mertz- Fiscal Analyst - Executive Budget Short Form # 23784)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 10:10 AM (Major General Al Dorman - Adjutant General - ND National Guard)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 10:18 AM (Darin Hanson - North Dakota Homeland Security Director)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 10:33 AM (Major General Al Dorman - Adjutant General - ND National Guard)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 10:40 AM (Recess)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 07:56 AM (Toby Mertz Legislative Council - Fiscal Analyst - SB 2016 - Budget 540 - Long Form #24214)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:01 AM (Committee Work: SB 2016)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:02 AM (Toby Mertz Legislative Council - Fiscal Analyst - SB 2016 - Budget 540 - Long Form #21253)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:07 AM (Major Alan Dorhmann - Adjutant General for North Dakota provided information verbally)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:18 AM (Darin Hanson- Home land Security Division Director provided information verbally)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:35 AM (Major Al Dorhmann provided additional information)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:40 AM (Recess)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:33 AM (Committee Work - SB 2016)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:33 AM (Toby Mertz - Legislative Council - Fiscal Analyst - Executive Budget No. 540 - #24977)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:34 AM (Senator Meyer moved to DO PASS for amendments LC 23.0270.01000)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:34 AM (Senator Schaible seconded the motion)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:35 AM (Roll call vote on amendments - Motion Passes - 4-0-1)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:36 AM (Senator Krebsbach moved DO PASS as amended)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:36 AM (Senator Schaible seconded the motion)
- Video - Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:36 AM (Roll call vote on DO PASS as amended - Motion Passes - 4-0-1)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:07 AM (Committee Work - SB 2016)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:07 AM (Senator Rust - Bill introduction)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:45 AM (Senator Rust moved to adopt amendment LC 23.0270.01001)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:45 AM (Senator Burckhard seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:46 AM (Roll call vote on amendment - Motion Passes - 16-0-0)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:47 AM (Senator Rust moved SB 2016 as amended)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:47 AM (Senator Schaible seconded)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:47 AM (Roll call vote on DO PASS as amended - Motion Passes - 16-0-0)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:48 AM (Senator Rust will carry)
- Video - Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:49 AM (recess)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:01 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2016 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:01 PM (Senator Rust)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:19 PM (Senator D. Larsen)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:19 PM (Senator Sorvaag)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:20 PM (6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2016 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:20 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:21 PM (Senator Rust)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:24 PM (Senator D. Larsen)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:26 PM (Senator Sorvaag)
- Video - Senate, 02/21 02:27 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 45 Nay 2 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM (SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:30 PM (SB 2016 Open Hearing)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:31 PM (Adjutant General Al Dohrmann - ND National Guard introduces his presentation and gives general overview - In support of)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:53 PM (General Al Dohrmann official statement and questions.)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:55 PM (Darin Anderson - Director - ND State Radio - In support of)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 03:00 PM (Darin Hanson - Homeland Security Director - Department of Emergency Services - In support of)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 03:33 PM (Lt. Colonel Sean Johnson - Chief of Staff-Missions - Civil Air Patrol - In support of)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 03:46 PM (General Al Dohrmann continued with discussing the National Guard)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 04:10 PM (General Al Dohrmann continued the presentation)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 04:40 PM (Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society - In support of)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:38 PM (Representative Monson - Call to Order)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:38 PM (Roll Call)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:39 PM (SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:40 PM (Gen. Al Dohrmann - Adjutant General - ND National Guard)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 03:22 PM (Representative Monson offers amendment language [23.0270.02002])
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 03:23 PM (Representative Monson offers another amendment proposal [23.0270.02003])
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 03:27 PM (Representative Monson discussed the long sheet presented by the Legislative Council)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 04:13 PM (Representative Monson - Recess)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 04:21 PM (Representative Monson - Reconvene)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 04:22 PM (Gen. Al Dohrmann answers questions from the committee)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 04:34 PM (Darin Hanson - Homeland Security Director - ND Dept. of Emergency Services - answers questions)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 04:50 PM (Representative Monson - Adjourn)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:00 AM (SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:17 AM (Roll call)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:18 AM (General Dohrmann - Adjutant General - ND National Guard speaks to one-time funding and priorities)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:46 AM (Darin Hanson - Director - Department of Emergency Services)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 11:00 AM (General Discussion about the long sheet)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 11:13 AM (Darin Hanson - answered questions by the committee)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 11:15 AM (Bob Henderson - IJAA Task Force & Director IT for Cass County)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 11:21 AM (Jessica Newby GRC Lead - North Dakota)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 11:26 AM (Shawn Riley - CEO - BitZero International - North Dakota Cold War Trail)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 11:44 AM (General Dohrmann - Adjutant General)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 11:49 AM (Adjourned)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 09:08 AM (Committee Work - SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 09:09 AM (General Al Dohrmann - Adjutant General - ND National Guard spoke to the rationale for the FTE's he needed)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 09:20 AM (Representative Monson asked for a priority list)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 09:46 AM (Representative Monson discussed the amendment for the cold war historic center tourism grant program [23.0270.02003])
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 09:53 AM (Darrin Hanson - Homeland Security Director - Dept. of Emergency Services - addresses questions about the STORM ACT, and other questions)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 10:06 AM (Representative Brandenburg discussed an amendment regarding LaMoure County disaster relief [23.0270.02005])
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 10:10 AM (Darrin Hanson spoke of the overall funding for the project involved in the amendment and addressed the long sheet)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:30 AM (Committee Work: SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:31 AM (No video available from 8 31 31 to 8 34 35 AM)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:31 AM (Roll Call)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:31 AM (Representative Monson initiates discussion on SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:35 AM (General Al Dohrmann - Adjutant General - ND National Guard answered question posed by the committee)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 09:03 AM (Darin Hanson - Homeland Security Director - Dept of Emergency Services answers questions or the committee)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 09:05 AM (General Dohrmann continued to address the committee on budget questions)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 09:26 AM (Representative Brandenburg flood mitigation project)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 09:28 AM (Darin Hanson - Director Homeland Security - Dept of Emergency Services)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 08:32 AM (Committee Work - SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 08:37 AM (Representative Monson reviews long sheet)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 08:40 AM (Jennifer Scheet - Division Chief - Fiscal & Admin. Services - Office of the Adjutant General - responds to questions)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 08:54 AM (Jackie Huber - Deputy Adjutant General - responds to questions)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 09:01 AM (Darin Anderson - Director - State Radio - Dept. of Emergency Services- responds to questions)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 09:14 AM (Closed the Hearing)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 09:14 AM (Recess)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:45 AM (Committee Work: SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:46 AM (Roll Call)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:46 AM (Representative Monson proposed amendment from the Governor's Office)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:48 AM (Representative Brandenburg moves the amendment)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:48 AM (Representative Mock seconds the motion)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:49 AM (Roll Call Vote - 5-0-2 - Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:55 AM (Representative Brandenburg proposed amendment)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:03 AM (Representative Brandenburg moves to further amend the bill with amendment [23.0270.02001])
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:03 AM (Representative Mock seconds the motion)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:03 AM (Roll Call Vote - 6-0-1 - Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:03 AM (Representative Brandenburg moves to further amend by adding $2 million for disaster relief and add an emergency clause)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:04 AM (Representative Mock seconds the motion)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:06 AM (Roll Call Vote - 6-0-1 - Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:06 AM (Representative Brandenburg moves Do Pass As Amended)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:06 AM (Representative Mock seconds the motion)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:10 AM (Roll Call Vote - 5-1-1 - Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:11 AM (Representative Brandenburg will carry the bill)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:11 AM (Adjourned the meeting for SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:27 AM (Reconvene)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:27 AM (Reopened the meeting for SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:28 AM (Adjutant General Al Dohrmann- addresses information relating to disaster relief fund amendment)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:33 AM (Representative Brandenburg moves to reconsider the action on SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:33 AM (Representative Mock seconds the motion)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:34 AM (Roll Call Vote - 6-0-1 - Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:35 AM (Representative Brandenburg moves to further amend by giving the Adj. Gen. authority to cost share with political subdivisions)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:36 AM (Representative Mock seconds the motion)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:37 AM (Roll Call Vote - 6-0-1 - Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:37 AM (Representative Brandenburg moves Do Pass As Amended)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:37 AM (Representative Mock seconds the motion)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 10:38 AM (Roll Call Vote - 5-1-1 - Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/11 09:15 AM (SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/11 09:15 AM (Roll Call)
- Video - House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/11 09:16 AM (Representative Brandenburg - explains the printed amendment approved yesterday [23.0270.02006])
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 10:58 AM (SB 2016)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 10:58 AM (Representative Brandenburg Explains Amendment LC# 23.0270.02006)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:08 AM (Representative Brandenburg Moves Amendment LC# 23.0270.02006)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:08 AM (Representative Monson Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:25 AM (Roll Call Vote 20-0-3 Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:28 AM (Representative Brandenburg Moves Do Pass as Amended)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:28 AM (Representative Monson Seconds)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:28 AM (Roll Call Vote 20-0-3 Motion Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:29 AM (Representative Brandenburg Carries)
- Video - House Appropriations, 04/11 11:31 AM (Meeting Adjourned)
- Video - House, 04/12 08:20 AM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Do Pass)
- Video - House, 04/12 08:20 AM (Representative Brandenburg)
- Video - House, 04/12 08:29 AM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 87 Nay 3 N/V 4 Exc 0)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 10:00 AM (SB 2016)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 10:02 AM (Long sheet #27733)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 10:16 AM (Major General Al Dorman - Adjutant General of The ND National Guard provided additional information #27740)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 05:30 PM (SB 2016)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 05:34 PM (Discussion)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 05:41 PM (Major General Al Dorman - Adjacent General for ND National Guard answered questions)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/20 05:55 PM (Meeting adjourned)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 10:30 AM (SB 2016)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 10:37 AM (Discussion)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 10:38 AM (Major General Al Dorman - Adjacent General for The ND National Guard - Verbal Testimony)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 10:48 AM (Kelvin Hullet - Chief Business Officer for The Bank of ND)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 10:53 AM (Major Al Dorman - Adjacent General for The ND National Guard)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 10:54 AM (meeting adjourned)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:30 PM (SB 2016)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/21 02:36 PM (Major General Al Dorman- Adjacent General for ND National Guard answered questions)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:30 AM (SB 2016)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:32 AM (Toby Mertz - Fiscal Analyst- Long sheet overview #27817)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:37 AM (Representative Brandenburg moved to recede amendment)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:37 AM (Representative Pyle seconded)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:37 AM (Representative Brandenburg moved to recede and further amend)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:37 AM (Senator Sorvaag seconded)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:38 AM (Roll call vote to recede house amendment - passed - 6-0-0)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:38 AM (Representative Brandenburg moved to further amend bill)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:39 AM (Representative Pyle seconded)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:39 AM (Major General Al Dorman- Adjacent General for The ND National Guard)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:41 AM (Roll call vote to further amend the bill - passed- 6-0-0)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:41 AM (Senator Sorvaag moved DO PASS as amended for SB 2016)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:41 AM (Representative Monson seconded)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:43 AM (Roll call vote DO PASS as amended - passed - 6-0-0)
- Video - Conference Committee, 04/22 09:43 AM (meeting adjourned)
- Video - Senate, 04/25 12:35 PM (7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - SB2016 - Appropriations - Conference Committee)
- Video - Senate, 04/25 12:35 PM (Senator Rust)
- Video - Senate, 04/25 12:44 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Conference Committee)
- Video - Senate, 04/25 12:44 PM (Senator Rust)
- Video - Senate, 04/25 12:45 PM (11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Conference Committee - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0)
- Video - House, 04/26 08:19 AM (7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - SB2016 - Appropriations - Conference Committee)
- Video - House, 04/26 08:20 AM (Representative Brandenburg)
- Video - House, 04/26 08:24 AM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Conference Committee)
- Video - House, 04/26 08:25 AM (Representative Brandenburg)
- Video - House, 04/26 08:25 AM (14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2016 - Appropriations - Conference Committee - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 90 Nay 2 N/V 2 Exc 0)
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Green Sheet, Bismarck (Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:00 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Jay Sheldon, Office of the Adjutant General, Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:00 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Jay Sheldon, Office of the Adjutant General, Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:00 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Jay Sheldon, Office of the Adjutant General, Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations, 01/09 02:00 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Long Sheet, Bismarck, ND (Conference Committee, 04/20 10:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Al Dorman, Bismarck, ND (Conference Committee, 04/20 10:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Al Dorman, Bismarck, ND (Conference Committee, 04/20 05:30 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Al Dorman, Bismarck, ND (Conference Committee, 04/21 10:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Long Sheet, Bismarck, ND (Conference Committee, 04/22 09:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Lindsay Wold, ND State and Local Intelligence Center, Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Lonnie Grabowska, Nd Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jay Sheldon, NDNG (Strategy and Policy Officer), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jay Sheldon, NDNG (Strategy and Policy Officer), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jay Sheldon, NDNG (Strategy and Policy Officer), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jay Sheldon, NDNG (Strategy and Policy Officer), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jay Sheldon, NDNG (Strategy and Policy Officer), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Greg Hoffman, ND Information Technology Department (ND Information Technology Department), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Brandon Solberg, North Dakota Highway Patrol (Superintendent), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- John Paczkowski, Department of Water Resources (State Engineer), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Josh L. Kramer, North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives (NDAREC) (Executive Vice President and General Manager), Mandan, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Dirk 2L. Testimony, North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (Executive Director, Public Health), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Karolin Jappe, McKenzie County (McKenzie County Emergency Manager), Watford City, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Thomas A. Claeys, North Dakota Forest Service (State Forester), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Kirsten Baesler, NDDPI (State Superintendent), Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 01/27 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- David Rust, ND State Senator, Bismarck, ND (Senate Appropriations, 02/20 08:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Toby Mertz, Legislative Council (Fiscal Analyst), ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/20 07:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Toby Mertz, Legislative Council (Fiscal Analyst), ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/07 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rep Brandenburg, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rep Brandenburg, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- General Al Dohrmann, ND National Guard, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Shawn Riley, Bit Zero International (CEO), ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- General All Dohrmann, ND National Guard (Adjutant General), ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/16 10:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Toby Mertz, Legislative Council (Fiscal Analyst), ND (Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division, 02/14 11:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- General Al Dohrmann, ND National Guard (Adjutant General), ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Legislative Council, (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/24 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jennifer Scheet, Office of the Adjutant General (Office of the Adjutant General), Bismarck, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jennifer Scheet, Office of the Adjutant General (Office of the Adjutant General), Bismarck, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jennifer Scheet, Office of the Adjutant General (Office of the Adjutant General), Bismarck, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jennifer Scheet, Office of the Adjutant General (Office of the Adjutant General), Bismarck, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Jennifer Scheet, Office of the Adjutant General (Office of the Adjutant General), Bismarck, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Bob Henderson, Cass County Government/IIJA Task Force (Director of Technology/Chair), Fargo, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- John Paczkowski, Department of Water Resources (State Engineer), Bismarck, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Katherine Grindberg, FMWF Chamber of Commerce (Executive Vice President), Fargo, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/06 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Legislative L. Council, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rep Monson, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rep Monson, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Katherine Grindberg, FMWF Chamber of Commerce (Executive Vice President), Fargo, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/13 02:15 PM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Rep Brandenburg, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Legislative Council, ND Legislative Council, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Legislative Council, ND Legislative Council, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 03/29 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Legislative Council, ND Legislative Council, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/04 08:30 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Legislative Council, ND Legislative Council, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/11 09:00 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Legislative Council, ND Legislative Council, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (In Favor) -- Legislative Council, ND Legislative Council, ND (House Appropriations - Government Operations Division, 04/10 09:45 AM)PDF
- Testimony (Neutral) -- Proposed Amendment, (House Appropriations, 04/11 10:58 AM)PDF