IntroducedApr 27, 2023
Passed SenateJun 12, 2023
Passed HouseJun 13, 2023
Signed into Law
SP 732, An Act To Support Outdoor Education By Establishing The Outdoor School For All Maine Students Program
Last Action See all actions
House • Nov 20, 2024: The Bill was in the possession of the House upon the conclusion of the 131st Legislature and was placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on LD 1817
Whip Lists
- Poppy Arfordcosponsor
- Donna Baileycosponsor
- Joseph Baldaccicosponsor
- Pinny Beebe-Centercosponsor
- Arthur Bellcosponsor
- Richard Bennettcosponsor
- Russell Blackcosponsor
- Mark Bliercosponsor
- David Boyercosponsor
- James Boylecosponsor
- Eric Brakeycosponsor
- Michael Brennancosponsor
- William Bridgeocosponsor
- Richard Campbellcosponsor
- Nathan Carlowcosponsor
- Anne Carneycosponsor
- Benjamin Chipmancosponsor
- Kristen Cloutiercosponsor
- Sally Clucheycosponsor
- Benjamin Collingscosponsor
- Lynn Copelandcosponsor
- Lydia Craftscosponsor
- Margaret Cravencosponsor
- W. Crockettcosponsor
- Glenn Currycosponsor
- Aaron Danacosponsor
- Matthea Daughtrycosponsor
- Kenneth Daviscosponsor
- Deqa Dhalaccosponsor
- Janice Dodgecosponsor
- Victoria Douderacosponsor
- John Ducharmecosponsor
- Jill Dusoncosponsor
- Bradlee Farrincosponsor
- Billy Bob Faulkinghamcosponsor
- Jessica Faycosponsor
- Drew Gattinecosponsor
- Valli Geigercosponsor
- Traci Gerecosponsor
- Cheryl Golekcosponsor
- Lori Gramlichcosponsor
- Nicole Grohoskicosponsor
- Stacey Guerincosponsor
- Matthew Harringtoncosponsor
- Tavis Hasenfuscosponsor
- Allison Heplercosponsor
- Craig Hickmancosponsor
- Daniel Hobbscosponsor
- Benjamin Hymescosponsor
- Henry Ingwersencosponsor
- Troy Jacksoncosponsor
- Rebecca Jauchcosponsor
- Lisa Keimcosponsor
- David Lafountaincosponsor
- H. Landrycosponsor
- Mark Lawrencecosponsor
- James Libbycosponsor
- Grayson Looknercosponsor
- Peter Lyfordcosponsor
- Colleen Madigancosponsor
- Marc Maloncosponsor
- Anne-Marie Mastracciocosponsor
- Kristi Mathiesoncosponsor
- Ann Matlackcosponsor
- Michele Meyercosponsor
- Rebecca Millettcosponsor
- Nina Millikencosponsor
- Karen Montellcosponsor
- Matthew Moonencosponsor
- Marianne Moorecosponsor
- Joshua Morriscosponsor
- Kelly Murphycosponsor
- Timothy Nanglecosponsor
- Laurie Oshercosponsor
- Anne Perrycosponsor
- Teresa Piercecosponsor
- William Plueckercosponsor
- Edward Polewarczykcosponsor
- Matthew Pouliotcosponsor
- Jane Pringlecosponsor
- Joseph Raffertycosponsor
- Ambureen Ranacosponsor
- Cameron Renycosponsor
- Morgan Riellycosponsor
- Amy Roedercosponsor
- Margaret Rotundocosponsor
- Suzanne Salisburycosponsor
- Heidi Sampsoncosponsor
- Holly Sargentcosponsor
- Daniel Sayrecosponsor
- Tammy Schmersal-Burgesscosponsor
- Daniel Shagourycosponsor
- Charles Skoldcosponsor
- Michael Soboleskicosponsor
- Harold Stewartcosponsor
- Holly Stovercosponsor
- Laura Supicacosponsor
- Rachel Talbot Rosscosponsor
- Maureen Terrycosponsor
- Austin Theriaultcosponsor
- James Thornecosponsor
- Jeffrey Timberlakecosponsor
- Michael Tippingcosponsor
- Eloise Vitellicosponsor
- Sophia Warrencosponsor
- Bruce Whitecosponsor
- Lynne Williamscosponsor
- David Woodsomecosponsor
- J. Worthcosponsor
- Samuel Zagercosponsor
- Stanley Zeiglercosponsor
- Nov 20, 2024 | House
- The Bill was in the possession of the House upon the conclusion of the 131st Legislature and was placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
- May 10, 2024 | House
- Carried over, in the same posture, to any special session of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order HP 1482.
- May 10, 2024 | Senate
- On Motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin taken from the SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TABLE.
- Under suspension of the Rules On motion by Same Senator The Senate RECONSIDERED whereby the Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) as Amended by Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) thereto
- Under further suspension of the Rules On further motion by Same Senator The Senate RECONSIDERED whereby Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) was ADOPTED
- On further motion by Same Senator Senate Amendment "B" (S-760) to Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) READ and ADOPTED
- Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) as Amended by Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) AND Senate Amendment "B" (S-760) thereto ADOPTED
- PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) AS AMENDED BY Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) AND Senate Amendment "B" (S-760) thereto In NON-CONCURRENCE
- Ordered sent down forthwith for concurrence
- Jul 26, 2023 | Senate
- CARRIED OVER, in the same posture, to any special or regular session of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 847.
- Jun 14, 2023 | Senate
- On motion by Senator ROTUNDO of Androscoggin PLACED ON THE SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TABLE pending PASSAGE TO BE ENACTED - Emergency - 2/3 Elected Required, in concurrence.
- Jun 14, 2023 | House
- This being an emergency measure, a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to the House was necessary.
- Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
- Jun 13, 2023 | House
- Report was READ and ACCEPTED.
- The Bill was READ ONCE.
- Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) was READ.
- Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) to Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) was READ and ADOPTED.
- Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) as Amended by Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) thereto ADOPTED.
- Under suspension of the rules, the Bill was given its SECOND READING without REFERENCE to the Committee on Bills in the Second Reading.
- PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) as Amended by Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) thereto.
- Jun 12, 2023 | Senate
- Taken from the table by the President
- Subsequently Report Accepted
- Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) READ
- On motion by Senator INGWERSEN of York Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) to Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) READ and ADOPTED
- Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) as Amended by Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) thereto ADOPTED
- Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME and PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED by Committee Amendment "A" (S-192) as Amended by Senate Amendment "A" (S-261) thereto
- Sent down for concurrence
- Jun 07, 2023 | Senate
- Report READ
- On motion by Senator VITELLI of Sagadahoc Tabled until Later in Today's Session, pending ACCEPTANCE of the Report
- Jun 06, 2023 | legislature
- Reported Out - OTP-AM
- May 15, 2023 | legislature
- Work Session (Cross Building, Room 214)
- Work Session Held
- Voted - OTP-AM
- May 10, 2023 | legislature
- Public Hearing (Cross Building, Room 214)
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- Apr 27, 2023 | Senate
- Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY suggested and ordered printed REFERENCE to the Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY Ordered sent down forthwith for concurrence
- Fiscal Note for Amendment C-A (S-192) (Adopted by House & Senate)HTML
- Fiscal Note for Amendment C-A (S-192) (Adopted by House & Senate)PDF
- Fiscal Note for Amendment S-A to C-A (S-261) -- IngwersenHTML
- Fiscal Note for Amendment S-A to C-A (S-261) -- IngwersenPDF
- Fiscal Note for Amendment S-B to C-A (S-760) -- RotundoHTML
- Fiscal Note for Amendment S-B to C-A (S-760) -- RotundoPDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Nancy B Chandler (Topsham)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Steven Bailey (Maine School Management Association)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Susan Bennett (Milbridge, Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Kelly Birmingham (Patten)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Russell Black (Maine State Legislature)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Holly Blair (Maine Principals' Association)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Flora Bliss (Scarborough)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Stacy Brenner (Maine State Legislature)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Nathan Carlow (Maine State Legislature)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Jeanine Christensen (Dallas Plantation)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by James Connolly (MDIFW)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Molly Cooper (Phippsburg)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Jennifer Cross (Oceanside High School)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Keith Crowley (Maine Outdoor School for All)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Wyatte Damon (West Paris)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Nathan Davis (Sierra Club Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Drew Dumsch (The Ecology School)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Nicholas Fisichelli (Schoodic Institute)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Jessie Francis (Stockton Springs)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Jessica Freeman (Veazie)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Olivia Griset (Maine Environmental Education Association)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Mikayla Gullace (Schoodic Institute)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by alicia heyburn (Brunswick)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Joe Horn (Maine Outdoor School, L3C)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Anne Hurley (Gouldsboro )PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Amara Ifeji (Maine Environmental Education Association)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Lauren Jacobs (Old Town)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Alison Johnson (Birch Harbor)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Helen Jolley (Bar Harbor)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Sarah Kearsley (Norway, Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Angela King (The Bicycle Coalition of Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Susan Kistenmacher (Farmingdale)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Christopher Knapp (Maine Local Living School, Temple, ME)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Grace Leavitt (Maine Education Association)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Don Loprieno (Bristol)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Lydia McAlister (West Paris)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Nancy McBrady (Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Roberta McFarland (North bend)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Ashley Medina (Lewiston)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Kathleen Meil (Maine Conservation Voters)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Anica Miller-Rushing (Mount Desert)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Phoebe Monteith (Lovell, Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Caroline Moore (Winter Harbor)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Louise Myrback (Stow)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Zabet NeuCollins (Women for Healthy Rural Living)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Deb Paredes (The Nature Conservancy Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Arthur Pearson (Maine Outdoor School for All)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Rain Perez (Maine Outdoor School)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Judy Radigan (Lewiston High School)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Jeremy Ray (Biddeford)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Amanda Ripa (RSU 18)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Jeff Romano (Maine Coast Heritage Trust)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Ezra Sassaman (Maine Youth for Climate Justice)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by GAIL Scott (Portland)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Kaylan Scott (Bowdoinham)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Ryder Scott (The University of Maine Cooperative Extension)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Kim Silva (Friends of Outdoor School)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Michael & Chelsea Snyder (MESA)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Anna Sommo (Maine Environmental Education Association)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Heather Spalding (Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Paige Steele (Ellsworth)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Melanie Sturm (Natural Resources Council of Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Susan Swanton (Biddeford)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Mary Throckmorton (Lincoln County)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Sarah Timm (Oxford Hills)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Eliza Townsend (Appalachian Mountain Club)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by David Trahan (Sportsman's Alliance of Maine)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Amy Tucker (Wayne)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Joy Voter (Maine Environmental Science Academy)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Jesse Watson (Rockland)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Cheryl Weyl (Freeport)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Loyann Worster (Veazie)PDF
- Testimony on May 10, 2023 by Madison Worthington (Rippleffect )PDF
- Mikayla Gullace, Schoodic Institute (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 10:21 AM
- Anne Hurley, Gouldsboro (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 06:57 AM
- Madison Worthington, Rippleffect (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 10:55 AM
- Judy Radigan, Lewiston High School (Speaking For) - ACF 05/10/2023 09:06 AM
- Steven Bailey, Maine School Management Association (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 09:03 AM
- Jessica Freeman, Veazie (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 01:56 PM
- Kelly Birmingham, Patten (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 09:35 AM
- Paige Steele, Ellsworth (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 12:07 PM
- Michael & Chelsea Snyder, MESA (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 12:39 PM
- Amanda Ripa, RSU 18 (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 12:56 PM
- Cheryl Weyl, Freeport (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 03:20 PM
- James Connolly, MDIFW (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 03:40 PM
- Christopher Knapp, Maine Local Living School, Temple, ME (Written) - ACF 05/20/2023 12:43 PM
- Sarah Kearsley, Norway, Maine (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 06:04 AM
- Molly Cooper, Phippsburg (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 07:20 AM
- Angela King, The Bicycle Coalition of Maine (Written) - ACF 05/12/2023 10:24 AM
- Louise Myrback, Stow (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 09:14 PM
- Loyann Worster, Veazie (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 01:51 PM
- GAIL Scott, Portland (Written) - ACF 05/04/2023 09:37 AM
- Susan Bennett, Milbridge, Maine (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 09:29 AM
- Jennifer Cross, Oceanside High School (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 02:17 PM
- Jeanine Christensen, Dallas Plantation (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 06:48 AM
- Holly Blair, Maine Principals' Association (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 12:51 PM
- Ezra Sassaman, Maine Youth for Climate Justice (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 02:45 PM
- Phoebe Monteith, Lovell, Maine (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 10:11 PM
- Susan Swanton, Biddeford (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 06:35 PM
- Joy Voter, Maine Environmental Science Academy (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 03:11 PM
- Kathleen Meil, Maine Conservation Voters (Written) - ACF 05/15/2023 11:40 AM
- Alison Johnson, Birch Harbor (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 07:23 PM
- Kim Silva, Friends of Outdoor School (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 06:16 PM
- Nathan Davis, Sierra Club Maine (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 08:39 AM
- alicia heyburn, Brunswick (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 03:52 PM
- Rain Perez, Maine Outdoor School (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 03:56 PM
- Melanie Sturm, Natural Resources Council of Maine (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 10:38 AM
- Arthur Pearson, Maine Outdoor School for All (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 04:59 PM
- Don Loprieno, Bristol (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 08:34 AM
- Roberta McFarland, North bend (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 03:58 PM
- Lauren Jacobs, Old Town (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 08:48 PM
- Grace Leavitt, Maine Education Association (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 06:18 AM
- Jeff Romano, Maine Coast Heritage Trust (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 08:08 AM
- Nancy B Chandler, Topsham (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 01:42 PM
- Amy Tucker, Wayne (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 09:05 AM
- Anna Sommo, Maine Environmental Education Association (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 01:55 PM
- Jeremy Ray, Biddeford (Speaking For) - ACF 05/09/2023 10:24 AM
- Helen Jolley, Bar Harbor (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 02:41 PM
- Susan Kistenmacher, Farmingdale (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 05:02 PM
- Jesse Watson, Rockland (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 09:49 PM
- Jessie Francis, Stockton Springs (Written) - ACF 05/08/2023 10:00 PM
- Caroline Moore, Winter Harbor (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 08:02 AM
- Ashley Medina, Lewiston (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 10:18 AM
- Mary Throckmorton, Lincoln County (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 07:41 AM
- Zabet NeuCollins, Women for Healthy Rural Living (Written) - ACF 05/09/2023 02:52 PM
- Eliza Townsend, Appalachian Mountain Club (Written) - ACF 05/10/2023 07:35 AM
- https://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/summary.asp?ld=1817&SessionID=15
- https://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/sponsors.asp?ID=280089014
- https://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/subjects.asp?ID=280089014
- https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/bills/display_ps.asp?ld=1817&PID=1456&snum=131
- https://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/dockets.asp?ID=280089014
- https://legislature.maine.gov/ctl/ACF/05-10-2023