IntroducedJan 29, 2024
Passed HouseFeb 23, 2024
Passed SenateApr 03, 2024
Signed into LawMay 16, 2024
Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act)
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 16, 2024: Approved by the Governor - Chapter 842
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 728
Whip Lists
- Boycecosponsor
- Charkoudiancosponsor
- Embrycosponsor
- Faircosponsor
- Fennellcosponsor
- Fraser-Hidalgocosponsor
- Guzzonecosponsor
- Harriscosponsor
- Healeycosponsor
- Kaisercosponsor
- Kerrcosponsor
- Lehmancosponsor
- R. Lewiscosponsor
- J. Longcosponsor
- Lopezcosponsor
- Lovecosponsor
- Martinezcosponsor
- McCaskillcosponsor
- Mireku-Northcosponsor
- Palakovich Carrcosponsor
- Pattersoncosponsor
- Queencosponsor
- Ruthcosponsor
- Simpsoncosponsor
- Solomoncosponsor
- Spiegelcosponsor
- Steincosponsor
- Taverascosponsor
- Terrasacosponsor
- Turnercosponsor
- White Hollandcosponsor
- Williamscosponsor
- Zieglercosponsor
- Alstoncosponsor
- Bagnallcosponsor
- Bhandaricosponsor
- Hillcosponsor
- S. Johnsoncosponsor
- Pena-Melnykcosponsor
- Rosenbergcosponsor
YES: 33
- Adams
- Ghrist
- Hutchinson
- Morgan, M.
- Rose
- Arentz
- Grammer
- Jacobs
- Morgan, T.
- Schmidt
- Arikan
- Griffith
- Kipke
- Nawrocki
- Szeliga
- Baker
- Hartman
- Mangione
- Otto
- Tomlinson
- Buckel
- Hinebaugh
- McComas
- Pippy
- Valentine
- Chisholm
- Hornberger
- Metzgar
- Reilly
- Wivell
- Fisher
- Howard
- Miller
NO: 102
- Speaker
- Crosby
- Jackson
- Patterson
- Stewart
- Acevero
- Crutchfield
- Johnson, A.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Stonko
- Addison
- Cullison
- Johnson, S.
- Phillips
- Taveras
- Allen
- Davis
- Jones, D.
- Pruski
- Taylor
- Alston
- Ebersole
- Kaiser
- Qi
- Terrasa
- Amprey
- Edelson
- Kaufman
- Queen
- Toles
- Anderton
- Embry
- Kerr
- Roberson
- Turner
- Attar
- Fair
- Korman
- Roberts
- Valderrama
- Atterbeary
- Feldmark
- Lehman
- Rogers
- Vogel
- Bagnall
- Fennell
- Lewis, J.
- Rosenberg
- Watson
- Barnes
- Foley
- Lewis, R.
- Ruff
- Wells
- Bartlett
- Forbes
- Long, J.
- Ruth
- White Holland
- Bhandari
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Lopez
- Sample-Hughes
- Wilkins
- Boafo
- Grossman
- Love
- Shetty
- Williams
- Bouchat
- Guyton
- Martinez
- Simmons
- Wilson
- Boyce
- Guzzone
- McCaskill
- Simpson
- Wims
- Cardin
- Harris
- Mireku-North
- Smith
- Wolek
- Chang
- Harrison
- Moon
- Solomon
- Wu
- Charkoudian
- Henson
- Palakovich Carr
- Spiegel
- Young
- Clippinger
- Holmes
- Pasteur
- Stein
- Ziegler
- Conaway
- Ivey
YES: 36
- Adams
- Fisher
- Howard
- Miller
- Rose
- Anderton
- Ghrist
- Hutchinson
- Morgan, M.
- Schmidt
- Arentz
- Grammer
- Jacobs
- Morgan, T.
- Stonko
- Arikan
- Griffith
- Kipke
- Nawrocki
- Szeliga
- Baker
- Hartman
- Mangione
- Otto
- Tomlinson
- Bouchat
- Hinebaugh
- McComas
- Pippy
- Valentine
- Buckel
- Hornberger
- Metzgar
- Reilly
- Wivell
- Chisholm
NO: 100
- Speaker
- Crutchfield
- Ivey
- Pasteur
- Stein
- Acevero
- Cullison
- Jackson
- Patterson
- Stewart
- Addison
- Davis
- Johnson, A.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Taveras
- Allen
- Ebersole
- Johnson, S.
- Phillips
- Taylor
- Alston
- Edelson
- Jones, D.
- Pruski
- Terrasa
- Amprey
- Embry
- Kaiser
- Qi
- Toles
- Attar
- Fair
- Kaufman
- Queen
- Turner
- Atterbeary
- Feldmark
- Kerr
- Roberson
- Valderrama
- Bagnall
- Fennell
- Korman
- Roberts
- Vogel
- Barnes
- Foley
- Lehman
- Rogers
- Watson
- Bartlett
- Forbes
- Lewis, J.
- Rosenberg
- Wells
- Bhandari
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Lewis, R.
- Ruff
- White Holland
- Boafo
- Grossman
- Long, J.
- Ruth
- Wilkins
- Boyce
- Guyton
- Lopez
- Sample-Hughes
- Williams
- Cardin
- Guzzone
- Love
- Shetty
- Wilson
- Chang
- Harris
- Martinez
- Simmons
- Wims
- Charkoudian
- Harrison
- McCaskill
- Simpson
- Wolek
- Clippinger
- Henson
- Mireku-North
- Smith
- Wu
- Conaway
- Hill
- Moon
- Solomon
- Young
- Crosby
- Holmes
- Palakovich Carr
- Spiegel
- Ziegler
YES: 101
- Speaker
- Crutchfield
- Ivey
- Patterson
- Stewart
- Acevero
- Cullison
- Jackson
- Pena-Melnyk
- Taveras
- Addison
- Davis
- Johnson, A.
- Phillips
- Taylor
- Allen
- Ebersole
- Johnson, S.
- Pruski
- Terrasa
- Alston
- Edelson
- Kaiser
- Qi
- Toles
- Anderton
- Embry
- Kaufman
- Queen
- Turner
- Attar
- Fair
- Kerr
- Roberson
- Valderrama
- Atterbeary
- Feldmark
- Korman
- Roberts
- Vogel
- Bagnall
- Fennell
- Lehman
- Rogers
- Watson
- Barnes
- Foley
- Lewis, J.
- Rosenberg
- Wells
- Bartlett
- Forbes
- Lewis, R.
- Ruff
- White Holland
- Bhandari
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Long, J.
- Ruth
- Wilkins
- Boafo
- Grossman
- Lopez
- Sample-Hughes
- Williams
- Bouchat
- Guyton
- Love
- Shetty
- Wilson
- Boyce
- Guzzone
- Martinez
- Simmons
- Wims
- Cardin
- Harris
- McCaskill
- Simpson
- Wolek
- Chang
- Harrison
- Mireku-North
- Smith
- Woods
- Charkoudian
- Henson
- Moon
- Solomon
- Wu
- Clippinger
- Hill
- Palakovich Carr
- Spiegel
- Young
- Conaway
- Holmes
- Pasteur
- Stein
- Ziegler
- Crosby
NO: 34
- May 16, 2024 | executive
- Approved by the Governor - Chapter 842
- Apr 04, 2024 | House
- Returned Passed
- Apr 03, 2024 | Senate
- Third Reading Passed (34-13)
- Mar 29, 2024 | Senate
- Favorable Adopted
- Second Reading Passed
- Mar 28, 2024 | Senate
- Favorable Report by Finance
- Feb 26, 2024 | Senate
- Referred Finance
- Feb 23, 2024 | House
- Third Reading Passed (101-34)
- Feb 21, 2024 | House
- Floor Amendment {483422/1 (Delegate Pippy) Rejected (33-102)
- Floor Amendment {143122/1 (Delegate Tomlinson) Rejected (36-100)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Feb 20, 2024 | House
- Favorable with Amendments {683621/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until 2/21 (Delegate Pippy) Adopted
- Feb 19, 2024 | House
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Health and Government Operations
- Feb 02, 2024 | House
- Hearing 2/08 at 1:00 p.m.
- Jan 29, 2024 | House
- First Reading Health and Government Operations
Bill Texts
- Text - First - Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act)PDF
- Amendments {683621/1 Adopted (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {483422/1 (Delegate Pippy) Rejected (33-102) (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {143122/1 (Delegate Tomlinson) Rejected (36-100) (House)PDF
- Text - Third - Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act)PDF
- Text - Chapter - Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act)PDF
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)PDF
- Vote - House - Committee - Health and Government OperationsPDF
- Vote - Senate - Committee - FinancePDF
- Video: Health and Government OperationsHTML
- Witness ListHTML
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Paddy, Michael (Public Policy Partners)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Miller Smith, Nora (League of Women Voters Maryland)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Proctor, Karessa (NASW Maryland)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- STERN, CAROL
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Greengrass, Mara
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- RUBIN, ANNA (Anna Rubin)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Brach, Cecile
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Highsmith Vernick, Nikki (The Horizon Foundation)
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Rivkin, Deborah (HSCRC)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Orbe, Jr., Carlos (Maryland Latinos Unidos)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Arikat, Loraine (1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East)
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Taylor, Allison (Kaiser Permanente)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Filomeno, Felipe (Latino Racial Justice Circle)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Juberg, Arielle
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Koplik, Charles
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Torres, Marisol (CASA)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Stewart, Vicky (Health Care for the Homeless)
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Phelps Jr, Ken (The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Koravos, JoAnne (Montgomery County Women's Democratic Club)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Zeimer, Ran
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Kickenson, Jerry
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Lagarda, Karen (Luminis Health)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Egan, Ashley (UULM-MD)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Johnson, Sarah
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Elliott, Robyn
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Alborn, Salliann (Maryland Community Health System)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Palmisano, Erica (SURJ Baltimore)
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Waterman, Dr. Christie (Maryland Nurses Association)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Lampel, Anita (Jews United for Justice)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Plante, Cecilia (Maryland Legislative Coalition)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Maryland, End Medical Debt (End Medical Debt Maryland)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Yoder, Daryl
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Enagonio, Liz
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Keipper, Lindsay (Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Cullison, Delegate, Bonnie (Delegate Bonnie Cullison)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Roth, Sarah (Office of Congressman David Trone (MD06))
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Arneson, Emily (Kennedy Krieger Institute)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Tafler, Susan
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Latino Caucus, Maryland Legislative
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Bagwell, Ashlie
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- DeMarco, Vincent
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Serrano Portillo, Kony (Town of Edmonston Council)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Bogdan, Henry (Maryland Nonprofits)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- (MD), State of Maryland
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Steffen, Ben (MHCC)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Strohl, Rahula
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Rubin, Jeffrey
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Patinella, Frank (ACLU of Maryland)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Barker, Suyanna (La ClÃnica del Pueblo)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Huffman, Mark (Marylanders Against Poverty)
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Birrane, Kathleen (Maryland Insurance Administration)
- HGO Virtual - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Arora, Ria
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Forsyth, Heather (OAG/HEAU)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Lopas, Matthew (National Immigration Law Center (NILC))
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Kabara, Ilona
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Shifrin, Jo
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Kasemeyer, Pam
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Sims, Brian (Maryland Hospital Association)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Orland, Kyle
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Kaplowitz, Richard KAP (Year)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Caplan, Jason
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Woolard, Ashley (Public Justice Center)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Conner, Sandra (Baptist Ministers' Night Conference of Baltimore and Vicinity)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Mills, Morgan (Compass Government Relations)
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Hudson, Lee (Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Mazurek, Michelle
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Eckel, Rianna (SURJ Baltimore)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Moore, Tonaeya (CASH CAMPAIGN OF MARYLAND)
- HGO Virtual - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Berger, Zackary
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Guerrero Vazquez, Monica (Centro SOL)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Spillane, John
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Schumitz, Kali (Maryland Center on Economic Policy)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Buckler, Lauren
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Wilkins, Katherine (SURJ)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- State of, Maryland
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Ranson, Emily
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Sugarman, Kate (Doctors For Camp Closure and MD Against ICE Detention)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Jacobsohn, Deedee
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Walsh, Michael
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Roques, Carmel (Maryland Department of Aging)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Lee, Adriana (Governor's Office of Community Initiatives)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Treminio-Lopez, Rocio (Town of Brentwood)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Yen, Julia (CASA)
- HGO In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Winn, Joe (Maryland Managed Care Organization Association)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Ward, Lindsay J. (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practioners)
- HGO Testimony, FAV -- Cardin, U.S. Senator Ben