IntroducedJan 25, 2024
Passed HouseMar 18, 2024
Passed SenateApr 06, 2024
Signed into LawApr 25, 2024
Renters' Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 693
Whip Lists
- Departmentalcosponsor
- Housing and Community Developmentcosponsor
- Allencosponsor
- Ampreycosponsor
- Bhandaricosponsor
- Boafocosponsor
- Boycecosponsor
- Conawaycosponsor
- Ebersolecosponsor
- Embrycosponsor
- Fennellcosponsor
- Foleycosponsor
- Grossmancosponsor
- Guzzonecosponsor
- Harriscosponsor
- Hensoncosponsor
- Hillcosponsor
- Iveycosponsor
- Jacksoncosponsor
- D. Jonescosponsor
- Kaufmancosponsor
- J. Longcosponsor
- McCaskillcosponsor
- Palakovich Carrcosponsor
- Pasteurcosponsor
- Pattersoncosponsor
- Phillipscosponsor
- Pruskicosponsor
- Robersoncosponsor
- Rogerscosponsor
- Ruffcosponsor
- Ruthcosponsor
- Simmonscosponsor
- Simpsoncosponsor
- Solomoncosponsor
- Stewartcosponsor
- Taverascosponsor
- Taylorcosponsor
- Turnercosponsor
- Valderramacosponsor
- Watsoncosponsor
- White Hollandcosponsor
- Williamscosponsor
- Addisoncosponsor
- Daviscosponsor
- Healeycosponsor
- Holmescosponsor
- Lehmancosponsor
- Lovecosponsor
- Terrasacosponsor
YES: 35
- Adams
- Ciliberti
- Hutchinson
- Miller
- Rose
- Anderton
- Fisher
- Jacobs
- Morgan, M.
- Schmidt
- Arentz
- Ghrist
- Kipke
- Morgan, T.
- Stonko
- Arikan
- Grammer
- Long, R.
- Nawrocki
- Szeliga
- Baker
- Hartman
- Mangione
- Otto
- Tomlinson
- Bouchat
- Hinebaugh
- McComas
- Pippy
- Valentine
- Chisholm
- Hornberger
- Metzgar
- Reilly
- Wivell
NO: 88
- Speaker
- Davis
- Jackson
- Pasteur
- Taylor
- Addison
- Ebersole
- Johnson, A.
- Patterson
- Terrasa
- Allen
- Edelson
- Johnson, S.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Toles
- Alston
- Embry
- Jones, D.
- Phillips
- Turner
- Attar
- Fair
- Kaiser
- Pruski
- Valderrama
- Atterbeary
- Feldmark
- Kaufman
- Roberson
- Vogel
- Bagnall
- Fennell
- Kerr
- Roberts
- Watson
- Barnes
- Foley
- Korman
- Ruff
- Wells
- Bartlett
- Forbes
- Lehman
- Ruth
- White Holland
- Bhandari
- Grossman
- Lewis, J.
- Shetty
- Wilkins
- Boafo
- Guyton
- Long, J.
- Simmons
- Williams
- Boyce
- Guzzone
- Lopez
- Simpson
- Wims
- Chang
- Harris
- Love
- Smith
- Wolek
- Charkoudian
- Healey
- Martinez
- Solomon
- Woods
- Clippinger
- Henson
- McCaskill
- Spiegel
- Wu
- Conaway
- Hill
- Mireku-North
- Stein
- Young
- Crutchfield
- Holmes
- Moon
- Stewart
- Ziegler
- Cullison
- Ivey
- Palakovich Carr
YES: 36
- Adams
- Ghrist
- Johnson, A.
- Miller
- Rose
- Arentz
- Grammer
- Johnson, S.
- Morgan, M.
- Schmidt
- Arikan
- Hartman
- Kipke
- Morgan, T.
- Stonko
- Baker
- Hinebaugh
- Long, R.
- Nawrocki
- Szeliga
- Bouchat
- Hornberger
- Mangione
- Otto
- Tomlinson
- Chisholm
- Hutchinson
- McComas
- Pippy
- Valentine
- Ciliberti
- Jacobs
- Metzgar
- Reilly
- Wivell
- Fisher
NO: 88
- Speaker
- Cullison
- Jackson
- Patterson
- Taveras
- Acevero
- Davis
- Jones, D.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Taylor
- Addison
- Ebersole
- Kaiser
- Phillips
- Terrasa
- Allen
- Edelson
- Kaufman
- Pruski
- Toles
- Alston
- Embry
- Kerr
- Roberson
- Turner
- Attar
- Fair
- Korman
- Roberts
- Valderrama
- Atterbeary
- Feldmark
- Lehman
- Rosenberg
- Watson
- Bagnall
- Fennell
- Lewis, J.
- Ruff
- Wells
- Barnes
- Foley
- Lewis, R.
- Ruth
- White Holland
- Bartlett
- Forbes
- Long, J.
- Shetty
- Wilkins
- Bhandari
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Lopez
- Simmons
- Williams
- Boafo
- Grossman
- Love
- Simpson
- Wims
- Boyce
- Guyton
- Martinez
- Smith
- Wolek
- Chang
- Guzzone
- McCaskill
- Solomon
- Woods
- Charkoudian
- Healey
- Mireku-North
- Spiegel
- Wu
- Clippinger
- Henson
- Moon
- Stein
- Young
- Conaway
- Hill
- Palakovich Carr
- Stewart
- Ziegler
- Crutchfield
- Holmes
- Pasteur
YES: 33
- Adams
- Fisher
- Kipke
- Morgan, T.
- Schmidt
- Arentz
- Grammer
- Long, R.
- Nawrocki
- Stonko
- Arikan
- Hartman
- Mangione
- Otto
- Szeliga
- Baker
- Hinebaugh
- McComas
- Pippy
- Tomlinson
- Bouchat
- Hornberger
- Metzgar
- Reilly
- Valentine
- Chisholm
- Hutchinson
- Miller
- Rose
- Wivell
- Ciliberti
- Jacobs
- Morgan, M.
NO: 90
- Speaker
- Ebersole
- Jackson
- Palakovich Carr
- Stewart
- Addison
- Edelson
- Johnson, A.
- Pasteur
- Taylor
- Allen
- Embry
- Johnson, S.
- Patterson
- Terrasa
- Alston
- Fair
- Jones, D.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Toles
- Attar
- Feldmark
- Kaiser
- Phillips
- Turner
- Atterbeary
- Fennell
- Kaufman
- Pruski
- Valderrama
- Bagnall
- Foley
- Kerr
- Roberson
- Vogel
- Barnes
- Forbes
- Korman
- Roberts
- Watson
- Bartlett
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Lehman
- Rosenberg
- Wells
- Bhandari
- Grossman
- Lewis, J.
- Ruff
- White Holland
- Boyce
- Guyton
- Lewis, R.
- Ruth
- Wilkins
- Chang
- Guzzone
- Long, J.
- Shetty
- Williams
- Charkoudian
- Harris
- Lopez
- Simmons
- Wims
- Clippinger
- Healey
- Love
- Simpson
- Wolek
- Conaway
- Henson
- Martinez
- Smith
- Woods
- Crutchfield
- Hill
- McCaskill
- Solomon
- Wu
- Cullison
- Holmes
- Mireku-North
- Spiegel
- Young
- Davis
- Ivey
- Moon
- Stein
- Ziegler
YES: 38
- Adams
- Chisholm
- Hornberger
- Miller
- Rose
- Anderton
- Ciliberti
- Hutchinson
- Morgan, M.
- Schmidt
- Arentz
- Crosby
- Jacobs
- Morgan, T.
- Stonko
- Arikan
- Fisher
- Kipke
- Nawrocki
- Szeliga
- Baker
- Ghrist
- Long, R.
- Otto
- Tomlinson
- Bouchat
- Grammer
- Mangione
- Pippy
- Valentine
- Buckel
- Hartman
- McComas
- Reilly
- Wivell
- Cardin
- Hinebaugh
- Metzgar
NO: 90
- Speaker
- Davis
- Johnson, A.
- Pasteur
- Taylor
- Addison
- Ebersole
- Johnson, S.
- Patterson
- Terrasa
- Allen
- Edelson
- Jones, D.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Toles
- Alston
- Embry
- Kaiser
- Phillips
- Turner
- Attar
- Fair
- Kaufman
- Pruski
- Valderrama
- Atterbeary
- Feldmark
- Kerr
- Roberts
- Vogel
- Bagnall
- Fennell
- Korman
- Rosenberg
- Watson
- Barnes
- Foley
- Lehman
- Ruff
- Wells
- Bartlett
- Forbes
- Lewis, J.
- Ruth
- White Holland
- Bhandari
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Lewis, R.
- Shetty
- Wilkins
- Boafo
- Grossman
- Long, J.
- Simmons
- Williams
- Boyce
- Guyton
- Lopez
- Simpson
- Wilson
- Chang
- Guzzone
- Love
- Smith
- Wims
- Charkoudian
- Healey
- Martinez
- Solomon
- Wolek
- Clippinger
- Henson
- McCaskill
- Spiegel
- Woods
- Conaway
- Hill
- Mireku-North
- Stein
- Wu
- Crutchfield
- Holmes
- Moon
- Stewart
- Young
- Cullison
- Jackson
- Palakovich Carr
- Taveras
- Ziegler
YES: 32
- Adams
- Fisher
- Kipke
- Morgan, T.
- Schmidt
- Arentz
- Ghrist
- Long, R.
- Nawrocki
- Stonko
- Arikan
- Grammer
- Mangione
- Otto
- Szeliga
- Baker
- Hinebaugh
- McComas
- Pippy
- Tomlinson
- Bouchat
- Hornberger
- Miller
- Reilly
- Valentine
- Chisholm
- Hutchinson
- Morgan, M.
- Rose
- Wivell
- Ciliberti
- Jacobs
NO: 92
- Speaker
- Davis
- Johnson, S.
- Patterson
- Taylor
- Addison
- Ebersole
- Jones, D.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Terrasa
- Allen
- Edelson
- Kaiser
- Phillips
- Toles
- Alston
- Embry
- Kaufman
- Pruski
- Turner
- Amprey
- Fair
- Kerr
- Roberson
- Valderrama
- Attar
- Feldmark
- Korman
- Roberts
- Vogel
- Atterbeary
- Fennell
- Lehman
- Rosenberg
- Watson
- Bagnall
- Foley
- Lewis, J.
- Ruff
- Wells
- Barnes
- Forbes
- Lewis, R.
- Ruth
- White Holland
- Bartlett
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Long, J.
- Shetty
- Wilkins
- Bhandari
- Grossman
- Lopez
- Simmons
- Williams
- Boafo
- Guyton
- Love
- Simpson
- Wilson
- Boyce
- Guzzone
- Martinez
- Smith
- Wims
- Chang
- Healey
- McCaskill
- Solomon
- Wolek
- Charkoudian
- Henson
- Mireku-North
- Spiegel
- Woods
- Clippinger
- Hill
- Moon
- Stein
- Wu
- Conaway
- Holmes
- Palakovich Carr
- Stewart
- Young
- Crutchfield
- Jackson
- Pasteur
- Taveras
- Ziegler
- Cullison
- Johnson, A.
YES: 92
- Speaker
- Edelson
- Jones, D.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Taveras
- Acevero
- Embry
- Kaiser
- Phillips
- Taylor
- Addison
- Fair
- Kaufman
- Pruski
- Terrasa
- Allen
- Feldmark
- Kerr
- Qi
- Toles
- Amprey
- Fennell
- Korman
- Queen
- Turner
- Atterbeary
- Foley
- Lehman
- Roberson
- Valderrama
- Barnes
- Forbes
- Lewis, J.
- Rogers
- Vogel
- Bartlett
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Lewis, R.
- Rosenberg
- Watson
- Bhandari
- Grossman
- Long, J.
- Ruff
- Wells
- Boafo
- Guyton
- Lopez
- Ruth
- White Holland
- Boyce
- Guzzone
- Love
- Shetty
- Wilkins
- Chang
- Harris
- Martinez
- Simmons
- Williams
- Charkoudian
- Harrison
- McCaskill
- Simpson
- Wims
- Clippinger
- Healey
- Mireku-North
- Smith
- Wolek
- Conaway
- Henson
- Moon
- Solomon
- Woods
- Crutchfield
- Hill
- Palakovich Carr
- Spiegel
- Wu
- Cullison
- Holmes
- Pasteur
- Stein
- Young
- Davis
- Ivey
- Patterson
- Stewart
- Ziegler
- Ebersole
- Jackson
NO: 41
- Adams
- Crosby
- Hutchinson
- Metzgar
- Reilly
- Anderton
- Fisher
- Jacobs
- Miller
- Sample-Hughes
- Arentz
- Grammer
- Johnson, A.
- Morgan, M.
- Schmidt
- Arikan
- Griffith
- Johnson, S.
- Morgan, T.
- Stonko
- Bagnall
- Hartman
- Kipke
- Munoz
- Szeliga
- Bouchat
- Hinebaugh
- Long, R.
- Nawrocki
- Tomlinson
- Buckel
- Hornberger
- Mangione
- Otto
- Valentine
- Chisholm
- Howard
- McComas
- Pippy
- Wivell
- Ciliberti
YES: 94
- Speaker
- Davis
- Ivey
- Pasteur
- Taveras
- Acevero
- Ebersole
- Jackson
- Patterson
- Taylor
- Addison
- Edelson
- Johnson, A.
- Pena-Melnyk
- Terrasa
- Allen
- Embry
- Jones, D.
- Phillips
- Toles
- Alston
- Fair
- Kaiser
- Pruski
- Turner
- Amprey
- Feldmark
- Kaufman
- Qi
- Valderrama
- Atterbeary
- Fennell
- Kerr
- Queen
- Vogel
- Bagnall
- Foley
- Korman
- Roberson
- Watson
- Barnes
- Forbes
- Lehman
- Rogers
- Wells
- Bartlett
- Fraser-Hidalgo
- Lewis, J.
- Rosenberg
- White Holland
- Bhandari
- Grossman
- Lewis, R.
- Ruth
- Wilkins
- Boafo
- Guyton
- Long, J.
- Shetty
- Williams
- Boyce
- Guzzone
- Lopez
- Simmons
- Wilson
- Chang
- Harris
- Love
- Simpson
- Wims
- Charkoudian
- Harrison
- Martinez
- Smith
- Wolek
- Clippinger
- Healey
- McCaskill
- Solomon
- Wu
- Conaway
- Henson
- Mireku-North
- Spiegel
- Young
- Crutchfield
- Hill
- Moon
- Stein
- Ziegler
- Cullison
- Holmes
- Palakovich Carr
- Stewart
NO: 39
- Apr 25, 2024 | executive
- Approved by the Governor - Chapter 124
- Apr 08, 2024 | House
- House Concurs Senate Amendments
- Third Reading Passed (94-39)
- Passed Enrolled
- Apr 06, 2024 | Senate
- Floor Amendment {723629/1 (Senator Hershey) Adopted
- Floor Amendment {173920/1 (Senator Smith) Adopted
- Third Reading Passed (35-9)
- Apr 05, 2024 | Senate
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Judicial Proceedings
- Favorable with Amendments {683523/1 Adopted
- Floor Amendment {683520/1 (Senator McKay)
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Ready) Adopted
- Floor Amendment {683520/1 (Senator McKay) Rejected
- Floor Amendment {953229/1 (Senator Ready) Rejected (15-26)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Mar 27, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing canceled (Judicial Proceedings)
- Mar 25, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing 4/03 at 1:00 p.m. (Judicial Proceedings)
- Mar 22, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing canceled (Judicial Proceedings)
- Mar 21, 2024 | Senate
- Hearing 4/02 at 1:00 p.m. (Judicial Proceedings)
- Hearing canceled (Judicial Proceedings)
- Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m. (Judicial Proceedings)
- Mar 18, 2024 | Senate
- Referred Judicial Proceedings Education, Energy, and the Environment
- Mar 18, 2024 | House
- Third Reading Passed (92-41)
- Mar 15, 2024 | House
- Favorable with Amendments Report by Environment and Transportation
- Favorable with Amendments {463229/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until Next Session (Delegate Buckel) Adopted
- Floor Amendment {743925/1 (Delegate Buckel) Rejected (38-90)
- Floor Amendment {203623/1 (Delegate Buckel) Rejected
- Floor Amendment {993524/1 (Delegate Rose) Rejected (35-88)
- Floor Amendment {143823/1 (Delegate M. Morgan) Rejected (33-90)
- Floor Amendment {953528/1 (Delegate M. Morgan) Rejected (36-88)
- Floor Amendment {653122/1 (Delegate Arentz) Rejected (32-92)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- Feb 01, 2024 | House
- Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation)
- Jan 25, 2024 | House
- First Reading Environment and Transportation and Judiciary
Bill Texts
- Text - First - Renters' Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024PDF
- Amendments {463229/1 Adopted (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {743925/1 (Delegate Buckel) Rejected (38-90) (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {203623/1 (Delegate Buckel) Rejected (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {993524/1 (Delegate Rose) Rejected (35-88) (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {143823/1 (Delegate M. Morgan) Rejected (33-90) (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {953528/1 (Delegate M. Morgan) Rejected (36-88) (House)PDF
- Floor Amendment {653122/1 (Delegate Arentz) Rejected (32-92) (House)PDF
- Text - Third - Renters' Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024PDF
- Amendments {683523/1 Adopted (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {683520/1 (Senator McKay) (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {953229/1 (Senator Ready) Rejected (15-26) (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {723629/1 (Senator Hershey) Adopted (Senate)PDF
- Floor Amendment {173920/1 (Senator Smith) Adopted (Senate)PDF
- Text - Enrolled - Renters' Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024PDF
- Text - Chapter - Renters' Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024PDF
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)PDF
- Vote - House - Committee - Environment and TransportationPDF
- Vote - House - Committee - JudiciaryPDF
- Vote - Senate - Committee - Judicial ProceedingsPDF
- Vote - Senate - Committee - Education, Energy, and the EnvironmentPDF
- Video: Environment and TransportationHTML
- Witness ListHTML
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Shah, Reena (Maryland Access to Justice Commission)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Hatcher, Dan (JOTF - Lead Witness)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Reed, Dan (Greater Greater Washington)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Gallagher, Zoe (Economic Action Maryland)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Jordan, Lisae C (Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA))
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Rosenberg, Daniel
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Wiggins, Grason
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Rubin, Jeffrey
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Siri, Michelle (The Maryland Legal Services Corporation)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Allen, Susan
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Stewart, Vicky (Health Care for the Homeless)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Losak, Matthew (Montgomery County Renters Alliance, Inc.)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Crankshaw-Quimby, Patty (Professional Animal Workers of Maryland)
- ENT Testimony, UNF -- O'Connell, William (MSBA Real Property Section Counsel)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- KANIA, PRISCILLA (AARP Maryland)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Salganik, Laura (Jewish Community Relations Council of Howard County)
- ENT Testimony, FWA -- Prater, David (Disability Rights Maryland)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Wilpone-Welborn, Kira (Consumer Protection Division of the Maryland Office of the Attorney General)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Davis, Katherine (Pro Bono Resource Center)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Wilson Randall, Claudia
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Sarro, Lisa (Arundel Community Development Services, Inc.)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Jones, Jeniece (Public Justice Center)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Ortega, Chelsea (Santoni, Vocci & Ortega, LLC)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Blank, Emily
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Bogdan, Henry (Maryland Nonprofits)
- ENT Testimony, FWA -- Hypolite, Crystal (Housing Authority of Baltimore City)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Government Affairs, Rachel Sledge (Department of Human Services)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Day, Jake (Department of Housing and Community Development)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Anleu, Brian
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Buckler, Lauren
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Castelli, William (Rifkin, Weiner, Livingston LLC)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Thompson, Jeffrey (Maryland Land Title Association)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Miles, Tara (Maryland Access to Counsel in Evictions Task Force)
- ENT Testimony, FWA -- Glazer, Mark (Maryland Land Title Association)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FWA -- Bevan-Dangel, Jennifer (Humane Society of the United States)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Rigby, Christiana
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Shah, Reena (Public Interest Law Committee, Access to Justice Commission)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Shaw, Izola
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Hill, Matt
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Levy, Anna
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Finch, Molly
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Schumitz, Kali (Maryland Center on Economic Policy)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Pittman, Steuart (Office of the Anne Arundel County Executive)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Scott, Brandon (Mayor, Baltimore City Administration)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Katana, Shaoli (Maryland State Bar Association)
- ENT Testimony, FAV -- Rhoades Brown, Adam (Cross Street Partners)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Schultz, Victoria (Maryland Legal Aid)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Williams, Kayla (Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc)
- ENT In Person - Oral Testimony, FAV -- Stewart, Wesley (Green & Healthy Homes Initiative)
- ENT Testimony, N/A -- Testimony, All