IntroducedSep 09, 2024
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
tolls, traffic, and license plates
Last Action See all actions
House • Sep 09, 2024: Discharged to the committee on House Rules
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Companion Bills
An Act relative to the certification of inspection for new motor vehicles
An Act relative to dangerous high speed pursuits
An Act relative to the MBTA board of directors
An Act relative to safety glass standards
An Act relative to distinctive registration plates for veterans’ spouses
An Act expanding certain discount tolls for private passenger vehicles
An Act relative to sheriff’s citations
An Act relative to roadways and road markings
An Act relative to a transit fair voucher program
An Act relative to license transparency
An Act relative to the annual fee for veterans' license plates
An Act relative to business transactions
An Act relative to dedicated traffic lanes
An Act regulating the posting of speed limits
An Act commissioning a study of a public transportation benefit program for employees of the Commonwealth
An Act relative to obstructed views while driving
An Act relative to removing the driving restrictions on a car with antique tags
An Act providing for a MassPort airline regulation study
An Act relative to out of state operator’s motor vehicle license applications
An Act relative to roadway safety
An Act requiring parking with auction dealer license plate
An Act relative to eligibility for veteran license plates
Summary/Bill Text
- Joint Committee on Transportationprimary
- Sep 09, 2024 | House
- Reported from the committee on Transportation
- Accompanied by H3255, H3281, H3290, H3295, H3312, H3322, H3327, H3349, H3351, H3354, H3380, H3389, H3401, H3406, H3408, H3411, H3412, H3461, H3468, H3474, H3958 and H4211
- Order reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Joint Rules
- Discharged to the committee on House Rules
Bill Texts